* Depack routine for FlashPack 2.1›* By Fox of Taquart, 5th May 1997›* Average speed: 30 kB/sec››* 4 bytes on page 0›ff equ $fc›bt equ $fd›ad equ $fe››* Do not start routine here!!!›dep1 tax› beq ret› lda #$7f›dep2 bcc *+3› inx› inx› sta ad›dep3 lda (ad),y›put sta $8080,y› iny› bne dep4› inc ad+1› inc put+2›dep4 dex› bne dep3› asl bt› bne dep7› asl ff› bne dep5›* Routine starts here!›start equ *›* sei›* inc $d40e›* lda #$fe›* sta $d301› sec› jsr get› rol @› sta ff›dep5 lda #1› bcc dep6› jsr get› rol @›dep6 sta bt›dep7 jsr get› ldx #1› bcc put› lsr @› bne dep2› jsr get› bcs dep1› tay› jsr get› sta ad+1› sta put+2› bcc dep7 !›* Set address of packed data here!›* (or make your own "get" routine)›get lda $ffff› inc get+1› bne ret› inc get+2›ret rts›*exit inc $d301›* lsr $d40e›* cli›* rts›› end of code››If you want disable ROM while depacking,›just un-remark some lines (I bet you›know which) and replace "beq ret" with›"beq exit".›It is useful if you want to have some›data in RAM under ROM.›If you have any questions, just›contact me.› Fox sends greetz to all of coders!›