I say a big "THANK YOU" to all people who sent me bug reports, gave me hints and told me to continue my work. Esp. I want to thank (ABC-order): - Dan Boris For several bug-fixes, information and nice chats on IRC He has also written VSS an Atari 5200 emulator. - Andy D For sending me 8k & 16k cartridges. - Ron Fries For the _excellent_ pokey emulator. Used since 0.17 - Mike Hill For the great samples he made ! (no longer used) He has also written Pokey. Another Atari-emulator. Take a look at it. - Ken Jordan Explaining me what they did in Alternate Reality. Checking the CPU-emulation. - Eric Jorgensen For his excellent VAT sound-library. Used since V0.15 (no longer used) - Steven Lashower For sending me his ANTIC MUSIC PROCESSOR and having the time to explain me how he did some "tricky" things. - Ivan Mackintosh For sending me some non-working programs. Giving me a hint about the write-support. His equate-headers. Etc. Etc. - Jean-Paul Mikkers For his MikMod 2.10. I use this library to mix the samples. (no longer used) - Adolf Mollnhuber For really great samples ! (no longer used) - Alan Reeve For general help concerning the behaviour of the Atari. For some short pieces of code and sampling Atari's sound. (no longer used) - Charles Scheffold and Thomas Pytel For their excellent PMODE DOS-Extender (faster,shorter,better!) - Radek Sterba for his hints regarding the BRK-instruction and calculation problems in Atari-BASIC