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Each} Robot tank ,, $must be blown up within two minutes. -- %Your tank is controlled by a joystick>,, $plugged into the }first jack, it willH// &fire a shell if the button is pressed.R,, $Three hits on a Robot tank will blow\ it up.} E68,-@ E %How many hits does it take to blow up /  your tank # @/6-@ *68},-@'68@,-*$D:COMPTANK.BASY @/  your tank # @/6-@ *68G7;hhhhh}8 "9̭|8L7 8}8)|88Խ8թ,P38ރ85888|88 }88L7}y#8ԥy+8բ380&̽8Խ8}88 9}8)8̥ԝ8՝88 @Խ8 i|8|8|8<8 @38̥}88Լ8y38iL880ޓ8Mԅ`*)(!$#"  *) ,+#.!01/ -( '} %&%&??ͥνx8`88i)```hhhhh}9 38`38`57645764hhh|8hh-|8ԩ`Ά͢|8}88}38Թ8iս9ˠ}#8ԥ}+8ձC0}Dr:}8~80i)8~8L9 9  0|8`ͮ}888i) |8`υ`  V`}/o4 "1#5K5CDE}F [3Z3C3i3733 ҝB601 ($)% )i<3)?3)}83 )i.3)83333333d2 4p55 BD4EHI V }LK!L!L! 4 44 "#HI B 0#5 VL 4 4 4d2#H }I B 0K5 VL  BD4EHI V\3ԭ)) !" $)) !) } $ML #4L!d2 4 @)𦪽303Й3 ҩOҩ3 6338JH38-H 6 )?i3 )i }3 %6@ 6hh 633 %633ҍҍ5H$ $h85H $$h h$L!ҍ3 ҍ }ҎҎ BD5E'HI VL^$Oҩҍ3 6ТPO 6[38-HZ38JH %6 6PO }6hhҍ %63 #  #  #L!,V3 #,W3 #,X3 #`HH3hh`hHiD#333 h<}4 $5855əi5 $5HL $5h'$ h$$5 h$h` BND5EOH}I VLtHJJJJ s$h) 0 BHILV䩀x`X`@$%% "1#($)`4444 }ҩ`HiD$3ҍҪ h )i<3 )i.33Щ33353L$q3r3s3t3u3v3}w3x3q3y3q3 y% y%Lb%%`HHH1A6hhh@3L18x,V3Z3 Z3Z3\3,W3Z3 Z3Z3\3,X3 [3}2[3[3,Y3 [3ɰ[3[3[3Э\3\3Z3C)]3C 3D33L23L23330^Ls23}3% }3 3333 33L233i3 )i<3 )i.3L23003 }3 33333 }33L2 )i3333L23}330LɰH3}33ɺ:!6333+33 3333}L1L_佔383338333333333L23 )?33 030L2 A33L3 I33L3 A33L2 I33L2 })` )Ii` ??   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KINGSTON, 1980@%} +@@@d1B7t@dK0@]-@@s(@SURVIVAL~(@%}(@ Ġԩ(6-6-@6-@ @w @0(7("PRESS RETURN FOR DEFAU%}LT LEVEL (5)[(ENTER DIFFICULTY LEVEL (1-9) :_k @w6-@ B A2,)6-++%%,&@$N%}:8@,,,',$P;@,;@,;A,;@ ,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,9%}@,;@,9@,;@,U*'( 㩠î*(Zm(((Please type your first name:,%}/(H(Use old game (Y/N) Lm7@<@,4YA_ @ de%2Au@@/+%}A@@dSB7t@deAR@n0( (0(O.K. , you are now in a heli-x,,($copter that w%}ill set you down at the}--(%rendevous point. You must find the 4--(%large diamonds in the area and return++(#to t%}his point. The helicopter will**("return to pick you up if you reach))(!this area between 12 and 18 days.1( (1%}(#Be patient while the pilot lands...%-@A % A " $(%(The helicopter is leaving.%}6-@6\2A&@$@p-@@t x ~6-$ '6-@96-@@'6-@%}(*9@,9,9,HQ-@&68,-* >-@M68,-Q J3-%} 68,-/68,-3 y6-@P6-@'6-@@36-@?6-@K6-@W6-@%}y6-P:H:@,$@%@,aa6.WZERGO PASRESSLEWITLOOEATDRIGETTAKLEALIGCATFIGDROSEAHELDIGCLIATTMOVOPEINVEMPCLOENT%}REAEXAss6.iZERO NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST UP DOWN BACK WOLF BAT WATER ALFO FISH RABBIT FRUIT z%}z67B:,%@,.bFLARE WOOD MATCH CANOE KNIFE DIAMONDGOURD SPEAR COINS SHOVEL ROPE POUCH BOX BONES ee6%}7B:,%@,.MPAPER KEY HOLE TREE OCTOPUSCAVE CABIN SIGN DOOR CLIFF SKULL . A5.7@<@%},4YA %2AP@@((;(You've landed.>(V(Press to cont.Z|2AP%}@@6-E6-@&$?%6-A;6-@U%@$E B` A A$@8 A`%}Lm A@@ 6-) @P/ L(You drop in exhaustion!!Z6-%@ c68,-m BV 8,"6%}6- A jMAR'AdAU*(:( WHAT NOW: >M4A0t(AR@(4QUIT%}AYv4 SAVE GAMEA6~( A !B) B%$A 6-B:, " $&6-%}4P#6-@&$ 4G6-@$ "6.6- A"P -"7<,4 6-&" A%} P  6.6.ZERO A"6.7<,-6  7<,4 6- A!* 466.7%<,%}B:,!@66.7@<@,)B:,!@)6.7@<@, -6-$@%%47<%B:%},&,6-% A"P  6-% -6-$@%47<%B:,&,6-$ 6-%$` (%}  "6.  6.S  "6.  6.S **(TIME:  DAY- HOUR $ '"* %}@'(It is nignt.  !@4A$P .!@$(You're tired. . A$P (You need sleep!!  %}(!@A$` * ! (You're thirsty. * A$` (You need water!!  !@)A$p /!@%}%(You're hungry. / A$p (You need food!!  ;(8@,!;(You are wounded (8@,). %}' A%"'(You have light. $ 7""@*8@ ,"@768@,-@ D"@2!6-O:8@7%},,D68@,-@$O:8@7,, k9 @*8@,!*8@, @*@2H68@,-N"e(Th%}e fire went out.k6- 1 6-68@,-+8@,"*16- "@ A $ + 8,"6((You a&}lready have that!+$ . @)!@0+( Not possible..$ " 8,(It's not here."$ ("@)"@&}%(Missed!($ 6"@ #68,-8,%@,68,-6 A0 ; 6--@@0;"@)"@ A0`&}  8,"66-%@ 5 !@2(You are carrying too much.5$  68,-6(O.K.$ ' 8,6$(&}You don't have it.'$0 +68,-"8,6@+68,-: "@A68,-D  (Done$H # 6-%6-&&}6-&#6-&R $6-P:'@$,$6-&$@$\ -@a  8,!68,-8,&f  k 08@ ,"!68@&},-068@,-p 4$@*8@,"6*8,46-&@$z 8@,"66-& % 6-!@ *&} @%6- 8@,"6- !@2 A% $ R68@,-6(68@,-@ =6&}8@5,-@R68@2,-@  68@,-@%-68@",-@(B68@(,-@W68@$,-@&}l68@%,-@%68@',-@968@,-@ 68@,-@ 7@<@,0Y$ 4 A7& } A54@@ T&@:-@G@P68,-T& }  d- @)68,-268,-6 J-@W@`68,-d %6-&@ A4& }%+@ B$Q A5( TAPE ERROR,( TRY AGAIN 0Q7@<@,4YA5` & }%< A6@ A74@@<6.,44(@<(@& }(-@8(@8,< $T-((@8,8,, @-@P(@&}8,T . A5 A8M A5((DISK ERROR; TRY AGAIN,M7@<@,4YA6B&t 6.&}C:$6-@"A@ 6-@0 @*"-0@@ @0$0@&}$( 6-+"* @,)"%6-($(Too dark' A0( 6-6.(8@ ,!@06.S &}"*"$ 8,$!@*"$(Objects seen here are: -8,APpE6-$@%&}+(7<%@,7"@ ;(E APp#8,!#( (8,)@7AP` 8,"(&} (CLOSED) 8,"6((OPEN) 6- (  "(NONE$ ( (6-@ A$( &}TT(Your score is: P:+8@ ,$@P$,'+$+%@,,,&A$8@#,*LAR/0@@ @&}I(TYPE FOR NEW GAMELo HAZARDSp @Aiz"A`0{-@72A&@&}$@K-@@O S V(u(The helicopter has landed.{6-F( ($(Congratulations ,6( Y&}ou made it!!<6-F AY.!A2$(Your time is up!. AY!@Ab!!H:, *8@,"A&}b'8@,"'68@,-@ HH8@,AaAaPAaPAa@Aa0Aa0Aa0<(A&} storm is approaching.<8@,@ AbV-@602@`@D-@@H L&} V Ab3 ")(Black clouds cover the sky.3 AbT@.(Rain and wind swirl about.J2@@&}@T Ab/"@%(It's snowing hard/ Ab"@Aap48@,"@42@&}@@B(Many areas are flooded.B@)H:,!'@Aa 9'(You have been swept to sea by a&}9( flash flood!!q6-@&6-@%'6-@(36-H68@,-]68,-@g B`q A&}aC$(Heavy snow covers the trail.968@,-@C2$$$"@2)H:, ?Ab)5*("You have &}lost some supplies in the5(storm.*S&68@,-P:8@,'@,I68@,-P:8@,'@,S Ab.O(& }The storm has passed.'23"@O(Snow blocks some paths.8)"@AAc="@*Abp&!}B' 6-'H:, *8@,"AcL'8@,"'68@,-@$V% "%(Wolves are in the area![.."&"}@)"@2)8@7,"Ab@\H-@@0&8,"@2568,-@9 H68@7,-`""8@&#}, @&AcjH:, )"@2ActD)(!A vicious wolf is coming at you!!56-@D68@,-vn-&$}@'2AP@+ ?-@@C T-@6j2A@n y."@$68@&%},-. Ac~MH:, '@9( He attacks, and you are wounded!C ApM AcJ(( He attacks, you s&&}uccumb, and theJ(others close in for the kill!)(Sorry 'bout that .) AY@Ad"@ &'}*"AcP 6-H:, Acs-@@92@@ @@U2@ @&(}Y c2s2@* "*(Something flew by your head!, ",(A large bat flew by your head!16-&)}@ 68@ ,-'68,-1 Ac"Ac0>%(You've been bitten by a large6( vampire bat!>6-%W &*}!H:,!?`=( And got rabies and died in theseM( dark caves.W Ab Ap==@)8@,@&+})8@,@AdYH:@, ?p?("Heavy rains suddenly fill the caveO( with water!Y A!!&,}@)*@0Ae "@3AdH:, Aeg 6-/(!A large octopus just grabbed you!;6-@&-}3G"@0S6-@)] B`g AePB(( The octopus is pulling you down!B68@,-8@,&d& A@&.}8@,"&2 A%N$X: 68,-6-768@,-P:@H$H:,,%@$:$@8,"6)"A&/}E (} A$(J 8,"6((>>>>T2#"@)"@!)"@#268@,-^>8@,6@&0}/"@)"@>68@,-r%(You are % A%$@(# (not able to go that way.*# 6- B`&1}2#1,33,2,33,33,0,03#7#(in a clearing in the woods.7"A4#( "((You see a helicopter here.;#76&2}-@68@2,--68@6,-7 A<#2,-1,1,3,8,0,0=# (on a trail in the woods.?# AF#3,33,&3}4,6,33,0,0G#3(on a hill in the woods.3"A8H#((( A clear stream runs by the area.I#9"*8@,"9&4}(The sun glistens on the cabin.N#!8@7,!68@7,-O# 6- AP#4,-1,3,5,6,0,0Q# A!Z#5&5},33,34,33,4,0,34[#&(in a rocky area.&"AY\#<+(#A steep cliff on the east goes down<( to a canyon.]#.6-@&6}"8,"*"@.6-@c# Ad#6,-1,3,7,6,0,0e# A!n#7,6,10,37,8,0,0o#1#(near the edge o&7}f the woods.1"Ayq#N68@,-!H:, ?P9(A rabbit hopped by!N68@,-@w# Ax#8,&8}-1,7,9,8,0,0y# A!#9,33,8,0,33,41,0#1#(in a clearing in the woods.1"A#N+(#A steep cliff is just&9} to the south.N(Tall trees are near the cliff.#" 6-68@2,-" A#10,-1,7,11,4,0,0# A!#1&:}1,33,34,37,10,0,21#2$(in an area thick with brush.2"A#S*("A trail from the woods to the westS($goes down &;}into a canyon to the east.# 6- A#12,34,13,35,35,0,34# ( in a cave. "A%#J-(%Tunnels lead we&<}st, south and east; anJ(opening is to the north.#"A)#r,($There is light to the north, and youS("can see &=}branches outside the cave.c8@%,"6r68,-@@#6-@ A#13,-1,12,14,8,0,0#0&(going throug&>}h a narrow tunnel.0 A#14,13,35,15,35,0,0#((in a large cavern.("AI#H$(You see bats on the ceili&?}ng!H(Tunnels lead in all directions.# A#15,-1,14,16,6,0,0# A1#16,15,17,0,18,0,0#-(on a d&@}amp tunnel floor.-"Ac#//('You see passages north, east, and west.#) ")(There is light to the west.#6&A}-@ A#17,0,0,0,16,0,0#T!(stopped. Something is inF( front of you on the damp ground!T"Ay&B}#C)(!UGH! A pile of bones lies here inC(this dead-end tunnel.#(6-@8,"*"(6-@# A#&C}18,0,16,36,19,0,0#'(on a sandy shore.'"A#q/('You see nothing but water to the south.Y(%A cave entrance i&D}s to the west, and aq(tunnel to the east.#CH:, ?P.(You see a fish swim by.C68@,-@# A&E}# 6-6- A#19,0,18,0,0,20,0#&(in a large cave.&"A#,,($Worn and narrow stone steps lead &F}up.#6'(A human skull is in the corner.668@9,-#6-@ A#20,0,0,0,0,0,19#((on a narrow le&G}dge.("A #]-(%A hole has been dug over to the side.<68@1,-H6-@Q8,"]6-@# A&H}#21,0,0,22,0,11,0#3%(at the bottom of a waterfall.3"A#y+(#You're on the shore of a river thatR("flows&I} south through a deep canyon.y("A trail by the waterfall leads up.$6-@6- A$22,-1,21,23,8,0,0$&J}W(going along a river.5H:@, ?*"W(A sign says 'BUY BURMA SHAVE'$ A$23,22,0,24,27,27,0$3&K}%(by a quiet spot in the river.3"A9$G+(#A trail leads west to mountains;theG(river goes north-south.$6&L}-@ A$24,-1,23,25,8,0,0$ A!"$25,24,0,26,37,0,0#$'(on a sandy shore.'"AY$$s+(#T&M}he area is a delta of a river in aT($deep canyon. A sea is to the south,s(and mountains to the west.%$&&(The water h&N}ere is not potable.+$6-@ A,$26,-1,25,28,8,0,0-$:8@,"60(canoeing on a rough sea.: Ae&O}.$. (swimming in a rough sea!.6-&@/$' 6- @P'!@PAi0$ A1$338@,"@)8&P}@,"@Ac5$ 6- A6$27,-1,23,31,8,0,07$##(on a rugged mountain trail.8$78@,!7( A&Q}nd struggling through the snow!?$6-@ A@$28,26,38,38,36,0,0A$'(on a sandy shore.'"AB$Y.(&R}&This is an island with tropical trees.Y(&You see mountains to the north, and anC$++(#underwater cave below in the water&S}.E$--8@, )8@,!@AF$A(( The rain left a water hole here.768@,-A AH$68@&T},-I$ 6- AJ$29,29,29,29,28,30,29K$> 2'(underwater in a cave.>8@,!AL$.@ &U}$68@,-@. AM$1'(Sorry , you have drowned!!1 AYS$6-@ 6- AT$30,0,0,&V}0,0,0,29U$+(in an airspace.+"A V$ 6-8,"6-]$6-@ A^$31,27,37,34,37,0,34&W}_$%(on a flat area.%"A`$l-(%A cliff on the south drops sharply toW(%a sea, and a small island can be seen&X}l(in the distance.b$6-@8,"6-f$*68,-@'!8@,!*68,-g$ Ah$32,0,0,3,0,0,0&Y}i$\(in a small cabin.A(#A door and window are to the south.G6-M6-\68@7,-l$>>8@ , @)8@ &Z},))H:, ?`Am$ r$33,-1,0,0,8,0,0s$$$(wandering trhough the woods.t$ A|$34,-1,34,34,1&[},0,0}$Z(falling-@:2@@@A(.E P(CRASH!Z2$-#(You broke your neck &\}!!- AY$35,-1,0,0,6,0,0$1'(going through a winding tunnel.1 A$36,-1,18,28,16,0,0$ Aa$&]}37,-1,0,0,4,0,0$ Aq$38,-1,0,0,10,0,0$ Aa$39,0,0,0,0,32,0$_(in a small cellar.*8@%,&^}6?68@,-_(OUCH! That was a long drop!$\ "4(&Rats are scurrying about. You see someM(boxes in the&_} corner.\68@',-$6-@ A$40,34,34,34,34,0,9$(high in a tree.$"A $O+(#You s&`}ee mountains to the southeast,O(and a steep cliff to the south.$ 6- A$41,34,34,34,34,41,0$468@&a},-&(in a tall tree.4"A$7 @7(#You see mountains to the southeast.$H"@(,(The view is b&b}reathtakingH((or was it the climb?).$ A&j,($The reflected sun activates a switchU($that opens a trap door i&c}n the floor.j68@,-@9&F7"@)"@)"@)"@ )"@(F68@2,-& A@ AP&d}$''+ 8,6!(Give direction.+ A'"@BP$'8,!B@)'1 68,-68,-&e}6-!6-'6-1 B`.' A4 A8' "6-68@,-='L A4B68,-P:8,&%?P&f}$$N:8@,,,L AB'B 6-6-6-868,-8@,&8,B BEL'9#A%$@%-&g}@)"268,-6 9$t'Ay'! 6-!")!@B~'8,!B'- 6-6-8, &h}B`-8,B'+"8@,!6-8@,+ BP'-6-8@,'8@,"-6-'%68&i},-8@,% B ' A'  A4' A'! 8,"668,-6! A'2(( Possible only b&j}etween locations.2 A<( @BF(0( HOW LONG 68,-08, BK((You are resting.P(&k}% 6-%%!@P%6-@PZ(( A4 A`(8,!B d( 68,- A$@ A((You have fa&l}llen asleep.(E 6-'68,-P:+@P&,'@,68,!@E68,-@(8 8,! A4 A`.6-%@&m}8 B0(K"@*8@,!(A(You've frozen to death !K AY(! 6-!@P!6-@P(! &n}6- @P!!B`(G(,(Well , you died from lack of=( nourishment!G AY('((You are now awa&o}ke.' A). 6-+(You have the following items:.()#-@#8,6BP")P 6-6-$@%0(&p}7<%@,?8,!P( (8,),)(6) @) "(NONEJ) Ah) A) "6-@&q})M 8,6C(You don't have: 7$@%<$@%@,M A)//&@B@BPBPB&r}`)"(Not a good idea!" A);68@,-8@,&,8@,;68@,-))6-%@!@@&s})6-@@)!(Crunch, crunch!! AP)BP*$(Cooked just right.$ Bp*N( Very tasty.)"@A&t}*"@(868@,-D6-@@N B*6-@@68,-* A4 AP0*!*@BP&u}:*8@,"B`D*?8@!,6@5(No drinking water here.? AN*48@!,*(The gourd is &v}empty!4 AX*-( How much -8@!,BP]*8.(You only have 8@!, swallows.8 B@b*= 6-&w}%%68@!,-8@!,&1!@=6-@g*( Glug, glug. APl*76-@-(AAHHH! That hit the spo&x}t!7 AP* AA*#@ A0# A*>8@!,64(You have nothing to hold it.> A*&y}A68@!,-@`7(You now have a full gourd.A A* B \+A"@ *8,!68,-) A10768,-&z}8,&A Af+ A1 A+7 8,6-(You don't have it to light.7 A+''&@B B &{}B+ B +448@,!)8@,!)8@,!B0+7-(%You will need to light a match first.7 A&|}+"@BP+M#68@,-8@,&@88@,M68@,-+<( It's lit.6-&}}@268@,-@< AP+P9 @*8@,!*8@, @*@2F(Too wet.P A+##(&~}The fire is burning nicely.+S68@,-@6-368@,-?6-@I A4S A,M#68@&},-8@,&@88@,M68@,-,4H:, ?*(Whoops! It's a dud!4 A,$"@ &}(Fizzle$ A,/(It's lit68@,-%6-/ A$,!!"@)"@B08, (Can't do tha&}t. AB,3 8,)(No game around just now.3 AL,+6-? 8@",6+6-?V,H:@, &}Bp`,M( You got one.$68,-6@968@ ,-@C A4M APj,0(Whoops! Missed!&68,-0 &}A,# "( Fight what?# A, (WHAT?? A,1!8@,"6)8@","6'6-1 B0, &} 6-%,2 @PH:@,!((SWOOSH!2 A,H(You have driven it off!-6-&@<68,-H6-&}, B, BP- AAZ-1 A(#( You discover 1"BPd-)H:, ?(nothing.)&} Bn--H:, ?P#( an old shoe.- Bx-( a rusty nail. B-$$H:,!?) @B -'&}(a large diamond!'68@ ,-- A4 A-:*8@ ,"@*"*!A*"06-: A`-3)(!Tr&}y EXAMINE ITEM, or SEARCH, etc.3 A..*@1$(What??. A". AA,.S7"@2)"@&&})"@6)"@))"@8I( Come on now..S A6.!!8@$,6@BP@.7( You dug up #68@1,-&}7"@BPJ. B |. AA.@2BP.8@,!BP.M'"@2*"@ *8&}@%,"6-6-96-@@C B`M B.F"@2*8,"6-(6-@A2 B`< AF A. &}BP. BD/ AAX/!! @)!@0BPb/""8,*8,6@BPl/ (OKv/2"@(*&}"@(( You find 2 BP/^"@9*"@'(H:,!?0O("You uncovered a bag of gold coins!^68@#&},-/ A/++@&*@'*@7BP/""8,*8,6@BP/"@%B%/C#"&}@7*8@0,"6@968@7,-6@C B"/ AA/V"@&*8,"6@=(A piece of paper dro&}ps out.L68@),-V B"/ BP0 (OK A 0 Bp0@!BPz0 68,-(OK A&}0 B"08@7,"BP0# (OK68@7,-# A81!!@* @4BPB1='"@&}*"@5*8@7,"636-@2= B&L1J4"@@*"@4*8@%,"6*8@4,"@6-@J B&N1&}5"@*"@46-+6-@5 BP1;"@(*"@4%6-@(16-@); B&`1@&}BPt1R/+!@ * @',)"@)"@(H(You had a cold swim.R A1 BP1 B` A&}1 AA1?@)*@65(Not much there to read!? A1@)B'@18,6@BP&}1$$(It's a faded note that says:1H(+( 'When sundial...noo...under ca..H( Must leav. d......gol.'1@6&}B'1D ")(It says: 'PRIVATE PROPERTY'/"D( 'Try HELP'1 A2 AA 2v&"@*"@5&}*8@0,"N(#Something fell from above the door.]68@0,-l68@7,-v A2&"@2*"@5*8@!&},"K( Some items are in a dark corner.Z68@,-i68@!,-x68@,- A2\"@@*"@8&}C(%A cave entrance in the cliff is seen.R68@4,-\ A2K"@A*"@(,(You see fruit.A68@,-&}@AK A#2Q&"@A*"@*8@,"8( What dropped?G68@,-Q A(2"@AB(22""&}8,*8,6@BP<21"@!'(It's like a bottle.1 AF20"@&&(It's old and worn.0 A&}P2I"@1*"@ (68@&,-?(Something's there!I AZ2/%(You find nothing of interest./ Ad2"&}(Doesn't compute." A:((You can't do that now.( A:( Not possible. A>D:SURVIVAL&}.BASoesn't compute." A:((You can't do that now.( A:( Not possible. A>D:SURVIVAL$(5 eP¢2""i w- l.  r* *0/1ȍxF*}j j愥 i d/ڭji؅慦  懦s..*}..0.1 *Ѕ.ˢ* \䥆 .. Pi @hȍ*}'.( , i, ,J m, //// r* ԩЩ>/oڍ*}Ф/$ / *Ң0ҩ K- *( K- + , i,j-!E *᥊ ŪL*}-La-LT($%&'`ҍҍҍҍ`ũ%Ʃӵд L*إ + , - * ,Lb*}M$x}0Х})0$`Ƥ`Ʀ` +֖L+Ō ŋ *}90 B0굙y90yB0МL*8K0JJJ8T0JJJ"2"¤)?ieaҩ҅ )*}]08JJJ"ù2"ĥ8,JJJ)?"2)@ҩȍҩ`p U,L+, +,ҩPee*}e`6H8jJJJh) `* m,`@٤Ҥ ҥa0ơ Ơҥ Ʈ`查*}h 扥< 8؅ Ѕ)`i 2 / i@/`ŧ*}LT( *Ƈ ,̍Ң(挥Э ҍҩ K-ƌЭ ҍҩ K- *L) g01 r* K-LT( *8 i, U, ,*}2Ҡҩ K- *L(<<<<<<<<<<???<<<<<????><~<<~<<<<<<<<<<<<*}??~~<(%#2-( ``UUPPEE@@@@@@@q0)23pppBFP*}A.3#/2%"/.53,)6%3,%6%,pppppppppG/ppppA/"o.k*!-%3*}(!'5%levelH~~`PPxHxH``Ҩh|ll|l| |l*}|ll|ln|n`|ln ?<<++(#I'll see you again next month - Bob@$ D:EDIT20.BASppy, prosperous new year. Enjoy the disk,,T  E<JDXPICBg`AgAT@d'A@'@e2} +@#@@d1B7t@dCAYO6-Bg`c%@Aw-@@%A2}A Bgd'BgeA9@K@AV@@@D2}:EXCEL20A.PICAP@'ARAQ9ASAKAV@#]AW@y6-?:C:hhhLV,2}<@,@/ #@!-A6Af%"+/ QQ72,138,72,174,11,212,142,10,212,189,16,129,141,24,202}8,189,80,128,141,22,208++189,176,128,141,23,208,104,170,104,64 BB'A9A@K2}BBA]AY@boAA@TAdAU F:Ad,"@1@" 2}F:Ad,"@0@% F:Ad,"@&@0 F:Ad,"@$@5 F:Ad,"@)@@2} F:Ad,"@'@E F:Ad,"@Q@P F:Ad,"@S@U@w @2} A% D:EDIT*.BAS A% D:COLONY.RUNH A9@@D:INVASION.OBJH6-?:A2}Uv,# A %D:COMPTANK.BAS( A% D:QUESTAR.BAS- A% D:DODGER.BAS2 A %D:SURVIV2}AL.BAS7D A5@@ D:BONK.OBJD6-?:AUv,d +BB1AAC2}AAUAF@gAGA(yBB@dAdAU@@$D:MENUC0| X; +@AA2)+@;AA`G@8@@6} D:COLONY.OBJG6-?:AUv, D:COLONY.RUN2)+@;AA`G@8@@42