/* Document for C64_ASS 6510-assembler by Oyvind Jergan 1997 * */ (Read for further information about the syntax and for a list if the valid instructions) This program is an assembler for assembling 6510-sourcefiles to executable code for the C64. You shuld notice the folloving: - Arguments: The program requires 2 or 3 argumentes. The call-syntax is: Usage: C64_ASS source-file instructionset-file [output-file] The parameters are the following: - C64_ASS: The executable file. - source-file: File containing the source in ascii format. The syntax for the source if given in an additional file called . - instructionset-file: File containing the 6510-instructionset. This file comes with the assembler. - [output-file] (optional): IF no error accure during assembling, this file will be written. It contains the resulting code. Two bytes are included at the start of the file containing the load-address. If the program is called with only 2 arguments, "source-file.C64" will be used as output-file. - Zero-page addressing-modes: The syntax Exp, [Exp , y] and [Exp , x] are used for both zero-page and absolute addressing-modes. To select one of them, the assembler does the following: - If Exp is defined (at the time the compiler find the instruction in pass 1 (defined above)) and Exp < 256, the zero-page addresing- mode is used if possible (if it is valid for that instruction). - Else, the absolute addressing-mode is used. - Variables: All variable-names are limited to 40 characters. The syntax for variable-names is contained in the file . - Ascii / Petascii: The assembler use ascii as a default. But most existing assembler- source for the C64 use Petascii. So if you like to compile exsisting code use the following assembler-directive: #set_option o_use_pet_ascii 1 - Transfering the file to a C64: If you have an Amiga you can use the program to transfer the file to a C64 using a parallell-cable. It will put the file in memory where the load-address (two first bytes) points. If you want to execute the file direct, you can add a basic line, as RunC64 automaticly executes an eventual basic-program after the transfer. To get a copy of RunC64, contact the author. - Some hints on using the assembler: The following are some examles of how to use this assembler: 1) new_page * = * + 256 - <* ; set * to start of the next page 2) * = $0801 ; make the following basic program: basic .word nextline ; 1997 sys4096 .word 1997 .byte $9e .text "4096" .byte 0 next_line .word 0 - The author: - Contact me about: - Anything regarding the assembler - If you like some of my other C64-related programs: - The transfer-program RunC64 (Amiga->C64) - The transfer-program C64Player (Amiga->C64) for C64-music. - How to reach me: - Address: Oyvind Jergan Vestby gt. 56 2000 Lillestrom Norway - Phone: +047 63-815894 - E-Mail: oyvindje@stud.ntnu.no - Homepage: http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~oyvindje