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Description of DOS II/+ on Atari XL/XE Computer Series


n: Select drive where n is drive's number
DIR or /
DIR D3:*.*
DIR D3:*.* -A
Directory of current drive (both mean the same)
Directory of drive 3
Directory of all programs with W*.TXT specification
Displays the directory of drive 3 in two columns.
TYP name Displays file's content. For example ATASCII text file.
DEL name Deletes file name. Never use *.* as name with DEL for clearing the whole disk because disk space will be less than it is for real.
REN old,new Renames file old to new
LOC name Locks file
UNL name Unlocks file
FS# Formats current disk in Single Density
FM# Formats current disk in Medium Density
FD# Formats current disk in Double Density
CL# Clears disk directory and VTOC table
IN# Writes DOS on current disk
COP from,toCopies file from from to to
If you want to copy some files from one disk to another as source mask write *.* or *.BIN and as target mask Dn:=. DOS will be waiting for Return after each file twice (or more) with from or to prompt. It's necessary = not *.*. So you can copy files to different disks having only one disk drive.
If after second name (target) you add /A, source file will be added to the target.
LOA name,address Loads file name into memory. If the address is present, then file will be loaded on address position (with header if it's binary file). If the address is not present, then file must be with header. Otherwise DOS doesn't load it.
RUN address Runs program from address
SAV name,from,toSaves binary file name from specified memory location.
JOB command Saves on disk first command to execute after DOS loads. Here You can put any DOS command from this list or just a filename or batch file. Batch file must be preceded by @ (e.g. D3:@AUTOEXEC.BAT). If there's no command JOB displays actual command (default is ;).
CAR or ; Jumps to BASIC if it's turned on! If not, this command will only clear the screen. After ; you can write any BASIC command. For example ;RUN"D:PROG.BAS"
=ON Turns the BASIC on
=OF Turns the BASIC off
name Loads and runs program name. If it has COM extender you could pass it.
>address (in HEX)Displays 8 bytes from address.
>address byte ... Writes byte(s) to the address.
@name Loads and runs batch file called name. The batch file can contain all DOS commands plus some special commands:
'text Displays text on the screen
! Waits for any key

Technical infos

Drive D8: is a RAMdisk. Handler M: has the same meaning like D8:, but while copying DOS doesn't wait for a key.
If you know file's position on the directory, you can use instead of filename just its number from 1 to 9 (e.g. D1:-3 or M:-9). You could also use all the characters in filenames if you put + before filename. String's length is 11 characters.

You can modify DOS changing special bytes in memory. If you want to save modified DOS just use the command IN# and the new DOS will be saved to disk. If you use Q-MEG then DOS II/+ will automatically load to the extra RAM and could be loaded if you'll press Control+Caps.

Thanks to Alex of Bit Busters for delivering the information to me!

Any comments concerning corrections or additions to this page are welcome!
CubE - Last Update: 23.09.1997

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