; File: MOS6507.i ; Author: Neil Cafferkey ; ====================== ; Translations for MOS 6507 microprocessor instructions. ; ; $VER: MOS6507.i 1.2 (3.7.99) ; ifnd mos6507_i mos6507_i set 1 ; 68020 Condition Codes ; ===================== extend equ 4 negative equ 3 zero equ 2 overflow equ 1 carry equ 0 INTERRUPT_VECTOR equ $fffe STACK_PAGE equ $0 ; should be $100 for other systems machine 68020 opt 0 ADDR_MASK equ $1fff ; Makes a 13-bit address ; Register definitions ; ==================== A equr d2 X equr d3 Y equr d4 P equr d5 D_FLAG equr d6 S equr d7 DATA equr a2 CLOCK equr a3 ; this is an address register so that adding to it ; won't affect condition codes ENV equr a4 ; Macro to save status flags ; ========================== macro SAVE_P move.w ccr,d0 and.b #\1,d0 ; clear irrelevant bits in ccr and.b #~\1,P ; clear relevant bits in P or.b d0,P ; move relevant bits to P endm ; Macro to restore status flags ; ============================= macro LOAD_P move.w P,ccr endm ; Macro to restore status flags within a macro ; ============================================ macro LOAD_P_INTERNAL move.w P,ccr endm ; Macro: ABI_CLK ; ============== ; Adds one extra to the clock cycle counter if a page boundary is crossed. macro ABI_CLK ifgt 128-\1 moveq #\1,d0 else move.l #\1,d0 endc add.b \2,d0 moveq #0,d0 roxl.b #1,d0 addq.b \3,d0 add.l d0,CLOCK endm ; Macro: IIY_CLK ; ============== ; Adds one extra to the clock cycle counter if a page boundary is crossed. macro IIY_CLK ifgt 128-\1 moveq #\1,d0 else move.l #\1,d0 endc add.b Y,d0 moveq #0,d0 roxl.b #1,d0 addq.b \2,d0 add.l d0,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page Indexed ; ================= macro _ZPI ifgt 128-\1 moveq #\1,d1 else move.l #\1,d1 endc add.b \2,d1 endm ; Absolute Indexed ; ================ macro _ABI ifgt 128-\1 moveq #\1,d1 else move.l #\1,d1 endc add.w \2,d1 andi.w #ADDR_MASK,d1 endm ; Indexed Indirect ; ================ macro _IIX move.l #\1,d1 ; Move offset to temp reg add.b X,d1 ; Add in index X move.w (DATA,d1),d1 rol.w #8,d1 ; Adjust Endianness andi.w #ADDR_MASK,d1 endm ; Indirect Indexed ; ================ macro _IIY move.w (\1,DATA),d1 rol.w #8,d1 add.w Y,d1 ; Correctly handles word wrap-around andi.w #ADDR_MASK,d1 endm ; Translation of `adc' ; ==================== ; General translation macro ADC_ move.b P,d1 lsr.b #1,d1 tst.b D_FLAG bne.s \@1$ ; if in BCD mode addx.b d0,A bra.s \@2$ \@1$: move.b A,d1 abcd.b d0,A eor.b A,d1 eor.b A,d0 and.b d1,d0 move.w ccr,d1 lsr.b #7,d0 lsl.b #4,d1 roxl.b #1,d0 tst.b A move.w ccr,d1 or.b d0,d1 move.w d1,ccr \@2$: endm ; Immediate macro ADC_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK move.b \1,d0 ADC_ endm ; Zero Page macro ADC_ZP addq.l #3,CLOCK move.b (\1,DATA),d0 ADC_ endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro ADC_ZPI addq.l #4,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 ADC_ endm ; Absolute macro ADC_AB move.b (\1,DATA),d0 ADC_ addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute Indexed macro ADC_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 ADC_ endm ; Indexed Indirect macro ADC_IIX addq.l #6,CLOCK _IIX \1 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 ADC_ endm ; Indirect Indexed macro ADC_IIY IIY_CLK \1,#5 _IIY \1 move.b (DATA,d1.w),d0 ADC_ endm ; Translation of `and' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro AND_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK andi.b \1,A endm ; Zero Page macro AND_ZP addq.l #3,CLOCK and.b (\1,DATA),A endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro AND_ZPI addq.l #4,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 and.b (DATA,d1),A endm ; Absolute macro AND_AB addq.l #4,CLOCK and.b (\1,DATA),A endm ; Absolute Indexed macro AND_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 and.b (DATA,d1),A endm ; Indexed Indirect macro AND_IIX addq.l #6,CLOCK _IIX \1 and.b (DATA,d1),A endm ; Indirect Indexed macro AND_IIY IIY_CLK \1,#5 _IIY \1 and.b (DATA,d1.w),A endm ; Translation of `asl' ; ==================== ; General translation macro ASL_ movem.w (\1-1,DATA),d0 asl.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(\1-1,DATA) endm ; Accumulator macro ASL_ACC addq.l #2,CLOCK asl.b #1,A ; All these could also be lsl.b endm ; Zero Page macro ASL_ZP addq.l #5,CLOCK ASL_ \1 endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro ASL_ZPI addq.l #6,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 movem.w (-1,DATA,d1),d0 asl.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(-1,DATA,d1) endm ; Absolute macro ASL_AB addq.l #6,CLOCK ASL_ \1 endm ; Absolute Indexed macro ASL_ABI addq.l #7,CLOCK _ABI \1,\2 move.w (-1,DATA,d1),d0 asl.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(-1,DATA,d1) endm ; Translation of `bcc' ; ==================== macro BCC_ move.w P,ccr bcs.s \@1$ addq.l #3+\2,CLOCK bra \1 \@1$: addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `bcs' ; ==================== macro BCS_ move.w P,ccr bcc.s \@1$ addq.l #3+\2,CLOCK bra \1 \@1$: addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `beq' ; ==================== macro BEQ_ move.w P,ccr bne.s \@1$ addq.l #3+\2,CLOCK bra \1 \@1$: addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `bit' ; ==================== ; General translation macro BIT_ moveq #0,d1 move.b (\1,DATA),d0 bpl.s \@0$ bset.b #negative,d1 \@0$: btst.b #6,d0 beq.s \@1$ bset.b #overflow,d1 \@1$: and.b A,d0 bne.s \@2$ bset.b #zero,d1 \@2$: move.w d1,ccr endm ; Zero Page macro BIT_ZP addq.l #3,CLOCK BIT_ \1 endm ; Absolute macro BIT_AB addq.l #4,CLOCK BIT_ \1 endm ; Translation of `bmi' ; ==================== macro BMI_ move.w P,ccr bpl.s \@1$ addq.l #3+\2,CLOCK bra \1 \@1$: addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `bne' ; ==================== macro BNE_ move.w P,ccr beq.s \@1$ addq.l #3+\2,CLOCK bra \1 \@1$: addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `bpl' ; ==================== macro BPL_ move.w P,ccr bmi.s \@1$ addq.l #3+\2,CLOCK bra \1 \@1$: addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `brk' ; ==================== macro BRK_ addq.l #7,CLOCK move.l P,-(sp) subq.b #2,S move.b P,(STACK_PAGE,DATA,S) subq.b #1,S INTERRUPT endm ; Translation of `bvc' ; ==================== macro BVC_ move.w P,ccr bvs.s \@1$ addq.l #3+\2,CLOCK bra \1 \@1$: addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `bvs' ; ==================== macro BVS_ move.w P,ccr bvc.s \@1$ addq.l #3+\2,CLOCK bra \1 \@1$: addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `clc' ; ==================== macro CLC_ addq.l #2,CLOCK moveq #0,d0 ; clear carry flag endm ; Translation of `cld' ; ==================== macro CLD_ addq.l #2,CLOCK moveq #0,D_FLAG endm ; Translation of `cli' (not yet implemented) ; ==================== macro CLI_ addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `clv' ; ==================== macro CLV_ addq.l #2,CLOCK moveq #0,d0 ; clear overflow flag endm ; Translation of `cmp' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro CMP_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK cmpi.b \1,A eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Zero Page macro CMP_ZP addq.l #3,CLOCK cmp.b (\1,DATA),A eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro CMP_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 cmp.b (DATA,d1),A addq.l #4,CLOCK eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Absolute macro CMP_AB addq.l #4,CLOCK cmp.b (\1,DATA),A eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Absolute Indexed macro CMP_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 cmp.b (DATA,d1),A eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Indexed Indirect macro CMP_IIX addq.l #6,CLOCK _IIX \1 cmp.b (DATA,d1),A eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Indirect Indexed macro CMP_IIY IIY_CLK \1,#5 _IIY \1 cmp.b (DATA,d1.w),A eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Translation of `cpx' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro CPX_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK cmpi.b \1,X eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Zero Page macro CPX_ZP addq.l #3,CLOCK cmp.b (\1,DATA),X eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Absolute macro CPX_AB addq.l #4,CLOCK cmp.b (\1,DATA),X eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Translation of `cpy' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro CPY_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK cmpi.b \1,Y eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Zero Page macro CPY_ZP addq.l #3,CLOCK cmp.b (\1,DATA),Y eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Absolute macro CPY_AB addq.l #4,CLOCK cmp.b (\1,DATA),Y eori.b #$01,ccr ; flip carry flag endm ; Translation of `dec' ; ==================== ; Zero Page macro DEC_ZP addq.l #5,CLOCK subq.b #1,(\1,DATA) endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro DEC_ZPI addq.l #6,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 subq.b #1,(DATA,d1) endm ; Absolute macro DEC_AB addq.l #6,CLOCK subq.b #1,(\1,DATA) endm ; Absolute Indexed macro DEC_ABI addq.l #7,CLOCK _ABI \1,\2 subq.b #1,(DATA,d1.w) endm ; Translation of `dex' ; ==================== macro DEX_ addq.l #2,CLOCK subq.b #1,X endm ; Translation of `dey' ; ==================== macro DEY_ addq.l #2,CLOCK subq.b #1,Y endm ; Translation of `eor' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro EOR_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK eori.b \1,A endm ; Zero Page macro EOR_ZP addq.l #3,CLOCK move.b (\1,DATA),d0 eor.b d0,A endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro EOR_ZPI addq.l #4,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 eor.b d0,A endm ; Absolute macro EOR_AB addq.l #4,CLOCK move.b (\1,DATA),d0 eor.b d0,A endm ; Absolute Indexed macro EOR_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 eor.b d0,A endm ; Indexed Indirect macro EOR_IIX addq.l #6,CLOCK _IIX \1 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 eor.b d0,A endm ; Indirect Indexed macro EOR_IIY IIY_CLK \1,#5 _IIY \1 move.b (DATA,d1.w),d0 eor.b d0,A endm ; Translation of `inc' ; ==================== ; Zero Page macro INC_ZP addq.l #5,CLOCK addq.b #1,(\1,DATA) endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro INC_ZPI addq.l #6,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 addq.b #1,(DATA,d1) endm ; Absolute macro INC_AB addq.l #6,CLOCK addq.b #1,(\1,DATA) endm ; Absolute Indexed macro INC_ABI addq.l #7,CLOCK _ABI \1,\2 addq.b #1,(DATA,d1) endm ; Translation of `inx' ; ==================== macro INX_ addq.l #2,CLOCK addq.b #1,X endm ; Translation of `iny' ; ==================== macro INY_ addq.l #2,CLOCK addq.b #1,Y endm ; Translation of `jmp' ; ==================== ; Absolute macro JMP_AB addq.l #3,CLOCK bra \1 endm ; Indirect (not yet implemented) macro JMP_MI addq.l #5,CLOCK bra \1 ; this is wrong endm ; Translation of `jsr' ; ==================== macro JSR_ addq.l #6,CLOCK subq.b #2,S bsr \1 endm ; Translation of `lda' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro LDA_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK ifgt 128-\1 moveq #\1,A else move.b #\1,A endif endm ; Zero Page macro LDA_ZP move.b (\1,DATA),A addq.l #3,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro LDA_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),A addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute macro LDA_AB move.b (\1,DATA),A addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute Indexed macro LDA_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),A endm ; Indexed Indirect macro LDA_IIX addq.l #6,CLOCK _IIX \1 move.b (DATA,d1),A endm ; Indirect Indexed macro LDA_IIY IIY_CLK \1,#5 _IIY \1 move.b (DATA,d1.w),A endm ; Translation of `ldx' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro LDX_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK ifgt 128-\1 moveq #\1,X else move.b #\1,X endif endm ; Zero Page macro LDX_ZP move.b (\1,DATA),X addq.l #3,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro LDX_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),X addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute macro LDX_AB move.b (\1,DATA),X addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute Indexed macro LDX_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),X endm ; Translation of `ldy' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro LDY_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK ifgt 128-\1 moveq #\1,Y else move.b #\1,Y endif endm ; Zero Page macro LDY_ZP move.b (\1,DATA),Y addq.l #3,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro LDY_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),Y addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute macro LDY_AB move.b (\1,DATA),Y addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute Indexed macro LDY_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),Y endm ; Translation of `lsr' ; ==================== ; General translation macro LSR_ movem.w (\1-1,DATA),d0 lsr.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(\1-1,DATA) endm ; Accumulator macro LSR_ACC addq.l #2,CLOCK lsr.b #1,A endm ; Zero Page macro LSR_ZP addq.l #5,CLOCK LSR_ \1 endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro LSR_ZPI addq.l #6,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 movem.w (-1,DATA,d1),d0 lsr.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(-1,DATA,d1) endm ; Absolute macro LSR_AB addq.l #6,CLOCK LSR_ \1 endm ; Absolute Indexed macro LSR_ABI addq.l #7,CLOCK _ABI \1,\2 move.w (-1,DATA,d1),d0 lsr.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(-1,DATA,d1) endm ; Translation of `nop' ; ==================== macro NOP_ addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `ora' ; ==================== ; Immediate macro ORA_IMM ori.b \1,A addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page macro ORA_ZP or.b (\1,DATA),A addq.l #3,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro ORA_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 or.b (DATA,d1),A addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute macro ORA_AB or.b (\1,DATA),A addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute Indexed macro ORA_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 or.b (DATA,d1),A endm ; Indexed Indirect macro ORA_IIX addq.l #6,CLOCK _IIX \1 or.b (DATA,d1),A endm ; Indirect Indexed macro ORA_IIY IIY_CLK \1,#5 _IIY \1 or.b (DATA,d1.w),A endm ; Translation of `pha' ; ==================== macro PHA_ addq.l #3,CLOCK move.l A,-(sp) move.b A,(STACK_PAGE,DATA,S) subq.b #1,S endm ; Translation of `php' ; ==================== macro PHP_ move.l P,-(sp) move.b P,(STACK_PAGE,DATA,S) subq.b #1,S addq.l #3,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `pla' ; ==================== macro PLA_ move.l (sp)+,A ; discarded addq.b #1,S move.b (STACK_PAGE,DATA,S),A addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `plp' ; ==================== macro PLP_ addq.l #4,CLOCK move.l (sp)+,P ; discarded addq.b #1,S move.w (STACK_PAGE-1,DATA,S),ccr endm ; Translation of `rol' ; ==================== ; General translation macro ROL_ move.w (\1-1,DATA),d0 move.b P,d1 lsr.b #1,d1 roxl.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(\1-1,DATA) endm ; Accumulator macro ROL_ACC addq.l #2,CLOCK move.b P,d1 lsr.b #1,d1 roxl.b #1,A endm ; Zero Page macro ROL_ZP addq.l #5,CLOCK ROL_ \1 endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro ROL_ZPI addq.l #6,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 move.b P,d0 lsr.b #1,d0 movem.w (-1,DATA,d1),d0 roxl.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(-1,DATA,d1) endm ; Absolute macro ROL_AB addq.l #6,CLOCK ROL_ \1 endm ; Absolute Indexed macro ROL_ABI addq.l #7,CLOCK ; used to be 6 _ABI \1,\2 move.b P,d0 lsb.b #1,d0 movem.w (-1,DATA,d1.w),d0 roxl.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(-1,DATA,d1.w) endm ; Translation of `ror' ; ==================== ; General translation macro ROR_ move.w (\1-1,DATA),d0 move.b P,d1 lsr.b #1,d1 roxr.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(\1-1,DATA) endm ; Accumulator macro ROR_ACC addq.l #2,CLOCK move.b P,d1 lsr.b #1,d1 roxr.b #1,A endm ; Zero Page macro ROR_ZP addq.l #5,CLOCK ROR_ \1 endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro ROR_ZPI addq.l #6,CLOCK _ZPI \1,\2 move.b P,d0 lsr.b #1,d0 movem.w (-1,DATA,d1),d0 roxr.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(-1,DATA,d1) endm ; Absolute macro ROR_AB addq.l #6,CLOCK ROR_ \1 endm ; Absolute Indexed macro ROR_ABI addq.l #7,CLOCK ; used to be 6 _ABI \1,\2 move.b P,d0 lsb.b #1,d0 movem.w (-1,DATA,d1.w),d0 roxr.b #1,d0 movem.w d0,(-1,DATA,d1.w) endm ; Translation of `rti' ; ==================== macro RTI_ addq.l #6,CLOCK move.l (sp)+,a0 move.l (sp)+,P ; discarded addq.b #1,S move.b (STACK_PAGE-1,DATA,S),P addq.b #2,S move.w P,ccr jmp (a0) endm ; Translation of `rts' ; ==================== macro RTS_ addq.l #6,CLOCK addq.b #2,S rts endm ; Translation of `sbc' ; ==================== ; General translation macro SBC_ move.b P,d1 eori.b #$01,d1 lsr.b #1,d1 tst.b D_FLAG bne.s \@1$ ; if in BCD mode subx.b d0,A bra.s \@2$ \@1$: ori.b #$04,ccr ; set zero flag sbcd.b d0,A \@2$: eori.b #$1,ccr ; flip carry bit endm ; Immediate macro SBC_IMM addq.l #2,CLOCK move.b \1,d0 SBC_ endm ; Zero Page macro SBC_ZP move.b (\1,DATA),d0 SBC_ \1 addq.l #3,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro SBC_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 SBC_ addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute macro SBC_AB move.b (\1,DATA),d0 SBC_ addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute Indexed macro SBC_ABI ABI_CLK \1,\2,#4 _ABI \1,\2 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 SBC_ endm ; Indexed Indirect macro SBC_IIX _IIX \1 move.b (DATA,d1),d0 SBC_ addq.l #6,CLOCK endm ; Indirect Indexed macro SBC_IIY IIY_CLK \1,#5 _IIY \1 move.b (DATA,d1.w),d0 SBC_ endm ; Translation of `sec' ; ==================== macro SEC_ addq.l #2,CLOCK move.b #$01,ccr ; set carry bit endm ; Translation of `sed' ; ==================== macro SED_ addq.l #2,CLOCK moveq #1,D_FLAG endm ; Translation of `sei' ; ==================== macro SEI_ addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `sta' ; ==================== ; Zero Page macro STA_ZP addq.l #3,CLOCK move.b A,(\1,DATA) endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro STA_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 move.b A,(DATA,d1) addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute macro STA_AB move.b A,(\1,DATA) addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute Indexed macro STA_ABI addq.l #5,CLOCK _ABI \1,\2 move.b A,(DATA,d1) endm ; Indexed Indirect macro STA_IIX _IIX \1 move.b A,(DATA,d1) addq.l #6,CLOCK endm ; Indirect Indexed macro STA_IIY _IIY \1 move.b A,(DATA,d1.w) addq.l #6,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `stx' ; ==================== ; Zero Page macro STX_ZP move.b X,(\1,DATA) addq.l #3,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro STX_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 move.b X,(DATA,d1) addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute macro STX_AB move.b X,(\1,DATA) addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `sty' ; ==================== ; Zero Page macro STY_ZP move.b Y,(\1,DATA) addq.l #3,CLOCK endm ; Zero Page Indexed macro STY_ZPI _ZPI \1,\2 move.b Y,(DATA,d1) addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Absolute macro STY_AB move.b Y,(\1,DATA) addq.l #4,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `tax' ; ==================== macro TAX_ move.b A,X addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `tay' ; ==================== macro TAY_ move.b A,Y addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `tsx' ; ==================== macro TSX_ move.b S,X addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `txa' ; ==================== macro TXA_ move.b X,A addq.l #2,CLOCK endm ; Translation of `txs' ; ==================== macro TXS_ addq.l #2,CLOCK move.b X,S endm ; Translation of `tya' ; ==================== macro TYA_ move.b Y,A addq.l #2,CLOCK endm endc