Chapter Two

determine if a one-byte token is a variable. Because routines to 

recognize Atari BASIC'so one-byte tokens take so much less 

machine language, they execute relatively quickly.

    The 256 possible tokens are divided into logical numerical 

groups that also make them simpler to deal with in assembly 

language. For example, any token whose value is 128 ($80) or 

greater represents a variable name. The logical grouping of the 

token values also means faster execution speeds, since, in 

effect, the computer only has to check bit 7 to recognize a 


    The numerical grouping of the tokens is shown below:

Token Value (Hex)  Description

	00-0D		Unused

	0E		Floating Point Numeric Constant. 

			The next six bytes will hold its value.

	0F		String Constant.

			The next byte is the string length. 

			A string of that length follows.

	10-3C		Operators.

			See table starting at $A7E3 for specific 

			operators and values.

	39-54		Functions.

			See table starting at $A820 for specific 

			functions and values.

	55-7F		Unused.

	80-FF		Variables.

In addition to the tokens listed above, there is another set 

of single-byte tokens, the Statement Name Tokens. Every 

statement in BASIC starts with a unique statement name, such 

as LET, PRINT, and POKE. (An assignment statement such as 

"A = B + C," without the word LET, is considered to begin with 

an implied LET.) Each of these unique statement names is 

represented by a unique Statement Name Token.

The Program Executor does not confuse Statement Name 

Tokens with the other tokens because the Statement Name 

Tokens are always located in the same place in every statement

- at the beginning. The Statement Name Token value is 

derived from its entry number, starting with zero, in the 

Statement Name Table at $A4AF.

Chapter Two


A table is a systematic arrangement of data or inforrnation. 

Tables in Atari BASIC fall into two distinct types: tables that are 

part of the Atari BASIC ROM and tables that Atari BASIC 

builds in the user RAM area.

ROM Tables

The following is a brief description of the various tables in the 

Atari BASIC ROM. The detailed use of these tables will be 

explained in subsequent chapters. 

Statement Name Table ($A4AF). The first two bytes in each 

entry point to the information in the Statement Syntax Table 

for this statement. The rest of the entry is the name of the 

statement name in ATASCII. Since name lengths vary, the last 

character of the statement name has the most signiflcant bit 

turned on to indicate the end of the entry. The value of the 

Statement Name Token is derived from the relative (from zero) 

entry number of the statement name in this table. 

Statement Execution Table ($AA00). Each entry in this table 

is the two-byte address of the 6502 machine language code 

which will simulate the execution of the statement. This table is 

organized with the statements in the same order as the 

statements in the Statement Name Table. Therefore, the 

Statement Name Token can be used as an index to this table. 

Operator Name Table ($A7E3). Each entry comprises the 

ATASCII text of an Operator Symbol. The last character of each 

entry has the most significant bit turned on to indicate the end 

of the entry. The relative (from zero) entry number, plus 16 

($10), is the value of the token for that entry. Each of the entries 

is also given a label whose value is the value of the token for 

that symbol. For example, the ";" symbol at $A7E8 is the fifth 

(from zero) entry in the table. The label for the ";" token is 

CSC, and the value of CSC is $15, or 21 decimal (1l6+5). 

Operator Execution Table ($AA70). Each two-byte entry 

points to the address, minus one, of the routine which 

simulates the execution of an operator. The token value, minus 

16, is used to access the entries in this table during execution 

time: The entries in this table are in the same order as in the 

Operator Name Table.

Operator Precedence Table ($AC3F). Each entry 

represents the relative execution precedence of an individual 

operator. The table entries are accessed by the operator tokens,

Chapter Two

minus 16. Entries correspond with the entries in the Operator 

Name Table. (See Chapter 7.)

Statement Syntax Table ($A60D). Entries in this table are

used in the process of translating the source program to tokens. 

The address pointer in the first part of each entry in the 

Statement Name Table is used to access the specific syntax 

information for that statement in this table. (See Chapter 5.)

RAM Tables

The tables that BASIC builds in the user RAM area will be 

explained in detail in Chapter 3. The following is a brief 

description of these tables:

Variable Name Table. Each entry contains the source 

ATASCII text for the corresponding user variable symbol in the 

program. The relative (from zero) entry number of each entry 

in this table, plus 128, becomes the value of the token 

representing the variable.

Variable Value Table. Each entry either contains or points

to the current value of a variable. The entries are accessed by 

the token value, minus 128.

Statement Table. Each entry is one tokenized BASIC 

program line. The tokenized lines are kept in this table in 

ascending numerical order by line number. 

Array/String Table. This table contains the current values 

for all strings and numerical arrays. The location of the specific 

values for each string and/or array variable is accessed from 

information in the Variable Value Table.

Runtime Stack. This is the LIFO Runtime Stack, used to 

control the execution of GOSUB/RETURN and similar 



Atari BASIC translates the BASIC source lines from text to 

tokens as soon as they are entered. To do this, Atari BASIC 

must recognize the symbols of the BASIC Language. BASIC 

also requires that its symbols be combined in certain specific 

patterns. If the symbols don't follow the required patterns, 

then Atari BASIC cannot translate the line. The process of 

checking a source line for the required symbol patterns is called 

syntax checking.

    BASIC performs syntax checking as part of the tokenizing 

process. When the Program Editor receives a completed line of

Chapter Two

input, the editor hands the line to the syntax routine, which 

examines the first word of the line for a statement name. If a 

valid statement name is not found, then the line is assumed to 

be an implied LET statement.

    The grammatical rules for each statement are contained in 

the Statement Syntax Table. A special section of code examines 

the symbols in the source line, under the dfrection of the 

grammatical rules set forth in the Statement Syntax Table. If 

the source line does not conform to the rules, then it is reported 

back as an error. Otherwise, the line is translated to tokens. 

The result of this process is returned to the Program Editor for 

further processing.

Program Editor

When Atari BASIC is not executing statements, it is in the edit 

mode. When the user enters a source line and hits return, the 

editor accepts the line into a line buffer, where it is examined 

by the pre-compiler. The pre-compiler returns either tokens or 

an error text line.

    If the line started with a line number, the editor inserts the 

tokenized line into the Statement Table. If the Statement Table 

already contains a line with the same line number, then the old 

line is removed from the Statement Table. The new line is then 

inserted just after the statement with the next lower line 

number and just before the statement with the next higher line 


    If the line has no line number, the editor inserts the line at 

the end of the Statement Table. It then passes control to the 

Program Executor, which will carry out the statement(s) in the 

line at the end of the Statement Table.

Program Executor

The Program Executor has a pointer to the statement that it is to 

execute. When control is passed to the executor, the pointer 

points to the direct (command) line at the end of the statement 

table. If that statement causes some other line to be executed 

(RUN, GOTO, GOSUB, etc.), the pointer is changed to the 

new line. Lines continue to be executed as long as nothing 

stops that execution (END, STOP, error, etc.). When the 

program execution is stopped, the Program Executor returns 

control to the editor.

Chapter Two

    When a statement is to be executed, the Statement Name 

Token (the first code in the statement) directs the interpreter to 

the specific code that executes that statement. For instance, if 

that token represents the PRINT statement, the PRINT 

execution code is called. The execution code for each statement 

then examines the other tokens and simulates their operations.

Execute Expression

Arithmetic and logical expressions (A+B, C/D+E, F<G, etc.) 

are simulated with the Execute Expression code. Expression 

operators (+,-,*,etc.) have execution precedence - some 

operators must be executed before some others. The 

expression 1 + 3*4 has a value of 13 rather than 16 

because * had a higher precedence than + . To properly 

simulate expressions, BASIC rearranges the expression with 

higher precedence first.

    BASIC uses two temporary storage areas to hold parts of 

the rearranged expression. One temporary storage area, the 

Argument Stack, holds arguments - values consisting of 

constants, variables, and temporary values resulting from 

previous operator simulations. The other temporary storage 

area, the Operator Stack, holds operators. Both temporary 

storage areas are managed as Last-In/First-Out (LIFO) stacks.

LIFO Stacks

A LIFO (Last In/First Out) stack operates on the principle that 

the last object placed in the stack storage area will be the first 

object removed from it. If the letters A, B, C, and D, in that 

order, were placed in a LIFO stack, then D would be the first 

letter removed, followed by C, B, and A. The operations 

required to rearrange the expression using these stacks will be 

explained in Chapter 7

    BASIC also uses another LIFO stack, the Runtime Stack, in 

the simulation of statements such as GOSUB and FOR. 

GOSUB requires that BASIC remember where in the statement 

table the GOSUB was located so it will return to the right spot 

when RETURN is executed. If more than one GOSUB is 

executed before a RETURN, BASIC returns to the statement 

after the most recent GOSUB.
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