MARCO of GMG present you:››Marco Pixel Editor 1.5››SORRY, but this copy is without any›documentation, but in near future›I will write it.››Short doc:››Program works with any DOS with Memlo›< $1E00.››Edit:››A,B,C,Space = put pixel››Shift+arrows = Moving screen›arrows = Moving cursor›O,P,L,; = moving cursor›DBS, CTRL+DBS, CTRL+I, CTRL+E = Edit functions›ESC = Go to picture›››Picture:››ESC = Go to edit›1,2,3,4,5,6,9,0 = change colors›CTRL+N = New picture›CTRL+Z = Save to ramdisk›CTRL+M = Load from ramdisk›D = Disk manager››Others:››Option+Reset = Cold start›Start+Reset = Init Dos›Start+Select+Reset = Go to Dos››››So, have fun.›› Marco of GMG››For more info write to:›› Marek Chorvat› Polna 11› Banska Bystrica› 97405› Slovakia››email:››IRC: #atari8, #cs, #zivot, #scotland››Sorry, no grtx. :-)››