0ABAFLAADD@e SIMPLESOFT**RON LECKRONE, BOX 5245, APO NY 09633 JOYSTICK VOTING PROGRAM(?6-6-'6-36-?6-2;@,dPROGRAM BEGINS HEREi##@@K:n9 }6-'AdAU9Ao++ # ԠˠҠs/(/($ This program tallies votes for twox--(%parties or abstains for other partiesy))(!using a joystick and fire button.}0(0(%tarts a new tally. (Erases old data)&(&(ontinues a previous tally.*(*(dds totals from disk or disks..(.(#You must return to this menu before,,($ending program with the break key or!!(turning off the computer.*(*(Pressing the ŠҠ at any''(point returns you to this menu..(.(Demos= Repubs= Other=/(/($Press a highlighted letter to start.)@l"@)"A>@@D:VOTESJ6-V6-b6-l AH"@g)"@>@@ D:VOTESH A#"@e)"@# A ASTART SCREENAdAU@ +@-@@ @READY TO VOTE?-@@ @ democratic-@@ @ republican-@@ "" @PRESS BUTTON"-@A#-F:Ad,"@3#@- A$%T:,@'% A& ,ATTRACT MODE6-@@@ @ republicanJ-@@T @ democratic^-@A_-F:Ad,"@3#@- A`%T:,@'% Ab  A0START VOTING-@@!! @SELECT ONE ܯ-@@ @ democratic-@@ @ republican-@@ "" @PRESS BUTTON-@@"" @ MOVE LEVER LETS VOTE5+R:,"@)R:,"@5 AH>R:,"@)R:,"@)R:,"@H AH>R:,"@ )R:,"@)R:,"@H A (*T:," ( A&-F:Ad,"@3#@- AN AXRECORD VOTES TO DISKb @l 4O6-%@v 4D6-%@ 4R6-%@6- +@-@@ @ -@A  AVOTING ABSTAIN-@@ @ democratic -@@ @ republican -@@"" @ TO ABSTAIN 6-@  6.O$ VOTING DEMOCRATIC*-@@4 @ ü>-@@H @ republican R-@@\"" @ TO VOTE f6-@p 6.Dz$VOTING REPUBLICAN-@@ @ democratic -@@ @ μ-@@"" @ TO VOTE 6-@ 6.R$READ DISK AND TALLY VOTES'6-6-'6- }A,(,(! Be certain that your disk is in%%(drive one and press Π.V((@@D:VOTES` Aj)@"@y6-%@"@h6-%@"@6-%@ A0@&(&( Do you have another disk?( Enter es or o:4Y)4y A REPORT OF TALLY +@(-@@2 @ DEMOCRATIC <-@@F @ REPUBLICAN P-@@Z @ ABSTAIN d-@@n @ Ҽ-F:Ad,"@3#@- A AD:SIMPLE#############################################################################################