Supported CLI options: FRAMESKIP/N : frameskip 1-9 (def: 3). JOYPAD/S : use CD32 joypad (def: keyboard). CGFX/S : use CyberGraphics instead of direct gfxmem access (def: off). REQUESTER/S : use screenmode requester (def: CGFX BestModeID/PAL Lores). SCREENMODE/N : use the specified screenmode (def: CGFX BestModeID/PAL Lores). DEPTH/N : force screendepth where N can be 8 or 16 (CGFX) (def: automatic). RATE/N : samplerate, 11025 - 22050 Hz are allowed, 0 = off (def: 22050). VERBOSE/S : print some additional information to stdio (def: off). NOTE: RATE = 0 will stop sound playback and emulation. Known bugs: MESS crashes if you for example use system GENESIS but forget to give CARTRIDGE argument as well, I hope to be able to fix this soon. History: 000524 -Added a verbose options which will give some additional information. 000525 -The frameskip code was ALL wrong, MAME/MESS wanted to know when to NOT render a frame, not the opposite which I would give it, fixed. -When MAME/MESS asks you to press a key, and no screen has been opened, a keypress will now be faked, and thus MAME/MESS will no longer lock. -The MAME/MESS startup text should now always fit on screen. -All Amiga keys are now mapped to MAME/MESS ones.