up-to-date list of accepted command line parameters =================================================== -help -configure -config -v -verbose -atari -xl -xe -320xe -rambo -5200 -nobasic -basic -nopatch -nopatchall -pal -ntsc -osa_rom -osb_rom -xlxe_rom -5200_rom -basic_rom -cart -rom "normal 8 cart" -rom16 "normal 16 cart" -ags32 "ags 32 cart" -oss "oss supercart" -db "db 16/32 superduper cart" -run "run direct" -refresh -palette -a -b -monty -emuos -c -sound -nosound -dsprate Falcon ====== -interlace "copy only some generated screens to Falcon videoram" -joyswap "joystick 0 plays as joystick 1 (useful if other player plays on keyboard" -videl "direct videl programming for switching to desired res" -delta "update diferences on the creen only" -double "double the screen size on NOVA" SVGA ==== -interlace DOS === -interlace -LPTjoy[123] -joyswap -video <0-3> "0=320x200, 1=320x240, 2,3=320x480 interlaced (3=darker lines)" -novesa "don't use VESA gfx modes" -vretrace "sync with gfx card vertical retrace" -mouse [off|pad|pen] -keyboard <0,1> "0 = PC keyboard layout, 1 = Atari keyboard layout"