ATARI 2600 Game Manual DONKEY KONG JUNIOR by Nintendo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donkey Kong the ape is back. Only this time the vengeful Mario is holding the ape prisoner. Luckily the ape has a son, Donkey Kong Junior, who will try to rescue Papa. To free his dad, Junior must make his way through a dark and treacherous jungle. Racing against time, the little fellow climbs and swings from vines, while avoiding the horrible Snap jaws. If he reaches the keys to Papa's cage, Junior must push them to the top of chains while staying clear of Snap jaws and a new flock of nasty Nitpickers. But even then his mission isn't over. Once he reaches Mario's hideout, he must pass yet another test against time. This kid needs help. Don't just stand there. Help poor Junior save his father. Getting Started With your TV turned on, insert the Donkey Kong Junior cartridge into your Atari 2600 (or 7800) as explained in your Owner's Manual, and turn on your console. The jungle will appear on the screen, with a caged Papa and a set of flashing keys at the top, guarded by Mario. Plug a joystick into the left joystick port for a one-player game, and a second joystick into the right joystick port for a two-player game. If you're using an Atari 2600, select either color or black and white with the TV switch. Press [Select] to choose the number of players (1 or 2) and difficulty level (1 through 8). These numbers are displayed at the top of the screen: the number of players is on the left, and the difficulty level is on the right. In a two-player game, players take turns controlling Junior. Difficulty level 1 is the easiest, and level 8 is the hardest. Levels 4 and 5 are the same difficulty levels as the arcade version of this game. Press [Reset]. A round indicator and bonus timer replace the player and difficulty level counter. Press the joystick fire button to start the game. Junior appears at the bottom of the first vine, ready to begin his rescue mission. Moving Junior Hold the joystick so that the joystick fire button is on the top left corner. The handle directs Junior's climbing and running, and the joystick button controls his -jumping. Climbing and Sliding - Move the joystick handle up to help the little ape climb up vines or chains; move it down to help him slide down. Junior can climb up two vines or chains faster than he can climb one. But he'll slide down one vine or chain faster than he'll slide down two. Junior can't climb through platforms. Swinging - Move the joystick handle left or right to position the little ape on the side of the vine or chain closest to his destination; then move the joystick handle again toward the adjoining vine or chain. Jumping - Press the joystick fire button to make Junior jump in place while standing. Press the button while Junior is running to make him jump in the direction he's facing. To jump from a vine or chain onto a platform, move the joystick handle in the direction of the platform and press the button at the same time. Junior must be on an adjoining vine or chain and above the platform before he can jump onto it. Running - If Junior is standing on a flat surface, move the joystick handle left or right to make him run in that direction. Playing the Game The game begins with three Juniors. The first Junior begins "Operation Rescue" by climbing the vine just above him. He can't climb through a platform, so move him around to the left, and then continue climbing. Guide Junior through the jungle and up toward the flashing key. If you manage to reach the key, Junior's on his way to freeing Papa. But you should avoid the Snapjaws at all costs. When you reach the highest platform, continue to avoid the Snapjaws, and go for the key. Beware of Mario. You'll lose Junior if he runs into Mario, falls off a vine, or is caught by the Snapjaws. You'll also lose Junior if he jumps off a platform, misses a vine, and falls. While you're working your way upward, a bonus timer is counting down. if you reach the key, the number in the bonus timer is added to your score. But time can work against you. If you don't capture the key by the time the timer runs out, Junior's a goner. If Junior captures the key, he must then push three heavy keys to the tops of three pairs of chains by climbing up each pair. The nasty Snap.jaws continue to chase him, this time on the chains and ground. The unrelenting Snapjaws are.joined by equally pasty birds, the Nitpickers, that fly across the ground. After you push the keys to the top of the chains, you'll enter Mario's hideout, where you must dash across coils and climb more vines to reach the hanging vine at the top. To avoid the persistent flock of Snapjaws, jump over them and keep moving toward Papa. Junior will save dear Papa if he can get to the hanging vine at the top of the screen. As long as there are Juniors remaining, you will return to the .jungle and start your mission all over again. The Snapjaws and Nitpickers make things even tougher than they did before. The game is over if you lose the last Junior during the rescue missions. Scoring Your score appears at the top of the screen whenever you lose a Junior or finish a mission. Reach hanging vine (Jungle screen) 100 points Complete a mission Bonus points remaining Reach 8000 points Bonus Junior Atari Corporation is unable to guarantee the accuracy of printed material after the date of publication and disclaims liability for changes, errors, or omissions. Reproduction of this document or any portion of its contents is not allowed without the specific written consent of Atari Corporation. ATARI, the ATARI logo, 2600, and 7800 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, and Mario are trademarks of Nintendo of America, Inc., (c) 1982, Nintendo of America, Inc. 2600 version (c) 1983, Coleco Industries, Inc. (c) 1988, Atari Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. All rights reserved. Printed in Hong Kong C300016-144