# X-Assembler syntax for Code-Genie 3.0 (www.code-genie.com) # written by Piotr Fusik , Tomasz Biela CaseInsensitive true FgColor #000000 BlockStart comment1 *\s BlockEnd comment1 \n Format comment1 b FgColor comment1 #00BB00 BlockStart comment2 ; BlockEnd comment2 \n FgColor comment2 #EE44AA BlockStart comment3 // BlockEnd comment3 \n Format comment3 i FgColor comment3 #00BB00 BlockStart comment4 /* BlockNotEnd comment4 \n BlockEnd comment4 */ Format comment4 i FgColor comment4 #00BB00 BlockStart string1 ' BlockEnd string1 \n BlockEnd string1 ' BlockNotEnd string1 '' FgColor string1 #800080 BlockStart string2 " BlockEnd string2 \n BlockEnd string2 " BlockNotEnd string2 "" FgColor string2 #800080 KeywordGroup keywords lda ldx ldy sta stx sty adc and asl sbc jsr jmp lsr ora cmp cpy cpx dec inc eor rol ror brk clc cli clv cld php plp pha pla rti rts sec sei sed iny inx dey dex txa tya txs tay tax tsx nop bpl bmi bne bcc bcs beq bvc bvs bit stz sep rep trb tsb bra cop mvn mvp pea phb phd phk phx phy plb pld plx ply rtl stp tcd tcs tdc tsc txy tyx wai wdm xba xce dea ina equ opt org ins end dta icl run nmb ini rmb lmb ift eli els eif ert smb blk sin rnd macro endm proc endp rept endr exit local endl struct ends error print if else elseif endif byte word long dword or and xor ds FgColor keywords #0000ff Nest comment1 Nest comment2 Nest comment3 Nest comment4 Nest string1 Nest string2 Nest keywords # eof