Chapter Four

Program Editor

The Atari keyboard is the master Control panel for Atari BASIC. Everything BASIC does has its origins at this control panel. The Program Editor's job is to service the control panel and respond to the commands that come from it. The editor gets a line from the user at the keyboard; does some preliminary processing on the line; passes the line to the pre-compiler for further processing; inserts, deletes, or replaces the line in the Statement Table; calls the Program Executor when necessary; and then waits to receive the user's next line input. Line Processing The Program Editor, which starts at $A060, begins its process by resetting the 6502 CPU stack. Resetting the CPU stack is a drastic operation that can only occur at the beginning of a logical process. Each time Atari BASIC prepares to get a new line from the user, it restarts its entire logical process. Getting a Line The Program Editor gets a user's line by calling CIO. The origin of the line is transparent to the Program Editor. The line may have been typed in at the keyboard or entered from some external device like the disk (if the ENTER command was given). The Program Editor simply calls CIO and asks it to put a line of not more than 255 bytes into the buffer pointed to by INBUFF (sF3). INBUFF points to the 128-byte area defined at LBUFF ($580). The OS'S screen editor, which is involved in getting a line from the keyboard, will not pass BASIC a line that is longer than 120 bytes. Normally, then, the 128-byte buffer at LBUFF is big enough to contain the user's line. Sometimes, however, if a line was originally entered from the keyboard with few blanks and many abbreviations, then LISTed to and re-ENTERed from the disk, an input line may be longer than 128 bytes. When this happens, data in the $600 page is overlaid. A LINE TOO LONG error will not necessarily 25

Chapter Four occur at this point. A LINE TOO LONG error occurs only if the Pre-compiler exceeds its stack while processing the line or if the tokenized line OUTBUFF exceeds 256 bytes. These overflows depend on the complexity of the line rather than on its actual length. When CIO has put a line into the line buffer (LBUFF) and the Program Editor has regained control, it checks to see if the user has changed his mind and hit the break key. If the user did indeed hit break, the Program Editor starts over and asks CIO for another line. Flags and Indices In order to help control its processing, the Program Editor uses flags and indices. These must be given initial values. CIX and COX. The index CIX (sF2) is used to access the user's input line in the line buffer (LBUFF), while COX ($94) is used to access the tokenized statement in the output buffer (OUTBUFF). These buffers and their indices are also used by the pre-compiler. The indices are initialized to zero to indicate the beginning of the buffers. DIRFLG. This flag byte ($A6) is used by the editor to remember whether a line did or did not have a line number, and also to remember if the pre-compiler found an error in that line. DIRFLG is initialized to zero to indicate that the line has a line number and that the pre-compiler has not found an error. MAXCIX. This byte ($9F) is maintained in case the line contains a syntax error. It indicates the displacement into LBUFF of the error. The character at this location will then be displayed in inverse video. The Program Editor gives this byte the same initial value as CIX, which is zero. SVVNTP. The pointer to the current top of the Variable Name Table (VNTD) is saved as SVVNTP (SAD) so that if there is a syntax error in this line, any variables that were added can be removed. If a user entered an erroneous line, such as 100 A=XAND B, the variable XAND would already have been added to the variable tables before the syntax error was discovered. The user probably meant to enter 100 A=X AND B, and, since there can only be 128 variables in BASIC, he probably does not want the variable XAND using up a place in the variable tables. The Program Editor uses SVVNTP to find the entry in the Variable Name Table soit can be removed. 26
Chapter Four SVVYTE. The process used to indicate which variable entries to remove from the Variable Value Table in case of error is different. The number of new variables in the line (SVVVTE1$B1) is initialized to zero. The Program Pre-compiler increments the value every time it adds a variable to the Variable Value Table. If a syntax error is detected, this number is multiplied by eight (the number of bytes in each entry on the Variable Value Table) to get the number of bytes to remove, counting backward from the most recent value entered. Handling Blanks In many places in the BASIC language, blanks are not significant. For example, 100 IFX=6THENGOTO500 has the same meaning as 100 IF X = 6 THEN GOTO 500. The Program Editor, using the SKIPBLANK routine ($DBA1), skips over unnecessary blanks. Processing the Line Number Once the editor has skipped over any leading blanks, it begins to examine the input line, starting with the line number. The floating point package is called to determine if a line number is present, and, if so, to convert the ATASCII line number to a floating point number. The floating point number is converted to an integer, saved in TSLNUM for later use, and stored in the tokenized line in the output buffer (OUTBUFF). The routine used to store data into OUTBUFF is called :SETCODE ($A2C8). When :SETCODE stores a byte into OUTBUFF, it also increments COX, that buffer's index. BASIC could convert the ATASCII line number directly to an integer, but the routine to do this would not be used any other time. Routines to convert ATASCII to floating point and floating point to integer already exist in BASIC for other purposes. Using these existing routines conserves ROM space. An interesting result of this sequence is that it is valid to enter a floating point number as a line number. For example, 100.1, 10.9, or 2.05E2 are valid line numbers. They would be converted to 100, 11, and 205 respectively If the input line does not start with a line number, the line is considered to be a direct statement. DIRFLG is set to $80 so 27
Chapter Four that the editor can remember this fact. The line number is set to 32768 ($8000). This is one larger than the largest line number a user is allowed to enter. BASIC later makes use of this fact in processing the direct statement. Line length. The byte after the line number in the tokenized line in OUTBUFF is reserved so that the line length (actually the displacement to the next line) can be inserted later. (See Chapter 2.) The routine :SETCODE is called to reserve the byte by incrementing (COX) to indicate the next byte. Saving erroneous lines. In the byte labeled STMSTART, the Program Editor saves the index intQ the line buffer (LBUFF) of the first non-blank character after the line number. This index is used only if there is a syntax error, so that all the characters in the erroneous line can be moved into the tokenized line buffer and from there into the Statement Table. There are advantages to saving an erroneous line in the Statement Table, because you can LIST the error line later. The advantage is greatest, not when entering a program at the keyboard, but when entering a program originally written in a different BASIC on another machine (via a modem, perhaps). Then, when a line that is not correct in Atari BASIC is entered, the line is flagged and stored - not discarded. The user can later list the program, find the error lines, and re-enter them with the correct syntax for Atari BASIC. Deleting lines. If the input line consists solely of a line number, the Program Editor deletes the line in the Statement Table which has that line number. The deletion is done by pointing to the line in the Statement Table, getting its length, and calling CONTRACT. (See Chapter 3.) Statement Processing The user's input line may consist of one or more statements. The Program Editor repeats a specific set of functions for each statement in the line. Initializing The current index (COX) into the output buffer (OUTBUFF) is saved in a byte called STMLBD. A byte is reserved in OUTBUFF by the routine :SETCODE. Later, the value in 28
Chapter Four STMLBD will be used to access this byte, and the statement length (the displacement to the next statement) will be stored here. Recognizing the Statement Name After the editor calls SKBLANK to skip blanks, it processes the statement name, now pointed to by the input index (CIX). The editor calls the routine SEARCH ($A462) to look for this statement name in the Statement Name Table. SEARCH saves the table entry number of this statement name into location STENUM. The entry number is also the Statement Name Token value, and it is stored into the tokenized output buffer (OUTBUFF) as such by :SETCODE. The SEARCH routine also saves the address of the entry in SRCADR for use by the pre-compiler. If the first word in the statement was not found in the Statement Name Table, the editor assumes that the statement is an implied LET, and the appropriate token is stored. It is left to the pre-compiler to determine if the statement has the correct syntax for LET The editor now gives control to the pre-compiler, which places the appropriate tokens in OUTBUFF, increments the indices CIX and COX to show current locations, and indicates whether a syntax error was detected by setting the 6502 carry flag on if there was an error and clearing the carry flag if there was not. (See Chapter 5.) If a Syntax Error Is Detected If the 6502 carry flag is set when the editor regains control, the editor does error processing. In MAXCIX, the pre-compiler stored the displacement into LBUFF at which it detected the error. The Program Editor changes the character at this location to inverse video. The character in inverse video may not be the point of error from your point of view, but it is where the pre-compiler detected an error. For example, assume you entered X YAND Z. You probably meant to enter X Y AND Z, and therefore would consider the error to be between Y and AND. However, since YAND is a valid variable name, X=YAND is a valid BASIC statement. The pre-compiler doesn't know there is an error until it encounters B. The value of highlighting the error with inverse 29
Chapter Four video is that it gives the user an approximation of where the error is. This can be a big advantage, espedally if the input line contained multiple statements or complex expressions. The next thing the editor does when a syntax error has been detected is set a value in DIRFLG to indicate this fact for future reference. Since the DIRE LG byte also indicates whether this is a direct statement, the error indicator of $40 is ORed with the value already in DIRELG. The editor takes the value that it saved in STMSTRT and puts it into CIX so that CIX now points to the start of the first statement in the input line in LBUFF. STMLBD is set to indicate the location of the first statement length byte in OUTBUFF. (A length will be stored into OUTBUFF at this displacement at a later time.) The editor sets the index into OUTBUFF (COX) to indicate the Statement Name Token of the first statement in OUTBUFF, and stores a token at that location to indicate that this line has a syntax error. The entire line (after the line number) is moved into OUTBUFF. At this point COX indicates the end of the line in OUTBUFF. (Later, the contents of OUTBUFF will be moved to the Statement Table.) This is the end of the special processing for an erroneous line. The process that follows is done for both correct and erroneous lines. Final Statement processing During initial line processing, the Program Editor saved in STMLBD a value that represents the location in OUTBUFF at which the statement length (displacement to the next statement) should be stored. The Program Editor now retrieves that value from STMLBD. Using this value as an index, the editor stores the value from COX in OUTBUFF as the displacement to the next statement The Program Editor checks the next character in LBUFF. If this character is not a carriage return (indicating end of the line), then the statement processing is repeated. When the carriage return is found, COX will be the displacement to the next line. The Program Editor stores COX as the line length at a displacement of two into OUTBUFF. 30
Chapter Four Statement Table Processing The final tokenized form of the line exists in OUTBUFF at this point. The Program Editor's next task is to insert or replace the line in the Statement Table. The Program Editor first needs to create the correct size hole in the Statement Table. The editor calls the GETSTMT routine ($A9A2) to find the address where this line should go in the Statement Table. If a line with the same line number already exists, the routine returns with the address in STMCUR and with the 6502 carry flag off. Otherwise, the routine puts the address where the new line should be inserted in the Statement Table into STMCUR and turns on the 6502 carry flag. (See Chapter 6.) If the line does not exist in the Statement Table, the editor loads zero into the 6502 accumulator. If the line does exist, the editor calls the GETLL routine ($A9DD) to put the line length into the accumulator. The editor then compares the length of the line already in the Statement Table (old line) with the length of the line in OUTBUFF (new line). If more room is needed in the Statement Table, the editor calls the EXPLOW ($A87F; see Chapter 3). If less space is needed for the new line, it calls a routine to point to the next line (GNXTL, at location $A9D0; see Chapter 6), and then calls the CONTLOW ($A8FB; see Chapter 3). Now that we have the right size hole, the tokenized line is moved from OUTBUFF into the Statement Table at the location indicated by STMCUR. Line Wrap-up After the line has been added to the Statement Table, the editor checks DIRFLG for the syntax error indicator. If the second most significant bit ($40) is on, then there is an error. Error Wrap-up If there is an error, the editor removes any variables that were added by this line by getting the number of bytes that were added to the Variable Name Table and the Variable Value Table from SVVNTP and SVVVTE. It then calls CONTRACT ($A8FD) to remove the bytes from each table. Next, the editor lists the line. The Statement Name Token, which was set to indicate an error, causes the word "ERROR" 31
Chapter Four to be printed. An inverse video character indicates where the error was detected. The editor now waits for you to enter another line. Handling Correct Lines If the line was syntactically correct, the editor again examines DIRFLG. In earlier processing, the most significant bit ($80) of this byte was set on if the line was a direct statement. If it is not a direct statement, then the editor is finished with the line, and it waits for another input line. If the line is a direct statement, earlier processing already assigned it a line number of 32768 ($8000), one larger than the largest line number a user can enter. Since lines are arranged in the Statement Table in ascending numerical order, this line will have been inserted at the end of the table. The current statement pointer (STMCUR-$8A $8B) points to this line. The Program Editor transfers control to a Program Executor routine, Execution Control (EXECNL at location $A95F), which will handle the execution of the direct statement. (See Chapter 6.) 32

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