* changes: 14.03.2005 /* How to detect on which CPU the assembler code is running (This information is from Draco, the author of SYSINFO 2.0) You can test on plain 6502-Code if there is a 65c816 CPU, the 16-Bit processor avaible in some XLs as a turbo-board, avaible. Draco told me how to do this: First we make sure, whether we are running on NMOS-CPU (6502) or CMOS (65c02,65c816). I will just show the "official" way which doesn`t uses "illegal opcodes": */ opt c+ org $2000 jsr DetectCPU rts ;detekcja zainstalowanego procesora DetectCPU lda #$99 clc sed adc #$01 cld beq DetectCPU_CMOS DetectCPU_02 print '6502' lda #0 rts DetectCPU_CMOS lda #0 rep #%00000010 ;wyzerowanie bitu Z bne DetectCPU_C816 DetectCPU_C02 print '65c02' lda #1 rts DetectCPU_C816 print '65816' lda #$80 rts _6502 dta c'6502',$9b _65c02 dta c'65c02',$9b _65816 dta c'65816',$9b icl 'macros\print.asm'