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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D8:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu }W=AB=!"`<0<M !"` XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"UNEM:D"NURf  <DXPICBg`AgAD@d'A@'@e +@#+}@@d1B7t@dCAYO6-Bg`c%@Aw-@@%AA ,}Bgd'BgeA9@K@AV@@@ D:EXCEL5A.-}PICAP@'ARAQ9ASAKAV@#]AW@y6-?:C:hhhLV,<@,.}@/ #@!-A6Af%"+/ RR72,138,72,174,11,212,142,10,212,189,80,128,141,22,208,189,176,/}128,141,23,208**189,16,129,141,24,208,104,170,104,64 ]BB'A9A@KBB0}A]AY@b 'A'AdAU F:Ad,"@1@  F:Ad,"@0@%1} F:Ad,"@&@0 F:Ad,"@$@5@w @ @P% D:EDIT5.BA2}S @P% D:SUB*.RUN @P% D:SOFT*.RUN# @P %D:EXCELART.BAS2X +BB13}AACAAUBB@dX$D:MENU %D:EXCELART.BAS2X +BB1D@UQQPUAUQPEAUPUUEUU@U@  ** 5}O?/ ?CC?@? 6}??O????S 7}ST?/ ?SSP?_O_P? 8}¿ 9}UAUQUUPAQUQQQQPBj :}??? ;}WSPPS <}TUPPU =}j*jPUAU@*U@W? >}???QS@?SB@? ?}UATU@P @}QRQP*UPUP*UAU@¢Bo A}QWAC_ B}UEPTUPUT TAUUU AU C}E@UAPUP/+*ZJF@JJ?/ ??¨ A??>Ư D}Ͼ ??O ?« E}PU@TTTj EAUUU@ F}ʚCJJ A G}FO@?? H}TUP I}UP***j/?????? J}????Uo +?? K}??? L}TTTTTUPPP@AUE@@T*TT*JJ **+?T+? M} /???/?//???????????O@?????? N}Ͼ??????/??????U O}PPPTPP*TT T*TTTU?*j*+?+***??/// P}??? /????//???????????????U?T?????T????/?? ?? Q}? ????*????????? R} S}444444444DDDDDDDDDvvvvvvvvvbbbbbbb T}bbbb888888888HHHHHHHHHzzzzzzzzzfffffffffff U}<<<<<<<<SS(Kcan be fitted into a magazine. Also, it will benu}efit the cassette users who?$$(cannot buy the monthly disk.@$1.(& EXCEL #5 EDITORIAL by Robert Stuart1(VV(v}N The best news on the new software frontis that Zeppelin have recently broughtWW(Oout three new additions to their budgew}t range. These are Cavernia, Stack Up andUU(MJocky Wilson's Darts Compendium, all of which are reviewed in this issue. Sox},VV(Nit looks like Zeppelin are continuing to support the Atari, but without goodWW(Osales, for how much longer? Coy}mputer games sales are dropping generally, notXX(Pjust on the Atari, and it seems that Zeppelin are now the only UKz} company whoYY(Qare still producing new Atari software. Well, if you want their support to go onVV(Nthen buy the ga{}mes! Stack Up is a very good game based on the Sega cartridgeQQ(IColumns, and Cavernia is a brilliant scrolling arcad|}e / platform game.$1.(& EXCEL #5 EDITORIAL by Robert Stuart1(UU(M Well, I hope you enjoy this month's offe}}rings, and hope you will all giveTT(Lthe new magazine a lot of support. The magazine will continue until the endTT(L~}of the year (issue 3; December) and its future after that will be decided byWW(Oits popularity. If sales are high and m}ore contributions come in, fine! If itXX(Pdoesn't sell a decent amount or if I do not get enough material to publish, the}nRR(Jit won't last long. Either way, the Excel Monthly Disk will continue,XX(Pas it isn't too difficult to fill }up each month as I have quite a lot of goodUR(Jprograms (and ideas for programs) at themoment. Okay, see you next mon}th!U($$(Yours Atarily, Robert Stuart$<#$ D:EDIT5.BAS for programs) at themoment. Okay, see you next monJ  <DXPIC'A@'@e +@#}@@d1B7t@dCAYO6-Bg`c%@Aw-@@%AA }Bgd'BgeA9@K@AV@@@ D:SUBMISS.}PICAP@'ARAQ9ASAKAV@#]AW@y6-?:C:hhhLV,<@,}@/ #@!-A6Af%"+/ RR72,138,72,174,11,212,142,10,212,189,80,128,141,22,208,189,176,}128,141,23,208**189,16,129,141,24,208,104,170,104,64 ]BB'A9A@KBB}A]AY@b 'A'AdAU -@A 2U +BB1}AACAAUBB@d<H@9@@ D:SUBMISSI.ONH6-?:AUv,} D:SUB.RUNCAAUBB@d<H@9@@ D:SUBMISSI.ONH6-?:AUv,42@}UUUUUUPUUUUUUUAUAU@UTUUUAU@UUUAUAU@UUUUUUAU@}UUUAUAUAUUUAUUUAU@UUUUAUAUUUAUUUU@U@UAUAUAUAU@U@}U@UUUAUAUAU@U@UUPUUUU@UUUPU@UUTUTU@UUTU@(UUT}UTU@UUTU@(UUTUTU@UUTU@(UUPUTU@UUPU@(U@UUUU}@UU@U@(U@UUUAUAUAU@U@(U@UAUAUAUAU@U@(UUUUAUAUUUAUU}UUUU(UUUAUAUAUUUAUUUAUUU@(UUUAUAU@UUUUUUAUUU@(UUUAUAU@UTUUUAUUU}@(UUUUUUPUUUUUU( * } * *  } **   ** *}*UUUAUUEEEUAU *EEEE@@@Q@T@ EEEEUUUU@TU}UU@E@U@T@@U@E@@T@@EEUAUUEE@TU}}}UTUUUU@PUUUTUUUTUUUU@PP  @*  }@**??@??@??@??@??@??}@??T??T?/?? @???@??}@???@??@???@??UT??UUT??}??????@??????@??????}@?????O?T?P?@???O???@??O??}?@??O???@??O???@??O???}@??O???@??O???@??O???}@??O???@??W_?TUW_P? ?  }???@??@??@??@??@??}@????????}}}}}}}PRTVXZ\^^^^^^\ZXVTRP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>444444444444:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::}:::::::4222222222222222222222222222222222226666666666602468:<><:8642002468:<><:8642000000000000000000002}<><:8642000000000000000000002KDA0έ1Ϡ FȩWȩȩȩȩȩΩ6 PL\L_,/!$).'}"90%4%2",5%-%2 """_ \LrI}}DDGHEEJ"#EEKLFF}}#$}(%,0}DDGHEEJ$%EEKL}FF}%&}}&'}}GHDDJEEKLEEFF'4(}5(.)=PS##XX##XY$S# P}#VV#&[P#XY$[Y$#XS[&##-V#&񉼕#-bV-#@AIAAAABBBB@A@BCDCCCCBCDCDCCCCBCDDDCBBDDCDCAHIACD}EEEEEEEEEEFFADCCCDCFDDDFDFDDCCCCDDBFFEEEEEGFEEEEEEEFFEEEGEGHGGGEEGEHGGGGGEEF/)**pppF\"V)4"F$F\"A/)}"90%4%2",5%-%2#/092)'(4,!34 3#/2%}()'( 3#/2%02%333%,%+*&+#44/#(!.'%34!24).'35"}02%3334!244/0,!9.%7'!-%/}@Ԣ/)K01]H)n+ԩ"/x0'++x0Y*Y*Y*x0y}0y0y0 5x0йвx0L~IH̭ <x Ԣ͍ ԍЦh@Щ ԍ ԩ4ЩЩL++, }     ``yy``yy[[yyQQllQQQQ````[[`[lllllllyyyyyy}yyyylllllll````[[[[[[꠫, \ԩҍ}0|0z0{0`؆ήz0,c-+}|0++ҭ|0)|0z0{0z0 z0}0{0}0|0}0#{0,iҩҍҭ{0ɀ{0z0+ |0}+ҩҦLbb \Ԣ `d-_.?`<&&><`p> .0>0``0}>`<.&2x|~~<f >0> (8(,$dD8>>>8f`.[/`Pt |0`6"""?<4&>x}@`P| |0ఘl0?`<,dpx|@ >0>  ;6 }~~~~$~<<~~<<<<<@@`` C€\//<<$$$~~~~$~<<~~<<<<< @@``}C<<$$$ /0000`0`0UU||4X 4Tv2@PPPPPPZPP}PPPPZPZZPPFPPPPPPPPZ0}|nn|||||||||||||||01d||||||dd||||||||||d|||||||d|||||||dd|||||||||||||||||||}||||||||||_0!`00!00_00000000000000!0000000`!0_00000_0000_!0000000_0000000!`0_0000_0000_00`0000`0}``00`0```0`QQ12QQQQ}------------------------------}---------------------------2v3------------------------------------------}----------------------B$<< E? ? ? 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As usual there arejUU(Malso a few oldies reviewed, which are all Zeppelin games as well.)F} I thoughtlVV(Nwe would do a little tribute to Zeppelinas a token of thanks for continuing tonXX(Psupport the Atari XL/)G}XE, and for their high standard of games. All of the gamespTT(Lare available from Miles Better Softwarewho provide an ex)H}cellent service. IrUU(Mordered the new Zeppelin games on a Tuesday and recieved them on ThursdaytXX(Pmorning. That')I}s what I call service!! Give Zeppelin and Miles Better your fullv""(support. They deserve it.x$U&( C)J}AVERNIA by ZEPPELINR(' Tape 3.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREU(WW(O After a gap of almost a year, Zeppelin have finall)K}y released a new Atari game!VV(NCavernia was written by the combined talents of Ivan Mackintosh and RichardTT(LMun)L}ns, who many Atari owners will know as the authors of such classic AtariXX(Pgames as Crumble's Crisis, Plastron, andthe )M}incredible Black Lamp. With a recordWW(Olike that, their new game has quite a reputation to live up to, but I'm glad)N}XX(Pto say that the game fulfilled all my expectations! Well, almost all, CaverniaYY(Qdoesn't have a note of music i)O}n it anywhere, which is unusual for a musicalWW(Omaestro like Richard Munns. However, the programmers have more )P}than made up(for the lack of music!$,U&( CAVERNIA by ZEPPELINR(' Tape 3.99 from MILES BETTER SOF)Q}TWAREU(.XX(P The game is set in a vast underground cavern split into sixteen smaller caves,0XX(Pthrough which Teddy )R}Arkelthorpe, ace pot-holer, must travel in order to find2VV(Nthe treasure of Cavernia. In each cave there is a certain)S} number of artifacts4WW(Owhich must all be collected, as Teddy can exchange them for a key to the cave6# (exit when )T}he reaches it.#(8UU(M Teddy has eleven 'spiritual' lives, andI think he will need them all, as the:VV(Ncaverns are inf)U}ested with tormented souls and scorpion headed mutants, not<WW(Oto mention electric fields, stalactites and stalacmite)V}s. The game is reasonably>WW(Odifficult and definitely a challenge; I've yet to go beyond the third cavern.@$U&()W} CAVERNIA by ZEPPELINR(' Tape 3.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREU(WW(O The sound effects are okay, but the )X} game excels in the graphics department!WW(OThe screen scrolls smoothly, the caves are nicely drawn, the graphics are ve)Y}ryWW(Ocolourful, and the sprites very well designed and animated. Teddy moves veryRR(Jrealistically, particularly )Z}when he climbs up onto a ledge. Your scoreVV(Nis depicted as large bouncing sprites atthe top of the screen, which is)[} a very%"(nice touch by the authors.%(WW(O The only annoyance is that if you lose a life, you must start at the beg)\}inningWW(Oof the level again, but thankfully, you don't have to collect the artifacts all( over again.$U&()]} CAVERNIA by ZEPPELINR(' Tape 3.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREU(WW(O The game is very addictive, and with )^} sixteen levels, won't be completed in aSS(Khurry. I expect Cavernia to keep me up into the small hours for a good few)_}VV(Nweeks to come! This is an excellent piece of software which deserves a lotSS(Kof attention. Unfortunately, the )`}price is slightly higher than most recentXX(Pbudget games at 3.99, but a few years ago, games of this quality were sol)a}d forUU(Mthree or four times that price. In my opinion Cavernia is well worth everyTT(Lpenny of the asking price. )b}If you own Transdisk IV, you will be pleased toTT(Lknow that all three new Zeppelin games transfer onto disk with no p)c}roblems.//('Buy this; you will not be disappointed!$X]/('J.WILSON'S DARTS COMPENDIUM by ZEPPELINZ(& Tape 3.99 )d}from MILES BETTER SOFTWARE](ZWW(O Jocky Wilson's Darts Compendium is a new game from Zeppelin, and a sequel to\UU(MD)e}arts Challenge, the older Zeppelin game. This one, however, contains six^UU(Mdifferent darts games (all in memory at t)f}he same time!) and is again slightly`VV(Nhigher priced at 3.99. Upon loading youare greeted with a nice piece of musicb)g}WW(Oand a choice of one or two players, followed by a choice of Pub, County, ordWT(Linternational game (in one player)q}b%DOS SYSb)AUTORUN SYSb *MENU b#4EXCEL5A PICb,WEDIT5 BASb SUB RUNb#SUBMISS PICb^SUBMISSION b SOFT RUNb#ZEPPELINPICb8SOFTREVSBASb EXCELARTBASb4TITLE PIC games)to set the computer's level of play.W(fUU(M After this a menu of the six games is displayed, and these are Foo)r}tball,hWW(ODarts Bowls, Scram, Ten Dart Century, Shanghai and Matchplay 501 Darts, whichj//('is basically the old Joc)s}ky Wilson game.l$]/('J.WILSON'S DARTS COMPENDIUM by ZEPPELINZ(& Tape 3.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWARE](TT(L If)t} you play against the computer, a side-on view of an excellent cartoonSS(Kof Jocky Wilson is displayed when the comp)u}uter throws, complete with beerTT(Lbelly! The dartboard and scoreboard for the human player(s) are identical toRR(Jth)v}ose of the original game. The gameplayis the same, with the now standardWW(Owobbly dart making it quite difficult to th)w}row accurately, unlike the hand inA>(6Mastertronic's 180 which is pretty easy to score with.A(WW(O The different gam)x}es each have certain rules; for example 'Football' is playedUU(Mby first scoring a bullseye, and then a goal is awarded )y}for every double hit.,,($The winner is the first to 10 goals.$ ]/('J.WILSON'S DARTS COMPENDIUM by ZEPPELINZ(& T)z}ape 3.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWARE]("SS(K I found some of the games confusing, and was constantly reaching for the$){}TT(Linstructions on the inlay card, but no doubt darts fans will know the rules&WW(Oof the various games already. I imag)|}ine this game is simply a tarted up version(TT(Lof the old program, with extra options and improved graphics, but it is n)}}ow*UU(Mprobably the definitive darts game on the Atari, with six variations of the,(game to choose from.(.XX()~}P A nice game Zeppelin, but how about a few more original games, or a conversion0UU(Mof the Commodore 64 mega-blast 'IO')}, which would be a brilliant sequel to2(the classic Zybex ?4$T'( STACK UP by ZEPPELINT(( Tape )}2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREUU(M Now sit up and pay attention! Stack Up from Zeppelin is a brilliant new gameTT()}Lwhich will become a classic in no time! This game is a cracker. Upon loadingVV(Nyou are faced with a nice Zeppelin logo )}with coloured bars revolving around it,)(!which is a lovely demo in itself.,(TT(L The game itself is based on a Sega)} cartridge called Columns, which runsTT(Lalong similar lines to Tetris; shapes fall into a well and you have to get)}WW(Othem into the best possible position using the joystick, quick thinking, andVV(Non occasions, a generous helpi)}ng of good luck! The objects falling are allEE(=the same shape; you just have to get a row of three of them.$)}T'( STACK UP by ZEPPELINT(( Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREUU(M The rows can be either vertical, )} horizontal, or diagonal. When you getRR(Ja row, all of the shapes in the row disintegrate, and if there are any)}UU(Mblocks above them, these fall down into place. Two hundred points are awardedRR(Jfor a vertical row, five hundred )}for a horizontal, and one thousand for aUU(Mdiagonal. You must disintegrate a set number of lines on each level to gai)}nIF(>access to the next level, of which thereare twenty two in all.I(TT(L A line of four blocks counts as two lin)}es, and gets a double score. FiveXX(Plines triples the score and counts as three, while six in a row quadruples the()}(( score and counts as four lines.$LT'( STACK UP by ZEPPELINT(( Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAR)}ENWW(O The blocks fall into the well three at a time. The three blocks can be rotatedPTT(Lby pressing the fire button, )}or dropped to the bottom of the well by pullingRWW(Othe joystick down. There are four sets of blocks to choose from inclu)}ding roadTWW(Osigns and Greek letters. They are chosenby pressing the Select key during play.VTT(LWhen you complete a s)}tage, a bonus is awarded for the amount of free spaceX(left in the well.(ZVV(N The stages get progressively hard)}er, some wells already have many blocks in\VV(Nthem, and black blocks which cannot be destroyed appear, which makes the)} game^(much more difficult.`$T'( STACK UP by ZEPPELINT(( Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWARE)}SS(K In addition, in some levels only a diagonal line will count. The otherVV(Nlines still disintegrate; they just )} don't count as lines! Some stages haveSS(Kreverse joystick control, according to the instructions; I haven't reached)}VV(Nthat far yet! The longer you take on each stage, the faster the blocks fallWW(Ointo the well. The graphics are)} pretty simple but adequate for the game, as isYV(Nthe sound, but the game is tremendously addictive and I could not put)} it down!Y(SS(K The program was written by Brian and Barry Southon, of Joe Blade / TitanRR(Jfame and is every bit )}as professional asthose games. This is more like the%%(Zeppelin of old. More please!$T'( DRACONUS by)} ZEPPELINT(( Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREWW(O Draconus was originally released for the Atari in 1988 as a )}full price 9.99SS(Kgame just after the Commodore version was brought out for 2.99! The diskSS(Kversion was even m)}ore expensive at 13, but let's face it; it was worth it!UU(MJust recently though, Zeppelin have re-released the game)} as a budget tapeVV(Nso if you didn't buy it before, you have no excuse now; this is one of the UU(Mbest Atari gam)}es I've ever seen. The graphics are excellent; single colour"WW(Oshaded screens and the main character isa beautifully )}animated sprite shaded in$VV(Ngreens. This is Frognum, who can turn into the aquatic Draconewt when he has&@@(8posses)}sion of a Morph Helix and stands on a Morph Slab.($xT'( DRACONUS by ZEPPELINT(( Tape 2.99 from MILES )}BETTER SOFTWAREzTT(L The aim of the game is to restore peaceto an alien planet by destroying the|VV(Nresident tyrant be)}ast, who, judging by the screenshot on the box, is a pretty~TT(Lmean sonofagun! Frognum breathes fire, and Draconewt blo)}ws jets of water atVV(Nthe nasties, but other spells can be collected to use as weapons. There areWW(Oplenty of na)}sties around, including terrortoads and slimeballs, which drainZW(OFrognum's energy if they touch him. He has two ba)}ck up lives available though.Z(VV(N Lost strength can be regained by collecting energy crystals, and flasksKK()}Cof flame fluid each give Frognum anotherten blasts of firey breath.$T'( DRACONUS by ZEPPELINT(( Tape )}2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREXX(P Mapping the vast complex of rooms is a good idea, but not essential, as afterU)}U(Ma few goes, it's not too difficult to find your way around. Some rooms areTT(Lconnected by water-filled tunnels, a)}nd only by becoming Draconewt can theseTT(Lbe reached. The game will take some timeto complete, as it is not one of the)}VS(Keasiest games around, but it certainly has that 'just one more go' appeal.V(XX(P The graphics are excellent, the)} music brilliant, and the gameplay superb. ThisVV(Nis an Atari classic, and deserves to be in everyone's collection of )}games. AtGG(?only 2.99 Draconus is a steal. Buy it now or regret it later.$@T%( ZYBEX by ZEPPELINQ)}(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWARET(BTT(L This was one of the first Zeppelin games available for the Atari an)}d isDVV(Nnot only one of the best Zeppelin games,but one of the best Atari games of allFSS(Ktime. No shoot 'em up fan w)}ould ever be disappointed with this game. It is,HWW(Oto quote Jeff Minter, a 'megablast' withamazing graphics and music an)}d heaps ofJ( playability.(LWW(O It also has a simultaneous two player option which is great fun, but the gameNUU)}(Mis easier to complete as a solo mission;as you can pick up all of the weaponsPSS(Kand extra lives yourself without givi)}ng any to your partner! There are fiveRUU(Mdifferent weapons available, which are selected by pressing the fire button.T)}$T%( ZYBEX by ZEPPELINQ(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWARET(RR(J Whichever weapon is currentl)}y selected is fired automatically, so you canWW(Oconcentrate on dodging some of the alienkamikaze pilots. The aliens fly )}forwardUU(Mat great speeds in almost hypnotic wavesand some are very difficult to dodge,TT(Lwhile others hardly move )}at all. There are large monsters to destroy at theVV(Nend of most levels, and these must be destroyed to complete the )}phase. ThereSS(Kare sixteen worlds to visit in all, eachwith distinctive colouring and someTT(Lsuperbly designed back)}drops. A few of the enemy ships are graphically poorSS(Kbut the majority are very well drawn andanimated, and they blow)} up superbly++(#as well, as does your man when hit!$T%( ZYBEX by ZEPPELINQ(' Tape 2.99 from MILE)}S BETTER SOFTWARET( UU(M There are loads of brilliant little details in the game, such as your man UU(Moccasionally)} turning his head to have a look behind him. Also, there are someUU(Mexcellent little pieces of music to accompany th)}e entry of your name intoXX(Pthe high score table, at the start of each level, and when you get killed off.RR(J Thi)}s game has got everything; great graphics, sound, playability, and WW(Oaddictive qualities by the barrowload, and in )}my opinion, it is right up therePP(Hwith the all time classics. The above qualities place this game, in myRR(Jopini)}on, above the classic Dropzone, making it without a doubt the best00((shoot 'em up ever written for the Atari.$l)}X)(! NINJA COMMANDO by ZEPPELINU(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREX(nUU(M Ninja Commando is another famo)}us game from Zeppelin, and another conversionpXX(Pfrom the Commodore 64. This game is a scrolling platform-game cum bea)}t 'em up!rUU(MYour Ninja starts on his mission with noweapons, but after every three enemytUU(Mkills, he is awarded a )}more powerful weapon, e.g. a shuriken, bombs, and avXX(Pflame thrower. Before he gets these weapons, he has to kill)} the enemy NinjasxDA(9by jumping onto them, which requires a little practice!D(zTT(L The game is set over eight hori)}zontallyscrolling backgrounds, all drawn and|QQ(Ishaded in typical Zeppelin style, but the graphics here are of a higher)}~**("resolution than Zybex or Draconus.$X)(! NINJA COMMANDO by ZEPPELINU(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER )}SOFTWAREX(UU(M Enemy Ninjas appear from doors in the buildings, and are harmless for a fewVV(Nseconds (while they f)}lash), but if they touch your Ninja Commando, he not onlyTT(Lloses a life, but also whichever weapon he was using. At lea)}st you don't getUU(Mput back to the start of the stage! The acrobatic leaps of your Ninja and theUU(Menemy Ninjas are)} very well done, but be careful you don't overjump and end upTQ(Ias a red (okay, blue) spot on the rocks below, which isn)}'t too difficult!T(UU(M The title screen has some excellent graphical effects plus a good qualityUU(Mpiece of mus)}ic, which enhances the high quality of the program. Overall, this..(&is another winner from Zeppelin Games.$4U'()} MIRAX FORCE by ZEPPELINR(& Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREU(6TT(L Mirax Force, like Zybex, is a scrolling)}shoot 'm up which was first released8TT(Lby Tynesoft before they dumped the Atarito concentrate on other more popular:SS)}(Kmachines. The program was written by Chris Murray who also wrote Henry's<VV(NHouse and parts of Winter Olympiad, bot)}hof which are superb games. Mirax Force>WW(Ois also a very good piece of work. You control the ship Star Quest, which mus)}t@WW(Ofly over gigantic enemy motherships, destroying as much of them as possible.BVV(NYour mission is ultimately to)} blow up the ships' reactors, which will enableDXX(Pyou to go on to the next stage of the game. The motherships, howev)}er, are wellF77(/defended by dozens of smaller fighter craft.H$U'( MIRAX FORCE by ZEPPELINR(& Tape 2)}.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREU(VV(N The background graphics are amazingly detailed and the sprites are among theVV()}Nbest ever seen on the Atari, in both design and colouring. Your flight overUU(Mthe mothership is made even harder du)}e to the tall pylons extending from theTT(Lships' surfaces. These are sometimes hard to miss, and if you hit them or)}TT(Lanother tall part of the ship, the Star Quest disintegrates in a spectacular( explosion.(WW(O You have ano)}ther two ships in reserve, but they don't tend to last long! ThereTT(Lis a well documented cheat mode which enables you)} to see the later levels,SS(Kwhich start repeating after a short time. Yes, it's one of those games!$U'( )} MIRAX FORCE by ZEPPELINR(& Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREU(XX(P One of the best features of the game isthe)} speech which was digitised using the VV(Nold Replay cartridge from Two Bit Systems. 'Mirax Force' is said at the)} UU(Mstart of every game, and 'Game Over' at the end. The quality of the speech is (very good indeed.( VV(N Mirax)} Force is a good game, but falls short in the playability department as TT(Lthe game is really far too difficult, and w)}ith the cheat mode activated it WW(Ois too easy, not to mention impossible to complete; it continues ad infinitum! WW()}OHowever, at the price, it must be worth considering, as it was deemed excellent MM(Eback when it was a full price game on)} its original release in 1987. $` Y+(# MOUNTAIN BIKE RACER by ZEPPELINV(& Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWARE)}Y(b UU(M Mountain Bike Racer was written by the once Atari-dedicated Ian Copeland whod WW(Oalso did excellent work on Dra)}conus and Ninja Commando, among others. This gamef TT(Lis a scrolling cycling simulation with many levels. The game boasts)} a greath TT(Ltune by Adam Gilmore, who also composed the music in Zeppelin's other games,j SS(Knotably Zybex and Draconu)}s. The backdropgraphics are very well done but thel WW(Ocyclist himself is a bit crudely done ina single colour, although t)}he animationn XX(Pis quite good. Each course has a time limit which you must beat to gain accessp VV(Nto the next cour)}se. Any time left is converted into cash which can be usedr %%(to buy add-ons for your bike.t $ Y+(# MOUNTAIN )}BIKE RACER by ZEPPELINV(& Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREY( SS(K Some of these add-ons are required to get past )}certain obstacles on later WW(Ocourses, and without them you don't havea chance of getting near the end of the UU(Msect)}ion. Quite a bit of trial and error is required in order to get the right VV(Nequipment for the right obstacle! Time bonu)}ses can also be bought, which come VV(Nin handy on the more difficult courses. The 'Accessory Shop' is visited at the (%)}(end of each completed course.(( TT(L A status panel at the bottom of the screen shows you the time remaining, UU()}Myour score and the amount of cash you have available. A bar indicator shows (how fast you are moving. $( Y+(#)} MOUNTAIN BIKE RACER by ZEPPELINV(& Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREY(* UU(M Cycling at different speeds is requ)}iredto negotiate different obstacles, for, UU(Mexample, you must go very slowly along the top of a wall, and very fast whe)}n. VV(Ntravelling uphill. Failure to do so willresult in you and your bike lying in a0 SS(Kheap on the ground. Some of th)}e other things you have to get past include2 UR(Jrocks which must be jumped over (BMX style), spikes and patches of ic)}e.U(4 WW(O The game is surprisingly very addictiveand rates as a very worthwhile addition6 UU(Mto Zeppelin's range. It i)}s far more enjoyable than Alternative Software's8 XX(PMountain Bike Simulator, and I would recommend it to any fan o)}f arcade games.< $ Y*(" FANTASTIC SOCCER by ZEPPELINV(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREY( WW(O Fantas)}tic Soccer is one of three soccergames available from Zeppelin, although SS(Kthe other two, World Soccer and Kenny Dalgl)}ish - Soccer Manager, are both VV(Nfootball manager type games. This one isone hundred percent arcade action. You TT(Lc)}an choose between a one or two player game; play a friend or try your luck VV(Nagainst the computer, which is quite di)}fficult at first, but after a bit of SS(Kpractice, the computer is pretty easy tobeat. The game is most fun with two ()}human players.( WW(O You are given a few big name English teams to choose from, including Everton FF(>and Liverpo)}ol, and you can choose one ofthree team formations. $ Y*(" FANTASTIC SOCCER by ZEPPELINV(' Tape 2.99 from MIL)}ES BETTER SOFTWAREY( WW(O The actual matches are played on a vertically scrolling pitch, unlike most WW(Osoccer ga)}mes which are usually left to right scrollers. The scrolling is a bit XX(Pjerky, but once you get involved in the game a )}bit, you hardly notice it at all. TT(LThe player nearest to the ball is put under joystick control and a little UR(J)}arrow appears beside him to show you who you are supposed to be moving.U( UU(M Corner kicks, goal kicks, and throw ins)}are all catered for, and you can even UU(Mmake sliding tackles as well. Of course,the most difficult thing to do in the )}SS(Kgame is to actually score a goal! In fact, sometimes it is an achievment &&(just getting a shot on target! $)}T Y*(" FANTASTIC SOCCER by ZEPPELINV(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREY(V UU(M Scoring is almost impossible*} unless youshoot from an angle. Most straight-onX UU(Mshots are easily stopped by the goalie, who is always under computer *}control.Z VV(NYou can select different lengths of gameranging from five minutes each half to\ UU(Ma full ninety minute ga*}me; to avoid melting my joystick, I usually select^ ( the former!(` WW(O Fantastic Soccer plays pretty quickly, u*}nlike some others I could mention, andb RR(Jit is not difficult to tell the teams apart, despite the general lack ofd WW*}(Ocolour. Overall, this is definitely oneof the best Atari football games on thef TT(Lmarket, but the now budget priced K*}ick Off is equally good value for money.h $ J$( SOFTWARE REVIEWSG( SUPPLIERS' ADDRESSESJ( *}(MILES BETTER SOFTWARE (219/221, Cannock Road, (Chadsmoor, Cannock, (Staffordshire, WS11 2DD, (Eng*}land( (EXCEL (נӡ) (21, STRONSAY WAY, (Broomlands, Irvine, (Strathclyde, KA11 1HZ, (*}Scotland( (PAGE 6 ( P.O. Box 54, ( Stafford, ( ST16 1DR, (England $D:SOFTREVS.BAS({GHHGGCODXYXYSTIICKDIRFFFNFXEMDVOPXPVADIOFYAYAA(@x@t. }@ @*:N. }BY@@##Š̠Ԡ. }##٠ԠԠ##é̠ŠCAA@+@1AA`. }C@@nA@'AY*n;@,;@,;@ ,;@,;@ ,;@.},! 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AP`@(.v} B(6-@&@@!8-@!@B AP'@'AdAUJ-.w}@"8( PRESS A KEY FOR MENUJAdAU F:Ad,"AUAPpAdAU A .x}6 (} ((6(" CHECK YOUR DISK DRIVE AND DISK !?( ( (-( PRESS A KEY FOR MENU?AdAU2@w.y}2F:Ad,"AUAPAdAU A oĠϠÛp7@7@@.z} D:TITLE.PICu.-AA$)@*. z]AP@'AR@9ASA)K.{}AV]AW@%*6-?:C:hhhLV,<@,*@$'#ӛ(#C +AY.|}1@@dCB7t@d-#A8A@'B2PA@9AKA @]AR.}}@o@AY@b2#@-=(# Š̠Ԡ@(<#UU(M This pr.~}ogram allows the user to producepictures using 8 colours on a Mode 10>#WW(Oscreen with a resolution of 80x160 pixels. .}Each command on the panel under@#XX(Pthe drawing area is activated by a pressof the first letter of the command word.B#WW(.}O The olor command is used to selct a new drawing colour (move joystick up orD#VV(Ndown) or alter the colours (move the.} joystick left or right). Press toF#VV(Ncycle through colours 2-8; press fire toreturn to drawing mode. Color 0 is .}theH#1.(&background and 1 is a flashing colour.1(J#TT(L Avoid irbrushing at the screen edges as you will be returned t.}o draw modeL#++(#if a point is plotted out of range.N#*(*( PRESS TO TURN PAGEP# T:,"A.}Z#@w A@#F (}-C(# Š̠ԠF(#WW(O ine plots a.} point at the current cursor position. By moving the joystick#SS(Kto a new point and pressing fire, a linewill be dra.}wn in the current colour#"(between the two points."(#RR(J The ays command can be used to draw shapes such as diam.}onds, triangles#UU(Mand other many sided shapes. Press 'R' to plot a point at the current cursor#RR(Jposition, and the.}n move the joystick around the screen and you will see#RR(Jlines being drawn from the point to all of the new cursor po.}sitions. Press#QN(Fthe fire button to exit the ray drawing mode and go back to draw mode.Q(#''( PRESS TO .}TURN PAGE# T:,"A#@w A0#F (}-C(# Š̠.}ԠF(#SS(K The ox command is for drawing solid squares or rectangles. Press 'B' to#SS(Kplot one corner o.}f your box, then move the cursor to the corner diagonally#RR(Jopposite and press fire. A square or rectangle will be d.}rawn and filled#RR(Jwith the currently selected colour. Thequare command is identical to ox#QN(Fexcept the square is.} left as an outline and is not filled with colour.Q(#UU(M To draw a ircle, press 'C' at the left edge of your circle.} and move the#SS(Kcursor to the right and press fire at the point where you want the centre$UU(Mof the circle. A soli.}d circle will be drawn, but if the circle goes off the$KH(@edge of the screen, the computer will stop drawing the circ.}le.K($''( PRESS TO TURN PAGE$ T:,"A$@w A0T$F (}-.}C(# Š̠ԠF(V$RR(J The isk menu command exits the drawingscreen and presents you .}with a subX$TT(Lmenu containing a choice of LOAD a file,SAVE a file or DISK DIRECTORY, whichZ$QQ(Iwill let you see which .}(if any) picture files are on a particular disk. A\$UU(Mpicture file containS the values of the colour registers followed b.}y the data^$GD(