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BHILV n=`hh =HH` =0{a Hɛ n= n=h` nQ}=L*, = = pHH =hh`K: p `(((( i ɀ((L?(`(B'(0!HH''^R}>I^>(`^>DH(`(HI`(o5 ~= =( B( >@A (J wB0x((HHIIDDES}E B ?(CɈK(٢A ~= =( BL>(B^>((ڤ ܝHݝI VL_>L?(" B !B J) T} B(L& R XY( ?&:0H&((& ( .( & ( .(ʩ(U}`ލD&ߍEBIʎH( V0`ԩ ؠ@ȱ@ȱ)@ BError -- 160&`$8f 3AԄձG/ V}$<68i/(Ԧ`H&եԦ&&eԅheԅԊe(iL*@&&&&ԅL*@B ? 3A?*(ɛ:W}./2SX(0ȱ/.ɛ(ލ9'ި0#:Ȱ :ފ :ȱ: : CAD CAޥX}`(eޅީe߅`(` @L\A @TUȪ: BFile name not allowed!: )  i( =0+L Y}TUD BNot a disk file!(0` =Insert SOURCE disk, press =,(pӮ(A(O  1B AB1BZ}C ` % 1(L/ b(de BJKO L?O` B((*(([}[ǩ(`ȱޙ((:>Ȍ(`D:`OS.SYS,DOS.SYShh =L*,  VLJ C C,pLiLF#Խ٩Յ׆ \} LB`((:>Ȍ(`D:`OS.SYS,DOS.SYShh =L*,  VLJ C C,pLiLF#Խ٩Յ׆  Supplied by the CHAOS BBS (517) 371-1106XE CONSOLE KEY FIX...THAT REALLY WORKS.I found that I was not alone when I sta^}rted having trouble getting my console keys to work on the ATARI 130XE the CHAOS club used for its BBS. It seems that very ma_}ny of the machines develop this problem. I asked around and found several others that had done as I did, opened the keyboard `}and cleaned the button contacts, only to get good results for a week or so before losing them again.I then recieved a coupla}e of reprints of articles suggesting hardware fixes. I tried a couple that did not work, but one that worked the best came frb}om Alan Haskell (printed in the SBASE GAZETTE, April/May '86). Here's how, with a small modification to save you the trouble c}I made for myself trying his recommended installation.You will need a small phillips head screwdriver, needle nose pliars, d}a small soldering iron, and three 3k (3,000 ohm) resistors.Quarter-watt rating is plenty, in fact the smaller the resistors e}are physically the better.1. Turn over the XE computer and remove the 4 screws that hold it together. Turn the computer of}ver again and remove the top half of the case.2. Lift out the keyboard and gently pull the ribbon out of its connector. Dg}O NOT OPEN THE KEYBOARD as cleaning internalyy will not help, and you may damage the carbon tracks on the baking sheet insideh}.3. Remove the motherboard from the lower half of the case by removing the phillips screws holding it down.4. Remove i}the top & bottom metal shields from the board by carefully straightening the bent tabs that go through the board.5. Obserj}ve the top and underside of the connector you pulled the keyboard ribbon out of. As seen from the top as you would look at thk}e computer normally, there are 24 connections, with connection #1 at the left and #24 at the right. Connection #3 (from the ll}Geft) is the ground connection. The last 4, #21, #22, #23, #24 are the START,SELECT,OPTION, and RESET connections. When a connm}mection is made from these points to the ground, the computer will know one or several of the keys are being pushed. Due to a n}design problem, the console keys have a bit too much resistance to always register even when you really lean on them. So we wo}ill install the three resistors between the connections and ground so as to "leak" a bit more ground signal to the computer. p}That way, not nearly so good a connection is required by the actual keys when pressed.6. Identify the proper pins on the q}bottom side of the circuit board. We will install the resistors under the board.7. Solder one end of all three resistors r}together. Then connect this common end to the ground connection (pin 3). Then solder the free end of the resistors, one each,s} to pins 21,22,and 23. (The reset system never seems affected, nor any other keys.)8. Be certain that the wires on the ret}sistors donot touch each other nor any other circuitry! Use as little solder and as short a heating time as possible. Tape thu}e three resistors to prevent shorting if needed, and press them close to the circuitboard.9. Reassemble the shields to thv}e board, bending back the tabs to hold it all together. Look inside to be sure the resistors do not touch the lower shield.w}Ǜ10. Complete the reassembly, taking care not to stress or insert the keyboard ribbon too many times. The spring contacts bex}nd easily, and the conductive coating on the ribbon, if scratched through, will cause the keyboard to be useless. Don't worryy} too much, that's hard to do if you are careful. (The original mod suggested pressing the resistor leads into the connector sz}o as to make it solder-free and simpler... but that "simplicity" ruined my connector and made hour more work! Solder it!)1{}1. Test the repair. Power up the machine and type in this one line basic program: 10 PRINT PEEK(53279):GOTO 10 Then ty|}pe RUN. You will see a row of 7's down your screen. Push OPTION. They should turn to 3's. SELECT will give you 5's, and START}}S will give you 6's. Combinations will give other numbers from 1 to 7. If each key responds, you have finished the repair.~}GThis has permanently fixed the problem on dozens of XE's. It has restored my keys to "feather touch" after a long siege of }having to boot 5 or 6 times mashing the OPTION key trying to get a boot without basic. It WILL work for you.John Nagy, SYS}OP of the CHAOS BBS (517) 371-1106e OPTION key trying to get a boot without basic. It WILL work for you.John Nagy, SYS&$~hihiHHȱȱ`8Hh` 1$E…¦ 1$`L1$` B$ }"Ff ee&8Lc$ B$_Wń児0 &&86.ń児8 }^儅充FfFf8Lc$ Fj`p B V8l -% VhhlA%HHbJwhh`hhlA%{ ` }iDiE`HhC%`Hh`Hh`Hh` d%IHiDiE B D%HI B D%`ԆՄ }ؠ0ȑ8)ȑ`H % %hL% %L & %L& %L &L& %L+& %L% %L6& d%HI B D%`ȱ } - ƥĤ180* &H& & &eehe8ȥ 8堅塅` d%iDiEHIB D% }\H8LZ&`HxhL& d%HIB D%` d% u%JKB D%`J` d% B D%`H` B V }.hKI JS:DEB D%`2 a)`UVT`% ҩҥ))e ҥ`)`Ƣ }MŢ8*8 %Ţ`` (ȥ`ȱ` U ` d pb2=40?($s(t stmD\& }_(button resumesh(*7  ( (G##3<<4#,+##HUDZPHVVXD###()Qy)Qy)*)* }Y)*)*)QR()**R(*QR*)Q()*())*R())*R)*)*Q)*)*Q)()P()*)*R(kDO  }s) N sr==+1  ~~~~~ L)))IL)@(((`g=falL))) S'L) D:CHNO.DAT) }ǩ +'))Ͱ))L&* '))m))m)) ())L) S'`1)L2* S'LF* D:TETML.DAT*: +' }ǩ.*-*0-*.*L* ',*,*.*-* (-*.*La*.*2-*-*.*L* ',*,*.*-* (-*.*L*.*- }7*-*.*L+ ',*,*.*-* (-*.*L* S'`; L+ + ++Ȍ + +>+ +?+>+ +?++LK+ h ++L-+`7 }GM+ L\+L+L+)L+L+x) JJ mU+*(mV+` ++L+++)++x) m+*(m+ };` L+++ m)*(m) ȱL,L,@0q, <&L,+ m)*(m)dȱLM,LC,u0,> <&L },+ m)*(m)ȱL,Lw,000,s <&L,+ m)*(m)ȱ'L,L,00, <&L,L,0, <&+ m })*(m) &`L,)),Q ,Q& m)*(m),Q ,QLj. 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