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SECRET DTG XX/XXXX ZULUvɛnH% h)R0U:QA8+8Lȩ ȍ%ΰ%ȱH2 $ $hΰ% $L/ $Є8e܅ܐ`@zXPPBYPXzXK65BY6 (UP-.U,H?34H?d25|.D/5-j1118(#L\\^^]XXZZY\\^^]0QQSSRVEVEJGJG$EL==>z?T=4!88:f:74!66666X,PF||$E%,(#*X$E4!.L.@$E5(#0(#>:.22:86:<4: \D>CC0CRSRRS ][]Z'UUYY)pWUHXTV'SS`TS(LYYPFDH<(XWU\D\D\+][8JPFD/__SSRCC\DPFhBhB\D\D@U ]h[8Jt@4CC\DPFhBhB\D\D@U ]h[8Jt@4@QQ?QRYXIJoIJsY EFEGY>>=G?Y8k9?89_T45W45R8c2+3137J%c2+313gB@UhB0C48XW><22@QhBA.2P0C0C.,38R@hB.4%S?hB57@)^t@0CX@._8x77 |GY=6x7PFU>22>@QhB.2<P0C.,38>R@.4%AS?57>>&>0'66&68..@.<)#)#)#,L8Jh)9;9; 5$,813813P-4h)$,h)$,%@8>982, XM(#: d8Jd*'X ,|.)L'|6)(#.>'%:4!PF4!4!!PF,DH,,,LhB8JhBhBhB2 l*0*XXXXP0(#(#(#(#X8*,0 0(#:008<)hB66>>*>hB0ChBhBhBD/r"527:A2@(#(<X70hD/r"527:A2@(#(<X70h>BB1C<<:>>I?=6/:5:a;9.07M6y7M6'80 091/A<****q,L''''8J)#)#)#)#>6)(#%:5)#(# /.,(#T 0,p0@D 8//L<3* @h,L 5)f!`"8J60*"(#>@PF N(#:%pEDH#/%|ChB(#0(#|<>@8X.,L<X'@ ,LT$f!8J!>DH6)%:PF5)(# /hB.,T 0>,p0D 8>//PPU@@P@UP@T@TTCU@PUOU@PU@UOU@@U@UPUP@UUUUUU@UUUUT.UPAUTUUUP꺫몺UUUUPUUU@/>UUUU@UT*UUU*UU@ T/ .:* / k+@ :B/6MB/A@>UUB UU TU? +P:¿( "J; I_? ^Zj?ꦖjԐ fZ{ꕪfi{ᄑ٦kRVi[UZVfmfUHVfjUVfU((UmenneT Z]ZZ_)jﺫڤ{^ViZ?TVڮ.TUUb'UT꺺↑PY*jffo[kfePji{ff٦PU™ [Tfd>jPY~Yi@Ef߭YeDU_Z}U@Z[jn@V[~kUUg/o꯯eTE[DWߠ+kUPVퟺ U@i)QWy)ZTZZRUUuouUVhYzZoꖟkguwe^ٖY[?&o,@ ??/  008<>  "k..RU{VU_kVVZZVUfeTUYUUTUUUUXUUUUhUUUUUVUWyZ9kn祰?[鯕۹ڹoP%VU` Y77))'!4/ #lass3ubmarine3imulation#opyright# 3pectrum(olo"yte# !tari#orp@ܩݩ *1^-܅ȥ݅ɢ -iɛ8e܅ܐǩȩɢ - ]^ ܐLL Press a key to continue (ESC to exit) The GATO class formed the backboneof the American submarine fleet duringthe Second World War. Seventy-three ofthese oceanic vessels were built between1940 and 1943. They were fast, strong,well armed, and capable of patrollingfor long periods of time. GATO class submarines bore thebrunt of the undersea Pacific campaign.Their primary functions were to patrolenemy sea lanes, bombard enemy islands,lay mine fields, land supplies for guer-rillas and coast watchers, and rescuedowned aircraft crews. Rescue missionswere particularly hazardous since theyforced the submarine to remain vulner-able in dangerous waters for seeminglyendless periods. Even with these un-favorable odds, submarines werecredited with saving the lives of 380airmen during the war.* The usual armament of a GATO classsubmarine included 24 torpedoes, withsix torpedo tubes forward and four tubesaft (this video game program allows useof only four forward tubes). Up to for-ty underwater mines could be carried inlieu of spare torpedoes, and these werelaid through the torpedo tubes. All boats were fitted with two deckgun mounts, one forward of the conningtower and one aft. Often, however, onlyone gun was actually mounted. Gun cal-ibers varied greatly. The first boatshad 3 inch (76 mm) 50-cal. guns, severalhad 20 mm 70-caliber anti-aircraft guns,and, toward the end of the war, someboats were fitted with 5 inch (127 mm)25-caliber guns.* GATO class submarines were builtwith two hulls. The inner, or pressurehull, contained the crew, engines, andcontrols. The space between inner andouter hulls held the ballast tanks andfuel and was open to the circulation ofsea water. As fuel was used, sea waterwas allowed to enter the fuel tanks tomaintain a constant buoyancy. (Dieselfuel floats on top of water and wassiphoned from the top of the tanks.) The size and shape of the conningtower underwent several modificationsduring the war. The use of larger sur-face armament required enlargement andstrengthening of the tower. Normally, each submarine had twoperiscopes, one large spotting scopeand one smaller (slimmer and harder todetect) attack scope.* After 1942, the radar antenna wasinstalled aft of the periscopes. Theperiscope radar complex also containedthe radio antenna and two crew memberlookout stations. The diesel-electric propulsionsystem provided power with either fourdiesel engines or four electric motorscoupled in pairs to drive two propellershafts through reduction gears. Thediesel engines also charged the batter-ies, which were made up of 252 elements.* SPECIFICATIONS Builders: Electric Boat, Groton Portsmouth Navy Yard Mare Island Navy Yard Manitowoc Shipyards Displacement: 1825 tons surfaced 2417 (+ or - 7) tons submerged Dimensions: 311.75 ft x 27.25 ft x 15.25 ft Machinery: Diesel - 4 General Motors or Fairbanks Morse Electric - 4 Elliot or General Electric*Maximum Power: 5400 hp surfaced 2740 hp submerged Maximum Speed: 20.25 knots surfaced 8.75 knots submerged Fuel Load: 378-472 tons Range: 11,800 miles @ 10 knots surfaced 95 miles @ 5 knots submerged Torpedoes: 24, 21-inch diameter Maximum Depth: 300 feet Complement: 65 Cost: $6,288,200*Note: As of 1972, twelve GATO class sub- marines were still in use by the United States Navy. As of 1984, all GATO class diesel-powered submarines are retired. Currently, the USS GATO, a 594 class nuclear submarine, is docked at the New London Submarine Base.^LLOLՀLL D:CAPTAINS.LOG&`'((  iL  iL !D` JBDE V BD&EНHI V BLV䩭ܩ&ݮ% iܐ` &iܩ  iL %%L &"o&ȭn&  i%%L ̬&ͩ éȩɢ2 -ȩɢ: -ͅȩɢB - * %  L  2FZ All known enemies have been destroyed. 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