SAP MAKER CMC,CMR,MPT,MD1,MD2,TMC,TM8 -> SAP file converter Public Domain ================================================= Introduction ------------ This simple utility was made for making SAP files from common music formats easier. With it you only have to specify names of files to convert and SAP MAKER will do the rest. It automatically recognizes type of file (it's too much said, it only checks file name extension :) ) and creates SAP file containing the music. SAP MAKER is distributed with full C source as public domain, so that everyone is allowed to make changes in it and distribute changed version. I only ask for writing down all changes made and adding name or nick to credits, because I don't want to be blamed for others' mistakes nor be glorified for things I haven't done. Source is portable and is able to be compiled on any system (at least I hope so). If you have can make some changes to make it even more portable, please feel free to distribute corrected version. I also include the executable for PC/WIN compiled with DJGPP gcc 2.95.3 with -s -O2 options. If you can produce smaller executable, please distribute it. Note long file names have to be supported. The *.plr files are simply Jaskier's players compiled at $0500 and $f500. About SAP files --------------- SAP stands for Slight Atari Player. File in .SAP format contains all data necessary for playing music emulating POKEY sound chip and 6502 processor, and some information about music. SAP MAKER is able to create the binary part, but of course it can't guess the name or the author. Usage ----- First, collect all files you want to convert in a single directory. Give them proper file name extensions: CMC - for standard Chaos Music Composer files CMR - for Chaos Music Composer files with changed bass table (created with "CMC Rzog") MPT - for Music ProTracker 2.4 files This extension is for tunes without samples MD1/D15 - for Music ProTracker 2.4 tunes with single 15 kHz digi Such music consists of two files: MPT music and samples data. These files should have same name and MD1 and D15 extensions respectively MD1/D8 - for Music ProTracker 2.4 tunes with single 7.5 kHz digi Same as above except for lower quality of samples MD2/D8 - for Music ProTracker 2.4 tunes with two digi channels Music in MD2 file, samples in D8. TMC - for Theta Music Composer files This extension is for tunes which can be played with single POKEY TM8 - for Theta Music Composer STEREO tunes The directory should also contain SAP MAKER executable and all necessary *.plr files. You should create a file containing information for all tunes. This file must contain at least file names. The easiest way to create it on a PC is to use: dir /b/on >sapinfo.txt This command creates sapinfo.txt file containing alphabetical list of all files in current directory. You can edit this file with any text editor. Leave only lines containing names of files you want to convert. You have to delete lines with sapinfo.txt, sapmaker.txt and *.plr files. Note when converting MD1/D15 you give only MD1 file name. Then you are already able to convert. Simply run SAP MAKER with name of info file: sapmaker sapinfo.txt If everything was ok, SAP MAKER doesn't display any message. Simply you have all your files successfully converted and you may replay them. That were the basics. SAP MAKER has some more features. To use them you edit the info file. Each line has following syntax: source_file SONGS DEFSONG "Author" "Name" "Date" All parameters excluding source_file are optional. Note you have to add .sap extension to SAP file name and you have to enclose song informations in quotation marks. You may use both spaces and tabs to separate fields. Here is an example: DRUCH.MPT 1 0 "Lukasz Sychowicz (X-Ray)" "Drunk Chessboard" "1996" You may skip SONGS if there's only one song. In fact SAP MAKER supports subsongs only for CMC files. DEFSONG is the number of subsong which will be replayed by default when the .SAP file is loaded. Note subsongs are numbered starting from 0. You can insert comment line by putting ';' as first character in line. Blank lines are also allowed. If you don't know the author, but only the name, please use "" in meaning "unknown". Please comply ASMA naming conventions: - only 'A..Z', 'a..z', '0..9' and '_' characters are allowed in file names - a file name can be up to 26 characters long (with '.sap' extension file name can be up to 30 characters long) The ASMA is a collection of .SAP files. Please help to make this collection as big as its C-64 equivalent. For details, visit Credits ------- Idea - Pigula/Shpoon, Solo/NG Design, code, this text - Fox/Taquart All players - Jaskier/Taquart Changes ------- Please list here all changes you make in SAP MAKER: * * * 12th Dec 2000. Ideas - Dracon/Taquart Code - Fox/Taquart Changes: - Support for MPT modules with two digi channels. Use .MD2 extension for modules and .D8 for samples. - Support for "CMC Rzog" modules with changed bass table. Just rename files to *.CMR. - Samples relocated automatically if conficting with MD1/MD2. - Changed coding style. Many spaces added. * * * 9th August 2001. Ideas - Pigula/Shpoon Code - Fox/Taquart Changes: - Support for MD1 modules with D8 samples. If no .D15 samples are found for a MD1 module, .D8 samples are read. * * *