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There is a shallow creek hereE6-@&O A &Y(QON A GREEN PASTURE ON THE OTHERSI}DE OF A CREEK. To the east is a large deserte6-@)q6-@2}6-@0 A '[!(ON A GREEN GRASSY PASTU}RE-6-@096-@0E6-@0Q6-@([ A ([!(ON A GREEN GRASSY PASTURE-6-@)96-@(E6-@)}Q6-@)[ A )f!(IN A DUSTY, DRY, DESERTED,(DESERT86-@4D6-@1P6-@1\6-@1f A }*r!(IN A DRY, DUSTY, DESERTED,(DESERT86-@2D6-@1P6-@1\6-@3h6-@r A +f!(}IN A DESERTED, DUSTY, DRY,(DESERT86-@4D6-@2P6-@6\6-@4f A ,f!(IN A DESERTED, DRY, DUS}TY,(DESERT86-@1D6-@4P6-@)\6-@0f A -f6-@16-@1'6-@736-@EQ(}IN A DRY, DESERTED, DUSTY\(DESERTf A.f!(IN A DUSTY, DESERTED, DRY,(DESERT86-@3D6-@6P6-@@}\6-@Bf A /f!(IN A DESERTED, DUSTY, DRY,(DESERT86-@5D6-@8P6-@7\6-@Af A }0f!(IN A DESERTED, DRY, DUSTY,(DESERT86-@BD6-@8P6-@7\6-@9f A 1f!(IN A DRY, DUS}TY, DESERTED,(DESERT86-@9D6-@8P6-@A\6-@@f A 2f!(IN A DUSTY, DRY, DESERTED,(DESERT}86-@6D6-@9P6-@B\6-@Af A 3f!(IN A DUSTY, DESERTED, DRY,(DESERT86-@BD6-@A}P6-@A\6-@Af A 4f!(IN A DRY, DESERTED, DUSTY,(DESERT86-@4D6-@AP6-@A\6-@A}f A 5g-(%LOST IN A DESERTED, DUSTY, DRY DESERT96-@DE6-@DQ6-@E]6-@Dg A 6g-(%LO}ST IN A DESERTED, DRY, DUSTY DESERT96-@CE6-@BQ6-@C]6-@Dg A 7@(AT THE END OF A DESERT*}6-@D66-@P@ A 8M+(#AT THE OUTSKIRTS OF A WESTERN TOWN76-@"C6-@GM A 9a?(7ON A DUS}TY TRAIL. To the east is an Indian reservationK6-@HW6-@Fa A :hG(=ON A SMALL INDIAN RESERVATION. An ol}d Indian is sitting here R(a pipe^6-@Gh A ;=3()IN A PIT IN THE MINE. There's ahole above= A <F}(ON A DUSTY TRAIL$6-@E06-@Q<6-@VF A =:(ON A DUSTY TRAIL$6-@R06-@P: A }>S6-@6-@Q'6-@36-@TI(ON A DUSTY TRAILS A?(( IN A CABIN6-@R( A @};(ON A HIDDEN TRAIL%6-@U16-@R; A AP(ON A HIDDEN TRAIL.68@7,-:6-@TF6-@}P A BU?(7ON A DUSTY TRAIL BEFORE A HILL.There's an old mine hereK6-@PU A C=(IN A DIMLY LIT MINE'}6-@`36-@Y= A DI(IN A DIMLY LIT MINE'6-@`36-@V?6-@WI A E=(IN A DIMLY L}IT MINE'6-@`36-@W= A F=(IN A DIMLY LIT MINE'6-@b36-@W= A GU(IN A DIMLY LIT }MINE'6-@c36-@d?6-@`K6-@YU A H=(IN A DIMLY LIT MINE'6-@a36-@`= A I}I(IN A DIMLY LIT MINE'6-@`36-@X?6-@WI A J];(1IN A DIMLY LIT MINE. There is awooden floor he}re G6-@bS6-@b] A K.(ON TOP OF A HILL$6-@V. A jj;@7$,9@7,9@,};A,9@,9@9,9@,;@,;@,gg;,;@ ,;@ ,;@P,;,;@,};@,;@,;@ ,;@,((6. Q-@@&68,-* }>-@@7M68,-Q Z-@@7067$&%@<$,.4"M67$&%@<$,.Q"Z6}8,- i" "67B:,%@,.3-@@97"@68,-D X-@@\"e68,-i 6-}@$68,-@06-@<6-@J6.in jailP6.h6.with loose boardsu6.n open6.with}6.The shopkeeper says,,%2G2@S6-_6-k6-}w6-!@'* @16-@6-@"@(6-@-I!@0* @F%6-@}16-@="@EI6-.1%"@')+"@5*"@,16-@/"@6-@06-}6-'6-36-?6-K6-W6-c6-o6-y+@@d}B7t@d0@0@@0@1mAR@!"@:(YOU'RE }ON YOUR HORSEF"@m67A @<A T,.(ON YOUR HORSE)2(YOU'RE 6 @@H-"@0*"*"@ }* @96-@H68@4,-JQA"*!@2* @C*P:H:,$@%, @Q68@%,-6M}"@6-%@N)"@*@!)68@2,-6T8@&,"6@A67Ae<A,. } a"@')"@()"@567Ae<A,. (POINTING DOWN)^E!@$* @0/68@5,-6@R}E68@4,-6@R_"@68@4,-6`"@68@5,-6a3"@*"@%6-@36}-%@b3"@*"@%6-@36-%@c!!"@ *!@AWda!@* @#)68}@3,-6?!@* @S-@4@7]68,-6a e=-"@0*"*"@"*"@=68@4,-}6lR%%%%%%%%!((6-@4!@VF  R6-m""@"(o*}-@@&68,-* q# !  West#68@,-s$ !  North$68@,-u# !  East}#68@,-w$ !  South$68@,-z# !  Down#68@,-{( !  Northwest(68@,}-|( !  Northeast(68@,-}7 !  Southwest(68@ ,-4"@a7(~( !  Southeast(6}8@,- ( (;-@@7#O:8,,"16-%@; A   A--"@*+"@!}*!@1,A8"@" .6-@8 Az @)"@!%"_+"@}*"@,)++"@ )"@!,*!@1,k6-@w"@z(N"@*"6(}B6-@N6-)( 7$&%@<$,) A0!@&(You died of thirst0 Ag4!@}*(You're dying of thirst4 A*!@*(You're getting thirstyt"@ *"@%6-@36}-%@L(Mayor thanks you forj(escorting him safely backt AP_"@_(KEmmett and Bob fire hidden wit}hin doorways. Grat lies dead. Bill DaltonA"@ )"@)"@)"@)"@)"@#s8@,"6}@)8@4,"6)8@5,"66-@I"@%(You're chased out16-?6-&@I AQ//}"@d*8@5,"6*!A`%"@6-@% Aj%"@ *+"*!@),F(}١ Clerk hands you $200T6-%A`6-@j A%h"@ *"@)( Clerk says,^(>:@4,The Mayo}r's been kidnapped>:@4,h A%r"@*"@8(Someone runs in and yells,f(>:@4,Sheriff, Sheri}ff! The bank's r6-@F"@.(being robbed!>:@4,:6-@F6-@_"@_(Kruns ac}ross the street, his gun blasting, and runs up a ladder on the"@0(back of the bank to the roof<6-@}Q68@6,-f68@5,-{68@4,-6-6-@ A A1a"@ })"@!/!@* @=6-%@I6-@U6-a6-@^"@^(JThe Daltons have robbed } the bank. Gunsare blazing in a fantastic shootout.["@[(GEmmett and Bob run for cover while Grat and Bill kn }eel on the street5"@!( firing wildly+ A5 A1_"@_(Kruns across the street, his gun  } blasting, and runs up a ladder on the"@0(back of the bank to the roof<6-@Q68@6,-f6 }8@4,-{68@5,-6-6-@ A A!T!@* @'6-%@H( }Emmett and Bob scatter theirT6-@f"@f(Rammunition while Bill crouches on the roof of the bank picking h}is spots andfiring;"@6-'6-@1 A; A1k"@*"4(Clerk hands you a }noteI68@,-@(_68@(,-6@k6-@#"@*"*"@ M8@,"6@)8@"},6@v($Emmett Dalton sees you from afar and6-@f"@/(recognizes you. He runs off;6-@P}68@4,-\6-f AP1#!@* @)*"@R16-%@{"*"@ )( Mayor} asks,,(W(>:@4,What do you want>:@4,o((one word, please){6-@D"@D4JOB)4WOR}K)4APPLY)4SHERIFFAPo"@(M(>:@4, Sorry, I can't help you. Begone!>:@4,Y6-@e6-}o AQh"@\(HYou hear the sound of thundering hoofsand watch Emmett and Bob Dalton ash6-@~}"@P(6-@IJ6-!}T AQl"@%)"@/ @*"@;6-@I6-&@^68@5,-l6.escaped"}l"@%)"@/ @*"@;6-@I6-&@^68@4,-l6.escapedD"@I*"@#}*08(Mayor will follow youD6-@%216-=6-I6-U6$}-@|67A @<A T,. 6- A0[-+8@$,"6*",)8@%,"6O2%}A"@[6-@!w"@!((=2@@Q-@@pU w&}2@MAR(4(8JAR@M(8%2'}84LOOKA4SCOREAA"*"@G*4E7(Snake won't let youA AP(}+4DISMOUNT!6.STALLION+ A-@@+B:,"@*47$@&@<$@&@)},,)+B:,"@*47$@&@<$@&@,,Au  A='8@1,"6*"@*"36*}-@= ADA'!@0* @C*8@%,"67( Snake bitesA Ag..8,*!@%* @)A+}`..8,*!@* @A`>>8,*!@* @*"@!*4WA..8,,}*!@* @A`8"@*"@.(Horse won't move8 APa"U+"@(*4E,-})+"@T*4N,)"@U)+!@0* @F,a6-@0Z"."@0)+"@P*4NE,P(It's too far.} too walk on footZ API)8@5,"6@*4N* @?(Bring him to jailI AP18,6-/}'6-8,1 A)(You can't move that way) AP0IA1`(4(  doll0}ars in cash@!`(  rounds of ammunition.-@.8,"A$88,,"6@$1}( WEARING$$( 78,$&%@<8,$,  APS-@@9S7@<@,47$@&@2}<$@,A E;(I don't know what >:@4,>:@4, meansE APXI-@B:,!73}<,0 % ?(I don't understand...I AP]6.7%@:@4,I don't have that>:@4,I AP6}hZ"@&8&@,"*(P(>:@4, I'm all out>:@4,Z APid"@  8&@,$7}(Z(>:@4,You don't have enough money>:@4,d APj?"@*"@'6-%@56-&@? A8} k9"@"6-&8&@,968&@,-lC"@/(Shopkeeper takes your moneyC"@AQ9}m"@Auns4WATER;+"@5*"@,)"@')"@(G6-@g"@)8@,6@:}s6-@o3"@)(You can't do that yet3 APpJ"@6-@@67AT<Af,. FULL CA;}NTEEN J APPq5"*"@d*4BOA*8@,"6@A6-@P68@,-`68@),-6o68@',<}-(You find something6-@r "@6. AQs"*4GUN#6-@E67@<@%,=}. [68@,-6@q68@,-6@68@,-@ APPtE9!@)*"*8@5,">}6*+4BOB)4DAL,E6-@ui#"@*8@,"6@E67A5<AD,. (CAPTURED)S6-%@_6-@?}i APPv@"@*(He's not afraid of you66-@@ APwOC"@"*!@)* @*8@4,"6@}*+4DAL)4EMM,O6-@xi#"@*8@,"6@/6-@Q67A<A,. (CAPTURED)_6-%@A}i APPyU"@*(He laughs and runs off66-@K68@4,-U AQL-@@7L47B}$&%@<$&%@,*"O:8,,AB =3( There's no >:@4,>:@4, here= AP"@!C}6.58, +(You can't carry that5 API-@@&8,"/68,-?68,-6@D}I APP 8,@APL"@(B(>:@4,Don't litter my shop>:@4,L APE}4GUN*"@#6-968@,-6@N68@,-p67@<@%,. IN HOLSTER68@,-F} APP4GUNAB"@*4STALLION(6-868@1,-6B APP`-@@7G}:47$&%@<$&%@,`8,"6@)8,"6@A ((You're not carrying it( AP(H}-@@(8,"A  A C68,-!68,--"@96-C AQs#I}"@G*"*"@#7(Snake eats food]67A<A,.SLEEPING SNAKEi6-@s AQS"@*J}"@%6-@468,-I(Horse is saddledS AP"@H*"@3(Indian thanks you andK(givK}es you somethinga68@&,-6@v68@,-@&6-@3"@6-@)6.smoking3 AQL}o"@#*"@'1(Officials thank youH(and take the moneyW68,-e6-%@o AQc"@I*M}"@!7(Ladder leans against holeP6.. A ladder goes upY68,-c AQ 68,- (OK! AQ8,N}@A`^!4NOT*8@(,"6@<(Very strange. It says,H( SEENT( NEWS^ APC"@O}*4SIG#(WE HAVE7-@@#C6-@ x"@ &8&@,!T( 7$&%@<$,$8P}&@,`6-@l"@x( A BOX"@('"@ )"@ ' AP8,@AQ}pE!"@*4CEL*"/6. closed;6-@E APP8,@AO+"@*4CEL*R}8@0,"6@96. lockedE6-@O APP 8,@A1 4GUN'(Gun has  bullets1 AS}P04SIG)4NOT&( TRY: READ 0 AP5"@*4DES+(It has a drawer5 AP)(You see nothT}ing special) AP 8,@ A@"C!4STA*"@*"9(Horse won't let youC AP#K 4SU}TALLION*8@1,"6,6-@A68@1,-K APP$-4CRE*"@'#6-@(- A%-4CRE*"V}@(#6-@'- A'c4LAD*8@!,"*0>(You climb out but clumsilyW(kick the ladder downc6-@W}(,"@6-@V"6., AQ)A4LAD*8@!,"7(Ladder's not high enoughA AP+="@X}*@3(You can't do that yet= AP0-"@ *4BAR#6-@!- A17!"@*4CEL*"Y}-6-@7 A2+"@*4CEL!(+ AP4-"@R*4BUS#6-@- APP6-"@Z}*4LAD#6-@$- A8!!!@* @ A`:))"@R*4CAB* @0A`;-"@R*4[}CAB#6-@S- A>E 4OFF-"@)"@)"@;6-%@E A?-4SAL*"@#6-@\}- A@7!4STO*"@*!@-6-@7 AA-4STA*"@#6-@- AB-4B]}AN*"@"#6-@#- AD-"@V*4MIN#6-@`- AE-"@V*4HIL#6-@e- A^}H8,@AuJ""(How?" AQL9 @/(>:@4,CLICK>:@4,9 APMU4_}SNA)4RAT!"@GI(#An old Indian appears and stops youU6-@NQ"@G(>:@4,No shootem my pet,`}>:@4, he saysQ APRR6-@(" A06-&@F @0*@ R6-@SK#"@a}*!@* @?(Grat Dalton's been hit.K6-@Te"@*(He squeezes off a lastC(shot which goeb}s wildO6-@[6-e AUQ"@-67A<A,.(DEAD);6-%@G6-@Q APVcc}-"@*"@$*!@* @ W(%Bill Dalton's been hit. He twists andc6-@Wn"@J(6falls deadd} across the ledge of the roof of the bankV6-@d6-%@n AP\M8@%,"6"( You got it768@%e},-C6-@M AQ^X#!@ *"@R* @&B(You caught their attentionN6-@&X AQ_X#f}!@ *"@R* @0L($They scatter as you fire. Bob DaltonX6-@`\"@\(Hruns into the mine andg} Emmett gallops off on his horse, behind the cabinaP"@6-@0168@5,-6@dF68@4,-P Ah}Pbg/!@)*8@5,"6*+4BOB)4DAL,Q67A5<AD,. (DEAD) ]6-@g AQcg/!@)*i}8@4,"6*+4EMM)4DAL,Q67A<A,. (DEAD) ]6-@g AQdg+"@*"*+4DES)4j}DRA,76-@](!You shot the lock off the drawerg APe-@@32@5@7 T-k}@6@p2@5@t (Your shot missedf AQk8,@Al?4l}STA*"*"@*"*8@1,"6@n67A <A &,.STALLION (TIED TO TREE)z6-@ APPpm}8,@Arp+4STA*"@*"@*"Z67A <A &,.BLACK STALLION f6-n}p APPsE!4STA*"@*"@;(You can't do that yetE APz8,@A {;4GUN)4AMo}M!"1( Out of ammo; AP|W4GUN)4AMM?"@*8@,"6@* @K6-W6-@p}}k"@%-@@&36-&@A6-%@M6-@Y"a6-%k APP)"@q} 6-@) APP8,@A e 4WATY"@')"@()+"@*"@5,)+8@,"6@r}*"@,e6-@x"@467AT<Af,. 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There are thick bushes n~}earby@ A( hiding in somebushes A kkGUNSIX-SHOOTER IN HOLSTER,-2,HOLEMPTY HOLSTER,0,STASHERIFF'S S}TAR,0,OFFSHERIFF'S OFFICE,-5,DESDESK,-6jjOFFMAYOR'S OFFICE,-8,SALSALOON,-10,OFFGENERAL STORE,-14,STALIVERY STABLE,-16,OFF}NEWSPAPER OFFICE,-18ddBOABOARDS,0,TRESMALL TREE,-13,CABCABIN,-52,CROCROWBAR,53,BARRAIN BARREL,-20,CANEMPTY CANTEEN,0aa}AMMBOX OF AMMUNITION,0,SADSADDLE,0,POULEATHER TOBACCO POUCH,0,SHOSHOVEL,0,LADSMALL LADDER,0hhDISDISGUISE,0,FOOFOOD,0,RAT}GOLDEN RATTLER,-47,SNARATTLESNAKE,0,STIMAGIC STICK,0,MONSACK OF MONEY,0aaNOTNOTE,0,HOLHOLE IN FLOOR,0,KEYSET OF KEYS,0,ST}ABLACK STALLION,-17,MAYMAYOR,-9,BANBANK,-22JJEMMEMMETT DALTON,0,BOBBOB DALTON,0,BILBILL DALTON,0,GRAGRAT DALTON,04``W } N E S U D NW NE SW SE GETPULDRABUYCAPARRDROPUTOFFDISGIVHOLREACLOLOCLOOGO CLICROSHO9!!TIEUNTLOADRIEATDIGWEAOPEREM>`}`1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,4,5,6,7,9,9,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,18,19,20,21,10,5,145,20,10,25,50,5 -#(I don't know what you mea}n!- AP3(%(HIT TO CONTINUE...)3 A (Ok%-@AP % Ap(You are} shot down,( You're dead67(This adventure"(is over4AR7(#v-@%0@90}@V-@p6@r2@@v -#" A 2#{0@}70@T-@6@p2@t x {$<#q-@@4}-@p6@P2@@T q-@6@F#*2@# '} *$ D:DALTON.BASP2@@T q-@6@F#*2@# ' fffffff~`~~fl0fF68of;x88xf<~lll| ~`~>|`~ff~~80~f~fffff~ffff<cccwcff<}``lxlf8~ffff~fff~~ff~``~ff~~f```~`~~~ffff~fff<cc>6f<)Ј ) ) )>)?)@)A)ݩ`}Hh`$%&'`}ɛ Lm*~ 0* I*)*`};<=􅋅` *H I*h  m*`} ƌ`:i 授e` 7 ; ;i i ` *8(`} *<(`H****)h)` )`yɀɁ *+IL*ɂ I@L*Ƀ@пɄ IL*Ʌ𮥀@}a { L*.)œ Т` +ɛ  Ȅɛ ) ) })Ąe悥 )`豁ɛ`) )i +,9,9,)L+> )ʆ *}ɛ9) ~ *L,`{؅A[i ?ǝ *мƇL)ة$4 i@Х i:+ $<}I$暥30" 0">(" }0"0"" ">" }""Lb,-B晦:F(ИIF(} "ȩ" "L_HH@(Ѝ ԽC(Ѝ hh@yzyz )故 =/l, \}, \9- B) ԩ )Ѝ Ѝ ЩD8曠x%&-.آ3i3D3 b+ ) ,}ɛ  b+L.43 5 b+L.L.ȹ30) .L.,:,: 2ɛL/ LZ.膝}430/ȹ30)ɛM .L. .L.p:*5p:./ɛ p:p:ɛp: }b+` V:/W:/ L.15 b+<5 b+D5 b+G5 b+J5 b+M5 b+`5 b+`N:N: 2s4 b+4 b+4 b+4} b+5 b+5 b+`L25 b+` 2`5 b+ ,440 à4 b+`/0ȹ40)ݦ4:4}: 2ՠ4 b+`8 b+ )敥*L8 b+ ~0 0/Щ@ԩ*_ \b \ 0Lb088 b+Ҡ8 b+} ~0Lb0 )8 b+8 b+`0`5 b+` 2`͠4 b+` f:0g:0 9:9: 2L.014 b+),:p: (1} : b+ J1 U1),:p:,: 2`٠4 b+ (10ѩ U1`H J1h JB:E"DK V` B V` B:E,D$HI} V J1` 2`8 b+ ,15 b+`381 4L14= )0 ) 0 ) ) ,128轪8ɛ} Ѣ2ɛ7>:>: 2L2F:F:L2Р8 b+`ĝL1>:>: 2L2F:F:L92Ǡ5 b+`Z6 b+`7 b+O}7 b+`7 b+7 b+`8 b+`O:`y8 b+ ,Ƚs4񩌠8 b+O:`8 b+8`),:e8 023i }( (`Q:Q: 2P:4y8 b+ ,Ƚ48 b+`P: 28 b+U5 b+ )_5 b+ )5{ u3 35 u3 }35 u3 35 u3 3`0 )) ) )` ,ݮ5 R: 2`Terminal Activated^\o\gj_ph34`ib\b}g\pi^kg\m`omd`qnojmrmdono\^o\kkmjbm\mjh(di_43no_m`b\di_-no_m`b]di_2+no_m`b^amj/.,-c\godi_4.no_m`b\di_,}no_m`b]di_.-no_m`b^amj-,./c\go\i\gjb0 1 1 0 0 1 #(- origiantarelandinlaunchinstatu #no such4}5 not  storing retrieving 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 7 d 4b 0 e f 1 c4 0 9 2 a e command-error library s origin }  status control1. open 2. close 3. neutralgyro controhydro-lift valvrb42 valvfraber switc2131 operationwhich} ?56 was sent from  to warn earth that it is on a   with a .  has sensors to gar . when  returns to  we will al}ter   of  and avoid a . is  fourth planet from  star grindl in a parallel universe.  has 2 moons and a gravitation}al force 67of 70. it has a diameter of 17,000 .  is 98 million from grindl.the  . commands. d,st lt is used }to end ming.  is stored in3 registers: reg a,regc.  distance from  star is put in rega. mooity  regc.   4312. }  . com 78  d,fro,halt. halt is usedegc.  distanoon data  reg gravhe   rev fer to rom-b.all systems are} functioning except  and  auto ming were disrupted during a magnetic storm.password? denied allowed done1. 2. } ?!)15robox 89..your mission was a congratulations...game compliments ofBarry Kolbe and Bryan SchappelH9L9P9}]9b9g9n9w9}9999999999999:: :tapdat..data lost.readroboantarecollisioaccesprograconsists of an 8 stemi}lemeteothere are landin9o:launchinmust be put icoursillegathey are: iis stored ifiring order ithfailursuccesdi}sk file errorD:BOX.DAT/I//0001u1J2R2Z2i2x2V-order ithfailursuccesdib (i(CiD ! 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Please bear in mind that this is NOT the final issuehXX(Pas advertised in *}New Atari User; the mag will continue until at least the endj[,($of the year, hopefully much longer!/([(' This mont*}h's disk contains a few superlRR(Jprograms, and in my view is one of the best issues so far. There are manynTT(Lgreat *}Public Domain games this month including a superb three dimensionalpUU(Mmaze game, a good colourful clone of theold arc*}ade favourite Frogger, and yetr55(-another clone of Tron, the light cycle game.z$2/(' EXCEL NO.16 EDITORIAL BY RO*}BERT STUART2([([(P Also this month is a top class graphicsdemo converted from the Commodore 64 andYY(Qenhanced wi*}th interlaced (640x192) text.The Genesis Project really is excellent!VV(N The Multi-File copier is pretty self- explanat*}ory and very professional, andXX(Pthe other games include Rollem; a nice painter game, Warrior; a space shoot 'emVV(*}Nup, Force of Four; a strategy war game with nice graphics, Rail King; a sim-WW(Oulation of Railroad building across *} America, Dalton; a wild west adventure,WW(OCavern of Death; an arcade adventure, and Robox Incident in which you have*} to%%(break into an alien computer.$,2/(' EXCEL NO.16 EDITORIAL BY ROBERT STUART2(.X(X(M On the PD front t*}here are some really superb new disks. World Of Wonders is0WW(Oa music demo using C64 tunes played withsamples and is pre*}tty astonishing. Also2VV(Nfrom the C64 comes a slideshow disk of twenty pictures from top C64 games and4RO(Gdemos. The*}re are also some more new demo-file disks and some games.R(6XX(P Well, that's it for now. I hope you enjoy this se*}lection of programs as much8,,($as I have! 'Til next month, Robert.@$D2:EDITnow. I hope you enjoy this se(]