; File: Install Atari 2600 Game ; Author: Neil Cafferkey ; ============================= ; A script to translate an Atari 2600 game. ; ; $VER: "Install Atari 2600 Game" 2.2 (12.10.99) ; Set constants (set #kick-too-low-msg "Kickstart 3.0 or greater is required.") (set #askdir-prompt "In which drawer should %s be installed?") (set #ask-name-prompt "Please select the source drawer of the Atari 2600 game you want to translate:" ) (set #ask-name-help @askstring-help) (set #translating-msg "Translating game...") (set #disassembly-error-msg "An error occurred during the disassembly phase." ) (set #assembly-error-msg "An error occurred during the assembly phase." ) (set #exit-msg (cat "Installation complete!\n\n" "%s can be found in \"%s\"." ) ) ; Check Kickstart version (if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 39) (abort #kick-too-low-msg) ) ; Ask for the name of the game (set #app-name (askdir (prompt #ask-name-prompt) (help #ask-name-help) (default "games") )) (set @app-name (fileonly #app-name)) ; Ask where to install to (set #default-dest (askdir (prompt (#askdir-prompt @app-name)) (default @default-dest) (help @askdir-help) (disk) ) ) (set @default-dest #default-dest) ; Translate Atari 2600 program (working #translating-msg) (if (<> 0 (run ("Stack 100000\nElectrostatic \"games/%s\"" (tackon @app-name "program") ) ) ) (abort #disassembly-error-msg) ) ; Copy assembly file to T and delete it from the current directory (copyfiles (source (cat @app-name ".asm")) (dest "T:") (nogauge) (help @copyfiles-help) ) (delete (cat @app-name ".asm")) ; Assemble Atari 2600 program (if (<> 0 (run ("GigaPhxAss QUIET \"T:%s.asm\" TO \"%s\"" @app-name (tackon @default-dest @app-name) ) ) ) (abort #assembly-error-msg) ) ; Copy an icon for the translated program if one doesn't already exist (if (not (exists (tackon @default-dest (cat @app-name ".info")))) (copyfiles (source "Icons/Game Icon.info") (dest @default-dest) (newname (cat @app-name ".info")) (nogauge) (help @copyfiles-help) ) ) ; Exit the script (exit (#exit-msg @app-name @default-dest) (quiet)) ; Make sure the standard welcome screen never appears (welcome)