@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr ɛABOUT THE EDITOR, BY THE EDITOR! Well, one thing that you usually find in the first issue of a newsletter, is the edi}tor's history. So here's mine! Back in 1985 some family friends won an 800XL. They knew very little about computers, a}nd so asked me to sort a few things out for them (I was using a TI-99/4A then!) So, I kindly agreed. I started reading the ma}nuals and was pretty amazed at what the thing was capable of. I wanted one! A few days later, I was in the local newsag}ents and noticed a copy of ATARI USER on the shelf. I had a quick look through, and found a company selling 800XLs for 100qui }d each. I bought the magazine and wrote off to the company. They wrote back telling me 800XLs had gone out of production, but } I could have a 130XE for 130quid. I just couldn't afford it. I gave up hope! About a week later I saw a newspaper adve }rt from Dixons advertiing 800XLs with a data recorder, joystick and a load of games for 99.95. I couldn't believe it! I phone }d and reserved one, and was able to collect it a week later (they'd run out!) It took me a while to get the hang of thi }ngs (after using a TI-99/4A everything else seems weird!) I spent a while getting more into the machine, and did quite a bit }of programming on it. It wasn't until the summer of 1988 that I thought it might be a good idea to sell some of the stu}ff I'd written. So I placed an advert in MicroMart advertising Atari PD software. Responses were poor. But I sold some stuff.} I didn't give up hope, though! I kept plodding on, placing adverts from time-to-time, getting a few more customers each time}. At this stage I was only selling PD software which I had written, so there was a very limited range (as some of my old cust}omers will no-doubt remember!) In November of that year I wrote DSIL, a program for using digitized sounds. I decided t}o sell it commercially myself. Unfortunately, it flopped! (DSIL can now be found in my PD library) However, I knew it was a g}ood idea, and continued developing it. Early in 1989 I came up with DMS 1.75 (rev. 1.00 and 1.50 failed to work!) I tho}ught I'd finally got it right! I placed a display advert in MicroMart (50quid) and hoped! What a disaster! I sold quite a few} copies, but not enough to even cover costs. None-the-less, I still continued selling it up until November of that year, when} I'd finished DMS 2. Also in November of that year, I exhibited at my first computer show - AMS3. So there I was with m}y ready-duplicated PD and DMS. And, suprisingly, things went well! It was in early 1990 that I made the break into sell}ing other people's PD software. This is probably the best decision I ever took! I kept advertisng, and getting new customers }all the time, and this time I advertised in BaPAUG's 8:16 for the first time. Another good move! It was in the summer o}f this year that somebody said it might be a good idea to start a newsletter. I agreed, and all these monthes later, here it }is! In November of this year, I exhibited at AMS4. People knew me now, and things went well! So there we have it!} That's how things began. For your information, here is the hardware I currently own:computers: 800 800XL} 130XEdrives: 1050 (happy modified) 1050 (standard) 810printers: XMM801 10}29recorders: 1010 XC12other: "Replay" sound digitizer ICD printer interface And for thos }e who want to know, my qualifications are: 10 "O" levels (including computer studies at grade A), and a B/TEC National Diplom!}a in computer studies (with 5 distinctions). I am currently reading for a degree in computer science.Dean Garraghty.iplomx************************************ THE ADVERTS! ************************************For public doma#}in software, used commercial software, software exchanges, hardware, books, specially written commercial software, support, a$}nd an 8-bit newsletter, contact: Dean Garraghty, 62 Thomson Ave, Balby, Doncaster, DN4 0NU. (Please allow for re-di%}rection at certain times of the year).Currently for sale: Atari 810 disk drive, with PSU, I/O cable, but no manual. C&}opy of DOS 2.5 supplied. 55pounds inc P&P&I. 800XL R/F cable. Brand new. 2.50 inc P&P. 400/800 Basic reference m'}anual. The one that was supplied with the 400/800. Loose leaved. 5.50 inc P&P. Blue ribbon games disk vol.1. Brand new,(} NOT used. 5.50 inc P&P. SAM software speech synth, AND the SAM tutorial disk. Both with manauls, in a case. Both VERY )}rare items. 35pounds for the two inc P&P&I. NOTE: I only have one of each of the items listed above, so reserve the ite*}ms you want before sending money. I also usually have lots of used tapes available from 50p each. Boot side 2 of +}this disk for my current complete range of used software, and my full PD list.-----------------------------------A NOTE A,}BOUT ADVERTS:---------------------Private individuals wishing to sell old hardware or software (originals ONLY) or wishing-} to place a wanted advert, may do so free of charge. Just write out your advert and send it to me at the usual address. Pleas.}e try to keep them short, as I don't like typing!Companies or profit-making enterprises may also advertise for a small fee./} This is as follows: 1 full screen for 10 pounds, 1/2 a screen for 5 pounds. Follow the same procedure as given above. You ma0}y also send your advert on disk, saved as a standard ASCII file in DOS 2.x format. Your disk will be returned. above. You maoB2}T@@TUUUUUAA@U@UAU@UAAA@@AAAAAAA@U@TA@@3}AAA@U@AAAAAAU@PA@A@U@UAAAA@A@UAAA@@A@U@A@AAA@U@UU@U@UU@U@@U@U4}UU5}@PPPPTPP@6}TP@P@PP@PPPP7}UUUUPUUUUUPUUUUUT8}UPTUUUUU@UUUUUUP9}UUUUUUU@UTPUU@U@P@:}U@PTUPUUTTUPUUTU;}UUPUUTUTPTUTPTPU<}PTPUPTUUUUUPTTU@UUP=}TUPUU@UUPTUPUT@PTUUT@PUU>}UTTUP@PUUUTTUP@PUUUTUUUUP@PTTU?}UTUU@PTTUPUTUU@PTTTU@UU@PTUUUQT@}U@@PTUUUPU@U@@PTUUUP@UP@PTTPUPA}UP@PTTPUUUP@PTTPUUU@PTTP@B}UUUU@PTTUUUE@UUUU@PTTUUUETUUUU@PTTUUU@TC}U@PTTP@UU@PTTP@U@PTTP@PUD}@PTTP@PU@PTTP@UU@PTTP@U@PE}TTP@PU@PTTP@PU@PTTPUUQUU@PTF}TPUUPU@PTTPUUPPU@PTTP@PPU@PTTPG}@PPU@PTTP@PU@PTTP@PU@PTTP@PH}UPU@PTTP@PUPU@PTTP@PUPU@PTTP@PPI}U@PTTP@UUUUPU@PTTP@UUUUPU@PTTP@UUUUJ}U@PTTP@PU@PTTP@PU@PTTP@PK}UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@UUUUUL}UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@M}N}O}_EiͩkΩ͙kCopj`j {j`Hi͝Νh` Q}L"SAB.ORTNI:D"NURͩkΩ͙kCopj`j {j`Hi͝Νh` ~XjCODETRTRYCHECNCOD S} EECODE-BREAKER. (c)1989 Dean Garraghty. 11 Aug. 1989.ATARI BASIC VERSION. ;@,T};@,-@@%%6-P:H:,$@,%@(67<,.=:,2 <U +/6-F:A`,%FU}:Aa,$AVC-@@(Q%@U FAR@GH-H(@%CODE-BREAKER. V}(c)1989 Dean Garraghty.P(-@ @((@XXXXXZ-@@d3-@%3(@TRW}Y # >>nAdAUs6. x)-@@)AdAU$-@ @%$(@X}6-F:Ad,"@167<,.1"@067<,.2"@&67<,.3"@$67<Y},.4"@)67<,.5"@'67<,.6"@Q67<,.77<,4 A5 $Z}-@ @%$(@-@@O7<,47<,)6-@:7<,,%A(?-@%@%O(@[}>:,  4 ' A 8-@@8(@BAD LUCK! CODE WAS " A,0-@\}@0(@ WELL DONE!!60-@@0(@ press start;"F:B2y,@" A@ ]}@  D:CODE.BASWELL DONE!!60-@@0(@ press start;"F:B2y,@" A@ 12 4 1 5 0 10 70 2 12 132CODE-BREAKER DOCS. BY DEAN GARRAGHTY, 1989. Code-breaker is not a new or original_} idea for a game. I've written it for those of you who are learning Turbo-Basic. I've written it in both Atari Basic, and in `}Turbo-Basic so that you can compare the two. The Turbo version uses many of the new commands available. I could have used mora}e, but I think I've got the right balance here. The programs are not difficult to follow, and use fairly standard commab}nds. Let me first explain how it was done in Atari Basic. Lines 20 to 50 set up the random code and put it in CODE$. Line 60 c}changes a graphics 0 screen into a graphics 1 (ANTIC 6) screen, leaving the top line as graphics 0 for some text. Lines 90 tod} 270 form the main get and check part. You have 5 tries at breaking the code, and so this loop is done 5 times (or less if yoe}u get the code before try 5). The code is entered using key handler codes (shadow location 764). Each number of the code is cf}hecked as it is entered and then the relavent number is stored in the next characte of TRY$. Line 225 prints the contents of g}TRY$ on the correct line of the screen. Lines 230 to 250 check each number of the two strings to see if any are the same. If h}one (or more) is the same then 128 is added to its ASCII code (this makes it inverse, and so changes colour). This lets you ki}now which numbers are correct. Line 260 checks to see if the two strings are the same (which means the code has been entered j}correctly) and if they are the loop is terminated (with the very useful POP command), and a "well done" message is displayed.k} If you fail to get the code in 5 tries, you will be told what the code was. In both cases you will then be told to press stal}rt which is checked on line 315. Then the whole thing starts again. The Turbo version is basically the same but uses som}me of the new commands available. In line 120 DPEEK has been used instead of the clumsy way in the Atari Basic version. In lin}ne 150 I have seperated the rest of the code in a procedure called GOT_ONE. In lines 370 and 380 I have used the INSTR commano}d to check if the two strings are the same. This wasn't absolutely neccessary, but shows a use for it. Line 380 also uses a lp}abel instead of the usual GOTO command. The press start routine also uses a label. Line 510 also uses a label to re-start theq} game. The label is on line 70. And it's all as simple as that!! Now that you know how it works, I'd better tell you whr}at you have to do! The object of the game is to guess a random 5 figure code. Each number in the code is a number from 1 to 7s}. Just press a key (1 to 7) for each number. When you have typed the 5th number, any that are correct will turn blue. You havt}e 5 tries at getting the code. If you fail you will be told the code. Press start to re-play when the prompt appears. And theu}re we are, have fun!!he code. If you fail you will be told the code. Press start to re-play when the prompt appears. And theIJ CODETRTRYCHECNCODCGOT_ONPRESS_STARRE_STARWELL_DONDONE_Iw} TEECODE-BREx}AKER. (c)1989 Dean Garraghty. 11 Aug. 1989.(Turbo-BASIC version.2T<;@,;@,F]Py}-@@Z%%6-P:H:,$@,%@d67<,.=:,n xB +6-U:A`,0-@@(z}>%@B AR@H-H(@%CODE-BREAKER. (c)1989 Dean Garraghty.(-@ {}@((@XXXXXT-@@3-@%3(@TRY # >>AdAU|}6. )-@@)AdAU$-@ @%$(@6-F:Ad,"@1}}67<,.1"@067<,.2"@&67<,.3"@$67<,.4"@)67<,.~}5""@'67<,.6,"@Q67<,.767<,4 A0@ J$-@ @%$(@}T-@@^7<,47<,Ph r6-X:<,|"@\ T8-@@8(}@BAD LUCK! CODE WAS \T]0-@@0(@ WELL DONE!!\T]0-@}@0(@ press start"F:B2y,@" A\TO6-@:7<,,%A(&)-@}%@%)(@>:,0Q:T D:CODE.TBO" A\TO6-@:7<,,%A(&)-@?.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@@}@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP@@@}@TP@TP@P@P@}TPEPT@P@@TU@@@TP@P@T}P@TP@@@}@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP@@}UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU}???<71 AND TEMP<1009 AND TOP+BOT+70Z   HH)H $}p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF$}7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L$}EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D$} .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d $} . D  L    p  E` , d)  D L) 0BM݊L݉$} ML  N݆ L NLML [ TEqEHȱEqEh 0Gȹ G$} HLL GɛL  LFREE SECTORS G) *Gȩ GȽG GȌ*jj >G$} C8jJ3j2CD( C202C4 ԠBX` N 1? l LlD:RAMDISK$}.COMLu L1 L ;LHL  T`  `8  ɐ     `TU $} L ? .  t`GBJ ~DEHI B V0dV$}QDEHI VF9 ,0 ,0 s0hhL  L` H hDHEh$}DEL8HI4 0 HI,0 0  9 .G VLO$},0 L4*IJ`llD1:AUTORUN.SYSNEED MEM.SAV TO LOAD THIS FILE.D8:MEM.SAV J y08 B|DEHI$} V0 0`B;DEL`?<0LV`@ʆ v s? F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI$} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D8:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO $}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -$}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH$}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu $}d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%$} DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L ()   J$}L= ( L 0q A    IB JC;? D W $} LL  ` W )LA!  ߰")-݆ p" $} $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ`$}$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL )W>Z   HH)H $}p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF$}7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L$}EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D$} .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d $} . D  L    p  E` , d)  D L) 0BM݊L݉$} ML  N݆ L NLML [ TEqEHȱEqEh 0Gȹ G$} HLL GɛL  LFREE SECTORS G) *Gȩ GȽG GȌ*jj >G$} C8jJ3j2CD( C202C ԠBX` N 1? l LlD:RAMDISK%}.COMLu L1 L ;LHL  T`  `1  ɐ     `TU %} L ? .  t`GBJ ~DEHI B V0dV%}QDEHI VF9 ,0 ,0 s0hhL  L` H hDHEh% }DEL8HI4 0 HI,0 0  9 .G VLO% },0 L4*IJ`llD1:AUTORUN.SYSNEED MEM.SAV TO LOAD THIS FILE.D1:MEM.SAV J y08 B|DEHI% } V0 0`B;DEL`?<0LV`@ʆ v s? F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI% } VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO % }STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -%}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH%}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu $} DOS XE review, by Paul Allton. DOS 2.5 was probably one of the most simple, user-friendly disk operating systems )}ever written. Which explains, in a nutshell, why it is so popular. But it certainly had its limitations - it was not terribly)} advanced, and made no provision for future technology and enhancements. Fear not, because Atari's latest - DOS XE - is)} at last available in the UK. It works very well with any drive, but for despairing XF-551 owners (like myself) its arrival i)}s a Godsend. At last, a DOS enabling full use of the XF, with double-sided, double-density formats - a total of 360K on a sin)}gle disk. Also supported are the 810, 1050, and modified 1050s (with true double-density - 180K each side of the disk). )} Into the drive with the disk, power on. As normal, the disk loads and you are thrown into Basic, with the familiar "READY" p)}rompt. Then the first suprise - you type DOS and expect the drive to burst into life, but it does not. Instead, the DOS menu )}instantly appears on the screen - no more loading from a disk is necessary. This is because DOS XE uses the familiar ba)}nk switching technique. This disk utility package is hidden under the operating system, and is simply switched into memory wh)}en required. This still leaves you 32274 bytes free in Basic. Any Basic program is kept intact while accessing DOS, without t)}he need for a MEM.SAV. The only disadvantage of this, is that software using the same area of memory as DOS XE will not)} work. Unfortunately, Turbo-Basic is one of these programs - a pity. But, I know for a fact that some people only use Turbo b)}ecause they can't be bothered to go through all that loading and disk-swapping involved with going to DOS. For obvious reason)}s, DOS XE would be very suitable for them. The next suprise - instead of the usual cramped-up screen, you are presented)} with a main menu with four options: File access menu, Machine language access menu, System function menu, and of course the ) }obligatory Exit to Basic/cartridge (except when Basic is disabled). File access is precisely what it sounds like. All t)!}he usual commands are there (directory, lock, unlock, delete, copy, rename, format, etc.), plus a few others such as appendin)"}g and viewing. DOS XE also allows sub-directories (with up to 360K on a disk, you'll soon see why!) So, options to dele)#}te, make, and choose the working directory are also included. Moving on to Machine language access. This is another are)$}a where DOS XE scores highly over its predecessor. As in DOS 2.5 you can run/save binary files, and go to a machine language )%}prog. (i.e. run at address), you may also append to a binary file, and load a binary file into memory without running it. The)&} latter is particularly interesting because you can then display (and change) selected areas of memory. Each address is displ)'}ayed in ATASCII and hex, rather like a disk sector editor. It does not really mean a lot to a novice like me, but I am sure m)(}ore advanced users would find it very useful and interesting. The system function menu has just a few options, as well ))}as directory and working directory (available in all menus). There is also an "allow DOS 2.x access" option. When selected a )*}small file is loaded and run. This allows access to DOS 2.x disks by using A: as a prefix, rather than D:. It is not a conver)+}tor program as such, you have to copy each file in turn via the DOS COPY option, from your DOS 2.x disk to a DOS XE disk, whi),}ch is painfully slow. Some people would prefer a convertor program I am sure, but the menu says "allow DOS 2.x access" and th)-}at's exactly what it means. You can read a text file, run binary files, etc., without having to convert them first, which I p).}ersonally consider to be more use. For those of you unfortunate enough to have been using DOS 3, there is a program on )/}the disk to convert files to DOS XE format. At the moment DOS XE has no documentation files. The program itself is Publ)0}ic Domain, but the manual is copyrighted and cannot be copied freely. But it's not really needed - DOS XE is very easy to use)1}. After ten minutes playing around you won't have any problems. Because all the commands have been changed (E.g. directory=fi)2}les listing, delete=erase) you may be confused for a bit. This is because to choose an option you type the first letter and p)3}ress return. But once you've learnt the new names, it's easy - a joy to use, and a great improvement over the old system. You)4} can select what you want without having to look up at the screen, or re-printing the menu. There are a couple more fla)5}shy features not mentioned yet, such as batch processing. You can type in a series of commands on one line, then the computer)6} carries them out, answering all the prompts, etc. If you find yourself repeating certain tasks just too frequently, you can )7}store them on disk and run them as required with the "run batch file" on the system menu. Even the directory has been c)8}hanged, meaning "less sector counts" have been done away with. The size of a file is now displayed in bytes. This seems odd a)9}t first, but is a great idea. DOS XE is also capable of date stamping files, another nice touch, fairly useful and a good way):} of showing off! Overall, there's not much more I can say - DOS XE is excellent, streets ahead of DOS 2.5. If it had be);}en more readily available a few years ago, with everyone using it now, it would have earned the Atari 8-bit a great deal of r)<}espect. Sadly, though, DOS XE will never replace DOS 2.5. Software support is virtually non-existant (although it might be be)=}tter in the States). The only software I know of that directly supports it, is Diamond GOS (the two of which, I am told, make)>}s a very powerful combination). Admittadly, it's not SpartaDOS, but it's not 50 pound either (that's assuming you can g)?}et it now Frontier has deserted us). Myself, I quite simply refuse to pay 50 pound for a disk operating system. Anyway, DOS X)@}E does all I need it to. It's the next best thing to Sparta. If you have an XF-551 you HAVE to get DOS XE. But whatever drive)A} you own, it comes highly recommended. At the very least it will give your lovable old Atari a facelift (don't you just)B} get fed up of that boring old DOS 2.5 menu?), but investigating further will uncover a highly efficeint means of file manage)C}ment. One of the best 2 pounds I have spent for ages. Eternal thanks to Dean Garraghty for making it available over her)D}e. -------------------------- Thanks to Paul Allton for this article. Hope the new hand was reasonably priced, Paul)E}! -------------------------- Thanks to Paul Allton for this article. Hope the new hand was reasonably priced, Paul(This is an article taken from the Unix newsnet system. It is a general article about copy protection. It was transferred by M-G}ike Blenkiron, and tidied up by Dean Garraghty. Note: if you try some of the methods discussed in this article, and kill your-H} hardware, then don't moan at me!---------------------------------(Dave Goldblatt) writes:>You are correct in stating t-I}hat the fast sectoring could only be produced on>specialized hardware, but the flaw is in the timing on the disk read. You-J}>couldn't count on any degree of accuracy, because of the possiblity of a>missed sector, or just that the drive speed was ou-K}t of range. You could, of>course, create bad sectors on a standard 810 by writing to a sector with the>RPMs altered to be -L}out of the allowable tolerance (< or > 20RPM, I think). Indeed so; I used to create bad sectors by using a simple USR -M}call to the resident disk handler to write a sector, and while it was writing the sector I wedged a piece of folded paper in -N}between the diskette jacket and the top of the drive slot, so that the increased pressure on the diskette would bring it almo-O}st to a stop. I'm sure it did wonders for my diskette, to mention nothing of the disk drive motor... but it did create bad s-P}ectors by altering the RPM in a very crude manner. What I am still not quite sure about is -- why does altering the speed cr-Q}eate bad sectors?>The most common [means of copy protection]>(and difficult to reproduce on a normal drive) were modified-R} low-level disk>formats -- duplicate sector headers, short sectors (VERY common; you'd check>to see how much valid data was-S} read in; if 128 bytes, blam!), and just plain>ol' unreadable sectors. Very interesting... "plain ol' unreadable sect-T}ors" had occurred to me, as they were the most obvious to detect, but short sectors and duplicate sector headers... What wou-U}ld duplicate sector headers do? Short sectoring seems quite ingenious too, though how could you tell how much "valid" data w-V}as read? Let's say you're using SIO to read a disk sector into memory, and only 100 bytes are "valid"; what would the rest o-W}f the target buffer in RAM contain? Garbage? Unchanged? Zeroes? As you said, how this brings back memories. :-) I -X}recall one time disassembling the code to some game (forgot what it was) to see how the copy protection worked. It was incre-Y}dible how almost incomprehensible the code was; 25 or so pages of self-modifying, self-decrypting, partially-resident-and-par-Z}tially-loaded-from-disk security checking. Pretty clever, these copy-protectors...>-- Dave Goldblatt esident-and-par,n 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDG1\}E J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRES1]}SF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEL !N'1^}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx 1_}DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT1`} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL1a}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD1b}ED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1c}  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! 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It has arithmetical functions built in. An impressive language for the A}8bit.Recommend LOOKING AT LISP by Tony Hassemer Published by ADDISON WESLEY PUB.CO.LTD.(This article was submitted by JimA} Cutler)commend LOOKING AT LISP by Tony Hassemer Published by ADDISON WESLEY PUB.CO.LTD.(This article was submitted by Jim@  ABCDMXYLOOBBA(Bh@@ @E} @ S."D:MENU.SYS LOAD*IT BY KARL STIEFVATERREVISED 10/24E}/85BY CLAYTON WALNUMCOPYRIGHT (C) 1985(BY ANALOG COMPUTING2 Ap<&&;@ ,;@,;@@E},FA +AR@A6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AVPk0@70@Q0E}@@k0@ZG%@@d%@3%@@G%@&@Hd70E}@@70@@@nd6-6-% Ap,(}R(! ӭ ISSE}UE #1d-@@x1@1@@D:*.*2@27@<@,4 FA`E}&&7@<@,4SYSA06-%@( 2@27@<@,4 FA`&&7@E}<@,4SYSAE( A0K-@(->.-@@!K(USE