0g0 L/0ΞL8oL  d'LJK\^OPU I_=VCBXZ436521, .NM/REYTWQ9078<>FHDGSACNORTHSOUTHEASTWESTUPDOWNEXITS: Things I can see: I'm in a I'ts too dark to see! The Light ran out! Light runs out in turns NSEWUD"" is a word I don't know..sorry! I don't know what a "" is I can't go in that direction O.K. ---WHAT NOW ? Eh? I'm not carrying it! I am carrying: I don't see it here That is beyond my power It's risky moving in the dark! Try a direction I fell and broke my neck! I'm carrying too much! I'm DEAD!! Want to play again ? Resume play on a saved game ? I've stored treasures Out of 100 that rates I can't do that just now! I don't understand you Not a sausage! The game is over, thanks for playing WELL DONE! Mission completed! Do you want colour (Y or N) ? ERROR ON TAPE WRITE! ERROR ON TAPE READ - REWIND TAPE DIGITAL FANTASIA PRESENTS MYSTERIOUS ADVENTURES BY BRIAN HOWARTH (C) 1982 BRIAN HOWARTH PRESS RETURN HH ԍhh@Hʭh`@<@<`HH 3` i@L (  L (8 L hh`i(i8墍@壍業8 ݥ(` ȱ p 襀襁`` `<ө@ԩ ʝЅ= p <<1?<"/J+/h0588 ( ) ? p p T ^ p p T { p p T p p T  p p T p p T p p p p T  ? T YNL g T 8 YL BKDEJ V0,BDEHI V0  B V T =  B VL /  AL L AL ?@ #<&<gN ? t t ` t؅? - T T P -  C LO@L VL^  Ln8"LȌ LV , - T   p L T LV  L LV !L & - T   p L9 T -L abmaabLa macbidL  ` G?8?@ @Q T L @? T ?@  T L HHH* m@ mhhh*8ƅL"Ș8`hhhm mL`` _ 8@<槭8  _ ʩʝP  T L m* T L m -%H p 0 - T  p p 'h Ʃ p iE p p - T Hhh p L p h mЬ p p 0 - (* p ؅?`HH - mL+倰 p ' - / p ΩLM p - p p ΩΩΩhh` p mL`HHЩЩЩЩhh)?  p ȩL p ` L8ƧΨ`HH0ݬL% 0 p hh`)*!"ef L6(-ȱ.8閅`" diKL晭-8噐LLa8-b. c8-d. 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Heavy!It looks mechanicalIt's vanished!is useless hereThe ice is melting1,2,3,4 and 5I'm badly burned! The Rope hangs over the edgeThe rope is tied!I caused an avalanche!Aren't you the strange one !Lions ignore me for the momentThis is neither the time nor placeThe Imperial Guard attack me!The Emperor praises my courageHe's given me a prize!BRILLIANT! We are SAVED!Mine cage plunges down the shaft!Aarrggggh !!Lions rush out and maul me!a pride of Lions Gladiator throws me down a tunnelit has oil in it!Guard prevents me!Lion rips me apart!Fiery breath washes over meLanguageLooks valuableit's very hotIt's engraved STRIKE HEREHURRY-DO NOT FAIL!AM...T .N. .IA...Da worn inscriptionits wick is missingWhy?it strikes sparksIt's Leatherit's burnt at one end Small Can/CAN/Glowing BrazierStudded DoorRocks*Ornate Dagger*/DAGG/CreviceFlint/FLIN/ScreeLIT lamp/LAMP/PathCharred TreeMetal block/BLOC/Blackened Skeleton*Gold Amulet*/AMUL/WindowShort Sword/SHOR/*Large Ruby*/RUBY/Ferocious LionWooden GrillLionsIron key/KEY/*Box of Emeralds*/EMER/*Silver Chalice*/CHAL/The EmperorImperial Guards*Ixion Shield*/IXIO/Leather Shield/LEAT/Plaited RopeRusty Lamp/LAMP/Numbered buttonsNumbered buttonsNumbered buttonsNumbered buttonsShovel/SHOV/*Ebony Spear*/SPEA/Guard*Crystal Scimitar*/CRYS/Display Cabinet*Red Diamond*/RED/GladiatorEmpty Can/CAN/Cloth strip/CLOT/Fire-breathing Dragon*Ivory Statuette*/STAT/Rusty Lamp/LAMP/SignGauntlets (worn)Stone SlabStone StepsGauntletsIce CaveOpen DoorDoorOpen DoorDangling RopeTied RopeBlack Key/BLAC/Ice TunnelStone AltarVague ShapesVague ShapesVague ShapesHutsPool of OilCheering Crowds !"#$%)**0.69',9 :0