ZORK III: THE DUNGEON MASTER (Infocom) -------------------------------------- (You continue "Zork II" from the bottom of the endless stairs) GET LAMP, S, LIGHT LAMP, W, W, GET BREAD, E, E, E, NE, SE, W, NE (now you notice an old man), WAKE UP OLD MAN, GIVE BREAD TO OLD MAN (to thank you, he opens a secret door), SW, W, S, S, S, TURN OFF LAMP, DROP LAMP, JUMP LAKE, D, GET AMULET (keep trying until you succeed), U, W, S, GET TORCH, WAIT (till the indicator shows 'II'), TOUCH TABLE (you wind up in 'Room 8'), GET CAN, WAIT (back at 'Scenic Vista'), WAIT (the indicator shows 'III'), TOUCH TABLE (you appear at 'Damp Passage'), DROP TORCH, WAIT (back again), N, JUMP LAKE, D, GET CAN (keep trying!), U, S, S, SPRAY REPELLANT ON MYSELF, S, E, GET KEY, MOVE COVER, D, N, N, N, GET TORCH, W, W, W, D, WAIT, WAIT (a man has arrived and asks you to attach the rope to the chest), TIE CHEST TO ROPE, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT (he lowers the rope again), GRAB ROPE, GET CHEST (he gives you a staff), D, D, S, WAIT (till you see a ship sailing past), HELLO SAILOR (he throws you a vial), GET VIAL, E, WAIT (for the cloaked figure. When he shows up, the sword in the stone is teleported to you), KILL FIGURE WITH SWORD (keep doing this till he is 'badly hurt and defenseless'), REMOVE HOOD (you see your older self), DROP SWORD, GET CLOAK (around this point an earthquake takes place. High Arch is destroyed, and the hole at 'Great Door' is created), NE, E, E, N, E, NE, OPEN DOOR, N, N, DROP CHEST (it blocks the beam), S, S, SW, W, S, E, E, S, S, E, N, PUSH GOLDEN MACHINE SOUTH, OPEN STONE DOOR, PUSH GOLDEN MACHINE EAST, EXAMINE MACHINE (it is set for 948), READ PLAQUE (the Crown Jewel room was finished in 777), GET IN MACHINE, SET DIAL TO 776, PRESS BUTTON (all the items have vanished. The security system has not been finished), WAIT (the guards leave), GET RING, OPEN DOOR, W, OPEN WOODEN DOOR, N, LIFT SEAT, HIDE RING UNDER SEAT, GET IN GOLDEN MACHINE, SET DIAL TO 948, PRESS BUTTON, GET OUT OF GOLDEN MACHINE, LIFT SEAT (du take the ring), OPEN WOODEN DOOR, S, OPEN STONE DOOR, E, GET ALL, W, S, D (here comes the hard part....) Royal Puzzle: PRESS SOUTH WALL, E, S, E, E, PRESS SOUTH WALL, GET BOOK, PRESS SOUTH WALL, PRESS WEST WALL, AGAIN, E, E, N, N, N, N, PRESS EAST WALL, W, S, S, S, S, E, E, N, N, N, PRESS WEST WALL, N, W, PRESS SOUTH WALL, E, E, S, S, S, W, W, N, PRESS EAST WALL, W, W, W, N, N, W, N, PRESS EAST WALL, AGAIN, AGAIN, S, PRESS SOUTH WALL, N, E, E, S, PRESS SOUTH WALL, W, PRESS WEST WALL, AGAIN, S, W, PRESS NORTH WALL, AGAIN, AGAIN, W, N, U (you have escaped!) N, W, N, N, W, W, N, E, NE, N, PRESS BUTTON (the mirror opens), N, N, N, RAISE SHORT POLE, PRESS WHITE PANEL, AGAIN (the compass needle points to the south), LOWER SHORT POLE, PUSH PINE PANEL, N, OPEN VIAL, DRINK LIQUID (you are now invisible and can get past the statues), N, N, N, KNOCK ON DOOR (The Dungeon Master lets you enter), N, E, N, N, READ BOOK (it says that around 'Parapet' are 8 identical rooms - however, one has a bronze door which leads to the Zorkian treasure chamber), TURN DIAL TO 4, PRESS BUTTON, SAY TO DUNGEON MASTER "WAIT", S, OPEN CELL DOOR, S (you can see the door), SAY TO DUNGEON MASTER "TURN DIAL TO 8 AND PRESS BUTTON (he obeys), UNLOCK BRONZE DOOR WITH KEY (the key shapes itself to fit the lock), OPEN IT, S (you are standing in the treasure chamber. The Dungeon Master passes his job to you, leaving you as ruler of the Zork empire!) Jacob Gunness - 18/3-1990. ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: http://hjem.get2net.dk/gunn/