SIO2IDE Version 1.7 Technical Specification Revision 1 for Atari Home Computers Copyright (C) 2002 by MMSoft and the author: Marek Mikolajewski Gdansk Poland Curt Vendel I. SIO2IDE HARDWARE The interface hardware is based on the Atmel AT90S8515 micro (512B RAM, 8kB FLASH). The following control and configuration elements are available on the SIO2IDE PCB: Interface state monitor LEDs: PWR_LED - indicates the interface power supply status SIO_LED - indicates that the SIO command is received BSY_LED - indicates that the Hard Disk is busy or error occur IDE_LED - indicates the IDE bus activity (HDD output) Configuration jumpers: HD1_ZW - On/Off disk D1: (useful e.g. during configuration) INIT_ZW - force HD initialisation (DPA is initialised, see below) MS_ZW - Master/Slave mode selection Connectors: IDE_IO - standard 40pin IDE connector for HD (full 16bit interface) 44 Pin 2.5" converter available from: ISP_IO - Atmel micro In System Programming connector (for SW upgrade) pin 1 - GND pin 2 - GND pin 3 - AT90S8515 Reset pin 4 - AT90S8515 SS pin 5 - AT90S8515 MOSI pin 6 - AT90S8515 MISO pin 7 - AT90S8515 SCK pin 8 - Not Connected SIO_IO - Atari SIO bus plus extensions pin 1 - Data_In (SIO pin 5) pin 2 - Data_Out (SIO pin 3) pin 3 - Command (SIO pin 7) pin 4 - Reset_Out pin 5 - GND (SIO pin 4) pin 6 - GND (SIO pin 4) pin 7 - +5V (SIO pin 10) pin 8 - Not Connected The Reset_Out (SIO_IO pin 4) is active (low state) when the SIO2IDE performs the start-up initialization sequence and the disk D1: is On (jumper HD1_ZW). II. DISK STRUCTURE The SIO2IDE interface uses all sectors that are available on the attached IDE Disk Drive. The maximum sector number is calculated using the following formula: MaxSec = Cyl * Head * SpT Where: Cyl - number of cylinders Head - number of heads SpT - number of sectors per track All these parameters are read directly from the Disk Drive during the SIO2IDE start-up sequence. The interface uses standard ATA command (IDENTIFY DRIVE, 0xEC). The following simple disk structure is used by the SIO2IDE interface: Sec# Disk sectors map ------------------------------- 0 | Disk Parameters Area | ------------------------------- 1 | | 2 | Disk Data Area | 3 | | ~~~~ ~~~~ MaxSec-1 | | ------------------------------- The Disk Parameters Area (DPA) uses only one disk sector (number 0). This sector contains three data blocks that describe the Disk Drive and SIO2IDE configuration. Block 0: byte 0-1: Disk ID (magic number used internally by the interface) byte 2: SWver Software version (e.g. 0x10 = ver 1.0) byte 3: MaxHDP Maximum number of partitions stored on Disk (size of Partitions Table >0, in current version 48). In practice the MaxHDP value is limited only by the sector #0 size. Block 1 (Disk Sequence Table, DST): byte 0: HD Partition attached to drive D1 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 1: HD Partition attached to drive D2 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 2: HD Partition attached to drive D3 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 3: HD Partition attached to drive D4 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 4: HD Partition attached to drive D5 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 5: HD Partition attached to drive D6 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 6: HD Partition attached to drive D7 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 7: HD Partition attached to drive D8 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 8: HD Partition attached to drive D9 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 9: HD Partition attached to drive D10 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 10: HD Partition attached to drive D11 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 11: HD Partition attached to drive D12 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 12: HD Partition attached to drive D13 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 13: HD Partition attached to drive D14 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) byte 14: HD Partition attached to drive D15 (0-(MaxHDP-1) or 0xFF-none) Note: Initially this block is filled with values: 0 to 14. Block 2 (Disk Partitions Table, DPT): byte 0-1: HD Partition #0 size (sectors, 0-65535) byte 2-3: HD Partition #1 size (sectors, 0-65535) byte 4-5: HD Partition #2 size (sectors, 0-65535) byte 6-7: HD Partition #3 size (sectors, 0-65535) .... byte ((MaxHDP*2)-2)- ((MaxHDP*2)-1): HD Partition #(MaxHDP-1) size (sectors, 0-65535) The Disk Data Area (DDA) uses all remaining disk sectors. Described disk structure limits available disk space to: MaxSize = (MaxSec - 2) * 256 [Bytes] Note that the current SIO2IDE version based on the AT90S8515 Atmel micro can handle only 256 Bytes from each disk sector (remaining bytes are not used). Future interfaces based on the same PCB and the ATmega161 Atmel micro will not have this limitation. III. SIO2IDE INTERFACE (via Atari SIO) The physical disk drives and other peripherals are external to the ATARI home computers and are normally attached to the "serial interface connector" on the right side or back of the computer. The software in the operating system (OS ROMs) to access the devices attached to either connector call the "serial I/O driver" or SIO for short. The SIO2IDE interface is capable of handling two groups of SIO commands: - Disk Drive specific commands required by the Atari OS and DOS - SIO2IDE specific commands that are used by the interface configuration software ( III.1. Disk Drive commands The following minimum set of disk drive commands are supported by the SIO2IDE interface: Device Unit Command Direction Byte Ct. Aux Bytes Function $31 Drive# $21 From Drive 256 0 FORMAT DISK $31 Drive# $50 To Drive 128/256 1 to MaxS WRITE(no vfy) $31 Drive# $52 From Drive 128/256 1 to MaxS READ $31 Drive# $53 From Drive 4 0 READ STATUS $31 Drive# $57 To Drive 128/256 1 to MaxS WRITE(verify) $31 Drive# $4E From Drive 12 1 to MaxS READ CFG. $31 Drive# $4F To Drive 12 1 to MaxS WRITE CFG. General notes: The byte count is always 128 for the first three sectors (1, 2, and 3) of a drive. All other sectors on a disk drive are 256 bytes long. Drive# identifies the drive unit (0-14). Max 15 disk drives can be emulated by the SIO2IDE interface. MaxS is a maximum sector number that is available on the emulated disk drive unit (1-65535). FORMAT DISK ($21) This command is accepted by the interface but the disk drive is not physically formatted (this operation is not needed). The SIO2IDE always returns a fixed data block 256 bytes (filed with 0xFF). This indicates that operation was successfully finished. READ STATUS ($53) The individual (fixed) bytes transferred by this command are defined as follows: byte 0: Indicates the sector size (fixed value 0x30). bit 4: 1 - Motor is ON bit 5: 1 - 256 bytes byte 1: Inverted Error Status (fixed value 0xFF, no errors) byte 2: Format Time Out (fixed value 0xE0) byte 3: Fixed value 0x00 READ/WRITE CFG. ($4E,$4F) The individual (fixed) bytes transferred by these commands are defined as follows: byte 0: Tracks per side (0x01 for HDD, one "long" track) byte 1: Interface version (0x10) byte 2: Sectors/Track - high byte byte 3: Sectors/Track - low byte byte 4: Side Code (0 - single sided) byte 5: Disk Type Code (0x0C) bit 2: 1 - double density (256 bytes/sector) bit 3: 1 - IDE HDD byte 6: High byte of Bytes/Sector (0x01 for double density) byte 7: Low byte of Bytes/Sector (0x00 for double density) byte 8: Translation control (0x40) bit 6: Always 1 (to indicate drive present) bytes 9-11 Drive interface type string "IDE" Note that the data transferred by the Write Configuration command is not used by the SIO2IDE interface. Only bytes 2 and 3 (max number of sectors) are verified with drive parameters. III.2. SIO2IDE specific commands The following set of SIO2IDE specific commands are supported by the interface: Device Unit Command Direction Byte Ct. Aux Bytes Function $71 S2I# $EE From Drive 13 0 GET S2I STAT $71 S2I# $EC From Drive 15+DPTsize 0 GET DST+DPT $71 S2I# $ED To Drive 15+DPTsize 0 PUT DST+DPT Notes: S2I# identifies the SIO2IDE interface (0-1). Maximum two SIO2IDE interfaces can be connected to the Atari SIO Bus (jumper MS_ZW). DPTsize = MaxHDP * 2 The SIO2IDE Status data block contains the following data (13 bytes): byte 0-1: Cyl, number of cylinders on Disk Drive byte 2: Head, number of heads on Disk Drive byte 3-4: SpT, number of sectors per track byte 5-8: Sec, total number of sectors on Disk Drive byte 9-12: DPA Block #0 IV. RELATED DOCUMENTS 1) Atari "Serial Input/Output Interface User's Handbook" 2) ANSI 1992 "AT Attachment-3 Interface" 3) Atmel 1999 "AT90S8515 Advance Information" 4) MMSoft 2001 "SIO2IDE ver 1.1 Users Manual" 5) MMSoft 2001 S2I_SCH_1.6.DOC - SIO2IDE schematic & PCB layout