File Attributes Setter (FATR.COM)››FATR's function››Set, clear, or display files and their attributes. Work's across sub-directories.››When to use it››Use FAtr when you want to unprotect or protect files. When you need to backup or copy selected directories. You may set or clear the archive bit. If using FAtr with SpartaDOS X you may set or clear the hidden attribute of files and sub-directories.››SpartaDOS 3.2F, 3.2G, and 3.2GX info››SpartaDOS 3.2x only supports one file attribute: protect. With the introduction of FAtr I have introduced an archival bit attribute for SpartaDOS 3.2x.››This is needed for the xcopy command to be fully functional in SpartaDOS 3.2x. You will be able to do archival copies as soon as xcopy is introduced.››How to use it››Type "fatr *.*" (same as "fatr *.* /l") without attribute set commands for a display of all the files in your cwd dir.››Type "fatr >*.* /s /p+" to protect all the files in your floppy or hard-drive partitions, across sub-directories.››Use "/d" if you want FAtr to set attributes on subdirectories as well. Default is no attribute setting on sub-directories.››To display the files you specify use the "/l" command. Also, if you use "/l" you will only be shown sub-directories and the files contained in those subdirectories. Empty sub-directories will not be displayed.››Type "D1:fatr[return]" for explanation of usage.››100% compatible with SpartaDOS 3.2x and SpartaDOS X.›PC XFormer compatible.›