Crypts of Chaos

20th Century Fox
Games of the Century(tm)

Game Instructions



Set up your video computer system and left joystick controller as indicated in your manufacturer's owner manual. Turn the power switch OFF and insert the Crypts of Chaos game cartridge.

Turn the power ON. Use the Game Select lever and Difficulty Switches to choose a play level. Press the Game Reset lever and prepare to descend into the mysterious Crypts of Chaos!


Your objective is to descend as far into the Crypts as possible, stealing every treasure and killing every Monster you can get your hands on. You must try to keep your Hit Count high enough to escape the Crypts alive.

The Crypts of Chaos are a series of complicated mazes. In order not to get discouraged, please read the instruction manual carefully and draw maps of the Crypts as you travel them.


Upon entering the Crypts, you will see two small squares, or cursors, and a row of symbols at the bottom of the playing screen. The top cursor represents "You" and your "Weapon." The lower cursor represents which "Action" is selected. The row of symbols represent your "Action Options." Your Hit Count is shown in the upper left corner of the screen. Hits represent your life forces and when the count reaches 00, you've become the latest victim of the Crypts. Your current Score is displayed in the upper right corner.


Push the joystick forward to walk down the Corridors. Passing wall segments and a stepping sound indicate that you are moving forward.

When you reach an Intersection, tilt the joystick all the way to the left or right to turn. You will hear a "beep" to let you know that you have turned a corner and are facing 90 degrees to the left or right.

When a Monster appears on the screen, you will NOT be able to move forward; and you must take action before continuing on. Pull the joystick toward you and to the left or right to select an Action Option. When the cursor is over the action you want, push the joystick straight forward to "lock" the option in. If needed, tilt the joystick to the left or right to aim your weapon. Press the joystick button to activate the Option.


Points are added to your score for slaying Monsters and stealing their Treasures. The tougher the Monster is, the more points it is worth and the more Treasure is in its lair. Bonus points are awarded for leaving the Crypts alive (except in the easy practice game).

Points are deducted from the Hit Count when Monsters get too close to you. The game ends when all your Hit Counts are used up or when you leave the Crypt.


0 - 1000 = Serf 2000 - 3000 = Courtier over 4000 = Noble
1000 - 2000 = Page 3000 - 4000 = Knight


There are eight different Monsters wandering around through the Crypts.

Some of these Monsters are harder to slay than others, and will require several attacks from your weapon. The monster's color indicates its strength.

The charts below list the monsters and their colors from weakest to strongest. A Green Troll will be easy to snuff, while a Gold Dragon will put up quite a fight.


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Green   Violet   Bronze   Light Blue   Red   Dark Blue   Lavender   Gold


The Crypts of Chaos are made up of many Floors. Each Floor is a separate maze. there are four maze formats which repeat as you descend into the Crypt. (Floors 1, 5, 9, 13... are maze format A. Floors 2, 6, 10, 14... are maze B. Floors 3, 7, 11, 15... are maze C; and Floors 4, 8, 12, 16... are maze D.)

Each maze consists of several Corridors, 4-way Intersections, and Dead Ends. There are eight Monster Lairs on each Floor and one UP and one DOWN Stairway.

It is up to you to keep track of what Floor you are on and what portion of the maze you are in.


Each Floor of the Crypts of Chaos is guarded by Monsters. Trolls guard the top Floor; Trolls and Frogs guard the second Floor; Trolls, Frogs and Snakes guard the third Floor and so on; until Floor eight when all of the Monsters are present.

All of the Monsters are present below Floor eight. the further you descend, the more charges it takes to slay the monsters and the more points they can take from your Hit Count. Of course, the Monsters are also worth more points when slain.

To leave the Crypt alive, you must stop descending when you are almost out of Hits and head for the exit on the top floor. To our knowledge, no one has ever reached the bottom of the Crypts. Consider yourself a Noble if you can descend to Floor 18 and still get out alive.

NOTE: Monsters and Treasures are replenished each time you leave a Floor.


Most of the Crypt is made up of Corridors (see screen #1). You must walk down the Corridors until you come to one of the following situations:


(screenshot walking down a corridor)

#2 WARNING - You are approaching a Dead End, T-Intersection or Lair

(screenshot showing the end of the hall in black)


When you approach any Intersection, you will automatically slow down. If you are approaching a Dead End or a T-Intersection, the same two visual warning screens will appear (see screens #2 and #3)

#3 WARNING - You are approaching a Dead End or a T-Intersection

(screenshot showing dead end or intersection)

#4 T-Intersection

(screenshot showing intersection, walls are red)

The actual T-Intersections and Dead Ends are bright red. If the outside wall segments are missing, you know that you can turn right or left (see screen #4). If the wall segments are visible, it is a Dead End and you must use a U-TURN to go back 9see screen #5). (It is possible to turn from a T-Intersection into another T-Intersection or a Dead End without any visual warning screens.)


(screenshot showing a dead end)


(screenshot showing four way intersection in blue)

A 4-Way Intersection appears with no visual warning screens. When you reach one, the Corridor walls turn bright blue and the outside wall segments disappear (see screen #6).


There are eight Lairs on each Crypt Floor. You know you are approaching one by the following visual warning screens. You first come across the same small opening at the end of the Corridor that warns of a Dead End or a T-Intersection (see screen #2). Then you walk into a larger opening (see screen #7) before you finally arrive at a Lair (see screen #8).

Only the Lairs are purple in color. All Lairs are Dead Ends and must be exited with U-TURNS.

#7 WARNING - You are approaching a Lair

(screenshot showing large opening at end of corridor)


(screenshot showing purple dead end)


Staircases are dark red and lead either UP or DOWN to a different Floor of the Crypt (see screens #9 and #10). An UP Staircase is always at an Intersection. DOWN Staircases may be found anywhere in the maze.

The UP Staircases are always adjacent to the entrance of the Floor. This aids in swift upward traveling. The UP Staircase on the top Floor is the only way out of the Crypt.


(screenshot of up staircase)


(screenshot of down staircase)


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When you have found a Monster's Lair, you will naturally want to steal the Treasure in it. First you must destroy the guarding Monster and then select the TREASURE SACK option. Press the fire button. The length of the gold bar that rises from your cursor shows how much Treasure you have picked up. Your score will reflect that amount. There is only one Treasure in any Lair.


Select the SWORD option and press the joystick button when you're ready to slice a Monster at short range. The Sword will never run out of magical charges. Wizards CANNOT be harmed by the Sword.


Use the WAND for long-range firing. Although it has a fairly large supply of charges, it will eventually run out, so aim carefully. The Wand has no effect on Dragons.

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The RING is your most powerful weapon, but it has fewer charges than the Sword or Wand. Any time you use the Ring, it will take life forces from the Monster and add them to your Hit Count, regardless of whether or not the Monster is slain.

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Intelligent Monsters can be convinced to go away and leave you alone when shown the PEACE symbol. The intelligent Monsters are Trolls, Eyes, Wizards and Dragons. The Peace symbol will never run out of power; however, the Peace symbol is not effective on any Monster in a Lair. You will not receive any points for getting rid of a Monster with a Peace symbol.

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To leave a Lair or a Dead-End, or to turn around in a Corridor, use the U-TURN. If there is a Monster present on the screen, you will not be able to turn around.


If you take the Treasures from all eight Lairs on a Crypt Floor and then go DOWN the stairs to the next Floor, you will receive ten extra Charges for your Wand and two extra Charges for your Ring.


LEVEL 1: NORMAL GAME PLAY = You begin on Floor 5 with 90 Hits, 127 Wand Charges and 31 Ring Charges.

LEVEL 2: ADVANCED GAME PLAY = You begin on Floor 9 with 90 Hits, 63 Wand Charges and 15 Ring Charges.

LEVEL 3: EXPERT GAME PLAY = You begin on Floor 13 with 90 Hits, 31 Wand Charges and 7 Ring Charges.

LEVEL 4: EASY PRACTICE GAME = You begin on Floor 1 with 90 Hits, 255 Wand Charges and 63 Ring Charges. You do not receive any bonus points for leaving the Crypt alive on this level of play.

BOTH DIFFICULTY SWITCHES ON B: Wandering Monsters appear at the standard rate.

ONE DIFFICULTY SWITCH ON A, ONE SWITCH ON B: Wandering Monsters appear twice as often.

BOTH DIFFICULTY SWITCHES ON A: Wandering Monsters appear four times as often.


Remember to take the Treasure from all eight Lairs on each level to get bonus charges for your Ring and Wand. Avoid combat with wandering Monsters that might waste Hits and weapon Charges. Don't waste time in the Corridors, but seek out the Lairs and take all the treasure you can. Keep the joystick pressed forward if you want to use the Sword, for it will close the distance between you and the Monster. When you're running low on Hits and Charges, try to make it out of the Crypts by ascending the Up Staircases to the surface. Be brave, be quick and trust in your luck. Good Hunting!

A Game by John W. S. Marvin
(C) 1982 By Fox Video Games, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Fox Video Games, Inc., Saratoga, California 95071


Manual typed in by Albert Yarusso,, 11/12/98