~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Atari800Win An Atari 800/800XL/130XL/5200 emulator for Win32 Original Atari800 code by David Firth (david@signus.demon.co.uk) Original Win32 version by Richard Lawrence (rich@kesmai.com) http://www.cris.com/~Twist/atari800win/ 29.02.2000 v2.5d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is unofficial release of Atari800Win based on Atari800 0.9.9f sources. The main goal with that release was simply up-to-date the emulator, but there are some other changes in the Windows code too: Added: 1) "Use new binary load method" option in "Hardware Settings" dialog. That method was introduced with version 0.9.9d of Atari800. 2) "File Association" dialog box for help with shell integration. 3) New icons (main and doc). The older ones are still available. 4) Alternative synchronization method with monitor refresh rate (experimental). Fixed: 1) Problems with main window sizing in windowed modes. Size of status bar is getting more appropriate now. 2) Some problems with Windows NT registry. There was small problem with writing empty strings. 3) Behavior of "Cartridge Management" dialog. Case sensitive paths comparison changed to insensitive, option "Use BASIC" disabled for 320XE machines and other minor fixes. 4) Behavior of "Hardware Options" dialog. No more surprises I hope (and don't believe). 5) Some strange problems with navigation using keyboard in "Graphics Options" dialog. The cleanning of Windows code was started and header files were created. More about new sync method: I'm owner of PC 300/374 MHz with two Matrox graphics cards (Mistique 1064SG PCI and Millennium G400 AGP). I couldn't get a smooth graphics neither with first nor second one (I tried to run emulator with "Wait on VSYNC" and "PAL" options turned on and full screen opened in 50Hz via gfx card's driver). That's why I made this modification. I changed style of checkbox "Wait on VSYNC" in "Graphics Options" dialog window: it is 3-state now. The 2nd state forces the emulator to sync with the monitor. It works in modes using DirectDraw (exclusive and normal) only. Unfortunately, there are still some troubles with it: · you have to set monitor refresh rate to 50Hz for PAL or 60Hz for NTSC for display modes utilized with emulator. Not all gfx cards and/or monitors will allow you to do this, · you have to set to 1 "Refresh" option in "Hardware Settings" dialog, · scrollers will appear smoother, but sound may not work correctly, · if you haven't got fast PC, don't bother. This won't help you. You may also try "Run Atari as fast as possible" with any monitor refreshment frequency. Have Fun, Harry (szymankowskit@prokom.pl)