!---- ! ! This is the makefile for CVT.EXE for the IBM-PC. If you don't ! have MAKE, then don't sweat it -- you can use the binaries or compile ! it by hand. ! ! Bugs, comments, letter bombs to: ! ! Landon Dyer G.DYER@SU-SCORE.ARPA ! Atari Corp. ... {hoptoad, lll-crg!vecpyr}!atari!dyer ! 1196 Borregas Ave ! Sunnyvale, CA 94088 ! !---- ! ! No warranty is expressed or implied. This is public domain software, ! free for the asking. You may modify it however you wish, but you are ! not permitted to sell this work, or any modification of it. ! !---- ! ! You will need your OWN quicksort, as the version I use is from 4.2BSD, ! and I'm not sure if it's legal to distribute it. ! !---- ! ! Change these to reflect where the libraries and so on are on your system. ! (This is for Lattice C 2.11 or something like that). ! BIN = \bin\ CRUN = \bin\cs CLIB = \bin\lcs SUBRS = binfio.obj efopen.obj CONVERTOBJS = convertm.obj convert.obj longio.obj qsort.obj #(SUBRS) cvt.exe : #(CONVERTOBJS) link #(BIN)cs #(CONVERTOBJS),cvt,,#(BIN)lcs convertm.obj : convertm.c lc1 convertm lc2 convertm convert.obj : convert.c lc1 convert lc2 convert qsort.obj : qsort.c lc1 qsort lc2 qsort longio.obj : longio.c lc1 longio lc2 longio ! ! Random tools (I port these from ! system to system...): ! binfio.obj : binfio.c lc1 binfio lc2 binfio efopen.obj : efopen.c lc1 efopen lc2 efopen ! ! Copy CONVERT source to transfer disk ! transfer : copy convert.h a: copy convert.c a: copy convert.mak a: copy convert.man a: copy convert.obj a: copy cvt.exe a: copy convertm.c a: copy convertm.obj a: copy longio.c a: copy longio.obj a: copy binfio.c a: copy binfio.obj a: copy efopen.c a: copy efopen.obj a: ! copy qsort.c a: ! I can't distribute source for this!!! copy qsort.obj a: copy \bin\make.bat a: copy \bin\makeexe.exe a: