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U(#If you are happy with }the squad asTh*("shown, press . If you wouldT(%rather type in your own squad, pressh( then ^Y #B}!-@@5-%@9(M-@@%Q"U(Y r`-@@(}'0Y9A} AKAA]AA`$c*("Please type in the names of your U(&eleven players, pressing } afterc( each one=-@@!#-@'+ =A @hO6-B #-@@!16}-%@=-@K( DATA O E-@@"(CONT0-@@BAB@E&AB@}% (}A % A 6-6@ n6-%@n+8<@,"*!,)+8<@,}*8%@<@,*",A I6-8<@,-6-8%@<@,="*"C6-I6- "}@*"6-6- E!&68<@,-E68%@<@,- C #A-@"# }-#A;-@?"C  C #A-@"# -#A;-@?"C ! $& %"@)"}@%6-Ae0 %"@)"@%6-A4: V6-%@V+F:,"*!,)+"*F:,*F:%@},,APD  6-F:,6-F:%@,E 6"*"6-6-0%@F:,6F /!}/%@G C #A-@"# -#A;-@?"C I # #A-@"# N} & #A-@"# &$4!y (}A A-AAH?AAHQ-@@y(#Ple }ase wait - draw taking place ...>!1 #A!-AgA-1 H!U-@@!@#"48<!},8"Q8%@<,U R!e6-+-@@#@96-%@M-@]68<"},-8<,a e \!:-@@#6-:-@6@f!//8<@,!8%@<@,Ap!#}ww8<@,"8%@<@,*+8<@,&8<@,,!+8%@<@,&8%@<@,,Au!8$}<@,"8%@<@,*+8<@,&8<@,,"+8%@<@,&8%@<@,,*+8<@,8%@%}<@,,Az!u-@-68<,-8<,E68<,-8%@<,c68%@<,-8<,g &}u6-%@! 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Please enter the*&X-(%numberB} corresponding to the team youX(&would like to manage during the game.4&c-@@+-@@ %/(3 C}G-@@$[-@!&@_(c >&u #A!-@@%"9-@@ %=(A U-@D}@Y"m-@$@ %q(u H&\ B-@@#0( YOUR CHOICE: A>\ @)!@$E}AI&5 #A-@"# 56-&+%@,J&:-@@ 668<@,-P:$H:,,: K&E-F}@@.8<@, @E68<@,-@L& M& BR&W-(%}Your scouts may compile reports on G}3W(%of the other teams. Please enter the\&H/('numbers of the three teams you requireH(separated by commas.f&c-@H}@+-@@ %/(3 G-@@$[-@!&@_(c p&u #A!-@@%"I}9-@@ %=(A U-@@Y"m-@$@ %q(u z&I B-@@#1( YOUR CHOJ}ICES; APCI(}&cc+ @)!@$)",)+ @)!@$)")",)+") @)!@$)",AK}&1A`Aa'Ab1 A&YYITALY,MEXICO,FRANCE,BRAZIL,W. GERMANY,POLAND,BULGARIA,S. KOREA,PARAL}GUAY,IRAQ,CANADA&XXALGERIA,N. IRELAND,URUGUAY,ARGENTINA,BELGIUM,RUSSIA,HUNGARY,SPAIN,SCOTLAND,DENMARK&MOROCCO,PORTUGAM}L,ENGLAND&DD1,7,15,8,2,16,9,10,3,11,17,18,4,19,12,13,5,14,20,21,6,22,23,24&MM23,22,20,25,22,20,17,15,15,14,14,18,14,16,N}22,17,14,18,17,15,20,14,16,17&UU1567,1569,1571,1582,1573,1570,1575,1578,1577,1580,1579,1581,1568,1572,1574,1576&,,FORMAO}TION:-,1) 4-2-4,2) 4-3-3,3) 4-4-2&mmATTACKING PLANS:-,1) Shoot at every opportunity,2) Work an opening,3) Keep possession P}and await support&TTDEFENSIVE PLANS:-,1) Mark man for man,2) Use a sweeper,3) Use the offside trap&RRMIDFIELD SCHEME:-,Q}1) Tackle hard,2) Fall back,3) Hurry the man in possession&ddCORNERS (ATTACKING):-,1) Float it to the far post,2) Play it R}short,3) Play it to the near post&XXCORNERS (DEFENDING):-,1) Leave it for the keeper,2) Mark tightly,3) Challenge hard&PS}PFREEKICKS (ATTACKING):-,1) A direct shot,2) Tee it up,3) Chip into the box&XXFREEKICKS (DEFENDING):-,1) Make a wall,2) MT}ark attackers,3) Crowd the penalty area& (}+@%@@d7B7t@dIAR@[A AU}8mAA6AA@ &--@@-(@ &ee;@,;@V},;@,9@$<@,;@@,9@$,9@,9@,&'-A6AY#' &;6W}-@#-AiA16-%@7; &'-@@'(@&%-@ @%(@X} &--@@-(@ WRITTEN BY&3-@@3(@P.M. CORBISHLEY&-@$+Y}-@<68<,-@ D P6-l-@@!@z6-%@68<,-A5%Z} &-@$468,-P:H:,$@,8 D6-X-@@68P:H:,$@#%@[},,- &'6-@6-@'6-?e&d#9@ <@,;@,7-@ K-\}@\68<,-` d &u (}@@d-B7t@d?AR@QA cA@]}RuA@R'u-@@6(Enter skill level (1 to 10)@ BJ ANW6-P:,u @)!^}@A' AP'5 (}-@5(ĠРנ$'-@@!( 3-@_}@ ?( Q-@@]( o-@#@{( -@#@ ( .'!-@#@`}!( 8'A 4O#A)-A6AY-"37 A BL'N6-A6#-@@16-%a}@@F:,!N6-%@V'%%6-P:H:,$@%@,[')6-%@!@$)6-@`'""F:%Ab}b,"Bue'%Abt'  ~'l6-6@6-A20-@@D-@@c}R6-%@^!AYl6-&@#'& #A-@F:,""& '56-%@'!@"*"@56-&d}@!''!@"*"@#'6-&@ ' 4N6-' AH6-@'!AG6-@#e}' - (  '$(  Press  A4$(}'S-@@$368<,-F:%A5,O68<@,-F:f}%A5,S 'CA A4'A@49A@4C A*9A 'A@9Ag}@+`/('}Do you want to see a new draw, or playF(the original draw?`(Enter or please +0O*q}b%DOS SYSb*)DUP SYSbSAUTORUN SYSb TMENU b#_EXCEL6A PICbCUP86 BASb:uEDIT6 BASbSOFTREVSBASb-MGRASSCALBASbRzMONSTER BAS0NB+ By No.1y No.2y No.3y No.4y No.5y No.6y No.7y No.8 y No.9!y No.1r}0"y No.11} SHILTON} BAILEY} WOODS} SANSOM} BUTCHER} WRIGHT} DUXBURY}WILLIAMS}ANDERSOs}N } STEVENS } WILKINS } ROBSON } HODDLE } HODGE} STEVEN} DIXON} LINEKER} HATELEY} WALSH}t} WADDLE D:CUP86.BAS DIXON} LINEKER} HATELEY} WALSH}M%AY@dA((̠̠٠Ԡԛe #@!-A6AS%v}"+/ e80,82,84,22,24,26,60,62,62,60,26,24,22,84,82,80,0,0AAY#@3-A6AX7"=w}A WW72,138,72,162,0,189,100,6,141,10,212,141,26,208,232,224,17,208,242,104,170,104,64oBhA('Bx}A(9BBKA]A@oBBA 9@@d'B7t@d9Ay}@ @'A9A @KA]AR@oAVAu(z}}-/6-A  @/AY@bV"F:Ad,"@*A06-&A6(}H-{}L V @V"F:Ad,"@*A06-%A6(}H-L V @T"F:A|}d,"@*"A.6-A4(}F-J T @T"F:Ad,"@*"A.6-A4(}}}F-J T @ F:B2y,"@@@@w @(` +BB~}1AACAAUBB@d`%D:MENUPB-@!B((--------------------------------}--------QL-@"L( -NEXT -LAST -'A -MENUUAdAU$d1.(& EXCEL #}6 EDITORIAL by Robert Stuart1(fSS(K Greetings and salutations. Welcome to issue six of Excel. There is enoughhUU(Mdo}om and gloom in the world of Atari at the moment, so let's get the bad newsjXX(Pout of the way first. Those of you who or}dered the Atari Excel magazine will nolXX(Pdoubt be wondering where it is; the answer is that the project fell flat o}nnTT(Lits face. I recieved NO programs, reviews or articles at all, not evenpUU(Mfrom friends who guaranteed thei}r support for the magazine. Add to thatrVV(Nthe fact that most Excel subscribers wanted the disk only, plus a ver}y poortXX(Presponse from the advert and you have a disaster. I knew the mag was going to bevUU(Mlate, but the lack of }orders left me no choice but to cancel printing it.x$1.(& EXCEL #6 EDITORIAL by Robert Stuart1(TT(L I am ex}tremely disappointed with the whole affair, but I now know exactlySS(Kwhy the Atari XL/XE has been dropped by all the m}ajor software houses; mostXX(Pusers simply will not (or cannot) buy new products for their machine. I wonderVV(Nju}st how many Atari owners actually use their computer, and how many have putSS(Kthe thing in a cupboard to gather dust. We}ll, if they are not interested inUU(Msupporting their machine, they can have absolutely no complaint when the lastUU(}Msoftware houses supporting the Atari finally put them out of their misery.VV(NThe Atari Excel magazine is dead and } buried and there is no point in hopingWW(Oto try again in the future because it just isn't worth the effort. Of course},--(%the Excel Monthly Disk will continue.$,1.(& EXCEL #6 EDITORIAL by Robert Stuart1(.WW(O Excel is now al}most totally produced byme alone. Aside from the programs which0TT(LI write, I also do the reviews, draw the title page}s, and choose which PD2XX(Pprograms are good enough for inclusion on the disk. A few of you have asked who4RR(Jdoes w}hat for Excel, well, there's your answer. I enjoy putting the disks6UU(Mtogether and getting letters from Atari users from} all over the world; I have8TT(Lmade many new friends through Excel, some of whom provide PD programs for:TT(Lthe di}sks, and I now have many good programs lined up for coming issues;<TT(Lgames and utilities; including a text adventu}re construction kit, a superb>88(0hi-res font editor, and a database program.?(@$1.(& EXCEL #6 EDITORIAL} by Robert Stuart1(TT(L This month's issue contains reviews of some new games; including Zeppelin'sSS(Knew ones; a }few new German games from Ke-Soft and MHS Studios, an amazingWW(Odemo from Europe, and an ex-commercial game called Wo}rld Cup '86, in which youWW(Omust manage England to victory in the soccer World Cup. If you list the BasicVV(Nprogr}am you can change the player names in the data statements so that you canUU(Mmanage other teams. When selecting your squa}d of thirteen, use the Option keyVV(Nto move the arrow down, and the Select key to insert a player into your team.SS(}KWhen selected, an asterisk will appear beside the player's name. There areUU(Malso some other nice little programs }for your enjoyment, including a great&&(Kaleidoscope construction kit.$1.(& EXCEL #6 EDITORIAL by Robert Stua}rt1(WW(O The games from MHS Studio are being sold by Gralin International (and a fewWW(Oare also being sold by Pa}ge 6) but the quality of the software is nowhere nearUU(Mas good as the Ke-Soft games. Some of the games (i.e. Mad Mar}bles) are justVV(Nrubbish; many type in magazine programs are of a higher standard. A few of theRR(Jbetter games are }reviewed in this issue;but please read the reviews beforeUU(Mbuying any of them. I was offered the chance to import som}e of these titlesQQ(Ibut if I cannot sell the excellent Ke- Soft games, what chance have I ofSS(Kgetting rid of this} stuff? I am glad that I never paid any money for theXX(Psamples I was sent! I would not considerthem good value even }if they were 1.99!$X1.(& EXCEL #6 EDITORIAL by Robert Stuart1(ZWW(O I am all for new software releases for the} Atari, but the last thing I want to\TT(Lsee is Atari users paying good money forcrap, which is a good description of^TT}(Lmany of the MHS games. If you really want high quality new disk software,`VV(Nthen consider Drag, Sogon, Zador, Tecn}o Ninja, Cultivation or Zebu Land, whichbTT(Lare all brilliant games published by Ke-Soft. I would recommend any of these}d/,($titles without a moments hesitation./(fUU(M Now, those of you who ordered the AtariExcel magazine with your subscr}iptionhUU(Mwill get 2 off your next subscription; I'll let you know when the time comesjVV(Nto re-subscribe. If you do} not wish to re-subscribe then drop me a line and Ik(will send you a refund.l$1.(& EXCEL #6 EDITORIAL by Rob}ert Stuart1(TT(L Well, I hope you enjoy this issue of Excel, and I look forward to hearingXX(Pyour comments on thi}s, or any other issues. Hopefully next month's disk willUU(Mcontain another brand new game, very probably of the }arcade variety, plusUU(Mone of those excellent utilities that I mentioned earlier. With a bit of luckEB(:there should} also be a few new PD disks available as well.E(WW(O Finally, if you have written a good program, please send it in f}or possibleWW(Oinclusion in a future issue. I have manygood programs lined up but I don't haveTQ(Ian everlasting supp}ly. Well, enjoy the disk and I'll see you next month.T(&&( Yours Atarily, Robert Stuart.$<#$ D:EDIT6.BA}S. Well, enjoy the disk and I'll see you next month.T(&&( Yours Atarily, Robert Stuart.$<#$ D:EDIT6.BA 1MMPAG$$ŠӠҠ̠$$ԠǠ٠}ԠԠX #@!-A6AS%"+/ X50,52,212,54,56,218,12,14,14,12,218,5654,212,52,50,0,0A}AY#@3-A6AX7"=A WW72,138,72,162,0,189,100,6,141,10,212,141,26,208,232,224,17,2}08,242,104,170,104,64oBhA('BA(9BBKA]A@oBB}A 9@@d'B7t@d9A@ @'A9A @K}A]AR@oAVAu(}-/6-A  @/AY@bV}"F:Ad,"@*A06-&A6(}H-L V @V"F:Ad,"@*A#06-%A}6(}H-L V @T"F:Ad,"@*"A#.6-A4(}F-J T @}T"F:Ad,"@*"A.6-A#4(}F-J T @ F:B2y,"@@@}@w @(` +BB1AACAAUBB@d`%D:MENUPB}-@!B((----------------------------------------QL-@"L( -NEXT -LAST -'A } -MENUUAdAU$dP$( SOFTWARE REVIEWSM($ Program & Text by Robert StuartP(fWW(O }This issue's software reviews include another two brand new top quality gameshUU(Mfrom Zeppelin; Mission Shark and Fred. } Also reviewed is Ke-Soft's Oblitroid,jWW(Oand some of the MHS Studio software, including Barkonid and Gigablast. It is}lWW(Ogood to see Zeppelin still supporting the Atari XL/XE and if you want them tonUU(Mcontinue to do so, then buy th}eir games as the quality, particularly of thesepXX(Pnew titles, is absolutely superb. Both games were written by Polish p}rogrammersrVV(Nfor release in Germany, so we are lucky that Zeppelin have decided to releasetWW(Othem over here, given} the current state of the Atari market. I hope you all buyvSS(Kthese two; if I was to name my game of the month, they wou}ld both qualify.x$V'( FRED by ZEPPELIN GAMESS(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREV(WW(O Well, no}t content with releasing three new cassettes last month, Zeppelin haveTT(Ljust brought out another two, and the good ne}ws is that they are among theVV(Nbest arcade games yet seen on the Atari.Fred is a scrolling platform game withTT(Lma}ny similarities with the famous SuperMario Brothers games in the arcades.XX(PThe hero of the game is a very bright cav}eman who you must guide as he goes onWW(Oan exploring trip round the world. The screen is split into two sections; the}XX(Ptop half is the playing area and the lower half shows Fred's progress throughTT(Lthe world, your score, the hi}gh score, the number of rocks Fred has in hisPP(Hpossession, Fred's lives, and a can of aerosol spray which is CFC free}!$,V'( FRED by ZEPPELIN GAMESS(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREV(.WW(O The aerosol can is used} to spray the nasty creatures which inhabit the world0WW(Osuch as large frogs, snakes and spiders.Alternatively, Fred ca}n bop them with a2WW(Oboulder. Extra boulders and spray cans can be picked up during play. The rocks4TT(Lare found all} over the place, but the spray cans are hidden in vases which6XX(Pmust be broken open with a well aimed rock. Other he}lpful items which may also8VV(Nbe hidden in vases include a shield which gives Fred ten precious seconds:XX(Pof in}vulnerability, and extra lives, although you do get a generous number of<WW(Olives at the start of the game, which m}akes a nice change. This type of game>66(.does require more than the usual three lives!@$V'( FRED by ZEP}PELIN GAMESS(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREV(TT(L When walking on the rocky platforms, watch out for crumb}ling stones whichSS(Kvery often are the cause for losing a life, and the various cactus plantsSS(Kwhich infest the }area must be avoided as well; even the little ones whichTT(Lcause death at the slightest touch! Great care must be }taken when timing@=(5your jumps. Don't land on top of any frogs either.@(VV(N At the end of each level, you are g}iventhe chance to collect as many rocks asTT(Lpossible in a short space of time, whichis a nice feature, especially if yo}uSS(Khave run out of rocks; this ensures thatyou never have to start a new level(without any weapons.$V'(} FRED by ZEPPELIN GAMESS(' Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREV(RR(J Graphically the game is excellent, wi}thsuper-smooth scrolling, and nicelyVV(Nanimated sprites. A little more colour would have been nice, but as it stands}VV(Nit beats the very similar 'Yogi's Great Escape' in all departments, and all ofZW(Othe levels are in memory; there is} no need to load each new round seperately.Z(VV(N Music is also very good, but there is the option of having the tune} or soundWW(Oeffects, so that should keep everybody happy. Even the title page is extremelyVV(Nwell designed, depict}ing the usual programming credits and a nice cartoonUU(Mof Fred with his aerosol can. Overall Fred is superb; easi}ly the best Super''(Mario Brothers clone available.$XY+(# MISSION SHARK by ZEPPELIN GAMESV(& Tape 2.99 fro}m MILES BETTER SOFTWAREY(ZUU(M This new arcade adventure from Zeppelinwas released as 'Mission' in Germany,\TT(Land in} fact this is the title on both the loading message and on the title^TT(Lpage of the game. Only the cassette inlay r}efers to it as Mission Shark.`UU(MAnyway, whatever it's called, this is anoutstanding piece of software writtenbNK(Cby }the same team responsible for Fred; a very talented Polish duo.N(dTT(L Like Fred, you have a choice of music or sound e}ffects, excellent graphicsfXX(Pfor the backdrops, and brilliantly drawnand animated sprites. The main characterhUU(Mis} purple, and the enemy soldiers are drawn in green; the animation of allj""(the characters is amazing.l$Y+(# } MISSION SHARK by ZEPPELIN GAMESV(& Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREY(VV(N The actual mission involves your man } infiltrating an enemy base and gettingSS(Kback out again with four special cannisters which contain top secret}SS(Kmovement documents. These are hidden somewhere in the huge complex whichVV(Nis two hundred and fifty six screens }of game in all. Mapping the complex wouldPM(Ebe an excellent idea, as it is all too easy to get lost in the maze.P(U}U(M At the beginning of the game you are given a supply of ammunition for yourUU(M(very) lightweight machine gun, plus} some hand grenades, which can be usedRR(Jnot only to kill guards, but to destroy mines and enemy machine gun nests.}$ Y+(# MISSION SHARK by ZEPPELIN GAMESV(& Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREY("SS(K Extra supplies of ammo }and grenades can be picked up along the way, but$SS(Kyou must use it all sparingly, as there is a limited amount, but a}n endless&VV(Nmob of enemy soldiers. Roof mounted laser beams also hinder your progress,(ZW(Obut these are usually }easy to dodge, unlike the mines which are hard to see.Z(*VV(N In some areas of the complex, large electric fields b}ar the way, and these,WW(Ocan be deactivated by finding the VDU labelled with the corresponding number..VV(NYour agen}t's remaining strength is shownas a coloured bar on the lower portion0UU(Mof the screen, which also shows the bullets }and bombs currently available2++(#together with the cannisters found.4$Y+(# MISSION SHARK by ZEPPELIN GAMESV(}& Tape 2.99 from MILES BETTER SOFTWAREY(SS(K A red square representing the huge complex shows your current position}TT(Ltogether with the rooms already visited,which turn black. This helps to findSS(Kyour way around, but drawing a ma}p wouldprobably still be the best idea, asXX(Pall the rooms are of the same design andcolour scheme, making it very confu}sing.UU(M Some rooms contain elevators which can be used to gain quick access to otherUU(Mfloors; once onto the platf}orm you just push up or down with the joystick andUU(Maway you go! Mission Shark is a feature packed, top quality arcade }adventure,VV(Nand probably the best game of its kind since Draconus. At only 2.99, I would**("say this was the game} of the year.$M&( OBLITROID by KE-SOFTJ( Disk 7.99 from EXCELM(VV(N Oblitroid is the las}t Star Warrior of Tindalos, and he is on a quest to findWW(Oand destroy the evil master Tindalos, who resides in an un}derground fortress.QQ(IOblitroid must fight his way through onehundred and forty screens full ofWW(Omutants, through }four different sectionsof the fortress; Underworld, Fireworld,UU(MWaterworld and Deathworld, which is going to take s}ome doing as you startUU(Mthe quest weaponless and almost totally drained of energy! Fortunately, guns,VV(Nammunition}, keys, etc, can be found along the way, but the slightest touchWW(Oby an enemy drains your energy rather too quick}ly for my liking! Extra energy//('pods can also be picked up, thankfully.$LM&( OBLITROID by KE-SOFTJ(} Disk 7.99 from EXCELM(NVV(N Other helpful items include a laser gun, a shield and bombs, although manyPX}X(Pof these items cannot be found on the first world, which means you have to getRVV(Nthrough Underworld with very lit}tle resources. Sometimes you get stuck atTVV(Na dead end, but certain areas of the walls can be blasted away with t}he gunVWW(Oto form tunnels and ledges. Oblitroid isalso capable of moving in mid-air whileXTT(Ljumping, and this requir}es very quick joystick control, but it is vital toZTT(Lget past certain obstacles. A normal jump is not big enough so}metimes, so\TT(Lyou have to move Oblitroid while he is up in the air! It is a bit tricky at^++(#first, but you soon ge}t used to it.`$M&( OBLITROID by KE-SOFTJ( Disk 7.99 from EXCELM(VV(N You can only carry o}ne key at a time, and a key can only be used to open oneTT(Ldoor. The fortress is full of teleport pads which can be us}ed to move up orVV(Ndown between the floors; if a pad is on the roof above then you stand under itTT(Land push up on }the joystick to teleport up. If you stand on top of a pad andB?(7pull down, you will teleport to the roomdirectly below.}B(WW(O Once you reach the end of the first world, you teleport to the next sectionXX(Pwhich is Fireworld; shaded u}sing reds and oranges. Once you've had a few shotsXX(Pyou should reach Fireworld pretty easilybut once you do, the gam}e starts to get(really difficult.$M&( OBLITROID by KE-SOFTJ( Disk 7.99 from EXCELM( }UU(M One of the best features is the option to continue from where you got killedUU(Moff in the previous game, although } you can only do so five times; after thatUU(Myou have to begin a completely new game again. The graphics and sound are  }notQQ(Ibad, but not brilliant either, although the gameplay is good, if a littleRR(Jfrustrating at times. The animati }on of the characters is a bit jerky, and /,($the difficulty level is pretty high./("UU(M Oblitroid is a fair game, bu }t not quitein the same class as Tecno Ninja, and$UU(Ma long way behind Fred and Mission Sharkin terms of graphics, sound, }gameplay&==(5and presentation; pretty average all round really.($xT'( BARKONID by MHS STUDIOT((Disk }9.95 Tape 6.95 from GRALIN INTER.zUU(M Well, the title of this game suggests immediately that it is a clone of the|WW(}Oarcade game Arkanoid, and that is exactly what it is! Okay, not quite, it~TT(Lis more reminiscent of the ancient A}taricartridge Breakout, except it is notVV(Nhalf as colourful. The game hails from Germany and was written using the hig}hWW(Olevel Action! language, which is a very popular language on the Atari, but not,*'(unfortunately, in this countr}y.*(UU(M During loading you have to type in a code number from the booklet suppliedVV(Nwith the disk, which is pro}bably not really necessary as the disk itself is))(!protected against copying anyway.$T'( BARKONID b}y MHS STUDIOT((Disk 9.95 Tape 6.95 from GRALIN INTER.UU(M The game opens up with a nice bassy rhythm playing in th}e background, andTT(La terribly coloured screen, which is almost all brown and yellow, bar theTT(Lbackground to th}e bricks, and the actualbat. The game plays well enough, butVV(Nall of the levels appear to have those same dreary colou}rs (brown and yellow)TT(Lwith very little variety in the game at all. Small capsules appear at randomVV(Nnear the bot}tom of the screen, but just as soon disappear; I've never actuallyVV(Nmanaged to pick up one of them! For the price, I wo}uld not recommend this gameTT(Lat all; there are many much better (and cheaper) alternatives; Arkanoid, TheEE(=Explod}ing Wall, Breakout and Super Breakout for example.$@T'( GIGABLAST by MHS STUDIOT((Disk 9.95 Tape 6.9}5 from GRALIN INTER.BUU(M From the same publisher as Barkonid comes a scrolling shoot 'em up calledDUU(MGigablast-Th}e Aggressive Planet.This oneis a much better game, although stillFSS(Koverpriced. The same double protection is used with} this program; the codeHTT(Lnumber system plus disk protection. Thisgame is a bit more deserving of someJ$!(protection} than Barkonid!$(LSS(K The screen scrolls horizontally, but unusually, goes from left to right,NTT(Lwhich is the fir }st time I've seen this in a game, except of course DefenderPWW(Otype games which scroll both ways. You control a large g!}rey space shuttle, andRUU(Myour mission is of course complete destruction of enemy ships and bases.T$T'( "} GIGABLAST by MHS STUDIOT((Disk 9.95 Tape 6.95 from GRALIN INTER.XX(P There are nine different levels to the game,#} each with its own unique backdrop,WW(Osome of which are nicely done; others are pretty poor. The enemy vessels are$}UU(Mvery small, monochrome sprites, but theyare still pretty dangerous! Also, theTT(Lground installations constantly fir%}e missiles at you, which are sometimesSS(Kdifficult to avoid due to the hugeness of your ship, which is a bit poorly&}UU(Mdesigned. At the end of each level are a few larger aliens (larger compairedWW(Oto their tiny shuttles that is), '}which must be destroyed before you move on toWW(Othe next planet. Nuclear (smart) bombs are available by pressing the s(}pace barCC(;and these destroy every alien on the screen at the time.$T'( GIGABLAST by MHS STUDIOT(()}Disk 9.95 Tape 6.95 from GRALIN INTER. UU(M Sound effects can be switched on and off at the touch of a key, as can the*} UU(Mmusic, which changes with every level, although the tunes are very short andXX(Prepeat so often that you will pr+}obably play the game with the sound effects on,SS(Kor better still, in complete silence! The graphics, unlike Barkoni,}d, are(extremely colourful.(SS(K Overall, Gigablast is a very addictive shoot 'em up, suffering only from aXX-}(Phigh price tag, and below par graphics. It is nowhere near the quality of Zybex,VV(NLaser Hawk or Transmuter, but is .}worth a look if you don't mind the price. IPP(Hfound the translated instructions to be more entertaining than Barkonid!/}$lR%( PLOTS by MHS STUDIOR((Disk 9.95 Tape 6.95 from GRALIN INTER.nWW(O This game from MHS Studio is 0}one of themost baffling pieces of software I havepUU(Mever encountered. It has the same kind of protection as the other M1}HS games,rUU(Mbut is in my view, unplayable. The instuctions are extremely sparse; thetVV(Nonly information given 2}is that there aretwo hundred and fifty six screens, andvTT(Lthat pressing fire releases a Joker Stone, moving left or 3}right releasesxTT(Lthe current stone. You have to get a given stone into a position beside azVV(Nsimilar stone, whic4}h is sometimes impossible. The Joker Stone apparently|VV(Nmatches any other stone, but you only get a few of these5}. I think the author~WW(Oof this had a few pints of strong GermanBeer before writing this crap. Avoid!!!$G#( 6} THE LOADED BRAIND( Disk 3 from EXCELG(SS(K The Loaded Brain is a Public Domain program from Germa7}ny which takes upUU(Mboth sides of a disk, and that is the reason I have never used it on Excel!UU(MThe game is a c8}oncentration type game with many similarites to Amnesia fromVV(Nissue one of Excel, but this one is muchbetter. During 9}the loading of the gameQQ(Iyou are treated to many touches of graphical excellance, including aZW(Obrilliantly a:}nimated title page, and a great 'flip the disk' icon. Good stuff!Z(SS(K The game can be played by one or two players;;} the second player can be aII(Ahuman or computer player, and there are two levels of difficulty.$4G#( <}THE LOADED BRAIND( Disk 3 from EXCELG(6VV(N The grid is drawn in three dimensions at the top of the screen,=} with a great8WW(Oanimated skeleton underneath who points to the player who's turn it is to play.:TT(LThe squares on th>}e grid are small, and when you select one with the cursor,<SS(Kan animated movie short appears in a boxat the top left of?} the screen. Then>UU(Myou choose your second square, and the contents of this one appears in a box@QQ(Iat the top righ@}t of the screen. Of course, if the two match, you getBUU(Manother shot; if not, then it is player two's turn. The aniA}mated pictures areDUU(Mexcellent; they include a boxer hitting a punch bag, a man driving a car, andFEE(=a man climbingB} over a wall, all very well animated indeed.H$G#( THE LOADED BRAIND( Disk 3 from EXCELG(C}WW(O The use of colour is also very good, with a lot of work having gone into theWW(Ographics. Playability is excellD}ent; the only bad thing about the entire game isRR(Jthat every time you choose a square, the corresponding animated icE}on isVV(Nloaded into memory from the disk. The good news is that each load only takes(a few seconds.(VV(N F}The Loaded Brain is a very professionalpiece of software, worth far more thanSS(Kits Public Domain price. The program G}could easily have been a commercialVV(Nrelease, but being in the Public Domain,you can buy it for the very reasonable+H}+(#price of 3. I highly recommend it!$J$( SOFTWARE REVIEWSG( SUPPLIERS' ADDRESSESJ((I}MILES BETTER SOFTWARE (219/221, Cannock Road, (Chadsmoor, Cannock, (Staffordshire, WS11 2DD, (EnglaJ}nd( **("EXCEL (Orders payable to R.STUART) (21, Stronsay Way, (Broomlands, Irvine, (Strathclyde, KA11 K}1HZ, (Scotland( (GRALIN INTERNATIONAL (11, Shillito Road, (Parkstone, Poole, (Dorset, BH12 2BL}N, (England $D:SOFTREVS.BASIONAL (11, Shillito Road, (Parkstone, Poole, (Dorset, BH12 2B.\]{OPCLINDISPLAYHEXDECTEMPGETNUPRNTNUPAUSTOTAHENUKEMEMTOTAPLACPRNPLACELO"N}.=> @$ @'@@"O} SAVE "D:GRASSCAL.BAS$$.$$."P}($$.󠠠2$$.<$$.堠F$"Q}$.P$$. GRASS Calculator Z$$.d##"R}n##x##RR;@,;@,;@"S},;@,;@,;@,;@,6.  + A'A'A "T}@AR@.@.@@K:٠-@@((("U} | Ӡ |((( | Ҡ |-@@--(%頠 ^"V} Means to hold--(% 0  the CONTROL key++(#  and press the--(% "W} 0  next character."--(%  ---------------,**("^QuitMCMRM-M+  P Print 6("X} @,,($ 0. 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