Fggo@ҍX"/Lˤ`(ͩϢ &͐mΥXe΅ΥYeυϭ)JJe΅ΥiϠ1΅н9LY`-9н1Б`  h   L ЮL`?0 U^BP?? DRESJRLh`DE`RS`W@R1    Y0I0  ٠`Lw CCLd@/@@x8R,:>.,*% D:CLOAK.IFFFFFFFFFF1LMMVLSCOSLUFINFINDDRAGRCLCLSCCC2CC2PSRCHC1SCRODTNIC1SDCREDCCEEXC1CR2OC11C2LC2ICBCAVC1ADCAC1C1C2LC1C1C2C900C2ACC900C1C2C2C1C905AC900CCIOCAUADHADDADLNUMHNUNUMLV@ @ @BIG ~~BQ; ''BI! BI!@@#AuAAa@H @!"@(A#6$@P%:&@'@(]])b 2*@+@G,@-@.A`/AU0@1234 P5" 6@7@8@9:$$;@<@ ='>D?A@@'AB@%C 'D@E F@G H2 PPI@JApKL M@NOA`P@Q@R@!STU@V@W@ XAY@&ZA[@\A]@^@$_@"`@aAPbAcAdeNfAHg@hAiBj@Hk@!lASm@nAvM +@# B)@@d;B7t@dMA@ 6-C:,6-C:,6-C:,26-?:<, " B(-2 BM46-?:<B<AS:%A`,,<@,B6-%@M6-?:<,6@@d'@AV3@6$ /"6-?:<<:%A',,<,,6-&%/$ %6-?:<<<<@,"6-&%$ ! ' AP 8,*8,' A$-?::,,<@,&$ 8,' A$ 8,"6-&$!@S' AP 8,*8,' A:"@8'0(The dog tears you apart!!: A6H"@G'>('The rat attacks you! This game is over.H A6 "@*"' AP$oF:A`,"Ad'6-F:A,66-F:A ,HAAHZA AlA`A2o$, *"A`Ad# )6-,$ 0AA -A`Ad0$"HAP 6-P:'AV,06-&AV$<ARHAS$[6-P:'AV,$6-&AV$0AV<AWX6-?:C:hhhLV,<@,[$d 6-C:,6-Aa6.i_-@S8," 6-$ *6-26-%6 E6.7%<&,U67B:,%,.._ A n   $x 6-B:,!A`( ( 6-&&"(6-@@ "(~6-@@ A; 6-- 7<,4 &6-.&1'; A   6- " A  A -(7<&,"&#6-@@- A A 6.7%, A (6-@@$ A A A A@ 6.Ok A A" 6.Ok A A@, 6.6-+&,$%67 -7%<%,0767B:,%,.7$%<$%,@ 67B:,,..$+ 6-6-%%!*8,*8,+6- 8,*6-%9"A)!A96.The candle is flickering!AA`.6.The candle is dead.&8,".6-& 68,-A "6- A@O"*8@),#68@),-268@0,-?67<,.E6-O A@"*8@0,A`A@F:A`,"Ad TT(LCONGRATULATIONS!! You have escaped into an open courtyard.Evil forces try toJ=(5force you back,but freedom is just a fewsteps away...@'J A6 (6.B:,( 6.!8@0,' A&$0#'F:A`,"Ad*# 5VV(NYou stand frozen to the spot,in terror as cold,bony fingers grip your throat,:8.(&and you slip into eternal darkness....8 A6X] A"6-*6-?:<,-(J( IT'S TOO DARK TO SEEM(P(S(] A@]&*F:A`,"Ad &6-bS 6-C:,6-A6-" (6-06-%4 7(S(You are 7%<&,.g( Exits are lX 6-6--@S&8,";(Visible items: A6-D'N AX A@v V( ((ɠ"+6-B:,1"; @0L-F:@,&V A@"A - -7<,4  6-#'- A 6. A(6.7%,B:, (67B:,%,. # 6.B:, #67B:,%,. 7<,4 67<,. R 6-C:,6-A5!6-C:,% + N6.I don't recognise that VERB.R 06-@:7<,,&A' 4&6-0 A "A8R 6-C:,6-A!6-C:,% + N6.I don't recognise that NOUN.R #6-@:7<,,&A'# A 5 6-C:,6-#6-@:,&A'' 5 A 6- A`"Ar  +$A,%AC 6-C+"@5*",)+"@S*",)+"@F*",A`''+"@9)"@@,*"A`''+"@D)"@E,*"A`'!@6-&@' A` A$" 6-%&"7<,4A.7<,0ZA 8T "6-%8,*8@1,"P6.$I'm too scared.It looks very creepy!T =& "6-&8@5,"A>."*8,*6.What about the rat?. @,"@6-,8@4,"AB,"A6-,8@F,"AG#"@56-#"AJ,"AY6-,8@@,"ALZ"@6-4+8,)8,,*8@1,"V6.That's the haunted bedroom!Z Q("AG6-$8@E,"( V,"Ax6-,8@8,"A[3"Ax*"/6.The gates are locked.3 ^ 6- A%`6-@:7<,,6-6-e2 "26."It's difficult,moving in the dark!jQ"*8@@,"%68@9,-M6.!The door slammed shut behind you!Q t "6-67<,.~ "68@F,- "A A"A@y*!AP)"*8@5,"%68@5,-) )"*8@6,"%68@6,-) )"*8@3,"%68@3,-)  A`!@SA`#  "6. It's a no.7# 4 "06. It falls open at the first page.4 7 "36.#French red.Maybe you should try it.7 '"*"@*8,"#68,-' 7 "36.#It's an oil painting of two horses.7 5!* @216.It gives me the creeps!5  5"@216.It's getting terribly late!5 #"@6*8,"68,-# #"@7*8,"68,-# 6"@826.It has eyes like red embers.6 "@9A##"@B*8,"68,-# (-"@G)6.Looks pretty nasty!- -#"@I*8,"68,-# 2#"@P*8,"68,-# 7#"@Q*8,"68,-# <#"@R*8,"68,-# A A`x/ 8,"+6.You already have it./ "A"*8,"68,-%"*8@H,"%68@H,-@ "68@9,-'68@@,-@67AQ<AQ,."*!AW "6-% 68@3,-/68@4,-H67A&<A&,.W68@S,-A "*"  6-Ap< 8,86.%You don't have anything to put it in.< 8 68,-68,-.67@V<@V,.8 A" 68,-6-%,X8,"*8,"*8,"#68,-,68,-E67@V<@V,.X6. HOLY WATER!!6 @ A  " ' Ap  8,"A0' A 68,-6-&"*"*"Aa "6-&"*"*68@3,-968@4,-R67A&<A&,.a68@S,-$8,*8,A  68,-< 68,-68,-.67@V<@V,.<"A A =68@9,-!68@@,-:67AQ<AQ,.=$& A"68,-& A 06. 6- ,6.CRASH!!!0 K "68,-68,-467@1<@1,.G6. It went out!K & ")"68,- A0  A!P " * 6.  $%6-" &* bM+"@9*",)+"*",)"@@)+"@C*",)"@E)"@I^6. It's OPEN.b @9A `"A 8, F 6-68,-6-&367@q<@q,.<8,"F A  ")"@DA@CA! 8@8,"A* 8, 4 6- >)%(Enter the 4 digit combination)Hb4132768@H,-,68@I,-E67A<A,.^6.You've cracked it!b RbX(PAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!A violent surge ofelectricity! You drop dead on the floor.b A6f"6.  $%'(+,-016-"$ A!P   AS` M6. )6-  "I6."Burning the place down won't help!M j 3 ")"@A/6.It's already lit!3 t  8, ~ < " 68,-68,-867@1<@1,.<  L+")",*8,"*8,"&68,-/68,->68@A,-H A$pL  7 ")" 68,-36.Burns away nicely!7    e " '68@8,-a6.?The coals glow like the dog's eyes,and he runs away,terrified!e  $( *A2 %  "!6. It's not lit!% < 2 68,-68,-.67@1<@1,.2  **  P  "L6.8In the begining God created the heaven and the earth...P  ) "%6.THE EXORCIST-How apt.)  B>6.43 CEMETARY WAY,GOOLE....One free throughheaven.....?B  1-6.#Sorry,you're on your own.PERSEVERE.1    ApH  *6.Vandal! R  )8, \ , "68,-68,-(67<,., f D 68,-6-&@6.%The pieces were so small,I lost them.D S 6- (1(Do you want to play again (Y/N); B>(A(D(P"@xS B A** D  "68,-6-&@6.WOW! MY HEAD IS SPINNING!!!D  AhAr- 68,-6-&)6. Revolting!- 0 A@8*@G  8,  @68,-6-&<6.It nearly took my hand off!@    AP 8, Z  A; "*"*8,"6-76.The lid flew open!; "6.Temper! > %"*"*8,"*8@F,"468@F,-> A0"@R*" 67<,.&6-0 AL 4PULL*"@3*"*"&6-H6.A strange rumbling noise...L  AA 8, 4 6-06. Ok,you're standing on the chair.4 p'# @))!@1*@' z8@1,A")8,)8,)8," F:A`,"Ad,-@@8ADA H \-@@%` rA@A @h68@),-!68@0,-068@1,-=67<,.F68,-O68,-h67@V<@V,.?;6.1Something happened in a BLINDING flash of light!? 8  B^"*8,"*8," 68,-)68,-268,-:6-&Z6.That should prove useful.^ L *@x  Z 6- B6-6-+6-AD?A(C:P( Saving game.Z @4E6-C:,&A$ 6-AV* @4/ABBAE RN6.DI may now have made it impossible for you to get out!Then again...R  X    V 6-6-6--(You are carrying: 7 A>4V(nothing whatsoever.* A@*@ 6.Wheeeee "@*"A   x6. What with? @  A <86..Give yourself 10/10 if you can get out alive.<   !@2 ! A`"$$@)8@D,"Aj"8,)@! t">68@D,-!68@E,-:67Aq<Aq,.> )#%!6.I don't understand you.% *#$ 6.You can't go that way.$ +#6.OUCH!!! ,#"6.I don't see it here." -#)%6.You can't do that just yet.) .#($6.You are carrying too much.( /#!6.The door is locked.! 0#"6.I can see something!" 1#6.SPLASH!! 2#"6.Ok. Nothing happens." 3#6. Tell me how. 4#($6.Sorry,but I can't do that.( 5#<86..The dog snarls,revealing bloodstained fangs!< 6#"6.The latch is broken!" 7#%!6.You aren't carrying it!% 8#6.Very refreshing. 9#!6.You must be joking!! :#!6.Something happened!! Z#6-P:H:,$, AQ%[#$ 6.Any other suggestions?$ \##6.Not a very good idea.# ]#6. Why do that? ^#406.&Is that the best you can come up with?4 _#+'6.Not one of your better ideas.+ d#6-P:H:,$, Aa%e#406.&I don't notice anything in particular.4 f#/+6.!I can't see anything significant./ g#,(6.I see nothing of any interest.,  NP46-?:<B<AS:%A`,,<@,B6-%@M6-?:<,P$0u9@S,;A,;A,;A,;@6,;Aa,;A6,;@&,;A&,;@,;@%,;A,5ul];@P,;@9,;@,;@,;@,;@9,;@ ,;@,l6.>:AU,:u%6-F:A4,%AV$F:A5,16-A=6-@OB@@RaAd@@@A( D:CLOAK.OBJ @4?u%%6-F:A4,%AV$F:A5,Du( 6-C:,6-A16-( @4Nu%6-BYr6-Ar% @4Xu%6-BWG6-A%% @4bu%6-A66-AV% @4lu06-B6-AS% @40@vuK:@u`A@('AAA9BBAKA`Ad]AaA@`$u"-@S"68,-" u0 -"67<,.>:,# 067<,.u(%"($$w""(Welcome to CLOAK OF DEATH%w[X(Pby David Cockram. Remember,in the dead of night,no-one will hear your SCREAMS!![(.wO.(%Do you want to load a saved game(Y/N)8 B;(O"@B`8w"ABw?(!(Initialising data.....+#B `5 B? A`w_ B B6-#6-/6-ADCA(C:U( Loading game._ @4jw[ 6-6-C:,&A$&6-AV0 @45GBBAQ B[ Aw)&(Insert Savegame Disk, RETURN !)$w.)@.@*@xBw$w>BBA(1(Bad file found.4(> B<}oo0,25,0,0,0,22,3,4,0,2,6,0,0,12,0,0,24,23,0,0,3,0,0,15,25,24,20,0,15,0,0,8,-1,0,0,0,7,26,5,0,0,8,26,21,0,0F}1,0,0,16,3,21,0Z}HH6,129,31,135,56,141,71,146,116,156,126,160,151,166,171,171,186,175d}%%1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0 D:CLOAK.BAS@%@"@@@@@@$@#@@@%@$@ @@@@&@@@&@!@@@@!BALLBAR BIBLBOOKBOTTBREACANDCHAICHESCOALCRUCGOBLHAMMIRONKEY KNIFLETTMATCPAINRAG SAW WIREWATECLOACLOCCORDCORRCUPBDESKDOG DOOREMBEFIREGATEHATCPASSRAT SAFESHELSINKTABLANNEWINELOAFCLAWCARVOIL GRANSKELSILVCROSPOOLWALLFLOOCEILWINDLOCKROOMHALLKITCPANTCONSSTUDBEDRLIBRATTISTORCELLGARAWORKTUNNPANEGAMEAROUGHOSNAILOFF NORTSOUTEASTWESTUP DOWN ZZZ  Z Z ZZZZin a dark hallin a large dining roomin the kitchenstanding in the pantryin a dark eerie corridor.A rat scurries off into the distancein a conservatoryin an oak panelled studyin a large sitting room.You can hear someone walking around upstairsstanding in an upstairs hallwayin a guest bedroomin a dressing roomin a small annexe off the masterbedroomin the master bedroomstanding in an icy corridorin a haunted room.It's icy cold and dark.A shiver passes up your backin the libraryin a secret passagewayin an old sewing roomstanding in a creaky attic.You can hear footsteps from belowin a store roomin a large pool roomin a wine cellarstanding in a cold damp cellarin an old garage.An accrid stench pervades the airin a dirty workshopin a long dark tunnel North,South,East,West,Up,Down.Pool ballSILVER BARSILVER BAR cut into 2 piecesLeather bound BIBLEBookBottle of wineHalf eaten loaf of breadCandleLit candleWicker chairOld wooden chestLumps of coalSILVER CRUCIFIXSILVER GOBLETSILVER GOBLET full of waterSILVER GOBLET full of HOLY WATERClaw hammerHuge lump of ironSmall keySkeleton keyCarving knifeLetterMatchesOil paintingOil soaked ragRusty sawSILVER WIREWaterBloodstained cloak standing UPRIGHT!Bloodstained cloak moving slowly towards you!!Bloodstained cloakGrandfather clockSilk cord hanging from the ceilingSilk cord held tightDark corridorTall cupboardWriting deskFerocious dogCellar doorCellar door held openBurning embersFireplaceHeavy iron gatesNailed-up hatchOpen hatchSecret passagewayHungry looking ratWall safeOPEN wall safeShelves full of booksSinkPool tableSmall annexe GO RUN WALKLOOKEXAMSEARGET TAKEGRABLIFTPICKLEAVDROPTHROTOSSOPENUNLOCLOSLOCKLIGHBURNEXTISNUFREADHELPPOUREMPTCUT CHOPQUITSAY SHOUDRINEAT SLEEFEEDOFFEGIVEHIT PUNCSTRIHAMMKICKPUSHPULLPRESTOUCCLIMSTANEXORMAKESAVEFUCKPISSBREASMASSTABINVEJUMPKILLFILLRUB SCORWAVESHAKWEARREMO hh0˩h`hhhhhhhhhѠυҦ٠0ԅ`ԄӠ֥˅ץ̅ؤ֤؄e˅ԥi`NSEWUDILA5@0XYWhhh˥XΥY     ɡ-   h ɡ    $  ͐ ͍       ܩ  h`.w/u@uu gi7elcometo#,/!+/&$%!4(by$avid#ockram2emember inthedeadofnight no onewillhearyour3#2%!-3$oyouwanttoloadasavedgame9. www*d@ = < a  \.'%@$%؟Q~!aTU&d*d%W&d&d*d~.w@ 0d}aT]&d 0@ %%    ,     |8 6D i LtDXԽhi@0iiɠ01QyzyLjnhh/HHH0H1HHˆЎàŠ ˆŽ10ʎ!/ԭ)@hh1h0hhh/ԩ`HHH@ ԎPhʎ ԎQ ԍi<-Р ԎЎЩЍp ԌЌI<ԠªiŅHi#ĊiŠĨhȊhhh(@&'()*&' #   1 ! %%%>sccccg>8x>cgcg>cccp?`|cg>>c`~ccg>` >c>ccc>>cc;cg>?pccocccc~ccg~>c``cs>cccc~`x``s>`x````>`fccs>cc`ccc~~?`cg>ccf|fccc``````p?kkkccccccccc>ccccg>ccn```>ccccf;ccnccc>c`>~cccccc>cccccc0cccckk >cc`>cccccc> 0 1ᰰ쪪>c  0``  `00`<33f0pppp Fsppppp RuAu$  !  %%% #  !!!0   1! 0    00u?LS@Y^2: :G2J^Yi qqLiIi pL&S&S?__L?L?S?d_<_8=4548k5k8ȓ8=--CK>"H%H;>>>"W%d"d>W;W%vJvDvU'>'FxFx>%<%>z>z<..%>%' ) ) U XOF(( '!'&)  _ XH&>*>-<- H -sss<_H-h>h?7?EE>F>FPAWB[C`F[HWIPJHIDH>FCCHBK Q QKZccZS``'S'<6D6D=<=4#4%0B^p 0$B&^&p$ --J:06B4^4p6:J_H00@Hȟ_Hpp@H0@B9PII{D{P S__@=TLSPJ'O'O;J;Q'V'V;Q;N0R0''BTDH $$= @<NNGG/,>AC'9*ϟ_xx:_" }x<?BEH KK<__-<-0 369-]BfBp/*HI/+/;tO4d>P2P6KJBLJPwll?-?-%F*9*F.9DZZErErffEYYDXAXd0Μ 63   ȊȊ((Ȋ25yyFȇ J>.%,%7>!-U #v1_#D#T#>!@rvvD_v?Uw@r#AvA$$$uu$A$DuDuA HzHLLQQVV\\dd@o@od-o-dd1d-o-UDHH(<(_<DCC(<<(Z^^f_f(Z(__(ff(F IC\ _YII'YY'6o C"Z\ZID121;3<5;4/30122"W6:3   $,! #$)9&) (6<0-$1.(3=8 =3AȀ5PQPHˀCh*h2i3j2j-hiig1h~N͈Ȑș ȅ ȁu|ygicZigdi tipz M(V(`_@_U/tA7ll878///UD62/2_U0tt/TDm2t2_Tm@cc"@"C"F"F8C8]"`"`8]8G8\8G#<>h>w_,_~2~(~1( ~ Uё (+ 呝ّ ݑ .`@  3CMW] P 7 >> jjK{ە ;k˖+[$J˜͘ W̙<852/-*(%#! xslf`ZUQKHC?<:430-*(%$! yrlf`[UQLHD@<952/-*(%#! 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