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A, B$,@B.,-"#( What's a ?- B}8,2@((Don't be ridiculous.2 BB,_=8@<@,6@*8@<@,6@U(I'm not }holding it._ BL,H!8@<@,"6@>68@<@,-H BpV, 68@<@,-}j,Q6-&@3(Chomp...Chew...Gulp...!G(MMM . . . GOOD!Q B,!!@)"B,26-@} AP&6@26-,26-@ AP&6@26-,A+(,*+(,7(#I have nothing w}ith which to shoot.A B,I"*"?(!I don't have any ammunition left.I B,G 6- AP }"6@=(I can't. I'm holding it.G B,a"@6-@% AP+"W(>:AS,С the robot }vaporized.a B0,"@B,"@B`,' (I don't see it!' B,Y"@?(>:}AS, С the shot bounced off himO( harmlessly.Y B0,- @#(Don't be crazy!- B,*-@}*8<@,"B ,  B -F68<@,-F(>:AS, С THE  VAPORIZED. -'}"6-&@' B@-6-&@-4"*"4(I'm out of ammunition.-6"@*"@!}668@<@,--"@6--"@6-- B(-}-@@)A}@d7(>:AS,K-@@O aA@u-@@y } --Q)(!That was foolish! T}o protect hisQ(#master, Maximillian attacks me with2-e+(#a pair of razor-sharp rotary bladesL(which extend from his ch}est.[( I am dead.e A!P-@BZ-!!"@*"@B0d- Bn-K6-@ AP&}6@A(Vincent isn't with me.K Bx-T,($Vincent attacks Maximillian with hisT(#lasers, which bounce harmles}sly off}-R,($Max. Then Vincent closes in. When heR(!is close enough to Maximillian, a-hN(Ftiny, propeller-like drill p}ops out ofVincent's front. It cuts throughh(Maximillian's chest -R( shredding his;(!innards. Maximillian falls loud}lyR(through the floor.-T 68@<@,-=68@<@,-@J6-6@T B-@}B-/@#%(Don't be foolish!/ B-`6-@  AP&6@V(+I don't have any key to unlo}ck the door.` B-Y@$*@%O(1There are no locks around here which fit my key.Y B-* (}It's already opened.* B-~!(OK. The door is unlocked..6-6@:6-W68@$<@,-@%t68@}%<@,-@$~ B.@B"./@#%(Don't be foolish!/ B,.[6-@  AP}&6@Q(&I don't have any key to lock the door.[ B6.Y@$*@%O(1There are no locks around h}ere which fit my key.Y B@.- +(,#(It's already locked.- BJ.e(OK. The door is locked.+6-H68}@$<@,-e68@%<@,-T."@%6-6@^. B|.@B .!!}@!*@"B .QQ+"@!*+"@)"@,,)+"@"*+"@)"@,,B0.'(That won't }work here.' B._"@)"@%6-@!/ AP<6@U(I'm not carrying it._ B._"@})"@%6-@"/ AP<6@U(I'm not carrying it._ B.!!@*@B`.}BX. 68@<@,-@=68@<@,-@(@The door between the Palomino and the docki}ng bay is now opened.6-6@ Bp. 68@<@,-=68@<@,-(AThe door betwee}n the docking bay and the Palomino is now closed.6- Bp.p",68@<@,-@I68@}<@,-@p("The door between the drone and the.K"4( drone docking bay is now opened.A6-6@}K Bp.d 68@<@,-=68@<@,-d("The door between the drone and the.>(( drone do}cking bay is now closed.46-> Bp.)"@6-) B."@6-6@.)"@}6-) B."@6-6@. B./%(I don't know what that means./ B N}@B*Nf'(>:AS,>:AS,>:AS,OP:H:,$@,%@!@\6-6@f A 4NND(}:AS,HA BURST OF LASER FIRE WHICH COMES FROMAN U}NKNOWN SOURCE DESTROYS MY GUN.x68@<@,-6-:R6-6@ AU@B0V}"6@AV[6-6@[(FA humanoid robot fiddles with some controls, then walks away. As heVQ*("walks, }he drops an electronic key.G68@<@,-@Q AY@B@Y @`AY[ (}2( A HUGE METEOR BREAKS THROUGH THE[($CEILING! EVERYTHING SUDDENLY BECOMESYSS(KCOLD AS THE VACUUM ENTERS THE ROOM. I C}AN FEEL THE PULL OF THE VACUUM ON MEY++(#AS THE PRESSURE BEGINS TO EQUALIZE!Y))8@<@,"6@B0PZ<2}(*I AM SUCKED UP INTO THE VACUUM AND I DIE.< A  Zc5(-I GRAB ONTO BOB AND HE CARRIES ME TO SAFETY.A6-@U-}@A Y c A]!!@*@BP]b"@4( I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE SHIP!H-@}APL X6-@b A]K-@AP KP:H:,$@,%@!@B@@] +'}0@@A0@@S-@@|($MY SHIP CRACKS UP IN THE BLACK HOLE. A ]6}-@ Aa@3B`aAat6-6@t(^Several humanoid robots are carrying a body-li}ke object. They place it in some kind of tube,a1'( and it's ejected into space.1 Ae@BpeP }+(,)(TO THE EAST IS AN AIR CAR.F68@<@,-@P Ae* 68@<@,-* Axi}@ BiM&(TO THE WEST IS AN AIR CAR.C68@ <@,-@M Ai* 68@ <@,-}* A`m@)Bjm 68@<@,-@m(HMaximillian appears from behind a partitian, seemi}ngly from nowhere!z6-6@ AHq@BRq6-6@ A 0u@"B:u""8@}<@,A?u5((ĠŠɠź5(AN EVIL LOOKING ROBOTDu+ A0+@)@A`Nue6}-@ AP06@)"<6-@F APe6@)"A`Xu'"6-&@'} BP]u6-&@bu//(>:AS,С The robot vaporized.lu4"*"4(I'm out of ammunition.}vu* 68@<@,-* Ay@$B "y2((TO THE EAST IS AN OPEN DOOR.2 A,y/%(TO }THE EAST IS A LOCKED DOOR./ A}@B 0 }<2(&IT'S THE EASTERN END OF A LONG TUNNEL.< A}8.(}&IT'S THE WESTERN END OF A LONG TUNNEL.8 A} A D:BLKHOLE1STERN END OF A LONG TUNNEL.< A}8.(R_ERAO@A(@ 1 + }AR@1-@ @(ŭƭŭ!!( 頠(!!( 򠠱 }2((( ---- Softside presents ----7-@A <\ +AR@1-@@@( A }ROUND THER-@@ \(WORLDFR +!-@@5-@&@N(R G" };@@,"AR@H-@@"Je-@B:,?-@&B:,%$@@%$@M(7< },a-@@e L   N,,O-@AP P##6. } Q-@@/-@&@%M-@ &$@&@m(7@<$@&@,-@ }@   Y-@A d AeSS(K As captain of the interstellar craftPalomino, returnin }g from a long jour-fQQ(Iney, you find yourself face to face with a gigantic black hole. MovinggSS(Kcloser, you find }something even more unique-a ship sitting on the vortex'shMM(Eedge, unaffected by the immense grav- ity. It is Deep-Spac }e One, theiqD(Earth }. The ship was assumed lost, andit's crew presumed dead.P AZ A](nRR(J As the Palomino makes a pass over } the vessel, the silent, dead appari-oSS(Ktion suddently springs to life! Lights go on all over the Cygnus; herpPP }(Hdocking bay beckons to the smaller ship. The Palomino lands, and youqSS(Kstep into the legacy of a ship of robo }ts, a ship controlled by its onlyr++(#human survivor, Dr. Hans Reinhardt.sk(a(V Your mission is to escape from the }Cygnus, and inform the world of your discovery!k At] A(Z(EThree main (non-human) characters in this adv }enture need explaining.](upp(h is a ten-foot scarlet robot whose main purpose is to destroythose who oppos }e his master.vc(`(U is your friendly mechanical partner, and will help you where possible.c(wRR(JĠ } (wherever he may be hiding) is a battered ancestor of Vincent's,xhh(`and is the only survivor who knows that the h }umanoid robots are actually lobotomized crewmen.y A A(//(& In this adventure I will become your },,($eyes, ears and hands. You will tell**("me what to do with simple two word//(&commands such as GET AXE or GO S }TAIRS.,,($To move, type the direction you wish--(%to go in, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH or WEST,//(&or simply type the fi }rst letter of the--(%direction, N, E, S or W. To obtain a++(#list of what you are carrying, type(INVENTORY o }r just I."(, A1 A4(6//(&My vocabulary is limited, so I may not@,,($understand everything y }ou tell me toJ,,($do. If one way of wording somethingT++(#does not work, try another. People^,,($having trouble ar }e usually trying toh))(!do something beyond their (or my)r( capability.|(HH(@Some useful commands: LOOK, GET, } DROP HELP(( -@@#(Run from isk or ape Q }F:Ad,"@X*-@@#B(Running D:BLKHOLE1Q% D:BLKHOLE1 F:Ad,@EA0&-@@# }0''(Hit when tape is ready :AdAUD5 A -@@#!!  }AdAU F:Ad,"AUA0$L +V$$( ˠŠ[)) }(! (c) 1981 SoftSide Publications]//(&j$' D:BLKHOLE[)) qSB%DOS SYSB)AUTORUN SYSBJ*WACE BAS!BLHOLE DOC