echo "A500/A2000 Workbench disk. Release 1.2 version 33.59*N" echo "sample Startup-Sequence for use with a Hard Disk with Workbench installed" BindDrivers IF EXISTS sys:system path sys:system add ENDIF IF EXISTS sys:utilities path sys:utilities add ENDIF SetMap usa1 dir ram: path ram: add addbuffers df0: 20 failat 25 assign >NIL: dh0: IF FAIL echo "Transfering control to DH0:*N" path reset assign SYS: dh0: if exists dh0:c assign C: SYS:c endif if exists dh0:l assign L: SYS:l endif if exists dh0:fonts assign FONTS: SYS:fonts endif if exists dh0:s assign S: SYS:s endif if exists dh0:devs assign DEVS: SYS:devs endif if exists dh0:libs assign LIBS: SYS:libs endif if exists dh0:t assign T: SYS:t endif if exists sys:system path sys:system add endif if exists sys:utilities path sys:utilities add endif path ram: add cd dh0: ENDIF LoadWB SetClock >NIL: Opt load endcli > nil: