@L|}6CD l0C)HCC WhL/h `CmCDiD`  R@W1  Y0@R !L` D  C D     )16CS S)  C)D1 p p 0 C9DI pCDL~CiCDiD`@ghZ##} - ĺҮҢ <<;@!,;@0,;@,;@8,;@8,}'@@d'B7t@d2''@@D:DF.C4@6@<((@}@D:DF.CD>@@@F''@@D:DF.LH@6-J@}K)6-%@"@)6-@L''@@D:DF.LN @O@d A }6-$AP-@ $8-@8($ $R6-@! } AP+-@@!N(PRESS Π TO CONTINUE R$;-@@  A1-@@"; A }$,,($$&| (}-@@% A7-@@A A }S-@@|($̠Š:$D A A`N$CAR@/0@ }@ @C"@AP> (}-@@>(Š٠Šy-@@8(}٠Ǡ͡JARd0@@ @v@e@y (}$v-@@}0RNARD B.D2:MESSAGE.CYCL6L7MBLSCLM0M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9M10M11M12M13M14M15M16M17M18M19M20S1S  A1-@@; AM-@@v($̠ŠB6-@ A@}} A~#"@ A # A`#"@ A0# A`#"@ A@# A` AP} A`(6.improving your life(6.lifeF 4A+6.improving your relaxationF6.relaxation technique}4 4B'6.improving your health46.health5 4C(6.increasing your wealth56.wealthB 4D.6.impr}oving your relationshipsB6. relationshipsJ 4E/6.improving your communicationsJ6.communication skillsC }4F36.!improving your sexual performanceC6. sexuality? 4G+6.improving your creativity?6. creative flow}$*-@@*( HI THERE, ,U(,(!Just a short note to wish you allU($the best with your work on bet}tering(your .R(,(!With daily visualizations and im-R(!printing positive affirmations on ++(#your subco}nscious mind, you will beT,($making many positive changes to yourT(#belief system. And as a result you,,($will be }noticing steady improvements(in your . A(} AP >-@@>($With a positive and }optimistic atti-%S,($tude and a high degree of desire andS("expectancy, you are almost certain*O*("to experience succ}ess! We at MINDO( LINK would be most interested in/''(hearing about it. So write us.46(.(#Until then, all the be}st wishes for6(!> ( (H(The Creators ofM(THE MIND TUNERR A(} AP\S-@@ }0(And remember that yourS(subconscious mind is your mosta(powerful asset!c Af$ %-@@}%(DEAR , /(/($Congratulations on the powerful work ++(#you are now doing on improving your (. .(.}(#Most people are unaware of the vast U,($power of their subconscious mind andU($are therefore not able to harness it } ))(!for themselves. So remember that p)(!you are special! Because you areP("now establishing important connec-p(t!}ions with your inner self!  A(} AP b-@@>($And because you are applying methodsb(use"}d by top Olympic coaches and ((( athletes to achieve success, you <)(!will definitely see improvements.,(<( So work #}on!  A(} AP! <-@@<("And remember that life is organic.& S,($Important changes don't h$}appen over-S("night. They grow steadily. So give+ E,($yourself a few weeks to see improve-E(ments in your .: +(%}+( And always remain optimistic and? Q)(!keep a positive outlook. BecauseQ(#better self-programming is achievedD ,,(&}$if you have an honest BELIEF that itI P+(#is possible, a true DESIRE to bringP( about the planned changes, and aN **("'}strong EXPECTANCY for the results.P  A(} APS d-@@<("And also remember that results mayd(}(#reach you in strange and unexpectedX ,,($ways, simply because your inner mind] ,,($is far more complex and knowing tha)}nb >,($your awareness can grasp! So let it>( work for you!g  A(} APl ]-@@:( In the *}meantime, we wish you the](best success with your goal ofq (.v ( ( ({ (The Creators of (THE MIND TU+}NER  A(} AP >-@@ >($And if you wish to explore and apply m)(!the incredible power of,} your mindm(further, send for our >:@4,ALPHA>:@4, Medita- 7"(tion and Programming Tape.%(7( ($11.-}95 U.S.) A $%-@@%(DEAR ,-(-("We hope your mental programming isS+(#going we.}ll. Let us know if it is orS(#isn't. Perhaps we can suggest ways,,($to improve your results. So drop us(a line/}./(/($We wanted to remind you that changesN'(in your belief system and self-N("improvements can only occur if yo0}uS*("really want them to happen, if youS($really believe that they can happen,6*("and if you honestly expect them t1}o6(happen. A(} AP<-@@<("DESIRE, BELIEF, AND EXPECTANCY areP)(!all essential f2}or productive pro-P("gramming. So if your work with THE,,($MIND TUNER isn't meeting your expec-))(!tations, then wo3}rk on these threeT,($essentials and make sure they're allT(#present. Because if you don't want ,,($it, believe it, 4}or expect it, you'llD+(#block off that all important energyD(to self-improvement. A(} AP=-@5}@=(#And if you find that you are havingQ,($doubts about the power of your mind,Q( always remember what is6} possible"**("under hypnosis, and the work being'M(( done with bio-feedback. Or readM( some of the books on the read7}ing,i8(list, like Maxwell Maltz's >:@4,Psycho-i( Cybernetics>:@4,. Because positive1((( changes a8}re ultimately possible!6 A(} AP;<-@@<("So we urge you to continue working@(on 9},E!!(because we know better J(is possible for you.O$($(We wish you all the best!T ( ( (Y(The :}Creators of^(THE MIND TUNERc Ah0BAB mJ (} AP%-@@ J( And if you have a ;}serious healthr4(( problem, be sure to consult your4(doctor.w A|$%-@@%(DEAR ,<}/(%(We hope that progress with/( is&&(meeting all your expectations.S(*(Although you might initially be=}S($using THE MIND TUNER only to work on(bettering your ,,,($you will find that with repeated useS,($you >}will also be expanding your con-S("sciousness, by establishing closer**("links with your subconscious mind.@+(#This?} is where the real value of THE@(MIND TUNER lies. A(} AP>-@@>($If you are interes@}ted in finding outQ*("more about your mind, particularlyQ("the uses of altered states of con-**("sciousness, you miA}ght refer to the_+(#reading list at the back of the in-_(struction booklet. >:@4, Living in the33(LightB}>:@4, for instance, by ShaktiN'(Gawain, an American author fromN("California, is a wonderful and en-M+(#liC}ghtening book that teaches you toM(use your intuitive knowledge.  A(} AP>-@@>($We D}also highly recommend the courses**("taught by Silva Mind Control. They++(#can be found in most major AmericanP*(E}"cities and will open areas of yourP(!mind you never imagined possible.#/(/($Whatever your interests are, we wish(Q(F}( you continuing success with yourQ($programming, particularly working on- (.2 ( (7(The Creators of<(G}THE MIND TUNERA A(} APF<-@@<("To further develop your visualiza-Kl)(!tion, prograH}mming, and relaxationl(skills, send for our >:@4,ALPHA>:@4, Medita-P""(tion and Programming Tape.UI}((($11.95 U.S.).W AZ$pC (}-@@'(Ġ36-@= A@C(}(@@J}D:DF.CD; @F@XARr0@@ @@e@K} D2:LETTER.SCR D2:LETTER.SCR! dPvw*+M} ##- LPRINT CHR$(27);"l";CHR$(2)- ĺҮԢ GG;@!,;@0,;@N},;@8,;@8,;@%,'@@d'B7t@d2''@@D:DF.C4@O}6@<((@@D:DF.CD>@@@F''@@DP}:DF.LH@6-J@K)6-%@"@)6-@L''@@D:DF.LNQ} @O@d A6-$AP-@ $8-@8($ R} $J6-@! AP+-@@!J(PRESS Π TO CONTINUE$;-@@  S}A1-@@"; A$,,($$CAR@/0@@ T}@C"@AP> (}-@@>(Š٠Šy-@@8(U}٠Ǡ͡JARd0@@ @v@e@y (}$v-@@ AV}1-@@; AM-@@v($ǠҠ.--@@ -(ENTER TW}ODAY'S DATE:36-@@,((Eg: May 16, 1987)6 A8-@@B6-?% A@L%-X}@ @! AP% V<-@@<("ΠΠҠĠΠҡj A A`t-@5Y}@!yQ6-@ AP+-@@Q(!ϠԠ Ǡǡ} A~#"@ AZ} # A#"@ A0# A#"@ A@# A AP6-@ A@>[}@@D:DF.CDQ @\@b(}tAR0@@ @@e\}@(6.improving your life(6.lifeF 4A+6.improving your relaxationF6.relaxation technique4]} 4B'6.improving your health46.health5 4C(6.increasing your wealth56.wealthB 4D.6.improv^}ing your relationshipsB6. relationshipsJ 4E/6.improving your communicationsJ6.communication skillsC 4_}F36.!improving your sexual performanceC6. sexuality? 4G+6.improving your creativity?6. creative flow`}$A3A36 MIND LINK COMMUNICATIONS INC.==35 BOX 488, 36 ADELAIDE ST.a} E.;;33 TORONTO CANADA M5C 2J63 3 33 3 3 333  3 3b} 3 3 3&&3 HI THERE, , 3 3JJ3B Just a short note to wish you all the best wc}ith your$$3 work on .J3J3? With daily visualizations and imprinting positive II3d}A affirmations, your subconscious mind will be makingJJ3B many positive changes to your belief e}system. And asGG3? a result you will be noticing steady improvements$$3 in your . f}G3G3< With a positive and optimistic attitude, and a%JJ3B high degree of desire and expectancg}y, you are almost*KK3C certain to experience success! We at MIND LINK would/==35 be most inth}erested in hearing about it.4K3K3@ Until then, all the best wishes for improving your93 i}!>3 3 33H(3(3 The Creators ofM$$3 THE MIND TUNERR3 3 33W3 3 3j}3\GG3? P.S. And remember that your subconscious mind isa//3' your most powerful asset!fk}$ A3A36 MIND LINK COMMUNICATIONS INC. ==35 BOX 488, 36 ADELAIDE ST. l}E. ;;33 TORONTO CANADA M5C 2J6 3 3 33 3  3 3 33 !!3 m} DEAR , 3 3 FF3> Congratulations on the powerful work you are now 443& dn}oing on improving your ! 3 II3A Most people are unaware of the vast powers of their EE3= o} subconscious mind and are therefore not able to JJ3B harness it for themselves. So remember that you arp}e LL3D special! Because you are now establishing connections II3A with your inner self! Andq} because you are applying II3A methods used by top Olympic coaches and athletes to LL3D achier}ve success, you will definitely see improvements. !!3 So work on! 3! CC3; And remember ths}at life is organic. Important& JJ3B changes don't happen overnight. They grow steadily.+ II3A t} So give yourself a few weeks to see improvements in0 !!3 your .5 3: FF3> And always ru}emain optimistic and keep a positive? KK3C outlook. Because better self-programming is achievedD GG3? v} if you have an honest BELIEF that it is possible,I GG3? a true DESIRE to bring about the planned changw}es,N HH3@ and a strong EXPECTANCY for the results. And alsoS HH3@ remember that results may rex}ach you in strange andX HH3@ unexpected ways, simply because your inner mind is] JJ3B far more y}complex and knowing than your awareness canb 553- grasp! So let it work for you.g 3l HH3@ Iz}n the meantime, we wish you the best success withq ))3 your goal of .v 3 3 33{ %%3 {} The Creators of $$3 THE MIND TUNER 3 3 3 DD3< P.S. And if you wish to explore and a|}pply the II3A incredible power of your mind further, send for our ff3 >:@4,ALPHA>:}}@4,/ Meditation and Programming Tape ($11.95 U.S.) $A3A36 MIND LINK COMMUNICATIONS ~}INC.==35 BOX 488, 36 ADELAIDE ST. E.;;33 TORONTO CANADA M5C 2J6}3 3 333 33 3 3 33!!3 DEAR , 3 3II3A We} hope your mental programming is going well. LetHH3@ us know if it is or isn't. Perhaps we can suggestG}G3? ways to improve your results. So drop us a line.3II3A We wanted to remind you that c}hanges in your beliefHH3@ system and self-improvements can only occur if youGG3? really wan}t them to happen, if you really believeFF3> that they can happen, and if you honestly expectII3A } them to happen. DESIRE, BELIEF, AND EXPECTANCY areFF3> all essential for productive programming. So }ifFF3> your work with THE MIND TUNER isn't meeting yourGG3? expectations, then work on thes}e three essentialsJJ3B and make sure they're present. Because if you don't II3A want it, be}lieve it, or expect it, you'll block offDD3< that all important energy to self-improvement.3FF3> } And if you find that you are having doubts aboutEE3= the power of your mind, always remember what} is"KK3C possible under hypnosis, and the work being done with'EE3= bio-feedback. Or read so}me of the books on the,hh31 reading list, like Maxwell Maltz's >:@4,Psycho-Cybernetics>:@4,}.1GG3? Because positive changes are ultimately possible!63;HH3@ So we urge you to continu}e working on improvements@443 in your , because we knowE==35 such improvements are poss}ible for you.J3O333+ And we wish you all the best!T3 3 33Y%%3 The Creators of^}$$3 THE MIND TUNERc 3 3h0BAB mHH3@ P.S. And if you have a serious health pro}blem, ber223* sure to consult your doctor.|$A3A36 MIND LINK COMMUNICATIONS }INC.==35 BOX 488, 36 ADELAIDE ST. E.;;33 TORONTO CANADA M5C 2J6}3 3 3333  3 3 3!!3 DEAR , 3 3EE3= We hope }that progress with improvements in your==3 " is meeting all your expectations.3JJ3B } Although you might initially be using THE MIND TUNER003 only to work on , youGG3? }will find that with repeated use you will also beJJ3B expanding your consciousness, by establishing closer}KK3C links with your subconscious mind. This is where theEE3= real value of THE MIND TUNER l}ies, and this is++3# why it was developed.3JJ3B If you are interested in finding out }more about yourFF3> mind, particularly the uses of altered states ofHH3@ consciousness, you} might refer to the reading listSS37 at the back of the instruction booklet. >:@4,LivingSS3 } in the Light>:@4,# for instance, by Shakti Gawain, anII3A American author from Californi}a, is a wonderful andDD3< enlightening book that teaches you to use your HH3@ intuitive know}ledge. We also highly recommend theHH3@ courses taught by Silva Mind Control. They can beJJ3B } found in most major N. American cities and will openHH3@ up areas of your mind you never imagined possi}ble.3#II3A Whatever your interests are, we wish you continuing(JJ3B success with your pr}ogramming, and particularly with-))3 your work on .23 3 337%%3 The Creators of}<$$3 THE MIND TUNERA 3 3 3FCC3; P.S. To further develop your visualization,KFF3> } programming, and relaxation skills, send for ourPff3 >:@4,ALPHA>:@4,/ Meditatio}n and Programming Tape ($11.95 U.S.)Z$ D2:LETTER.PRT D2:LETTER.PRTHit } )$BGLETTER SCRBWLLETTER PRTDF CD BDF L G[LETTER SCR