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NqLooking for header byte found %.2x Attempting to open %s. Cannot open next Diskcomm archive file %s. Next file %s is not a valid .dcm file, it does not begin with F9 or FA. Looking for header byte found %.2x Next file %s is not a valid .dcm file, it does not begin with F9 or FA. rbDid you merge all parts of this Diskcomm archive with the COPY command? Did you forget the /B switch in the COPY command? Did you copy the files in the proper order? Did you read the documentation? The header indicated an out of sequence pass number.Nq %s is not a valid Diskcomm archive. NqH08(o$Ltv`0 .fv`$ \g /f Gtv`  f` JfRRJf/ /Hz/9N=Hz/9N7`Hz/9N7`Hz/9N7`Hz./9N7`HzN/9N7`Hzn/9N7`Hz/9N7`Hz/9N7`OPL NuNq Usage: %.*s [DCM file] [ATR file] [/d] [/h=nnnn] [/s] to convert a .dcm file to an .atr disk image. DCM file a file created by the Diskcomm program. ATR file a file in the SIO2PC disk image format. /d to print diagnostic information. /h=nnnn highest sector number to expect, where nnnn is a number from 1 to 9999. /s to print statistics information. NqRefer to the documentation for more information. NqOH? $o/|@B9B9B9DB9|ByXB9`B9dB"x`6 A P /g A P -fNt`2 A P ?f/aBaPO A PHH/N1XOrDf D` A PHH/N1XOrHf`z A P 0mh A P 9nVp09Xr //$&HBHCCHBBB҂&$3X A PHH0r29XЁ3X AR PJft`> A PHH/N1XOrSf|R A PJf`R"p"fXtv`J A PJfvJg AB`& A PHH/N1AXOR ep"fXtv`J A PJfvJg AB`& A PHH/N1AXOR eReJ"g J9f HzN6Hz(N6Hz:N6HzXN6OHzJN6XOJg/9NlBXOJg/9NlBXOHz vN6/9HxPAP/N5OJfHz N6Ba>POHxHz 0AL/N1xO JgHxHz AL/N1xO JfHz N6BaPOtv`PpPcHAD  fvADJfvJg AB`ADp/N1AXOR e 9 gHyHz N7Hz N6/9HxPAX/N5OJfHz tN6Ba@POHxHz AL/N1xO JgHxHz nAL/N1xO JfHz >N6BaPOp/D/N1XO  fzY Yg NfF Nf` Hz~HyN=#POfHz 0/9N7`PO`Hz fN6/9HxPAP/N5OJfHz N6BaZPOHxHz AL/N1xO JgHxHz AL/N1xO JfHz N6BaPOtv`PpPcHAD  fvADJfvJg AB`ADp/N1AXOR e 9 gHyHyHz N7Hz N6/9HxPA\/N5OJfHz ^N6BaVPOHxHz pAL/N1xO JgHxHz XAL/N1xO JfHz (N6Ba POp/D/N1XO  fzY Yg Nf@ Nf` Hz HyN=#POg*HyHz /9N=/9NlO`Hz XHyN=#POfHyHz /9N=O `Hz @N6/9HxPAP/N5OJfHz N6Ba$POHxHz AL/N1xO JgHxHz AL/N1xO JfHz N6BaPOp/D/N1XO  f|N Yg NfV Yfp`pDHz N6/9HxPAP/N5OJfHz N6BafPOHxHz AL/N1xO JgHxHz |AL/N1xO JfHz LN6BaPOp/D/N1XO  f|Y Yg NfVHz N6/9HxPAP/N5OJfHz *N6BaPOHxHz HyN=#POg.HyHz /9N=/9NlHxaOHz HyN=#POf"HyHz /9N=HxaO3LA JfF$`A 1gA Af3L`fA .fJc S3L`>A \gA /f" yLfA JfF3L` SJfxHxBHyN1PBypBBB B$B(B,B0B4B8O R9`p9` gp9`Sd` `dp9dr€dal/@f HxaBXOJ9DgHyHzbN7POJ9Dgp9@/HzPN7PO9@Sg Sg.Sg`<3t#h`:3t#h`&3t#h`3t#hJyXg 3Xtp09t."9h//$&HBHCCHBBBނ&$ 9@f ytc` p09t.JypfHxBA./N1PoO2 /L@3G4 @5yk6 9h@7r @8r @9B/:B/;B//N3`Oa/@J9Tg `4/9 ypd <` 9h/HxHyN3`ORyp09pytcSyp09pytcp09p."9h//$&HBHCCHBBBނ&$ 9@f ypc` p09p.G( @)r @,r @-HxB/9N2/9HxHxA>/N3`OaJ9|gPHyHzN79@SPOg SgSg`*HzN6XO`(HzN6XO`HzN6XO` HzN6XO /HzN7/98HzN7/94HzN7/9HzN7/9HzN7/9 HzN7/9$Hz N7/9(Hz,N7/9,Hz8N7/90HzDN7 9йй й$й,й0/Hz0N7p09p/Hz8N7HzFN6OdpLONuNqTerminated by ^Z NqTerminated by ^Z Nq^Z^z Enter .dcm file to be converted : Terminated by ^Z NqTerminated by ^Z Nq^Z^z Convert file %s Nq Is this correct Y)es or N)o : Cannot open Diskcomm file Terminated by ^Z NqTerminated by ^Z Nq^Z^z Enter .atr file to be created : NqTerminated by ^Z NqTerminated by ^Z Nq^Z^z Convert file %s to %s Is this correct Y)es or N)o : Specified SIO2PC image file %s already exists. Cannot open SIO2PC image file %s NqTerminated by ^Z NqTerminated by ^Z Nq^Z^z Print diagnostic data Y)es or N)o : NqTerminated by ^Z NqTerminated by ^Z Nq^Z^z Print statistics Y)es or N)o : Terminated by ^Z NqTerminated by ^Z Nq^Z^z Enter ^Z or hit Control Z to terminate rbrbwb+ Enter highest sector number : Converting data from Diskcomm file. Nq Diskcomm DCM archive to SIO2PC ATR disk image converter. Version February 2, 1998 Nq Copyright 1998 by Ernest R. Schreurs All rights reserved Nq.ATRCannot open Diskcomm file %s NqSpecified SIO2PC image file %s already exists. Cannot open SIO2PC image file %s Nqrbrbwb+File : %s Density: %u Single densityDouble densityEnhanced densityUnknown density Statistics for Diskcomm archive file %s: %lu Kbyte. FA large header : %lu F9 small header : %lu 41 modify begin : %lu 42 123 byte/5 byte: %lu 43 compressed : %lu 44 modify end : %lu 45 flush buffer : %lu 46 identical : %lu 47 uncompressed : %lu Total number : %lu Disk sectors : %u Done processing. 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