A Speaker for the 800XL/1200XL/130XE



XL/XE Speaker
386 amp


For anyone who'd like to put the clicker speaker back into the XL/XE, here's how I did it on an 800XL, a 130XE and a 1200XL. Both circuits are done the same. The second circuit was tried in a 1200XL only. It's a little 1/2 watt amp and is louder than the first. It can be installed in a 800XL or 130XE also.

Anyway, the click sound comes from pin 15 of GTIA and is fed to C23 (refer to the 800XL schematic). To remove the click from the TV signal, remove this capacitor.

For the internal speaker, pick the signal off the pad of C23 that connects C23 to pin 15 of the GTIA with a 47K resistor or one side of the 10k pot. How you assemble the circuits is up to you. I usually use perf board but you could just use point to point for the first. I placed the speaker on top of the RF modulator and stuck it down with a couple squares of double sided foam tape (stuck to the back of the magnet). By the way, I mounted all these parts on the internal SIO2PC interface I put inside the computer. Works almost as well as my old 800 now. If you have any electronics background, you should not have any problems building either of these. Just remember to keep all leads as short as possible and all grounds to the same point.


All parts can be purchased from either JDR or Jameco Electronics.

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These pages created and maintained by Clarence Dyson
Online since May 6, 1996

Copyright © 1996,1999 Clarence Dyson. All rights reserved.
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Ride Free, Citizen