Short: .WAV to Atari XL .CAS image converter. Author: (Ernest R. Schreurs). Amiga port by Wojciech Pasiecznik Uploader: (Wojciech Pasiecznik) Version: 1.00 Type: util/conv This program will convert a .wav sound file to a format known as the .cas format. It is assumed that the wav file contains a sample of a Classic Atari cassette tape. This program converts the FSK sounds to the data they are representing. The design goal of this project is to retrieve the data that is stored on cassette tapes. This sounds like a sensible thing to do with a storage device. That is, unless you design cassette interfaces. The data can be stored on a mass storage device on some host system. It should be possible to load the data from the host system into the Classic Atari. The data could also be re-saved onto cassette tape, thus cleaning up faulty tapes that contain dropouts, spikes, noise, or other problems. Data that is damaged can be restored, or repaired. The data on the new tape could be saved at a higher baudrate, thus reducing the time required to load the tape. The quality of the cassette tape can be greatly improved in this way. The various emulators that currently exist, might add support for the file format used to store the cassette data. Booting a cassette tape on these emulators could then be implemented, and it could load a tape instantly. Since the cassette data is retrieved using only a sound card and some software, there is no need for a cassette unit. Data can be retrieved from the cassette tapes even if your cassette unit is broken, unreliable, or otherwise not available. Data that is retrieved from a tape can be processed, and converted to a disk format.