Notes from a Nightmare ACTIVISION(R) 5200(TM) SERIES Wave after wave of the most unlikely objects invade your celestial dreams. For you, sleep becomes a space nightmare. Outrageous enemies drop bombs and collide with your mobile blasters. One hit and your blaster disintegrates. Shoot as many of the violators as you can before your fleet is destroyed, and return your dreams to restful rewards. INITIAL SET-UP 1. Insert cartridge into your Atari(R) 5200(TM) console with power OFF. Then, turn power ON. 2. Plug in Controller(s). Solo player uses left Controller. Uses no overlay. 3. To select 1 or 2 players, press the (#) key. * Player 1's mobile blaster and score are blue. * Player 2's mobile blaster and score are green. 4. To choose Straight or Guided Missiles, press the (*) key. * Both players must use the same type of missiles. 5. Begin a new game at any time by pressing the START key. 6. Pause the action whenever you like by pressing the pause key on your Controller. To resume the game, press the pause key again or either lower red button on the Controller. 7. Turn Power OFF before removing MegaMania(TM) cartridge. MOBILE BLASTERS Your Mobile Blaster glides to the left and right when you move the Controller left and right. To fire its missiles, press the lower red button. Hold the button down for continuous fire. Each blaster is equipped with an unlimited number of missiles. Blast away! Energy Bar and Alarm. Your blasters use up a constant rate of energy no matter how much you move them or how often you fire their missiles. Even so, always keep a keen eye on the energy bar. If all the energy is exhausted before you destroy an attacking wave, your blaster disintegrates. Fortunately, an alarm alerts you when your energy is low and you haven't much time. Reinforcements. You begin each game with three blasters in reserve. For every 10,000 points you score, you are awarded one additional reserve blaster up to a maximum of six on-screen at any one time. [Screen shot shows the Space Dice wave being poayed, and points out the SPACE DICE, MOBILE BLASTER, REINFORCEMENTS, ENERGY BAR and GAME SCORE.] MEGA-MADNESS MegaCycle. There are eight waves of different objects that infiltrate your dreams. When you have destroyed all of the objects in all eight waves, the nightmare not only continues, it gets worse! Enemy waves repeat their sleep assault at a quicker pace, and their patterns of motion are more sophisticated. MegaSphere. All of the enemy objects travel in an orbital path. When an object disappears off the bottom of the screen, it reappears at the top. If it leaves your field of vision on one side, it returns to haunt you on the other side. MegaPonts. Every time you destroy an enemy object, you score ponits. Each object within an enemy wave has the same point value. SCORING SYSMEM Enemy Object Point Value Deluxe Hamburgers 20 Ice Cream Sandwiches 30 Refrigerator Magnets 40 Radial Tires 50 Diamond Rings 60 Steaming Irons 70 Party Bow Ties 80 Dreaded Space Dice 90 These point values apply to the first MegaCycle only. After that, each object in all successive waves is worth 90 points. At the end of each game, the highest score registers on-screen in black. MegaBonus. You receive bonus points for every "unit" of energy remaining on the Energy Bar at the moment you destroy the last object in any enemy wave. So, the faster you destroy a wave, the more MegaBonus points you'll earn. And you'll need all you can get. JOIN THE ACTIVISION(R) "MEGAMANIACS" If you reach a score of 45,000 points or more, then we know that you weren't just day-dreaming out there. You defeated some of the craziest space flotsam and jetsam to interrupt anyone's sleep. And that means you're eligible to become an official MegaManiac. Just send us a photo of your mega-mastery (TV screen), along with your name and address, and we'll send you an outrageous MegaManiac emblem. Be sure to write "MEGAMANIA 5200" on the bottom left corner of the envelope. [A drawing shows a man's face, upside down, wearing mirrored sunglasses. In his left eye are 2 smiling Space Dice, in his right eye is a smiling Deluxe Hamburger. Written on his forehead is ACTIVISION(R) MEGAMANIACS] HOW TO BECOME A MEGAMANIAC Tips from Glyn Anderson and Steve Cartwright. Glyn Anderson enjoys playing string and wind instruments, with his specialty being keyboards. Steve Cartwright is an enthusiast of motorcycle touring and photography. "MegaMania(TM) is no slumnber party. Here are some tips we use to battle the madness and ensure a good night's sleep. "First off, keep your mobile blaster in the center of the screen as much as possible. This will enable you to more effectively guide your blaster to either side when you need to. Plus, it minimizes your chances of getting caught in a corner. "Also, don't try to 'catch-up' with any enemy objects that have already flown past your blaster. Your blaster is quick, but the enemy objects are just a step quicker. "Finally, don't let the steam from the Steaming Irons touch your blaster. Otherwise, you'll get burned. And when you are battling the Steaming Irons, be sure to knock out at least one iron from each of the three columns before they descend to the bottom of the screen. If you don't, you'll suffer the consequences. "When you are wide awake, and you fell that you're safe, drop us a line. We'd love to find out which enemy wave gave you the most trouble, and if your dreams have returned to normal." [2 pictures show the developers, with their hands both ready to catch a tire which is between them. Their signatures are below their pictures.] ACTIVISION(R) VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE LIMITED ONE-YEAR WARRANTY Activision, Inc. warrants to the original consumer purchaser of this Activision video game cartridge that it will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase. Activision agrees to either repair or replace, at its option, free of charge, any cartridge discovered to be defective within the warranty period upon receipt of the cartridge, postage paid, with proof of date of purchase, at the address below. This warranty is limited to the electronic circuitry and mechanical parts originally provided by Activision and is not applicable to normal wear and tear. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect in the cartridge has arisen through abuse, unreasonable use, mistreatment or neglect. This warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties and no other representation or claims of any nature shall be binding on or obligate Activision. Any implied warranties applicable to this cartridge are limited to the one-year period described above. In no event will Activision be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damage resulting from posession, use or malfunction of this product. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and/or exclusion or limitation and/or exclusion or limitation of liability may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. [Someone got overly happy on the and/ors above, I think!] CONSUMER REPLACEMENTS Activision, Inc. Consumer Relations 2350 Bayshore Frontage Rd. Mountain View, CA 94039 Let us get to know you! If you have questions or comments about our games or clubs, or want to be added to our mailing list, drop us a note or call us toll-free at (800) 633-GAME. In California, call (415) 940-6044/5. ACTIVISION(R) Drawer No. 7287 Mountain View, CA 94039 Atari(R) and 5200(TM) are trademarks of Atari, Inc. (C) 1982, 1983 Activision, Inc. FZ-003-03 Printed in U.S.A.