# Atari 7800 ProSystem Cartridge CRC List # Compiled by Chris Henry # Note: This list is provided as a record of known dumps for this system. # These checksums have not been validated and cannot be assumed correct. # They are provided here as a database to help the emulation of this system. # Send corrections and submissions to: battlepriest@hotmail.com # crc= Game Name | Year |Manufacturer [a7800] eac69cf0 = Asteroids | 1984/1986 | Atari 44615260 = Ball Blazer | 1987 | Atari/Lucasfilm 5f94939e = Centipede | 1984/1986 | Atari d3ba607f = Choplifter | 1987 | Atari a6a62e78 = Desert Falcon | 1987 | Atari 8ead573d = Dig Dug | 1984/1986 | Atari d7a55f95 = Donkey Kong | 1988 | Atari 6e989686 = Donkey Kong Jr. | 1988 | Atari 03ec1894 = Food Fight | 1984/1986 | Atari 6b58fbd6 = F18 | 1988 | Absolute Entertainment | NOT PLAYABLE (Hangs After Game Starts) cffaa1b7 = Galaga | 1984/1986 | Atari 6247efa8 = Hat Trick | 1987 | Atari fda13f77 = Joust | 1984/1986 | Atari 7089a354 = Karateka | 1987 | Atari 4d072a3e = Mario Bros. | 1988 | Atari 5ec9c910 = Ms. Pac-Man | 1984/1986 | Atari 34646e22 = One-on-One | 1987 | Atari 4bf501cb = Pole Position 2 | 1984/1986 | Atari ab7bc9ce = Robotron 2084 | 1984/1986 | Atari 629d1032 = Super Huey | 1989 | Atari 5db957a6 = Waterski | 1988 | Froggo Games 44584fa2 = Xevious | 1984/1986 | Atari #[known_bad_dumps]