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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI V }Y8 B V  u /DE 8 `E:D1:BRAININVERR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO STILL } RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  - }LLu DEHILV 9 5 .l 9 5 .l  ` 5 s$B VB 686H }<6I V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL1 }u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e1i1 }232435ޥ<<8S} } } } } } }D:BUG9000.*9200 } } }E:} РĠӠ֠ } A. Directory I. Format B. Cartridge J. Dup Disk C. Copy File K. Bin Save D. Delet }e File L. Bin Load E. Rename File M. Run F. Lock File N. Format G. Unlock File O. Dup Fil }e H. Write Dos 9!&x#!7&p))'&X*./)L''- '莟R'S  vW DEHHI 1 !} \3! @ ~0ɛ8A0.) ȅ 1 1iil ! 1L NO SUCH ITEMSELECT OR Λ "} ! 0 .{z:*{}.|~ 1 0 0JB 18L^%|DLl%DIRECTORY= #}> SPEC,FILE? # 0 0 n&|D! 1L NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L " 1 !BDED: $}}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.  %} 0?詛 1 ~0YЛ 1 "L<" "L  BL1'Y' TO DELETE DELETE=> FILE? 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B V`@LC%}A1DE BHI Vl `Can't work under this DOSPress to exit@]@GG E@G GGb@ FGG5 w@ F (F LF? \GG ML@LFl G`Disk duplicate V1.9!}From [,to]? @`? b0 b0Lt8` MFGG 0BDhD ZG/ MFG 0LDD %GP WG G G eL}B DF!}G  GG BG.GGG B MG0&LF.D F8GGGGH\hILFGGGjD yF  B Insert destination disk, type while reading sector $ while writing sec!}tor $ while putting sector $Type C, S, Q, A, or ? for helpDisk copy aborted! sectors copied not copied total.C - Continue!} tryingS - SkipQ - Quit after this pass? - This messageA - Abort immediately bL@`PBHILVe̅̐`@L!}CE1DE El `Can't work under this DOSPress to exitGGGDGELE {GLS@` {G" !}GD80 H GGh`'LF FL@ yFYL@` \0` _L@4mGDHiE`B V0` DL@̠ͅG {GR!}G:]%? 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UDC commands reside in disk files and are indicated by a +UDC table commands LIST )} ADD cmd-spec file DEL command INIT HELP STOPCHERROR commands LIST ADD/CHANGE erno ["]error messa)}ge DEL range LIST range HELP STOPSQUEEZE eliminates error message text from K-DOS and optionally de)}letes the UDC tables.(D`D @  L@@L$}WN n 4  i80GH  U`-}G,p)HȱGh`  R@1J j Y`mi` -}`DOS SYS C D }7}5SH Sh0#) 7CC?DG ~о P0 C`Dp ~-}砀 D D`CiCDiD`؎I!@EHF8jJjn-}  0J  0PO_GoH`O`IIIIIIIIIIIIII" D #!`L,-}H@OPh` I  D Lj Я00\$: N ȱ$* ? . , 03n 0?0:#-}'_ )A[ $ L L ,  ` EJjj @Jjj ` Ȍ .0-}j*), ?+LJ8iɀПL0 E08EFh HEh-}Lx Li ,p .PJ8ii( L R (`LS  L  )-}@ HhHȑGh,pjj]**G`^8GH  ( i0(`(Lx ,0, l   u ȱG-}``I @ j  ȽG l   ` R  l L } ! 2 % Lg L  1  -}  / (`*tL *' } *, M ! 1 *EC : L + L K ~8-}L < % L 04   1 C  Lj L $% 8$( %) c # Lj ?L7 -} .    8 r  `݅ !IȌ,P)(݅Lt ")ɥ)ťG}G-}HiH$$%%,0 G$ $G8~ %(8())(Lp ` N, &)% e G!Ș݅ RLj-} L3 L%L !A! N)詀) e $L` e !G8~Lj  )  H hL0 l LB-}` L @N } !  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Copy File Dup Di.+}sk Cmd. File Delete Bin Save Read/Store rEname Bin Load Set/Status Lock File Run@Load Troubl.,}e Unlock MEM.SAV UndeleteType ";" for MENU, "?" for HELPD1:HELLO*2.g,05541q6:4*3319~33;@D]CCop.-}y - Delete Undelete Rename Bad DeviceƛClearΛBad Name-ě-ě=MEMLO-MEMTOP Auto-RS232 Verify-Write D..}OS-ResBypass-CartridgeFile Exists!=#BufsAbort?ɛӛATARITOPDOS***WARNING*** OSA-ROM: See ManualRENAME: D#:old./},new/N/QToo Many DigitsInvalid HexBad ParameterNeed D1 Thru D8Max=246Max=118 for Single-DensityNot FormatToo M.0}any Cmd Filesح6D7DCI-EF,G NG L ҭh >$%,S07ԩ' y01 3$ S& > C &6.1}#L* W& >SO&TR'SNC > < D݅'_ & v@,IPNINM_ <#5 k5!H#$I .55;.2}8A ȱ,M0 lNMI = .5ɛжTLK*? =$ɛTHAC@Ʉ[&7 10.3}&B D %,$&$E$$ɛ = =& :e 0 P1Y / 0 +++t+$ :41$$) )7.4}$ U .  x +$L+ +L*[&{$)F S:\&]& 8ha& E-jL@@,0 `& V-N^&\&iC]&iD.5}`&_& ,CiCDiD_&,^&0 S- :&J .$ >NN& 0$,pǩ( K U L>TU,pL>P? =,.6}uLN+!,,, = x;P& D -WP& D - d1 1 D( S & K'H |0h B -L, >P&вD &$$!&.7}:"&` +-C +-C`C +-HChC8n^&`4-@- ,[&P`8 /L>8\&]&i(a&.8} F-mm a&q(`J , > >#& KQ&( U > Q&Q&P&` U8`%&#D .C . . 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C 񩛑C`Щ$LK%`2 =ɛl$& = S:8nN&HA&NN& 0 :& : P1 / U8nN&&$&.:}%& W0 /$D Es)L3L* :8jO&P& D D x;,O&0 |0U W0 , %&0 -;ȌP& U D / ),O&0.;}" -,O&P z1yL|9$ D 0J /EL* - 0% /THM /HU /; /6 z1/ D$ 3: 0q nC % K / nC 0.<} S$D,O&L.L*$$L= &`&? &%` &%ɛ`L> /,N&0 d1 18` D s0L.=}D8nZ& 0PEL~.$`NZ&$,N& L> D,Z&0 D nC$ P0 :: $ nC$$ C: P0 >$ 2 J nC`LK.>}iТ$$%I ,ɠL> % K 8 `&$D`( = v/$ =HM& W0 : / 4P& = x; D D -|ȌP.?}& U / - - /_ /M& g1 1O D % K! > M& t1! 1/ D#&ɛ,#&%$&ɛ 3: >P& :L0L* .@}|0ED d1L1HNU8`Q`H t1 &%11h1H 6 & 6( &6Y 6 =Yɛ N1Ш8.A}`FORMAT: D#[V][,A|n/8]1 ? 02HV"2$$AH E D-  d@ @n%Z]w 7T]M.B}M*M8 MʎU]ɁH =2 6 =Y2 K >L*GL@OL@Type "Y" to Format Disk D2:COPY: from,to/.C}A/M/N/Q/U>U 3L@_ \b \LNo Cartridged3,M0TU [.D}( > 16$N L*RUN: addr [Run Addr=]>,M 16Z[LV5 h5F O CNE4 nE>8ND >L*H >.E}_i !_hcH& > UhK_`| 4?Li=? h5 =,&0$ 3L*4  1 $ ? =$ 04$48nC.F}4 6 =YпEHʎW`4 ֩4 K > U >NCb&cd^;!`;GeL&;Write-DOS: D#Writing DOSType ".G}Y" to Write DOS to Disk 2D2:DOS.SYS x;$`READ: addr5 = r/NRH0M8nR8MIONjjjH   L*5#.H}#$ k58& ?ɛAnM` =?$55 KL 4D1:P.###5 =# r/ >L*LOCK: filespec.I}5 =$L5UNLOCK: filespecDUP-DISK: from,to D#'sLOAD: file/M/N/OMEM.SAV: O|OF|LEAR(66>(ɛ (6L6/6 v` .J}= k5 >L= h  8 @ 8 V6 7R& %T&S&  `5& ?$ ?$ = & &$ 8 & &$ 8 , & .K}6L@, &$$B6 6 =&0=Insert both disks, Type ΛDrives incompatible8 6 = &G &8 && & &.L}& & & &8L*FH =6%i 8%i8Lu7H,&0 8 6 = 7 8,c&0 [80!,H0 8L7 8mV&mW&,c&0+ x.M}88nc&& &H0H,&068Ll7HL*Nc&& P&P&L7  & & &L@Not enough roomInsert Source Dis.N}k, Type ΛInsert Destination Disk, Type ΛT&S&R&R& %T&S&T&`    `$L8$8$,.O}V&0( &$L>(` 8'L>S$ S$`) 8`   & &V&W&`SDQLVADUP-FILE: f.P}ilespec/Q,S|D|Q9 = r/$DL~.$)d&e&$$ɛ 9d&$ 9e&F g: : :L.N&8nK& 3: >,K&0% > P0 :: .Q} L>8n&& > U : 3:,K&0 JNK& > P0 C: > U,&0 :L9 N,O& :L.L* d@ BA L?&`e& 9.R}68 d& 98 6 =L= &LK& &LWHHIIH`8 Lz:8韨GG :F`%& &`$.S} : >`*?`c? =$$HAnM& >bc >nM&,M&p0de8b^;cL*`; nE >nWfg >n` =,.T}M&p P1ͭM&H,HP J > B,H04` K,HPDD U >! WHIbc KLD$`*=Store 4 16 .U};Lv* <H) } $ b vh۩$Т$LNU& ;~; 6 =r5 k5 .5+ - *.ɛ`nU&T,U&0  >,&0ӅT < ;T< >.W}<,&0ɛ ;LG< 8$$]n&$ >?N&$ >4:݂$݁$($D >/D$'.Z}$ > :AL3D$ȭ$ȩ:$ȩH$$( >/뽀$ >mHHɛʎ$H$:$D$$*$$.$.[}ȩ$$h`:0``, ɛ`m$D$iE`J (L K B  2L* #0%`p U8`$.\}N?O?$$ɛ.$ >& ?0/.O?.N? O?O?$ҩ )&L$JJJO?N?`DELETE: filespec/NSAVE: file/A/N,start,en.]}d,init,runCMD: fileDIR: filespec/n/A/B/C/D,list-file/N800 0 8 00` = k5,&0,$$D80 H$$ɛ.^} >$h`7) L*%`A,M03 WB > h5ɛNb&$$ɛNc@ @,c@0L8@T,b&   CL*1N@ ._}@  ` YL>L@$ ? 0LA JCLAO JCLA @ LAU JCLAL@ DLA$ >8l` d@N.`}ŠnA𙠬aJSIr𞠀Rb𤠀BP5L@WVPv ? >SnD/Q%RnMv)L@$$$&L@ @.a}TLA @8 @%%%*% D  O @ D  LA @LA D D- LA @% ; < ;8nc@LAO0.b}8nb&`Ѐ Prompt Char. Just Statuṣ Left Margin Initializeӣ System Drive# Auto-RS232Σ Num Buffers.c} Clear Autoģ Add Drive# Bypass Cart.ģ Remove Drive# Clear Bypassģ Single Density Resident DOSģ.d} Double Density Clear Res.ģ Quad (DS,DD) Verify Writeģ Modify Bytes Clear Verify$$$ɛ >`C =.e}'Ǡ {,L*Y& 6 =YNY&(`UNDELETE: filespec/N D [- v [Z 6nj D &6 6E D,E J,D.f}0Q 6O D &6U DWjt DL&6H 6h*>4L6 JSH 0 v71 D-  d@ Y0Q%D .g}80 E0S v vh  H1 vh8 kL> nCD8nY&L nCDDNY&x67X(`8*` D-  `>.h}L,M = EDEE E E0 (6LD &6L*lEE(`8nkEjE$$ɛ.$ >&NkE ?0% !UE mjEi.i} jEL&EkEjE`)L4?Break KeyFile openBad deviceOpened for Write OnlyBad I/O cmdFile not openBad IOCB#File open for.j} readEOFTruncated recordTimeoutNAKBad SIO FrameCursor Out of RangeSIO OverrunBad SIO ChecksumDevice "Done" (Not Read.k}y)Bad Screen ModeFunction Not SupportedScreen Lacks MemoryBad drive#Too many open filesDisk fullAttempt to Free a Free.l} SectorAttempt to Take a Used SectorBad filenameBad Point Data LengthFile lockedBad FMS commandDirectory fullFile not .m}foundBad PointDOS-1 DiskBad sectorErr# not listed,V Hallo Hartmut! Kleiner Gag am Rande. Ich hoffe, Du hast noch kein TOPDOS. Dies ist das File 'HELLO'. Es meldet sich jedes2o}mal beim Aufrufen des DOS. Du kannst alle Befehle hier einbauen. Text erkennt das DOS am Leerfeld zu Beginn der Zeile. Be2p}fehle einfach ohne Space ein- geben. '!' stoppt die Ausgabe auf den Bildschirm -! Mit Π geht's weiter... Das Frage2q}zeichen ruft die Help-Files auf:G? Genug von mir, ich verabschiede mich. Bis neulich! GB! Weiter mit Π?0w WELCOME TO THE HELP FACILITY! In the following, is the Command Prompt from TOP-DOS, after which you may type a command6s} or get HELP. The command is used for illustration. ; Displays the Command Menu. C? Gets HELP for 6t}command. C Gets Parameter Prompt: COPY: from,to/A/M/N/Q/U ? Gets HELP for command.! Type 6u} for MORE, to QUIT To enter a command, type the Command Letter to get the Parameter Prompt, then type6v} the parameters: C Gets Parameter Prompt: COPY: from,to/A/M/N/Q/U *.TXT,D2:Λ | | | Press 6w}to enter | | Second parameter | Separating Comma (NO Space!) First parameter! Type for MORE, 6x}to QUIT To enter a command on one line, type the Command Letter, followed by a Space, and then the parameters: C *.T6y}XT,D2: One-line command || | | | Press to enter || | | Second parameter || | Separating Comma6z} || First parameter |Space after Command Letter Command Letter4I DIRECTORY LISTING of files on a disk ݯïį۬ݛ [D1:*.*] Files to be listed (n=1-6) :|}Number columns in Listing Alphabetize Dir; Uses pgm memory Compress Dir; uses program memory List Deleted and "op:}}en" files List Both current & deleted files [E:] Filespec of listing No query for list-file deletion Lock:~}ed Deleted Open 431/11=LISTED 276/53=FREE ӛ | | | | Disk Type | | | Num free:} files | | Num free sectors | Num files listed Num sectors in the listed files Wildcard OK for Drive:}#: "D?:"8 RUN CARTRIDGE No parameters or Parameter Prompt<5 COPY FILE to/from disk,Screen,Printr à۬ݯѯίͯ՛ [D1:*.*] Filespec:Source files B}[D1:*.*] Filespec: Copies Append source to destination file Query before copy of each file No Query for delete ofB} dest. file Merge source files on dest. disk Update files on destination disk Concatenation: Use wildcards in soB}urce-filespec, but not in destination-filespec. Uses program memory.@I DELETE FILE from disk File Directory ĠݯΛ [D1:*.*] Files to be deleted No query for delete of each F}file Wildcard OK for Drive#: "D?:"D% RENAME FILE in a disk File Directory Šģίћ ģ[D1:] Disk drive# for old & new J} Files to be renamed New names for the files No query for delete newname file Query before rename of eJ}ach fileH LOCK FILE in File Directory Ơ㛛 Files to be lockedLG UNLOCK FILE in File Directory Ǡ㛛 Files to be unlockedPK WRITE DOS FILES to a disk Ƞģ ģ Disk drive number from 1 thru 8 OK to omit "D". Ex: "H D1" or "H 1" Use S command tV}o set & check options before writing DOS files. Writes DOS.SYS,DUP.SYS from memory. Other files must be copied from a V} system disk by a C or O command.T" INITIALIZE DISK format & setup VTOC ɠģ۬ݛ ģ Disk drive number from 1 thru 8 [format] VTOC initialization onlZ}y. If is not given: do full format and initialization. [-type] Make disk -type. Z} If not given make disk -type.  Number of sectors divided by 8. If not given, defaultZ}s to: Single-sided: 90=720/8 Double-sided: 180=1440/8 1st set drive density by S command. Use Comma "," befoZ}re or . -type disk allows double-sided drives & permits alphabetization, but no good for ATARI & OSS DOS's.Z}X DUPLICATE DISK from a source disk ʠ壬壛 Source# from 1 thru 8 ^} Destination# 1-8 Destination disk must be formatted in same density a source disk. J command uses program memory. ^}OK to omit "D". Ex: "J 1,1" OK\ BINARY SAVE of memory area on disk ˠ۬۬۬ݛ Filespec of the binary file Append area tb}o existing file No query for delete of old file First address of memory area Last address of memory area b} Section Initialization address Address to run loaded program All addresses are in hex notation. Include Commas "," b}for omitted parameters if following parameters are given. Use option to add a section to an existing binary fileb}.` BINARY LOAD of program to memory ̠ίϯ͛ Binary file to be loaded No initialization or run Onlyf} initialization (no run) Memory map of binary sections Memory map displays first and last hex addresses of each sectf}ion of the binary file. BASIC program voided by this load.d? RUN program in memory AT ADDRESS ͠ݛ Address to start run If address is not given, the defaultj} is the Run address of the last binary file loaded or the address of the previous command call, whichever was moj}re recent.h MEM.SAV: Save program memory on disk ΠÛ Turn facility OFF Turn facility ON "Clear", MEM.SAV file invalid Wn}hen this facility is ON, program & data in the DUP-Area is saved in the MEM.SAV file before DUP.SYS is loaded, when n}you call "DOS", and then is restored when returning to your program.lK DUPLICATE FILE with only one drive Ϡݯ۬ݛ [D1:*.*] Files to be copied Query before copy of each r}file ource and estination densities The second parameter , if given, permits copying a file from a disk of onr}e density to a disk of a different density, using only one drive. Use S,D,Q (Single, Double,Quad). Example: SQ.p{ RUN PROGRAM in memory at address Рݛ Address to start run If address is not given, the defaultv} is the address of the previous Л command call. There is no Parameter Prompt for the command, so that "P" wiv}ll execute your program directly.t% COMMAND FILE runs a file of commands Ѡ㛛 File of commands to execute A command file is a text file madez} up of TOP-DOS commands as you would enter them on the Screen. You can create a command file using the Screen Editor "E:z}" by calling the Û command. Example: "C E:,TEST.CMD" Type in your commands, one line at a time. Begin comment lines witz}h a Space. When done, type -3. Then you may execute your command file by "Q TEST.CMD".x_ READ/STORE MEMORY bytes Ҡ Address of first byte Bytes are displayed eight per line. Advance th~}rough memory by "+". Backup by "-". OK to omit +,- when moving in same direction. Get more HELP by "?"~} after "*=Store" is displayed.| SET options and display STATUS Ӡݮ [J] One set-action Enter as many Ⴕ} as you wish, separated by Commas ",". Get parameter menu by "S" to remind you how to enter parameters. The d}efault if no parameter is given is: (Just get Status Display).B TROUBLE REPORT decode Error Numbers Ԡݛ [last-error#] Error Number is normally used to interpret an err}or number displayed by TOP-DOS. has no Parameter Prompt: Just type "T" to interpret last error#. You may, instea}d, include a decimal error number as parameter to get its interpretation. If does not have the error number in its list}, "Err# not listed" is displayed.# UNDELETE FILES restore deleted files ՠ՛ [D1:*.*] Files to restore No query to undelete each file }Use /B or /D options of command to see deleted and "open" files. If "current" file exists, a file can not be restored a}nd "File exists!" will be displayed. You must rename the current file before you can restore the deleted or open file. }To handle "open" files, see Manual.$ READ/STORE MEMORY bytes Ҡ Address of first byte Bytes are displayed eight per line. Advance th}rough memory by "+". Backup by "-". OK to omit +,- when moving in same direction. Exit by "/" or ˎ}. Or just enter your next TOP-DOS command. ARM the Store-Mode by "*". Move cursor & type over bytes you want cha}nged, one line at a time. Hit to store bytes in memory. Leave Store-mode by or move cursor to blank line and} hit . `  P?@     Y`  Y0Q P8nC B #?L }A Hi h l  `,4@L484(D>R@D<. 444 4~4 4 }1H   YR48 44 48` 448 44` }J`j(*` 4` 4`5 4  @ Yi  ]RP-L }Y *4r 5R`4hh 4` *4Ωw 50P`FORMAT DRV #L64Lq6 L5 }4H 8 h4h` hh`44' 4D4>``); } EȑE` 44N 0N` `< }<6D6E` Lj7<44L }hL6\7WARP shrink!iJc8HԪh iCi،\7HZ7[7 hhh ` }6L);  H *4h󠉹<6s4_4`)6%066N6$6754 6`);4H! 8hLdS } S) `B%L8Ld'8888888O  }  YL1(   L-5x 0:; < =7x6(ҩ҅0:234ө4 9 }234ҭ 9 9,p 9ҥX07С`1 92 <: 91̠0,p6L9) ҩ ҭ }ҍ ) ӭ `y&9'L\ 9 9< 9H 9hD`ҍ ҥA (ҩҩ8`# 921 42 (:1 (:) }Ҫ 9)ҩҊ e1i1`@LD:}6CD }l0C)HCC WhL/h `CmCDiD`  R@P1R } }@LD: }}6CD l0C)HCCD l0C)HCCD l0 }C)HCCD l0C)HC .}` D  C D     hL/t-A@IdS +AR@1A<@F A`S;@,}n3-@@3(WELCHES FORMAT WOLLEN SIEx+-@@+( 720 SEKTOREN+-@@+( }963 SEKTOREN##@@K:$)@$"@IA"@PA0AP}At@3A3c@3A44@A4C@A4PAA4V@}A4`@UAC4@ACY@ ACbA"AD@,5*@@} D:DOS.SYS5@6m (}-@@[(; Sie koennen nun Sektoren formatier}enm-@@ ;  .@JAt@4TA3c@4^A44@hA4C@r}A4PA(|A4V@A4`@QAC4@ACY@ACbA(}AD@5*@@ D:DOS.SYS5@m (}-@@[(; Sie koennen nun } Sektoren formatierenm-@9@   .> (}-@@4(ŠԠԠ> AU} D:AENDERE.BAS0( Sandro LdS +AR@1A<@F A`S;@,'