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Use another one! NLM擩` 9@ȢBJK UM( 9@ @ Q @ Try another disk...LN bM  9@0:` 9@0, NLM@ƥǤȦɥ@@@ OL?OL@ǐ|ƐvtHƝDǝE8ƝHhǝIHI ֝HםI}H}I晥8H֥Iװإ}Hƥ}Iǩ B V0`L@حȭɥ PI)UL"M P8Ȩ' #&B UML@LMNL9@ P)U *UР P)U PL?PƆǩ)֩UץL@Q sM 9@'ş @(Reading file M @ 9@BJK UMH 9@hɪ @ Q @LP%BLMN UML@ ^JLQƝHǝI֝DםEB VH8HƥIǥ}H֥}IhɈ擩LPL@)ƩUǥ`@ȥɠƑLQ @This is not ` @Can't open file !`[\]^_`abcde`eLUah`h``` '`L ``H`H`HI BLVL&`H :`h! :><ɛ饂` d0 k` B VL`*.*JKDEB V0&`BDE@HI VژH `Error h a aHH 0 '`hh䩛 '` `ȱ ` t a` l  d 0 ;aȹ . 쩛`?_0 :A[8`S `Incorrect DOS versionl i;` i<` i? ɛF `COPY ver. 1.2 for BW-DOSSyntax: COPY source destination[/A]l a` =`@ =`?a*]ɛDO =b @b 'd  'd e a  GcLaL`,ɛ x`` =b @b 'dFF dL$c dL$c a e a$)H)H)h}7c h  dD5@*ɛ `Can't copy a file to itself !L` `Copying DE@HI B V8f Gc0LqbLaL` (2`H0 8f0@ |`h0cDcEcHcIc̩ B VL` ? ld ld*. ;af ldf/ A` $ `ș`L`FJD K ` `0ۭɛ `0ϭo `0 `08f `010"0&0  `:@8fLk` ?`ghijklmn`ctL`#`IU#```L]`=a5=`5a5V`5Su5~5`5a55UVV^V5URtuv5Ψ;6:''06!uu#0'&<:;utU9_U_M|U9_UT_1UUUVVUeReUUUUUUUWUUQU uuTwBUUuuuuuuu*UUPE5~1y1f1^|1UVE_m_r1^U}1us1eE59dUUUUPRUUUUuv5Ψ;!0';49u'':'tU9_UuE0V1uv5 u1'<#0'u;:!u<;&!49901tUuv54;r!u'08:#0{ΨU9_Uuv5 u<&u;:!u!=0u94&!<;&!49901u=4;190'tU-1WmWԅw*T΀EW^U*U̳W݅uv5 u1'<#0'u'08:#01{U9_UWmwWUtՌ0Aݕ_]Ռ0SݕP5ՅWԓԜE5+(.": j*********U00*ҀUҀҀ*ҀUҀ\*ҀTM]UҀ*Ҁ}]ӜZ05UUUUUUUUTWQ]EuuwزWwؽW5*uՀUga݅5߀+!UVdRTVUP==QVTagPVU`f\Vw]VVVWVKDQXa݅Eay==VV5!+ՅWVEQՅhWS`U*gfTVV_VM<ɛ`*%.-? 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It's on you to select what's better for you.BACKUP Dn: file [/S[max.sector][/D(S|M|D|X)]][/Lmax.len.]BACKUP file Dn: [/F[X]]BACKUP Dn: Dn: [/S[max.sector][/D(S|M|D|X)]][/F[X]] (External command) This is a new version of BACKUP. The syntax and function is the same as with the old version. Now it is improved a little, so it should recognize density in the "/S" mode with a non-XF551 drives too. It also doesn't write empty sectors after formatting the target disk.COPY source destination (External command) A new version of COPY. A little bug that caused the message "Error 000" was removed. This version is also prepared for future use of a turbo-tape system (especially for Czech users - if the file isn't longer than memory-buffer then new COPY uses only one IOCB open at a time (instead of three), and if a wildcard is present in source file specification, it uses directory-listing to transfer filenames on other devices than "D:" too.)DOSDRIVE n (Resident command) This is a new resident command. It causes all the external commands (read-only files with no path specified - just like the searching in DOS directory) to be searched on the drive specified by "DOSDRIVE" first. Let's say that you've placed the external commands in a Ramdisk "D8:". After executing "DOSDRIVE 8" you can call these commands on any drive, and it will allways load from the Ramdisk. (It'll be searched in the working directory on drive 8, then in the directory DOS on drive 8, and then on the specified drive.)NEWED file [parameters] (External command) This command simply starts the specified file (program) - with the original OS-ROM's "E:" vector placed in HATABS. It should be used to run any new "E:" handlers (like XEP80, HYPER E etc.) under BW-DOS 1.20 and later. More info under XBW130.DOS.RAMBOX n[F] (Resident command) This is a Ramdisk driver for RAM-cartridge called "RAMBOX" that is sold by JRC in Czech republic. The parameter "n" is drive number, and "F" causes formatting of the Ramdisk. The supported size of RAMBOX memory is 32-4096kB.UNERASE file (External command) This is a new version of UNERASE. Please don't use the old version anymore, because it contained a bug. (If you'll need to use the old version for some reason, then type allways the absolute path.)XBW130.DOS (DOS file) This is a new version of BW-DOS. Since the last released versions 1.00 and 1.10, the following changes are included:--- Reading the last byte of a file is now indicated by status 3. This new feature makes BW-DOS more compatible with several DOS 2 clones. (The commands BLOAD and BRUN in Turbo Basic works fine now.) Included since BW-DOS version 1.20.--- Installation of new "E:" drivers is now allowed. When the "E:" vector in HATABS is replaced by any program, BW-DOS will link the new handler into its I/O redirection routines automatically after the first DIVIO/XDIVIO call, or after entering the CP. This allows you to install any new "E:" handlers (XEP80, HYPER E etc. - even in a batch) as long, as the program returns to the CP. (The function of batch files and HardCopy is interrupted till return to the CP.) Included since BW-DOS version 1.20. Installation of any new "E:" handlers should be done with the "NEWED" command to prevent the new handler from copying the BW-DOS's "E:" vector (from HATABS) into its code.--- The command "TYPE" is no more limited to 64 characters per line. Now it can display any files with no limit on line length. Included since BW-DOS version 1.30.--- The method of handling the allocation pointers (positions 18 and 20 in sector 1) was changed. The new method provides much better protection of the directory-area on disk, and so the directories are not mixed between data sectors as often as under older BW-DOS versions or SpartaDOS. This results in faster access to directories - after saving and deleting many files the speed doesn't decrease like under older BW-DOS or SpartaDOS. Also writing the last sectors on a disk is now faster - especially on "Medium" density or a high-capacity disk. The new method of handling the allocation pointers still keeps the 100% read/write compatibility with every SpartaDOS versions 2.x and later. Included since BW-DOS version 1.30.while the HardCopy function is sending output into a file on the disk, while you are editing a file with HEXEDIT etc. In addition, while a file is open in write or update mode, don't press and don't turn the computer off. DISKS AND DIRECTORIES ===================== Every disk under BW-DOS have its name (Volume), and main directory. There may be almost unlimited number of other directories, each placed in another one like a file. Viewed from a directory, every directories which are in it are "subdirectories", and viewed from a subdirectory, the directory in which it is may be called "parent directory". BW-DOS directories may contain up to 1424 files or directories, but it is recommended to keep this number less than 100, because the access to long directories is slow. Besides of this, while working with SpartaDOS, only SpartaDOS X (version 4.x) is able to use BW-DOS directories in full - other versions will work only with the first 126 files (the rest will be invisible). Working directory is directory, where all the files will be searched when no path is specified, or where the relative path have its begin. For each disk drive there is working directory, which is independent of another drives. Every disk change, , jump through DOSINI vector, or booting up will set the main diectory as working. The path is used to specify in which directory the wanted file (or directory) is. Path is simply a list of directories you need to go through from working directory to the target directory. Single names (including filename after the path) are separated by the ">" character. There are two kinds of path: Absolute and relative. Absolute path begins with a single ">" character, and it begins in main directory, while relative path have no ">" at its begin, and it begins in working directory. In addition, at the begin of relative path there can be any number of "<" characters - each one tell BW-DOS to go into parent directory. For example ">DATA>TEXTS>filename" means that the file is in directory "TEXTS", which is in directory "DATA" in main directory. "MUSIC>filename" means that the file is in directory "MUSIC", which is in the working directory. "filename" means that the file is in directory "BASIC", which is in the same directory, where the working directory is. Special directory is "DOS" in the main directory. Every files for reading (or programs for starting), which are not in working directory, are searched in the "DOS" directory too. This works only when no path is specified! It is recommended to place external commands, the DOS itself, and other commonly used "read only" files in this directory to provide a simple access never mind the working directory. Besides of this, it's a very good idea to create separate directories for different file types, such as Basic programs, texts etc. (When you'll save everything to the main directory, it'll become very long soon - the access will be slow, and the listing will be almost unreadable.)DIR [Dn:][path>][filename] (Internal command) This command show contents of the specified directory. When no filename is specified, every files will be listed. This listing starts with the volume name of the disk, and name of the listed directory. It shows for each file filename, length, and date/time when the file was created. Directories are indicated by "" listed instead of length. At the end of listing you'll see number of free sectors on the disk. The listing looks like this:Volume: TESTSDirectory: MAINDOS 11-06-94 16:01TEST1 BAS 1231 11-06-94 16:32 573 FREE SECTORSDIRS [Dn:][path>][filename] (Internal command) This command provides the same function as "DIR", but the listing is in Atari DOS 2 style now. Directories are indicated by "DIR" in inverse video instead of extension. Note that length of files is in sectors now (one sector contains 128 bytes in Single or Medium density, or 256 bytes in Double density). The file in fact occupies a few sectors more; they are used for internal informations for the FMS. The star before filename means that the file is protected. Every numbers in this listing (file length and number of free sectors) are only 3 digits long; any number greater than 999 will be shown as "999". This listing looks like this:* DOS DIR 000* TEST1 BAS 010573 FREE SECTORSCWD [Dn:]path (Internal command) This command will set the directory specified by path as working directory.Dn: (Internal function) You can change current drive number by typing the new "Dn:" instead of command. This drive number will be used when no "Dn:" is specified. Note that this only works in the CP!CREDIR [Dn:][path>]name (Internal command) This command will make a new directory specified by "name". Note that you can't make a directory with the same name as a file in the same directory.DELDIR [Dn:][path>]name (Internal command) This is the command for deleting directories. You can only delete an empty directory - if there are any files or directories in it, you need to remove them first. Never try to delete the working directory!AUTOCWD [Dn:]path (Resident command) When you are working with a program, which is protected against the key (for example ATMAS II), you can't load/save your files after easily, because the working directory was changed by the to main directory. To prevent this problem, install AUTOCWD before starting the program. This command will do the same job as the "CWD" command after every (or jump through DOSINI vector).DOSDRIVE n (Resident command) This command provides easy access to external commands placed for example in a RamDisk. With "DOSDRIVE" installed, you can call the external commands without of typing "Dn:" before each one. Every files for reading (and programs for starting) with no path specified will be searched on the drive "n" first (working, and then "DOS" directory). When the file isn't on your DOS-drive, then it'll be searched on the originally specified drive.CHKDSK [Dn:] (External command) This command will display a little info about the disk. It contains volume name, two internal numbers (sequential and random - used for disk identification), size of sectors, and total/free disk capacity in bytes. The listing looks like this: Volume: TESTDISK 21 138Bytes/sector: 128 Total bytes: 92160 Bytes free: 73344CHVOL [Dn:]name (External command) This command will change the volume name of disk.+      !"#$%&'()* PROTECTION, ERASING, AND RENAMING ================================= Every file or directory may be protected. (This state is indicated by the "*" character before filename in the listing from "DIRS" command.) Protected files may not be changed or erased (but they can be renamed!), protected directories only may not be erased.RENAME file filename (Internal command) This command allows you to rename a file specified by "file" parameter to new name "filename". You can use wild cards in both the names to rename a set of files, and to leave specified characters in the name unchanged. (For example when you have files "TEST" and "BEST", after the command "RENAME ?EST ????S" you'll get files "TESTS" and "BESTS".) Use wildcards only if you know exactly, what are you doing! When you'll change two filenames in a directory to be the same, you can't work with the second one anymore, and the only thing you can do is to erase such a "double file". You can't rename directories with this command.ERASE file (Internal command) This is the command for erasing files. When you'll use wildcards, you can erase several files with one command, but better don't do it... Protected files and directories are invisible for this command.PROTECT fileUNPROTECT file (Internal commands) The "PROTECT" command is protecting files, "UNPROTECT" is unprotecting files - that's clear. With wildcards you can (un)protect set of files. Both the commands can (un)protect directories too.UNERASE file (External command) This command will try to restore specified file(s) after erasing them. This may be possible, because the files are not really erased by the "ERASE" command - they are only marked as free disk space to be used for other files in future. The unerasing process may be impossible if you saved anything to the disk after erasing the file; in this case even contents of a sucessfully unerased file may be wrong. It's better to make a serious decision before erasing a file, because the unerasing process will never be 100% safe! Don't use the UNERASE version older than 1.2 (the one with no version number included) - it contained a bug. COPYING ======= If you want to copy files to another disk with only one disk drive, you need to use the menu program.TYPE file (Internal command) This command shows contents of a textfile (for example batch files). Since BW-DOS version 1.30, there isn't any limit on line length.COPY [Dn:][path>][filename] [Dn:][path>][filename[/A]] (External command) This is the main command for copying files; it'll copy file(s) specified by the first parameter to file(s) specified by the second one. You can use any I/O device instead of "Dn:" (for example "COPY K: P:"; most of these devices will ignore any filenames). When copying disk files, you can use wild cards in both the filenames to copy a set of files, and save them with another names (see "RENAME" command). When no filename is specified, every files in directory will be copied (first parameter), or the files will get their original names (second parameter). NEVER try to copy a file to itself - this is the easiest way how to destroy a file! On the other I/O devices you can use wild cards and filenames also (with "COPY" version 1.2), but only in the case that your device handler supports filenames and directory reading. When the directory-listing supplied by the handler contains only one file, and the file isn't longer than free memory, then "COPY" will never open more than one file at a time - this is prepared for a future "Turbo tape" system. Examples: "COPY >DOS> D8:" - Copy the whole directory DOS to drive 8 (RamDisk). "COPY E: file" - Create a new textfile. Press +<3> when you've entered the whole contents for new file. "COPY file P:" - Send file(s) to the printer.BACKUP Dn: file [/S[max.sector][/D(S|M|D|X)]][/Lmax.len.]BACKUP file Dn: [/F[X]]BACKUP Dn: Dn: [/S[max.sector][/D(S|M|D|X)]][/F[X]] (External command) This command is there for making backup copies of whole disks. The first syntax is for copying the whole disk into file(s), second syntax is for restoring the disk back from file(s), and the third syntax is for copying directly from one disk to another. Filenames may not contain any extensions; if there is any, it will be overwritten. BACKUP will add its own extensions (serial number of the file). While copying from a disk (that is: not from file), it'll copy the whole contents of a BW-DOS compatible disk (only sectors marked as "in use" in the bitmap) unless you'll use the "/S" parameter. With "/S" it'll copy the whole disk exactly, so you can copy almost anything in this way. (Boot-software etc.) After the "/S" parameter you can add number of the last sector to copy (this may be useful for nonstandard disks, such as non 40 tracks disks, or a RamDisk). BACKUP tests the density of copied disk automatically, but sometimes it may fail (especially with Single sided Double density on the XF 551, or with a RamDisk) - in this case you need to add "/D" followed by a single letter density code: S=Single M=Medium D=Double X=Double sided Double density. For nonstandard disks you may need to type both maximum sector and density (for sector length setting). While copying into file(s), BACKUP will divide the whole data into files with length depending on disk capacity. When you need to have the backup files shorter (for example if you want to copy them later), you need to add the "/L" parameter followed by maximum file length. While copying to a whole disk, you can add "/F" to format the disk before writing (in the same format as the source disk had) - this only works for standard Single, Medium, Double, or Double sided Double density disks; other disks such as hard disks or RamDisks must be formatted already. When you add "X" after the "/F" parameter, it'll use the high speed format on XF 551. After formatting, the program will skip empty sectors while writing (to increase speed). Every unfinished copy is marked in a special way, so when you try to boot such a disk, you'll get a warning message. The current version 1.2 is improved a little, so it should recognize density in the "/S" mode also on other drives than XF 551.MOVE file [Dn:][path] (External command) This command allows you to move a file or subdirectory into another directory on the same disk quickly. The greatest difference between "COPY" and "MOVE" is that MOVE removes the file from source directory, and is much faster. It also doesn't need any free sectors on the disk, because it only moves the filename into an other directory - without of copying the file itself. FORMATTING AND RAMDISKS =======================FORMAT [Dn:] (External command) This is the main command for formatting disks, and installing BW-DOS. (Formatting must be the first thing done on a new disk.) The drive number specified as a parameter is used for searching DOS files, NOT for formatting! The program will ask you for necessary things, and then format the disk. This program may not be controlled from a batch file. RamDisks may not be formatted in this way. !!!WARNING!!! Formatting will erase every data on the disk - never mind if they are protected or not - and it may not be unerased anymore. The only protection against this is to place the write protect tab on your disk. The first question is which DOS version you wish to install on the formatted disk. You'll get a little menu with every DOS files found on the disk (files "X*.DOS" in directory "DOS", and in the main directory) - select the correct one, or press for none. It is possible to install any version of BW-DOS, or any disk based version of SpartaDOS 2.x and later. Next questions are for drive number, density, volume name, and if use the XF 551 h,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcigh speed format or not. Note that you can only select a density, which is supported by your drive. (That is: Atari 810 - Single; Atari 1050 - Single or Medium; expanded Atari 1050 - Single, Medium, or Double; XF 551 - Single, Medium, Double, or Double sided Double density; other drive - see manual for the drive.) Now insert the disk you want to format, make sure that it is REALLY the disk you want to format, and press to format it. If the disk was formatted in the same density already (without of errors of course!), and you want to clear it only, press - in this case the FORMAT program will skip physical formatting. If an error appear while formatting, you'll get a chance to try it again, but better use another disk - the first one is probably bad. After formatting it'll create BW-DOS disk structures, and if you've selected a DOS, it'll create the directory "DOS" and install the DOS file there. The last question is if you want to format another disk.RAMDISK n[E][F] [file] (Resident command) RamDisk driver version 1.2. This resident command sets up an emulated disk drive using a 130XE compatible RAM expansion (up to 1MB). This means that you can use your extra memory in the same way as a disk drive - excepting formatting and booting. It's clear that every files from such a RamDisk will be lost if you turn the computer off, or if you use a program, that is using extra memory for other purposes. The "n" parameter is the number of RamDisk drive. (BW-DOS only supports drives 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8.) If you add "F", the RamDisk will be formatted (without of "F" it'll format only when the previously existing format was invalid). Without of "F", you can mostly re-install the driver (even after a re-boot) without of destroying the contents of your RamDisk. (The parameter "N" used with older version of the driver is still possible, and will be ignored.) The "E" parameter will cause that it will not use 130XE compatible banks (only for machines with more than 128kB memory), so it'll not collide with 130XE software. When the RamDisk collide with your software with the "E" parameter too, and you know that there are some memory banks left, you need to use the configuration file. This file may be between 1 and 64 bytes long, and it contains the values which must be stored at $D301 to get different banks in the area of $4000-$7FFF. (16kB - 1024kB RamDisk is possible) To re-format an existing RamDisk, change its configuration, or change the drive number, simply start this command again. Note that the resident part of RamDisk driver uses a part of extra RAM for itself, so any collision in the extra RAM may cause a lock up of SIO operations.XLRDISK n[N] (Resident command) This command works like the "RAMDISK" command, but it uses the RAM under OS-ROM as the RamDisk. It works on every XL/XE machines, independent of RamDisk installed by the "RAMDISK" command. (This one does not support the "E" parameter, and the configuration file.) Size of this RamDisk is 14kB, and it'll be formatted each time you run this command, unless you use the "N" parameter. Note that you can use this RamDisk only when you know that it'll not cause a collision in the RAM under OS-ROM. It is O.K. with every programs working under SpartaDOS 2.x or 3.x. A little problem with the screen may be caused by this driver. It results in a little horizontal lines flasing on the screen during SIO operations, but it may not cause any damage.RAMBOX n[F] (Resident command) This command provides the same function as "RAMDISK", but it uses the memory contained in the "RAMBOX" cartridge (by JRC, Czech republic). The parameter "E" and the configuration file isn't supported. Possible sizes of the RAMBOX memory are 32-4096kB. SPECIAL COMMANDS ================CAR (Internal command) This command will jump to a program in cartridge, or to internal Basic (if enabled - only XL/XE). If you've not used an external command since you leaved the cartridge, your data (Basic program) will not be lost.BASIC (ON|OFF) (Internal command) This command can turn the internal Basic (XL/XE) on or off. With Basic off you have more free memory, and several programs works in this mode only. This command works only with no cartridge installed, and it'll allways erase data from user memory (Basic program).RUN [address] (Internal command) This command will start a program at given adress. With no parameter it'll restart the last loaded program, or the last program started with this command. This command is there for advanced users and programmers; a "RUN" with a wrong adress results in a system lock up, and it may even cause a data loss. The "RUN" command may be used by everyone for a few purposes: "RUN" - Restart the last loaded program (but first look into the manual for your program to know if is it possible, or not); "RUN E477" - The same as turning the computer off and on, but this is much better for the hardware, and it will not erase data in RamDisk; "RUN E471" - This will jump to the Self test program, or to the menu of Q-MEG operating system (if installed).VERIFY (ON|OFF) (External command) With this command you can swith the "Write with verify" function on or off. The common state is "OFF" - this means that the sectors written to a disk are not verified. It allows the drive to write quickly. If you turn this function "ON", it'll read every sector after writing it, and compare the data. This results in a very slow writing; it may only be useful while using bad quality disks. (Better buy good disks!)BOOT file (External command) With this command you can specify a file to be loaded, while the system is booted up (when you turn the computer "on" with the disk in drive 1). Commonly it is a DOS file, but other files may be booted too - see the conditions below. The common use of this command is installing the DOS on a disk that was previously formatted with no DOS, or with an older version. To install a DOS on a disk, you should copy the "X*.DOS" file (the "DOS" directory is recommended), and then use the "BOOT" command to install it. The booting process is done by a little loader, which is in sectors 1-3 on every BW-DOS (or SpartaDOS 2.x and later) disks. The file which is booted must be in the "DOS loadable" format, and it must contain a RUN adress. If there are not at least two bytes between end of file, and end of physical data sector (that is in Basic: "IF 128*INT((LNGTH+127)/128)-LNGTH<2"), then two zero bytes must be added as an EOF mark. The booted file may not be loaded into the area of $2E00-$317F, where is the loader itself. Note that the loader is different from the one found on SpartaDOS disks a little bit: If you are booting from a SpartaDOS disk, then no segments in the file - excepting the first one - may begin with the $FFFF header. Besides of this, the SpartaDOS loader is not fully compatible with the XF 551 disk drive. When you'll erase the file specified to be booted, an attempt to boot such a disk may give almost any result.efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ BATCH FILES AND HARDCOPY ========================-file (Internal function) This syntax will start a batch file. Batch file is in fact a text file, which contains a list of commands to be executed. Standard extension for a batch file is "BAT". When you start a batch file, the computer will read commands not from the keyboard, but from the batch file! This works not only in the CP, it works in most of other programs too (for example Atari Basic). There are of course exceptions - for example the menu program, several text editors etc. You can use batch files in two ways:- When you need to execute several "time eating" programs, put their list into a batch file, start it, and then you can for example go to the lunch - the computer will work on its own.- You can use batch files to write a simple "programs" for some tasks, for example to install RamDisk and copy selected external commands there etc. A batch file named "STARTUP.BAT" (in main directory, or in the directory "DOS") will be executed every time you boot the system. It is good to place commands for system configuration in such a file. Since BW-DOS supports no "AUTORUN.SYS" file, you need to put a name of such a program into "STARTUP.BAT". When the file "STARTUP.BAT" doesn't exist, BW-DOS will jump to cartridge (if any) after booting. For example, I need to do following things after booting the system: Install RamDisk, turn the internal Basic off, switch to directory "ATMAS" (and install "AUTOCWD"), and run ATMAS II macroassembler, which is in main directory under the name "ATMAS.COM". The file "STARTUP.BAT" will be following: RAMDISK 8 BASIC OFF CWD >ATMAS> AUTOCWD >ATMAS> XBAT >ATMAS Every error message in the CP will stop any batch file to prevent problems. The batch file will be also aborted by starting another one.PRINT device:PRINT filePRINT (Internal command) The first and the second syntax will start the HardCopy function, the third syntax will stop this function. HardCopy function allows you to copy all the screen output from almost every programs to a specified device or file. It doesn't work with programs, which are not using CIO for screen output - for example the menu program. This function is there especially for printing output from programs on a printer, but you can copy the output to any file/device.PAUSE (External command) This command may be used in a batch file only. It will wait for the key; the key will stop the batch file. The "PAUSE" command is there to allow disk changes. Don't forget, that you may not change a disk, on which is the working batch file.IFELSEENDIF (External commands) These commands may be used in a batch file only. It will ask the user, which block of commands should be executed. The syntax of such a part of batch file is: IF the question commands... ELSE commands... ENDIF It will display the line with question, and wait for an answer or . If the answer is , then all the commands between "IF" and "ELSE" will be executed; if the answer is , then every commands between "ELSE" and "ENDIF" will be executed. (The key will stop the batch file.) When there are no commands for the answer , the "ELSE" command may be excluded. It is possible to make much more complicated structures by starting another batch files inside an "IF", "ELSE", "ENDIF" block - but there isn't any way to return back into the first batch file, you can only start it from begin again.XBAT file [parameters] (External command) This command will start a program (like the CP), but stop a batch file first. This may be necessary for starting some programs from a batch file - There are few programs which may not run with a batch file at the same time, because of collision in IOCB 5. (See technical notes for more info.)NEWED file [parameters] (External command) This command starts the specified program, with the I/O redirection routines of BW-DOS temporary disabled. (The batch file and HardCopy will be "paused" when the specified program works.) This should be used while installing a new "E:" handler, such as the XEP 80, or different screen-output speeders.;any comments (Internal function) You can add lines with comments into a batch file; such a line must begin with a ";" character. If you are a SpartaDOS user, you probably noticed that there is no "XDIV" command. That's because the HATABS table is in its original state while no batch file or HardCopy function is active. This means that you can start programs - which needs the "XDIV" in SpartaDOS - directly, and with the "XBAT" command you even can start such a program from a batch file. (In a limited fashion, you can also use "NEWED" to start some programs with a batch file "paused" only.) DATE AND TIME ============= Every files and directories have its date and time in BW-DOS - it is the date/time when they were created. To provide this information while creating a file, there is a clock in BW-DOS. Because of little memory available for the DOS, the BW-DOS's clock is not a real one - it only keeps the date/time information, without of changing it. This means, that every files will get the same date/time till you enter a new value. If you want to have a real clock in BW-DOS, you need to use some of the resident commands that are designed for this purpose.DATETIME (External commands) These commands will display the current date/time from BW-DOS's clock, and allows you to enter a new value. Press to leave it unchanged.CLOCK ON (Resident command) This is a software clock for BW-DOS. If you've entered the correct date/time (with "DATE" and "TIME" commands), then every files and directories will get the real time when they are created. While installed, this clock will get the date/time from old clock; while removed (or a re-boot), the new date/time will be lost. This clock is based on the VBI interrupt, so it is possible that a few programs will stop it. It works on both PAL and NTSC machines.RTIME8 [/R]ARGSRTC [/R] (Resident commands) Both the commands are drivers for a hardware real-time-clock. Such a device (mostly a cartridge, with a backup battery in it) gives the correct date/time information to the system without of a need to re-enter the information after each re-boot. "RTIME8" works with the R-Time-8 cartridge (by ICD), while ARGSRTC is designed for ARGS RTC/P V2 cartridge (by ARGS). With the "/R" parameter a reduced version will be installed. It allows only reading from the clock, setting a new date/time isn't possible in this mode. This option saves your memory-space. THE MENU ========MENU [Dn:][/S(E|N|S|D|0)][/B(Y|N)][/Q(Y|N)] (External command) The menu program is a comfortable tool for operations with many selected files, for copying between two disks with only one disk drive, and for converting files from Atari DOS 2 format to BW-DOS and back. Every commands in the menu - excepting these ones for subdirectories - works on Atari DOS 2 compatible disks too. This function is only supported by the menu program, so it is NOT available in any other part of BW-DOS. Following Atari DOS 2 compatible formats are supported: Single density (DOS 2.0, DOS 2.5, BiboDOS, and others), Enhanced (Medium) density (DOS 2.5), and Double density (BiboDOS, and others). Note that in Atari DOS 2 alike systems there are different conditions for filenames, so when you are converting files to Atari DOS 2, make sure that there is no "_" character, and that the first character of the name is not a number. While working with the menu, you'll see disk directory on your screen. It shows the same information as the listing provided by "DIR" command in the CP. If you are working with an Atari DOS 2 ddisk, there is no date/time information, and the length of files is not exact. Above the directory there is the current drive number and path. A little arrows on the top and bottom edge of the directory shows that the directory continues outside your screen. The menu program can work with max. 255 files in a directory. The cursor is on the left edge; you can move it with and keys, and with you can select or deselect single files. Selected files are shown in inverse video, and when you select a command later, it'll be executed for every selected files. (When no files are selected, it'll be executed for a file pointed by the cursor.) At the bottom of your screen there is a command menu with another cursor in it. Use keys and to move this cursor, and press to start the selected function. (Description of single functions later.) To select a command quickly, you can move the cursor where you want with a single keystroke - see the descriptions for correct keys. The last thing on your screen to explain is the line between directory listing, and the command menu. Here the menu will ask you for everything what's necessary. While selecting from a menu here, you can use the , , and keys, or simply hit the first letter of the wanted selection. While entering a filename or path, you can use the keys , +, +, +, +, and in the same way as in standard system editor; in addition you can use the + combination to clear the line and start typing again. New disk This function allows you to select another drive number to work with; you'll see the working directory of selected drive. Use this function when you want to work with another drive, or when you've changed the disk in drive (you'll see main directory in this case). The current path to working directory (before executing this command) will be saved. Later, this path will be used as a default while copying files to the corresponding drive. Disk info With this function you can look at a little info about the disk. It gives the same listing as "CHKDSK" command in the CP. Sub dir This function allows you to go into a subdirectory. You need to place the cursor to a subdirectory first. Up dir This is the function to go into the parent directory. The cursor will be placed on the directory you came from. Make dir With this command you can create new subdirectories. Del. dir The "Del. dir" command allows you to delete a subdirectory. It is only possible when the subdirectory is empty. Copy This is the main function for copying files using the menu. You'll be asked for destination drive and path, and then every selected files will be copied here. If you was working with the destination drive before the last use of "New Disk" function, or if you was copying to that drive already, then you'll get a default path to confirm or edit. The destination path may be up to 231 characters long (it scrolls when neccessary). If you select the same drive number, you'll be asked if is it the same disk - when your answer will be "No", then the menu program will ask you for changing source and destination disks, so you can copy from one disk to another with only one drive. When you are copying to the same disk, you must copy into other directory! In the case that a file with the same name already exists in the target directory, a little menu appears. You can overwrite the old file, skip the file, or abort the copying. This feature may be turned off when neccessary (see "Setup"). Erase This is the function for erasing files. Protected files may not be erased. Rename This function gives new names to files. You can select more files, and then enter a filter as a new name to rename more files by single command (see description of "RENAME" command). Protect

Unprotect Functions for protecting and unprotecting files or directories. A protected file may not be changed or erased. View text This function will copy the file pointed by cursor to the screen. It is the best way how to read small documentation files while working with the menu. Make text With this function you can make small documentation files. Press +<3> when you've finished the whole text. (This command will provide the same function as "COPY E: file" in the CP.) Ainit This is the command for formatting Atari DOS 2 compatible disks. You'll be asked for drive number and density, and after the last confirm the disk will be formatted. The format created by this command may be used under several DOS 2 alike systems, but BW-DOS may not use it (only the menu can). !!!WARNING!!! Formatting will erase every files on the disk, never mind if they are protected or not. Exit This is the selection to quit the menu, and return back to CP. Setup With this function you can select the order, in which the files will appear on your screen. Files may be sorted by its extension and name, by its name and extension, by its length, by the date and time they were created, or you can leave the directory in the same order as on the disk (this may be useful when the directory is already sorted - by the Directory master - or it can save a few seconds when the directory is very long). Second question allows you to turn on/off the sound signal that accompanies errors, and other important messages. The last question is for turning on/off the menu-selection before overwriting a file - see "Copy"). All the selections may be also done from the CP, using parameters while starting the menu. "Dn:" specifies drive number the menu will start with, and the rest is similar to the "Setup" function ("/S" is sorting of directories, "/B" is the bell function, and "/Q" controls the question before overwriting a file.) Select Deselect These functions will select or deselect every files specified by entered filter. OTHER COMMANDS ==============XFSIO n[n][n][n] (Resident command) This resident command provides fast communication with the XF 551 disk drive. You must enter drive number(s) of the XF 551 drive(s) in your system while installing this command. The fast communication is 2.5 times faster than the standard, but it may only save some time when the disk is formatted in the fast mode - see "FORMAT" and "BACKUP" commands. The keyboard is disabled during fast SIO operations to prevent problems.KEYBUFF ON (Resident command) This resident command is a buffer for 32 keystrokes. This means that you can type up to 32 characters (or other keys) on the keyboard while the computer is busy, and these characters will become to the screen later, when when the computer will be ready to get it. When the buffer is full, and you try to type the 33rd character, you'll hear a noise sound, and the last character will be ignored. You can clear the buffer any time by pressing ++ (This may be useful for example when you just typed a command, but then an error message appear on the screen).ARGSPRN [/(N|C|L|CL)] (Resident command) This is a driver for the printer port of the ARGS RTC/P V2 cartridge (by ARGS). The parameter changes the conversion of the ATASCII EOL character: "/N" is no conversion (for graphics print, or when your software already contains a conversion), "/C" sends the CR character (like other printer-interfaces do; you must set the "Auto-feed" feature to "on" on your printer), "/L" sends the LF character (the default; hopefully it will work with most of printers), and "/CL" sends both CR and LF (this is the correct PC-compatible mode, but it needs a few bytes more in memory, and it may also cause problems with graphics print).#      !" FOR PROGRAMMERS =============== Commands described in this chapter are there for advanced users and programmers, so don't worry if you don't understand. Some of external commands described in this chapter are marked as "low memory". This means that the commands are loading into the area of $480-$6FF, and they are not using the memory areas of $80-$FF, and MEMLO-MEMHI. Such a commands allows you to work with data or machine code programs in the main memory without of problems.LOAD file (Internal command) This command will simply load a DOS loadable file (program), but don't start it. Any INIT or RUN adress will be ignored.SAVE file start end [/A] (External command, low memory) This will save the memory area specified by "start" and "end" adresses as a DOS loadable file. With the "/A" parameter it will add another segment to an existing file. The difference between "/A" as a part of filename or as a separate parameter is that the separate "/A" will not place another $FFFF header into the file.BLOAD file adress [length] (External command, low memory) This is the command for loading data files (non DOS loadable) into memory. When no length is specified, the whole file will be loaded.OFFLOAD file [offset] [/(Q|L)] (External command, see description) This command is displaying structure of a DOS loadable file. The starting and ending adress, and the file position of the data block (after the header) will be displayed for each segment. With the "/L" parameter it'll really load the file into memory, and with "/Q" it'll ask you for each segment if load it or not. When an offset is specified, it will be added to loading adress of each segment. This command works like the commands marked as "low memory" only while loading a file; while starting its work, this command uses a memory area starting at $6000.MEM [/M] (External command) This command shows current MEMLO and MEMHI values. With the "/M" parameter it'll show the whole memory map (it'll only read SMEMLO (see COMTAB), MEMLO ($2E7), MEMHI ($2E5), and MEMTOP ($6A), other adresses are allways the same).DUMP file [position[ length]] [/A] (External command) This command will display contents of specified file as hexadecimal and ATASCII listing. With the "/A" parameter it'll change non printable characters (0-$1F and above $80) to printable ones - use this while printing the listing (see the "PRINT" command). When a position is specified, the listing will start from this position; with the length parameter it'll only display specified number of bytes. Press +<1> to stop the listing for a while, or to abort this command.MDUMP adress [length] [/A] (External command, low memory) This command works in the same way as "DUMP"; it displays contents of memory.DISASS file [position] (External command) This command will list contents of specified file as an assembler listing. With a position specified, it'll start from this position. Press +<1> to stop the listing for a while, or to abort this command. If you want to display a program code from memory, you need to save it to a disk file first. A RamDisk is very good for this purpose. For example to display a program code from memory area $8000-$9000 using a RamDisk installed as drive 8, you need to type: SAVE D8:TEMP.DAT 8000 9000 DISASS D8:TEMP.DAT 6HEXEDIT file [position] (External command) This command allows you to edit contents of a file. With a position specified, the editing will start from this position. It'll display position in the file and the old value, and you can enter new value (hexadecimal of course), or just press to leave it unchanged. Press to quit this command. Note that the only legal way to quit "HEXEDIT" is the key! Because the edited file is open all the time you are working with "HEXEDIT", it may be corrupted by pressing or turning the computer off before "HEXEDIT" finish its work. It is possible to set the position greater than the length of file - in this case no old value will be displayed; once you'll enter any value, the file will get a new length. When you set the position far after the end of file, the part of file between old and new data will not be physically stored (non-allocated sectors) - it'll get a physical sector at the time of first access to such a place. Files with non-allocated sectors may not be read or copied in a normal way, because allocating a sector in a read-only mode isn't allowed.MEMEDIT adress (External command, low memory) This command works in the same way as "HEXEDIT"; it allows you to edit contents of memory. Use this only if you know exactly, what are you doing - it is possible to cause the system to be corrupt, or even to lock up with this command.CUT file1 file2 position [length] (External command) This command will save specified part of "file1" as "file2". When no length is specified, it'll save the maximum length - that is between "position" and the end of file. It is possible - for example - to divide DOS loadable files into single segments using "OFFLOAD" and "CUT", to cut off binary file headers from data files ("CUT file1 file2 6") etc. UTILITY PROGRAMS ================ There are two utility programs on the BW-DOS master disk: "Directory master", and "Micro SpartaDOS". They may be distributed separately, but this chapter from the manual must be included.DIRMAST [Dn:][path] [/Q] (External program) This program allows you to change order of files in directory, and to add comments. It'll work with the directory specified as a parameter; with the "/Q" parameter it'll wait for changing the disk before starting its work. It'll display the whole directory (including erased files). You can move the cursor over the directory; to change order of files, simply pull a file out from the directory to left side of the screen, move it where you want, and insert it back into directory. Special commands may be executed by pressing letter keys: - change time for a single file; - change date; - create a line with comment; - delete a comment line, or an erased file; - abort the program; - save the new directory. Characters displayed before the filename are following: " " - a normal file; "*" - a protected file; ">" - a subdirectory; """ - comment line, "=" - erased file, "?" - other (unknown) file status. Note: Don't use the comment lines too much, because such a lines may cause troubles with programs like "COPY", "MENU" etc. Never use control codes (for example +, +, etc.) in a comment line, because it'll cause terrible effects while listing such a directory. In addition, better don't use inverse video and graphics characters, because they may not be printed on a printer.MSDOS (External program, bootable) The file "MSDOS.COM" contains the program called "Micro SpartaDOS version 2.3". This program is there for loading games and other programs, which needs a very low MEMLO value. It can only run a DOS loadable file; no other support for the loaded program will be provided. Micro SpartaDOS may be used in two ways:- As an utility program. Simply start it by typing "MSDOS" in the CP, when you need to start - for example - a game. To get back into BW-DOS, you need to boot it again.- As a separate DOS. Copy the file "MSDOS.COM" to the disk with games, and install it with the "BOOT" command. Then you can simply boot the disk. When you've started Micro-SpartaDOS, you'll see the main directory of disk in drive 1. If you've not used the "MSINI" program, you'll see only protected files. To see every files, press . If there is a file "MSDOS.DAT" in the directory (see "MSINI"), then you'll$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<= see user defined names instead of the disk directory. You need to select the program to be started now - by pressing a letter key. When you select a subdirectory, a new menu will appear. Press "<" key to go into the parent directory, or ">" to go into the main directory. Use the ">" key when you've changed the disk. When the file is selected, it'll turn the internal Basic off (you needn't to hold the