RETURN TO PIRATE'S ISLE /by Scott Adams - Adventure International/ ================================================================== Here is given a full solution to this amazingly hard, tricky, and unfair (in my opinion) sequel of "Pirate adventure". This game is mainly deterministic, without important random elements, so it is possible to give exact step by step solution. Solution: --------- (It is too dark) FEEL AROUND (you feel a mattress - ok, you are in the bed), GET UP, FEEL ARROUND (you find "something" and got "it"), EXAMINE IT (aha, the glasses), WEAR GLASSES (much better), LISTEN (a hint), GO BED (notice that you are in a bottom bunk - so, the top bunk also exists), MOVE MATTRESS, INVENTORY (you find a booklet), READ BOOKLET (a hint about the glue), DROP BOOKLET, GET UP, MOVE BED, INVENTORY (you find a diamond ring), GO TOP, GET MASK, GET WATCH, D, D, GO ENGINE, EXAMINE ENGINE, INVENTORY (you find the screwdriver), D, U, EXAMINE FAN (it turns), EXAMINE PORTHOLE (nothing special), EXAMINE CEILING (you find a button), PUSH BUTTON, EXAMINE PORTHOLE (aha, the button turns on the light; now the timing is extremely important: you need to wait until the ship batteries become too low for the fan, but not so low that the recharging is still possible), WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, EXAMINE FAN (stopped; you find something, but look later what is it), REMOVE BLADE (using the screwdriver), PRESS BUTTON (end of critical timing zone), INVENTORY (you find a diamond brooch), GET PAINTING, EXAMINE PAINTING, REMOVE FRAME (using the screwdriver), DROP FRAME, GET PICTURE, EXAMINE PICTURE (you find a map), READ MAP (ohoho), EXAMINE PICTURE (another picture is hidden), INVENTORY (Rembrandt painting), U, GO DOCK, N, DIG (with the blade), INVENTORY (of course, the rum), DROP BLADE, E, GET ROCKS (tricky), EXAMINE ROCKS (covered in algae), EXAMINE ALGAE, INVENTORY (you find a piece of Amber), EXAMINE ALGAE (Funori - do you remember a hint from the booklet), W, GO HILL, JUMP SUMMIT ("jump" alone is deadly), EXAMINE PIRATE, EXAMINE PIRATE (again), INVENTORY (you find a box and a gold earring), DROP RUM (essential), WAKE PIRATE, GO CRACK (there is no light inside, but this is the same crack from the "Pirate Adventure" - so, there is a shed inside in which is a hammer), GO SHED (be careful in the dark), GET HAMMER, N, GO CRACK (light again), JUMP LEDGE ("jump" alone is again deadly), D, S, GO BOAT, D, WEAR MASK (impossible together with glasses - it is time for one trick), DROP ROCK, DROP ALGAE, MAKE GLUE (from the algae - a hint from the booklet), EXAMINE GLASSES (lenses and wire rim), REMOVE LENSES, GLUE LENSES, TO MASK, SPIT MASK (a protection against fogging), WEAR MASK (the trick is done), U, DROP PAINTING (essential), DROP RIM, DROP SCREWDRIVER, GO SEA, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, SWIM WEST, SWIM UP (something is in the way), LOOK UP, EXAMINE BOAT (something odd), FEEL BOAT (aha, the opening), SWIM OPENING, GO BOAT, OPEN BOX (with the hammer - you find rare stamps), DROP HAMMER, DROP BOX, DROP AMBER, DROP WATCH, DROP EARRING, DROP BROOCH, DROP RING, GO POOL, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, FEEL SILT, INVENTORY (you find oyster), SWIM EAST, SWIM UP, GO BOAT, GO DOCK, GO SEA, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, SWIM EAST, SWIM EAST (something is in the way), LOOK EAST (pilings), EXAMINE PILINGS, INVENTORY (you find a snail), SWIM UP, EXAMINE SNAIL (Urosalpinx Cinera - a hint, if this means anything to you), OPEN OYSTER, WITH SNAIL, INVENTORY (you find a pearl), GO DOCK, DROP OYSTER, DROP SNAIL, GET DOLLAR, EXAMINE BEAM, INVENTORY (you find a diamond pin), D, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, SWIM WEST, SWIM UP, GO DOCK, N, E, GO SEA, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, FEEL SILT, SWIM UP, INVENTORY (you find doubloons), GO BEACH, W, S, GO BOAT, D, D, START ENGINE, U, SAIL SHIP (long trip, night feel), PUSH BUTTON (remember that it turns on the light), D, STOP ENGINE (else you will run out of fuel; now the timing is very important: if you take too much time, the battery will run out), U, U, GO SEA, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, GO SHIP (sunken ship), GET CHEST, U, SWIM UP, GO BOAT, D, D, START ENGINE, U, SAIL SHIP (return trip), PRESS BUTTON (end of critical timing zone), U, GO SEA, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, SWIM WEST, SWIM OPENING, GO BOAT, OPEN CHEST, INVENTORY (you find a rare book), READ BOOK (a hint how you can see without the glasses), DROP BOOK, DROP DOUBLOONS, DROP DOLLAR, DROP PIN, DROP PEARL, DROP CHEST, DROP MAP, DROP MASK (you need to drop everything to pass through the narrow crawlway), GO CRAWLWAY, SQUINT (a hint from the book), E, SQUINT (at least, the damned clock is here lock), GET CLOCK, READ SIGN (the writting says that you need to drop treasures here, but you can not bring anything here), GET SIGN, W, W, DROP SIGN (so, the sign "drop treasures here" is moved to the room where the treasures are already stored - how nasty trick), GET MASK, WEAR MASK (much better), GO POOL, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, SWIM EAST, SWIM UP, GO BOAT, D, DROP CLOCK, OPEN PORTHOLE, DROP MASK (again, you must not have anything to pass through the porthole), GO PORTHOLE, SQUINT, GET RAINCOAT, GO SEA (tricky, but you can not go back through the porthole with the raincoat), SQUINT (aha, a known place), GO BOAT, D, GET MASK, WEAR MASK (uhhh), U, GET PAINTING, WRAP PAINTING, IN RAINCOAT (necessary to bring them through the water without damaging), GO SEA, HOLD BREATH, SWIM DOWN, SWIM WEST, SWIM OPENING, GO BOAT, UNWRAP PAINTING, DROP PAINTING, SCORE (finally, the end). Hints: ------ - To save the game type SAVE GAME. Typing only SAVE will not be enough. - Do exactly what is described in the solution. This game is full of false traps which can prevent you to finish the game (I will describe some of them below). - Don't try to swim down without holding breath; it is deadly. If you want to stay longer under the water, hyperventilate before holding breath (have you played Savage Island 2?). - Don't open the box or the chest before you are in the smugglers hold, because there is no way to bring rare stamps or rare book through the water without the damage of them. - Don't forget to drop algae before making a glue, else you would not be able to drop the glue, so you later wouldn't be able to pass through the narrow crawlway. - Opening the oyster using the snail must be done somewhere in the water, else the snail will die. Also, don't try to open the oyster using the hammer! - Don't try to enter the sea with the blade, else you will lost it. - Don't feel the silt in the water under the place where you see "Boat to the west", else you will stirred it up, and your mask would become dirty. If this happened, then REMOVE MASK, CLEAN MASK, WEAR MASK (of course, not under the water). - Spitting the mask before wearing it is not strictly necessary, but if you forget to do so, the mask would become fogged from time to time (you can not see through the fogged mask). If this happened, REMOVE MASK, CLEAN MASK, WEAR MASK. - Jumping must be done exactly as described in the solution (alternatively, instead of JUMP SUMMIT, JUMP UP or JUMP TOP is acceptable too). - Every starting the ship engine will recharge the battery, else if the battery is completely died (you can type LOOK BATTERY whenever you are on the boat to check its state). A playing with this is essential to discover how to stop the fan, but it is very easy to make the battery unrechargeable if the boat lights are on for a long time, without the engine running. - If the engine is on for a long time, you can run out of fuel (which is deadly). To check fuel condition, type LOOK FUEL whenever you are on the boat. Comment: -------- Amazingly hard and tricky, in opposite to its prequel "Pirate Adventure", even hints given by Scott Adams himself (in the hintbook; these hints are available on the net) are mostly not enough for solving some puzzles. However, it is written in true Scott Adams style. Sometimes quite unfair, and a previous knowledge of "Pirate Adventure" is essential. The parser is simple verb-noun parser. The game is based on the ScottFree interpreter, so this game is avaliable for nearly all computers (including PC), and a source file of the game is also fully avaliable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game solution by Zeljko Juric If something is not clear, ask me using E-mail: Or, if this address is outdated, search for E-mail at my home page: ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: