» Ú Ř@ ##@@R:HHOPENs the modem (the R:) for read/write/append (the 13) as IOCB #2›++@4@ACR:ddXIO 34 sets the data terminal ready flag, the request to send flag, and the data transmit flag›''#2 specifies IOCB #2 is being set›LL243 sets all of them on (162 is all off and combinations are possible)›0 is a dummy number›(("R:" specifies that it's the modem›++@6@@@R: wwxio 36 sets the baud rate, stop bits, word size, data set ready flag, clear to send flag, and carrier detect flag›!#2 specifies IOCB #2›"ll10 specifies 1200 baud, 1 stop bit, and a word size of 8 (1 stop bit and a word size of 8 is normal --›#UU-- other settings are possible -- 0 specifies 300 baud, 12 specifies 2400 baud)›$ggthe 7 sets the data set ready, clear to send, and carrier detect flags on (0 sets them all off --›%##-- combinations are possible)›&%%the R: specifies it's the modem›(++@8@@2R:+&&XIO 38 sets the translation mode›,#2 specifies IOCB #2›-dd32 specifies no translation (0 specifies light translation and 16 specifies heavy translation)›.tt0 is a dummy number unless in heavy translation in which case it's the value of the character that all illegal›/&&characters will be translated to›0R: specifies the modem›2++@@@R:4&&XIO 40 sets the concurrent block›5DD-- in other words, it turns on all the options listed above --›6the #2 specifies IOCB #2›7##the two 0's are dummy numbers›8 the R: specifies the modem›<##@@K:AGGOPENs the K: (Keyboard) handler for read only (the 4) on IOCB #4.›F@€KqqSTATUS #2 checks IOCB #2 for it's current "STATUS" -- to see if there is anything being read from it mostly›P F:Ad, AUA@U77PEEK(764) is the last key pressed on the keyboard›V00if it's 255, there has been no key pressed›ZF:AG,A_OOPEEK(747) is the length of the buffer in IOCB #2 (the modem in this case)›`//if it's 0, there has been no keys pressed›a??this peek gets set whenever a STATUS command is executed.›d @pi**GOTO "GOTO"s the line specified (70)›n)@€s99GET "GET"s a character from the IOCB specified (#2)›t77this character is an ascii/atascii character code›x (>:€,}? "PRINT"s something.›~TTin this case, it prints the ascii/atascii character (CHR$) of whatever is in X›&&X was GETed above from the modem›‚ @p‡**GOTO "GOTO"s the line specified (70)›Ś)@€‘99GET "GET"s a character from the IOCB specified (#4)›’77this character is an ascii/atascii character code›–*@€›CCPUT "PUT"s a character in the IOCB specified (#2 - the modem)›ś77this character is an ascii/atascii character code›ťFFthis PUTs the character GETed from the keyboard out to the modem›  @pĄ**GOTO "GOTO"s the line specified (70)›€D2:FBASE.1>SMPLTERM.BAS