WHAT'S NEW IN TELEDISK 2.10 We've added a comment feature to image files and cleared a bug with "DOS only" type image files. WHAT'S NEW IN TELEDISK 2.04 Another obscure one -- when restoriug a mixed single/double density diskette from a file, the density wouldn't get switched appropriately. The image files produced by older versions of TeleDisk are valid, however. WHAT'S NEW IN TELEDISK 2.03 An obscure bug occurs while performing a disk-to-disk copy from a unit on a secondary controller to one on a primary. This release repairs this and extends somewhat the copying capabilities of TeleDisk. WHAT'S NEW IN TELEDISK 2.01 We've chased a number of bugs in this version and successfully squashed them. You now have the option of copying both sides, either side, or just the DOS allocated sectors. This has resulted in the DISK TO FILE menu changing a bit.