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1@8@@@D@J@Q@W@^@a@e@k@q@v@{@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@AA AAA A$A(A0A6A:A?AEAIALASAYA_AeAAsp"I}irinBanisterBedsBottleBoulderButtonCabinetCarCardCarpetCheeseCooksCrackCrossDodo birdsDoorDrawingsDwarfsDynamiteElevatorFootp"J}rintsHairHatHoleIceJacketKettleKeyKnifeLadderLifeguardLighterLiquidLogsManMaskPinPoolRatRestaurantShelvesShovelSignSinkSkelet"K}onStairsTireToadsToiletTrapTubVampireWaiterWindowWizardWriting    BHBB"L}BCCCDeDD5EEEZFFFGrGGGIH|HHIIII J@JJJ3KKKYLL7MMMYNNNO]OO$P@PoPP You are outside o"M}f your car next to a deep hole. It is pitch black. Luckily you see a light down below. The room is so smoky"N} that you can only make out the outline of what appears to be a window. It is a long corridor created of stones."O} The den is empty, but you notice a crack in the wall which is just large enough for you to crawl through."P} You feel disoriented in this tunnel. There is nothing here. A floating sensation makes you feel queer."Q} There is a musty smell in the air. There is some writing on the wall. You look around suspiciously, but s"R}ee no trolls in sight. There is a door to the east. On the walls of the cave are small drawings of dancing gnomes"S}. There is a door to the west. The entire room is covered with carpet, bloody red in color. There "T}is plenty of dirt here, and you notice footprints in the grime. You're at the top of the staircase. The stairs are"U} cracked and broken in many places. Banister posts hold the staircase up. You're at the bottom of the staircase. A"V}t the foot of the stairs is a door. It smells and looks as if it hasn't been washed in years! This is a ten-f"W}eet deep pool. It is extremely cold here. You shiver and shake from the freezing temperature. The smell is un"X}pleasant and you hold your breath in disgust. This is where all the brewing took place."Y} The room is empty except for a wizard. There is a door to the east. The smell here is of decayed flesh."Z} Stale food fills this tiny room. There is a door to the east. The cooks here look like elves and dwarfs. They gla"[}nce at you suspiciously and continue working. There is a door to the west. The place is elegantly designed. Each "\}table has a burning candle and flowers. This is a tiny space made of bricks. On the muddy floor, you notice"]} a large purple "X.# The hallway is... (gasp!) empty. Although there is no one around, it shows s"^}igns of current use. You have just interrupted a council meeting of the dwarfs. The silen"_}ce in this room calms your nerves. You kneel and utter a prayer. There are many cages holding the believed"`}-to-be extinct dodo birds. ...and you thought it was cold in the Fog Room. Little green toads are happ"a}ily hopping about. There are also dozens of them lazing around the pond. Everything looks green and healthy."b} There is no one here but you notice huge identical footprints embedded in the dirt and they all point north."c} There are large footprints in the mud which all point east. There are more footprints to t"d}he left and right, but most point to the north. No one is here, but many footprints are apparent in"e} the dirt, pointing west. There are footprints all over the room, pointing in all directions."f} There are lovely carvings all made out of ivory. An enormous rat instills itself in the middle of the r"g}oom. It's not the place anyone would want to stay at. The wide-spread dust creates thick layers of f"h}ilth. There are three buttons on the wall: one red, one purple, and the third green. You notice an elevato"i}r ahead of you. The tunnel is lighted with purple bulbs. You're back on land! A me"j}ssage says: "Employees only#. There's no smoke in sight. A yellow display flashes "Lee's Chi"k}nese Restaurant.#JRVRRRRRRRRSS,SGSiS|SSSST*TBTNTYTrTTTTTU)U@UYUzUUV3VMV]VVVW#W?W]WWWWWXEXXXX"l}XYhYYYYYZZuZZZZZ [.[I[b[[[[[%\<\U\\\\\\ ][]]]]]]!^6^O^p^^^^_A_v____4`c`````aBaQawaaaa"m}aa b6bNbgb|bbbb5cNcWcucccd3dudddddDeUeveeeeRfpfffff gFgYgegtgggggh h%h@h_hkhvhhhhhh3iAiXihizii"n}iiiSpeak up!!!I don't know how to Do what?The word " is not in my dictionary.O"o}kay.Done!That's quite impossible!No can do.I wouldn't try that.That's ridiculous!Follow directions!You're not going an"p}ywhere.I don't see any here.You're holding it!You don't have it!Nothing happens.It's much too heavy.You fou"q}nd something, but the number of objects in this room prevents you from seeing what it is.Get the trap first!Cannot activate"r} device!Bad sector!Disk full!Version 1 doesn't exist!You feel slightly sick from the cheese.You feel very sick.You die "s}from food poisoning!You have a cold from swimming the pool.You are running a high fever.You die from pneumonia!The liquid"t} cools down.The door is in your way.You have no way to get up there.The wizard sees the grotesque mask. His face contorts "u}with terror and he throws you out. -Hit RETURN-The man won't allow you to go there.The cross terrifies the vampire! -Hit RE"v}TURN-The rat blocks your path.The mask helps.The amount of dust here forces you to retreat.Where's the tire??? You'll nev"w}er get out of this place!You replace your tire and drive off! You and your mother enjoy a wonderful reunion!With what?You "x}like digging that much.This is not the place to dig.You uncover a downward opening right where the "X# was.A booming echo "y}replies: " ...only if you can catch them!...but they're so cute!He doesn't want to hurt you.You die "z}from the poisonous bite of the rat.He lunges at your neck with his two sharp fangs. Before you can let out a scream, you die"{}.What has he done?Before you can act, he steals your knife.You've got to be kidding.The fuse begins burning.You hear a l"|}oud explosion. You are dead, but your remains are scattered across the room.Playing with fire is dangerous.You can't even s"}}tart a fire.The dynamite explodes and shatters everything in sight.The liquid boils.A nice fire is started.It's already l"~}ighted.You trip and hit your head against the stone ground. You crack your skull open and die.In order to close it, it must"} be opened first.It's stuck.What are you going to cut it with?It's already in shreds.You give yourself a crew cut.Your h"}air is too short to cut again.There's no more room here.Something won't let you!The falls and immediately disap"}pears!It fell in the pool!It lands on the logs.Ouch! The trap snaps right on your big toe!The rat smells the cheese and r"}uns toward the trap. SNAP!!You feel a lot better.There's no more aspirin.It tasted awful, but you managed to eat it all.N"}o matter how you look at it, it looks normal.It's nothing special.It's ordinary!!!It's not too exciting to look at.It is "} a purple Diner's Club card.It is the ugliest, most grotesque thing you've ever seen.It's filled with some sort of liquid."}It's empty.You don't know what kind of liquid it is, but it sparkles magically.It's hot.It reminds you of a dwarf's beard"}.There isn't much hair to examine.You found something!It's dead as a doornail!It looks like this: -Hit RETURN-There seem"}s to be some aspirin in it.It's in bad shape.The cheese looks stale.You notice they are short and have beards that reach t"}he ground.They stare at you in frozen silence. I think you better leave.There are ugly monsters wandering on the other side"}.There's a figure of a man on it.They pay no interest in you.The warning label says: "Explosives - Keep out of reach of ch"}ildren.#A message above the elevator says: "Emergency exit only.#They resemble a creature name "Count Dracula.#Engraved on"} the purple key are the words, "George Gnome.#There's plenty of lighter fluid in it.He is tall, dark, and skinny.It's a pr"}etty, purple pin.The water looks cold.He looks harmless, but looks can be deceiving.They're empty.There are words written"} on this sign.You can't bear to look.It's written in English.It is a high-class restaurant.They fly away from you.It's o"}n the top of your head!That's sick!!The skeleton will break if you pick it up.They hop away from you.You can't hold all t"}hat!You can't give that!They refuse your gift.Instead of taking your he looks at you and laughs.He takes it "}and thanks you."Now I can eat!# He leaves the place and heads toward the restaurant.A rat doesn't want that!Yum-yum.There"}'s no one to give it to.You slam yourself against the closed door.Uh-oh. A slide panel made of unbreakable glass covers the"} opening at the top.A gang of monsters attack you! You are dead!The elevator is closed.Okay. You come out into a tunnel. T"}he elevator closes behind you.Insert it where?The cheese goes in the trap.It's already in the trap.The door is unlocked!"}The lifeguard tosses your inventory to the other side of the pool. After you swim, you get your inventory back.No sounds he"}ard.They speak a different language.You hear his stomach growl.There's just a bunch of "ribbits# and "croaks.#You hear a "}laugh, or is it more like a cackle?The waiter says: "Beards okay, hippies - no way. A membership card will do anyday.# -Hit "}RETURN-Dead rats are normally quiet.It's already open.You found some aspirin! You decide to toss the bottle away.It's sec"}urely locked.The liquid soaks into the ground.It runs off the ice.It slowly melts the ice. A small compartment is revealed"}!A door has a knob.That hurts!It won't help.Whoosh... you are teleported somewhere.The elevator slides open!"City of Sa"}cramentoHome of the Gnomes, Elves, & DwarfsPopulation: 12,500#Whee..!How do you want to use it?You're already wearing it"}.How could you? It's in shreds.Disk error!It's dead!It says: "Admission to Diner's Club.#You're in it!...but you have a"} flat tire!Perhaps they are frogs.He is dressed in a tuxedo.Your goal is to find a tire, not to stare at lifeguards!"Be c"}areful.#He leaves immediately.Bare means bareThings disappear,They go elsewhereTo a place quite queer.You lean the ladd"}er against the attic.It doesn't fit you.How?  Ĉ  "}"00" !! $"}$&"#%$$&('(+'*-+ '+.  ("}.!&SPARE TIREӠŠӠ٠źĿ @Are you sure?@Whi"}ch color?@REDGREENPURPLEisk or assette?@What version number (1-9)?@D:SPTIRE1.DATCONGRATULATIONS!ՠŠĠҠ"}Ρ$%*+.37%5$diction vocabul(pieces)(wearing)(on logs)(burning)(dead)(with cheese) ! 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