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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHIJ} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D8:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO K}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -L}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BHM}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu }% !Ag@dA$$̠̠٠ I #@!-A6AY%"3O}%@7 IAYI #@!-A`A%"3%AD7 IA==6,8,10,12,10P},8,6,4,4,4,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,6,8,10,12,10,8,6,0AAY#@3-A6Af7"=A rr72,138,72,1Q}62,0,189,100,6,141,10,212,141,26,208,141,24,208,232,224,24,208,239,169,200,141,0,2,104,170,104,64/ #@!-A6AR}f%"+/ pp72,138,72,162,0,189,124,6,141,10,212,141,26,208,141,24,208,232,224,24,208,239,169,0,141,0,2,104,170,S}104,64oBiA('BA(9BBKA]A@oBBA 9AT}@'@@d9B7t@d @'A9A @KAU}]AR@oAVAu(}-/6-A  @/AY@bV"F:Ad,"@V}*A06-&A6(}H-L V @V"F:Ad,"@*A06-%A6(}H-W}L V @T"F:Ad,"@*"A.6-A4(}F-J T @T"F:AdX},"@*"A.6-A4(}F-J T @ F:B2y,"@@@@wY} @(` +BB1AACAAUBB@d`%D:MENUPQL-Z}@"L( =NEXT =LAST PAGE='A START=MENUUAdAU$d//(' EXCEL NO.14 EDITORIAL BY ROBER[}T STUARTfV(V(K Welcome to issue 14 of Excel. As you may have seen in Page 6, Excel willhWW(Oshortly be coming to an\} end unless more people subscribe and soon. The Atari XLjUU(Mand XE computers are now officially deadas far as new commerc]}ial products arelUU(Mconcerned, with even Zeppelin having abandoned the machine. Let's face it,nXX(Pif a programmer ^}goes to all the trouble of writing a game and less than 100 folkpYY(Qbuy it, then he is going to move onto another mach_}ine. Why bother to subscriberVV(Nto Page 6 if there is no intention of buying new products? I can see Page 6sXX(Pcom`}ing to an end very shortly, as withinsix months there are going to be no moretQQ(I8 bit advertisers at all, and the ones a} that do advertise get hardly anyv(response anyway.z$//(' EXCEL NO.14 EDITORIAL BY ROBERT STUARTU(U(J Butb}, enough of that! This month's disk has loads of good games, mostly inSS(Kmachine code, plus 'Feltron Project' which ic}s in Basic and a nice littleTT(Lgraphics demo which uses Basic and machine code. Next month's disk willTT(Lhave d}a new educational program, plus a couple of file crunchers which canWW(Obe used to pack entire disks into one file, e}and of course decompress the fileWW(Olater. Tons of disk space can be saved in this way; the only snag is you can'tWWf}(Orun the programs until they have been 'unpacked'. By the way, there is also aTT(Ltext file for 'Feltron Project' on g}this side which can be printed out from a::(2DOS menu or with your favourite word processor.$,//(' EXCEL NO.14h} EDITORIAL BY ROBERT STUART.V(V(K PD and Shareware is where the future lies for the XL/XE, and I have been0VV(Nscoui}ring the globe for as much of this kind of software as I can lay my hands2UU(Mon. The result of this is going to be thej} largest Atari PD catalogue in the4WW(OUK, and also the cheapest. All disks will be double sided and priced at only6Wk}W(O3. The first list will be available next month, and with a bit of luck will8TT(Lcontain over a hundred disks, all l}of good quality. Many of Page 6's disks:TT(Lwill not be included in this list as they are simply not good enough. Thm}e<UU(Mbulk of the software will be boot disks with compilations of certain kinds of>BB(:programs, i.e. printer utilitien}s or graphics programs.@$//(' EXCEL NO.14 EDITORIAL BY ROBERT STUARTW(W(L We all know Les Ellingham, Paul Ro}ixon and the rest of the Page 6 gang haveUU(MST machines, and they cannot fully support the eight bit while panderip}ngSS(Kto the ST users. This problem has got bigger over the years until now theVV(NXL/XE section of Page 6 looks asq} if it has been thrown together in 10 minutesVV(Nevery issue. How come it's always the eight bit material that has phor}tos theXX(Pwrong way up or on the wrong page? Because they don't care enough about theVV(Neight bit! However, Is} do, and I intend to keep supporting ONLY the eight bitUU(Mlong after Page 6 becomes an ST/Lynx magazine. Get some net}w PD & SharewareXX(Pfrom my list and see what your Atari canreally do! I hope you enjoy this month's(programs. You}urs, Bob.$ D:EDIT14.BAS and see what your Atari canreally do! I hope you enjoy this month's(programs. 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This means that it is distributedby people like you, by making} copiesfor your friends or bringing it touser-group meetings. Because GAUNTLET is not sold instores, this is the only w}ay otherpeople will get to see it. GAUNTLET is a 28K assembly languageprogram that runs in a 48K machine. If you got }GAUNTLET from a BBS,renaming it "AUTORUN.SYS" will makeit boot automatically from disk. If you want to put GAUNTLET on a }BBS (I'd appreciate that), pleasesend it under the name "GAUNTLET.OBJ"so I can find it if I happen to besnooping around o }n that system. Play this game for awhile, if youlike it, you can send a donation toshow your appreciation. Just send }what you think theprogram is worth to you. Feel free tomake comments and suggestions forimprovement, if there is enoughsu }pport, I'll be able to take thetime to improve it. Where else can you get (legally)software like this for the price YOU }want to pay?My address is: Donald R. Lebeau P.O. Box 376 Pepperell, Mass 01463 Please include a self a }ddressedstamped envelope for replies to yourquestions. Donations of $35 or more (or more?)makes you a REGISTERED USER. } Registered users will receive theRegistered version of GAUNTLET The registered Version includes: 1. A complete il }lustrated manual 2. A 6 play level, feature packed registered version of GAUNTLET 3. Notices of new releases 4 }. Entrance into the high score contest for a $1000 prize. 5. For every friend you get to register, you'll rece }ive $5. 6. Every 100th person registering will receive a check for $100. The registered version of GAUNTLEThas s }ix play levels, new enemy shipsand new weapons, including Taknukesand the dreaded mobber. If you have a friend register, } justhave him/her include your name andaddress when they register and you'llget a $5 check. (Wasn't that easy?) There i }s no limit to the number offriends you can register. Users groups are welcome to putGAUNTLET in their public domainlibr }aries after registering theprogram. All checks will be sent tothe group representative or accountregistered for that group }. BBS'sdon't count as users or friends! Registered users may enter theirhigh scores in the contest, thehighest score in } a 6 month periodwill get $1000. Details will beprovided with the manual. (So youthink you're pretty good, Eh?) The reg }istered version plays a lotdifferently than this version, soregister soon if you want a chanceto win. Please allow 6 to } 8 weeks fordelivery. Enjoy this program, I had a lot offun writing it. You'll find each enemy ship has its own persona }lityand must be dealt with in a differentway, and wait till they team upagainst you! Any time you want to read themanu }al portion of this text, justreboot the game and type "M". Good luck! I hope I've provided youwith many hours of enterta }inment...************************************** ** GAUNTLET } ** ************************************** In GAUNTLET, you are the pilot of alone }spacecraft trying to penetratethe defenses of an enemy battlegruopdug in on a small moon. You must getthrough 50 screens o }f terrain andfight 17 types of enemy ships armedwith an assortment of 10 differentweapons. Each enemy ship is intelli-gen }t and most fire more than one typeweapon. Some take lots of damage tokill, others will dodge your shellsor shoot them out }of the sky. Thereare camouflaged gunbases that arealmost invisible and ships that dropsmall robot ships that fight on thei }rown. Mines will chase you as thescouts and hunters use the terrainto trap and kill you. Welcome to the world of GAUNTL }ET! Your ship is equipped with rapidfire fusion bolts and a specialweapon. You can use homing missiles,flares that burn } through rock, orTRIDEX that explodes along a plane.Your ship is fitted with a disruptionfield that vaporizes matter onco }ntact and recharges by absorbingstray energy from explosions. As longas the field is charged, you areindestructable. But e }ach hit drainsthe field a little bit... When the field is completelydrained it implodes, and the game'sover. The ti }tle screen: The game options are selected byusing the