____ _ _ _ _ | _ \| | | | |__ ___ ___ | |_ | |_) | | | | _ \/ _ \/ __)| _| | __/ \ \/ /| (_) | __/\__ \| |_ |_| \__/ |____/\___)(___/\___) proudly presents: Atari Rom File Designer >>>> EXECUTABLE FILE ZIP PACKAGE <<<< An Utility Soft for the Atari XL/XE Fans Written by Philippe VUILLERME Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by PVBest ****************************** DATE : 01 JULY 2002 Revision : 1.9.0 This is a beta version to test new 1.9 revision features ****************************** 1. FILE SHIPPED WITH ARFDesigner REV 1.9.0 beta ARFDesigner.exe The WIN32 'Atari Rom File Designer' executable file ReadMe ARFD 1.9.0.txt This file WhatsNew ARFD 1.9.0.txt New feature description file (since rev 1.8.0) LICENSE.TXT The GNU library license text 2. USAGE The Atari Rom File Designer is a Windows 32 bits application software. Its purpose is to edit, to disassemble, to modify, and to design (to create) Atari 8 bits Rom files, relative the Atari 800/800XL/130XE... It should be used in parallel with the Atari 800 Emulators, and my sotware should be enclosed with any emulators! Nota: Atari Rom File Monitor was the old name of my soft (before rev. 1.8.0) The following names are equivalent: 'ARFD', 'ARFDesigner' and 'Atari Rom File Designer' These are the names of my software. 3. REQUIREMENT & INSTALLATION Tests must be carried out to define where is the limit of the minimum configuration, and also the maximum limit.... A Pentium processor with 4Mo RAM, and Windows 32 bits operating system (WIN9X/Me/NT/2000) seems to fit! Installation and Uninstallation is fully manual. Nothing is written in configuration file or in the Windows register. 4. HELP For the moment, the Atari Rom File Designer (ARFD) has no inline help. Please visit my WebSite for help: visit http://pvb.free.fr/Atari/ 5. BUGS REPORT You may report me all the bugs you find while running ARFD: send me an email to pvbest@free.fr I will collect all the issues and will upgrade the ARFD revision to an higher revision. 6. CREDITS A lots of people to thanks... look at my web pages! Atari Rom File Designer for education and fun purpose only... I make no profit and I do not want money. It's a freeware for the Atari fans and lovers! Thanks to the following people who help me with their articles: - E.Calvert (Windows 95 Programmation) for his coding lessons and based code especialy in the RTFFUNCT.CPP module ! - All people from the Atari 800 Emulator Project : parts of desassembly code of my monitor.cpp is based upon the 'monitor.c' of the Atari 800 Emulator by David Firth and his Emulator team - Disassembly address mnemonic table based on disassembler by Erich BACHER - Serial communication module is based on C++ code from Thierry Schneider, and code is also based upon the article ''Serial Communications in Win32'' by Allen Denver (Microsoft Windows Developer Support) - Of course Microsoft and Windows are registered Trademark of Microsoft Corp. - Thanks for all people making Atari lives through our PC computers ! 7. WHAT'S NEW REV 1.9.0 beta revision for tests: ---------------------------------- Please read the WhatsNew ARFD1.9.0.txt file REV 1.8.0: ---------- Atari Rom File Designer (ARFDesigner) is currently under Revision 1.8.0 This revision 1.8.0 is the first public released, this is a beta revision (bugged and incomplete!) 8. NOTICE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ****************************** Atari is still alive !! So Use and Enjoy. Atari is a registered trademark. ****************************** Philippe PVBest@free.fr http://pvb.free.fr/Atari/ -Made in Savoie, France, 1st JULY 2002-