Short: Datatype for GEM pictures (IMG files) Author: (Neil Cafferkey) Uploader: (Neil Cafferkey) Version: 1.1 Type: util/dtype Requires: OS3.0+ GEMImageDT is a datatype for GEM image files, as used by GEM Paint and several other packages. These are also known as IMG files, after the file-name suffix usually used. Supported format variations: - Two-colour black and white images. - 16-colour PC images. Unsupported format variations: - Atari ST colour images. Note that 16-colour Atari ST images will be interpreted as PC images and thus be rendered with an incorrect palette. Please send bug reports, suggestions, and any other correspondence to one of the following addresses. E-mail: Post: Neil Cafferkey, 30, Upper Kensington, Rochestown, Cork, Ireland. This package is released under the GNU General Public Licence. History: V1.1 (March 2002) - First release.