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By Sean Puckett and Jeff Jones.Mm [By}LVN Codesmiths, Inc. (305) 961-4480 Designers and Developers of high Quality software for all Popular microcomputery}s.M [BL O This program is Public Domain. This program is under Exclusive Copyright by Codesmiths, Inc. This y}program may not be re- or over-copyrighted. This programN` [BLOz may not be sold except for the costy} of media in a not-for- profit release. One moment, please.O [BaMaMLObMbMELOLO8aMaMLO`OLy}GAOOOIXLP(LO AOOOIXL@P(G#G /AIFeJFeiOiOLQPOy}iOOiOOOLPOiOmOOiOOmOOi*LPLPOLVPOOO UBOƭO By}`!EeLP APP /AEEePFEePPP OPP iG UBLQK:Q BPy}PBEAE DPiPiPP DPiPiBEAE DP /A G`LLQ AQy}QI4LQ -DLQQIGLQ -DLQ -DQQ OYX iG B B B B UBL2RK:y}R/ B`!RLIRDRI BERDRER`FQRFLR AmR8GGuRȅG /AGeGy}e8ȍ!G"GqR{RpRzRmRLRuRLR'`mRL/SuRȐL/SmR BsR!GmuR"GisRuRLRy}rRyRxRmRMwRLKSGLOSȌG!G"GI!LS!Gi"GiI#LSvRILSGvRLSvRGvRIxRpRyRqRy}L;T!GmrR"Gi)sRrRnRmrRoRisRmGrRMuR sRILTvRyR{RxRzRL;TsRmGxR}IEyRiy}ixRiyRLSrRtRnRmrRoRi1I LTnRmrRoRi1ILT8rRrRrRLATrRLTtRirRnRy}oR8rR!GmrR"Gi8rR"G!G D8uRrRuR8GuRGmRwR{RzR`Gxy}F(F(LzU BLUK:UG(LU 1BLUKy}:U A ?MLU UBLUK:Uũ B cMU U Ui /A8?嬍U孍U UGy} DEI DG U UFEEE DFEEEBEAE DEEiFEiFEEE DEEiFEiy}BEAE D G -D UBLVD1:MAINVɩ BUUUUȌGLW .D1:MAIN V(FM D Uy} UGL\GL\UUUG |RUUUILWUUUUG |RUUUI:LWUy}U DLWUUL\GIL\ UUWW ULW UU) UU ULWU U UILL X8U0U PL\ UIFy}L4X8U0 /AGL\ UIPLYX FRYX DUUL\ UISLXUU Q B -D U Uy}UUL\ UIGLX8U0 U UmU80 /A8?宍U寍Um U80UL\ UIML>Y8U0(y} /AIFeJFeU( DL\ UIKLY8U0U8U0U FR80G#GG#GULYUG#GLZYL\ UIy}C UIXLkZG#G U UIXLYGLYGLYG UB(G /AMeFe8(UUUIXL6Z( Uy} /AIFeJFe(UU DLMZU(UU DUUG O8GGL\ UITLZG UB(y}G /AMeFe8(G O8GGL\ UIILZ8U0G#GELZUL\ UIQL [G UB8Gy}GL\ UIHL+[UUYX DL\ UIBL[U) /A U8U0 /A Ue U8 U0y} /A U U UL\ UIWL[ FRL\ UIJL[:UU(U DUL\ UIEL\ UBU O-@y}L\L \ FRL[ UBL\UI UI'L4\G UB8GGL\UL\ UUUUU kIUmUUUiUUmUUiy}Ů0L\ FRYX DUUL(Wl `UGL\UL\ UUUUU kIUmUUUiUUmUUix0!#L0"D1:DM.FNT"!#C"D1:MENU.CNR"UL(Wl `UGL\UL\ UUUUU kIUmUUUiUUmUUi|"!#H!#B@06Welcome to the text section of EXCEL.Please select one of the following: 1) - Excel no. 22 Editorial. 2) }- Atari Product Reviews by Robert Stuart. 0) - Exit to Main Menu.Your Choice?!#M1"D1:EDIT.TXT"!#M2"D1:REVIEWS.TXT}"!#K02!#H!#I0!#Q!#XX!#Tby Robert Stuart. 0) - Exit to Main Menu.Your Choice?!#M1"D1:EDIT.TXT"!#M2"D1:REVIEWS.TXT>>>6663x0x3~>`<|fl0fF68of; 0p88pf~f~8~888}p`>go{s><>g8g>>np~w>>p~ww>88>w>ww>>w?<88p8~~p88p>g}g>gnggn`>www~w~ww~>wppw>|vww~|x~xxx~xxx>wpww?wwwwww>wv||vwxxxxxcwkk{{oo}>www>~ww~pp>ww~;~ww~ww>w8w>wwww?wwww>kkwcww>>wwww>8pc>wwwc>www>swwww;8lƅ}f~<8888 0``0 ?}~ý~<<<~~~<<<*****II>>}??ll8>g>www>>?w?pp~ww~>wpw>?ww?>wp>??ww?~pp~www<>>psv|vs<>f}kcnwwww>www>~ww~pp?ww?~wppp?p>~wwww?www>ck>6w>>wwww?|8g>?w;}wwww;>gnggn`*Uww~pp?ww?~wppp?p>~wwww?www>ck>6w>>wwww?|8g>?w;KULT by ASF (POLAND)Kult is another in a long line of Atari shoot 'em up games of the horizontally scrolling variety. The g}ame opens up with a pleasant foot tapping tune, and an ordinary monochrome Mode 0 title page which, to be honest, didn't make} me expect anything much better in the actual game. What I got, however, was the best horizontally scrolling blaster seen on }the Atari since Zybex!The game is played on a narrow-width screen (32 columns) which makes it look a bit like a ZX Spectrum} micro. The graphics are all drawn in Mode 0, (just black and white, even your helicopter sprite), which makes it look even m}ore like a Spectrum! However, after an hour or two of play, the graphics no longer mattered, as the game proved to be every b}it as addictive as Zybex, and considerably more difficult to boot! I have managed to complete Zybex on several occasions, but} so far Kult has defeated me. I don't know how many levels of play there are, but I've managed to reach level three so far, w}ith a score of 49238 points.Although the graphics are in Mode 0, they consequently use a very high screen resolution which }has enabled superb detail in both the backdrop graphics and the small enemy vessels. The animation of these is very smooth an}d fast, and the scrolling is as smooth as silk. I would never have believed that a monochrome game could look so attractive! }The sound effects are, as ever, pretty standard Atari bangs and whistles.There are four different weapons available to you,} which are selected by pressing the joystick trigger. Your (heavily armed) helicopter fires automatically, and unlike Zybex, }you can collect smart bombs as well as weapon upgrades and bonus tokens. An extra ship is given for the completion of each le}vel, but to do this you must first destroy a flying dragon-like creature. Smart bombs, unfortunately, do not work on the drag}on! Also unlike Zybex, your chopper doesn't have an infinite fuel supply, so you have to continually collect fuel cans or suf}fer the consequence!A status panel under the playing area shows the power level (1-3) of each of your four different weapon}s, a fuel guage plus the number of smart bombs and bonus tokens collected. Above the playfield are your score, current level,} and an indicator which charts your progress through the current level, so you will know that when you die you were only two }seconds away from reaching the dragon!To sum up, this is a wonderful program which should hopefully be among the new games }being imported by Derek Fern. Write to Derek and ask for it. If it is priced at anything between 6-8 pounds it will be a grea}t bargain.Price: ???Graphics: 9/10 Sound: 8/10Playability: 10/10 Value: 9/10ADDRESS (To try!): Derek Fern, Mic}ro Discount, 265 Chester Road, Streetly, West Midlands, B74 3EA, EnglandBLOCKABOO by AUSSEMWARE (USA)Blockaboo is anoth}er clone of a popular game, this time of the arcade sensation Tetris. Although released in 1990, I had never heard of it unti}l I saw the American Techna-Vision ad in the first issue of Atari Classics magazine (reviewed last issue), and I'm happy to s}ay that it is well worth the asking price.The rules of Tetris are probably known by everyone in the entire Universe by now,} but just in case you've been flitting around some other Universe in a starship... small shapes continually fall into a tall }container which rapidly fills up as the shapes pile up. It's your job to fit the pieces together (by moving them left, right }and rotating them) into horizontal lines. Every complete line then disappears, leaving extra space in the container. When the} shapes reach the top of the container, the game is over.This version has loads of extra features, including a two-player s}imultaneous mode. Another feature is that certain pieces drop 'swirls' (little 'swirly' characters!) on their way down the sc}reen and these can be collected by the next piece and will enable you to arrest the descent of the piece by pushing the joyst}ick forward, which gives you a few more precious seconds to decide where you are going to put the piece. High scores are auto}matically saved to disk, and you can handicap yourself by having 1-9 almost complete rows at the bottom of the container if t}he game starts getting too easy for you!The graphics of course are simple, but in a game like Tetris, you can't really have} much detail. However, each individual character in a piece is seperated by a black line which probably makes it a bit easier} to figure out where to put the pieces. Sound effects are also pretty ordinary, but Tetris has never relied on fancy graphics} and sounds, but on sheer playability and addictiveness! This version scores highly on both counts. The usual features of the} arcade version are all available, such as viewing the next piece, and there are three different levels of difficulty availab}le.Blockaboo is very similar to a Public Domain version of Tetris called Atartris (which appeared on Excel no.4) and so may} not warrant your forking out $15 (plus about $10 postage and shipping!) but it is probably the finest, most addictive versio}n of the game written for the Atari to date!Price: $14.95 (+ postage & shipping)Graphics: 6/10 Sound 6/10Playabilit}y: 10/10 Value 10/10ADDRESS: American Techna-Vision, 15338 Inverness St., San Leandra, Ca, 94579, USATWAUG NEWSLETTER} NO.1 JAN/FEB '93(Tyne & Wear Atari User Group)This is the first newsletter from one of the largest and oldest Atari XL/XE} User Groups in Britain and it takes the form of a 24 page reduced-A5 booklet complete with an accompanying disk (or cassette}, which is nice!) full of programs. The price is #1.95 per copy or #11 for a year's subscription of six issues.The entire m}agazine has been created on Atari computer equipment (except for a Citizen printer!) using Textpro and Daisy Dot III, so this} just shows what is possible when the old eight bit is combined with a bit of creativity and dedication! The features here in}clude a short history of the Newcastle group, which almost started life as a BBC Micro club (if that had happened, would the }group have been called the 'TWBBCUG'?), a contact section, features on mastering modems, the 1020 printer/plotter, Daisy Dot }III and machine code programming, plus instructions for the games on the bonus disk. There are also ads for such strange item}s as Excel disk magazine and Futura newsletter!The print quality is pretty good, and the articles are interesting, although} they are sometimes let down by silly typing or grammatical errors. The mag also has some graphical content, with screen dump}s and plenty of Print Shop icons on show! The disk contains loads of good Public Domain programs including Talking Math Wizar}d which is a superb combination of Tetris and an educational arithmetic program! Look out also for Nuclear Waste Dump, Starse}ctor defence, and a couple of demo files created especially for the first issue. If all that is not enough, the lads also off}er an Atari help line, a good Public Domain software library and a service to convert Print Shop icons to Daisy Dot III forma}t, which is impossible if you have only one drive and no Ramdisk!All in all, this a good first issue from a bunch of guys w}ho are totally devoted to the survival of the Atari XL/XE. Give them (and your Atari!) some support. They deserve it.Price:} #1.95 each or #11 for 6 issues. Specify disk or cassette!!FROM:TWAUG, PO Box no.8, Wallsend, Tyne and Wear, NE28 6DQ, Engl}and.DAISY DOT 3 USER GUIDE (PD:10 DISKS)by DAVE RICHARDSONNow this is unique! What we have here is an independantly cr}eated DD3 manual, put together by what must be the number one DD3 fan in the world! This guy has covered everything you could} possibly want to know about DD3 and although the project must have involved literally months of work, he has released it int}o the Public Domain! The manual takes the form of numerous text files which are spread over ten double sided, single density }disks! However, I have to stress that you MUST own the official release of DD3 to print them, NOT the PD version which is ide}ntical except that it only allows you to use one font per document! The manual is printed using dozens of different fonts, in}cluding the large and very attractive new ones which only DD3 can use!The manual itself, which is authorized by Daisy Dot c}reator Roy Goldman, comprises of 48 pages of info, plus a list of all the fonts, author's notes, and various text files expla}ining how to use some of the support programs that come with DD3, such as the 'Graphics 8 to Font' converter and 'Print Shop }Icon to Font' converter. One superb article (about double column printing) is printed in two columns of high density text whi}ch is fantastic looking. The sheer amount of text squeezed into one page is incredible!Besides printing newsletters, leafle}ts, posters, cards, and the usual stuff associated with previous versions of Daisy Dot, David Richardson explains how to use }DD3 to create Crossword puzzles, Yahtzee score sheets or even make your own graph paper! The specially created fonts for thes}e purposes are all on the disks! Also on show are several digitised pictures and cartoons which can be converted from Micropa}inter format to DD3 format!Many pages of the guide are used to show off a truly astounding range of Print Shop ST Icons whi}ch are of an exceptionally high standard. Some of the icons included are various pictures of Bart Simpson, zodiac symbols, Ch }ristmas icons, cuddly animals, monsters, computer equipment, sports icons, famous faces, food and drink; the list is endless. } There are several hundred on the disks, all drawn to the highest standard possible! It is no exaggeration to say that the di }sks are worth buying just to see these!Some other unique items in the manual are a Braille font, a morse-code font, and gam }e called Crazy Dots! A lot of advice is given for which density and spacing is best suited to a particular font, which should } save a lot of trial and error, not to mention wasted paper! There is only one thing wrong with the DD3 User's Guide, and tha}t is the time required to print the whole thing out. It took me three long sessions spread over three days to finally complet}e it, as each font is loaded individually before printing, so a LOT of time is spent in loading. The guide advises the use of} a Ramdisk if you have one! I never did this, as I couldn't be bothered copying all the fonts to the Ramdisk for each disk si}de, but once I had finished printing, I wished I had taken the advice! It takes a while, but it is well worth it in the end.}I remember the documentation for 'Dot Magic!' proclaiming itself to be the most attractive PD document ever printed. It cert}ainly was at the time, but it pales into insignificance beside this handsome volume! If you own Daisy Dot 3, you would be mad} not to buy this. If you don't, but this anyway; it gives details of how to get DD3! Any Atari owner with an Epson compatible} 9-pin printer should have DD3 and this manual in their collection, otherwise, why bother with a printer at all? It's that go}od!Price: #10 (10 disks)NOTE:Daisy Dot 3 REQUIRED!!FROM:Robert Stuart, 21 Stronsay Way, Broomlands, Irvine, Strathclyde,} Scotland, KA11 1HZDUNGEON MAKER & KRISS KROSS (PD DISK)By Andrew Bartmess & Simon TrewThis is one of the latest addit}ions to the PD library, and it includes two excellent programs. The disk is in enhanced density, so a 1050 drive (or similar)} is required!The first program is Dungeon Maker, which was originally written way back in 1985. The program acts as a Dunge}on Screen for a DM, and allows you to run D & D modules or random campaigns. A hardcopy of the players' (up to 8!) progress i}s also available if you have an Epson Compatible printer.The program is written in Basic, but is still pretty fast. Loads o}f commands are available, and a 'snapshot' of the main display can be sent to the printer at any time. Complete records of ga}mes can be kept in this way. The program uses almost every sector on an enhanced density disk, so the documentation file is o}n the flipside along with another excellent program, Kriss Kross!Many magazines and newspapers include Kriss Kross puzzles.} They are just like crossword puzzles, except you are given all the words, and it's up to you to fit them all into the grid. }With this program, you can type in all the words, enter the grid, and the computer will solve the puzzle for you!This progr!}am has been written in 100% machine code and is not only very, very fast, but very, very professional. All the commands are e"}ntered using a pointer and pop-up menus, which looks great and works extremely well. A routine called Multi-Mouse (written by#} members of the London Atari Computer Enthusiasts who also wrote this program!) is used to control the pointer, and drivers a$}re included for the ST mouse, Amiga mouse, Atari joystick, Atari Touch Tablet and the Atari Trakball! The device driver must %}be loaded before the actual Kriss Kross program.There are five puzzles on the disk for you to try out, and the Atari can so&}lve them all in under 20 seconds! It is pretty amazing to watch the computer trying out the different words in various positi'}ons at hyper speed! Of course, the program should only be used to solve a puzzle as a last resort,i.e. if you are stuck on a (}particularly difficult Kriss Kross puzzle; it would be pretty stupid to spend an hour typing in all the words and drawing the)} grid only to have the computer solve it in 12 seconds! Printouts of completed puzzles are available and a documentation file*} is included on the disk. Great stuff from the Public Domain!Price:#2.50FROM:Robert Stuart, 21 Stronsay Way, Broomlands, +}Irvine, Strathclyde, Scotland, KA11 1HZ!#P Public Domain!Price:#2.50FROM:Robert Stuart, 21 Stronsay Way, Broomlands, .0OL`EpppppppppF.2pBZ0p  A0pppFV2@B((A0pppFV2 B0 B(A40䀢-}쀀򚀡瀀diskeditordisassemblerexit.}䀀Disa Type [F/D]Dest'n [E/P/Dn] Labels [Y/N] Source FileSrc Drive [1-8] Density [1-2] Se/}ctor [1-2D0] # of Sectors Offset [0-7F]Origin [0-FFFF]Byt/Sec [7D/80]ppFB2B;B(1B~20B-B* B0}3A1B2A1(Px@h0X Hp((((((())))))*******++++diskmasterHcIQYXYdiskeditordiskdisassembler1}dataentry뀭2} read up dn edit write undo base chars bfill eor trace file link dens3} menu serch ($ $( input sorce destn rfrsh abort hue\ lum\󀣯4} 5 5011-膏 5 8 7 q4 -4 5L!4Hލ111h݋40܊ (( s45}7o47p4 9 (H[<--h`*9"8>(.#f :6v -7%%H$H` 4ɛ98`~ ܦ)6}:) 80ķÙU- 6иU-`"-`!L4 4`U-ɛ)+U-V-0U-U-ɛU-7} 8U-` 4` ?U-ɛ` 8&&&&Պԅܩ()*+RUT`12<8}Ƚ< 5 `i(`12LL6 ?, z?怤ȭ 6 6ȑȄ` 5L;6恩9},ȄȐ 8 d8d擢0 :ɑ0 6ȥ 6ȄЦ` 58 л` 712,:} 6& 5` 67` 67`H****)h)`;;ʈ`ԥբ o7,Ԣ# s7},JJԢ s7~,ԭ},);}բ 2 2i2<2 z? 6 ~2L?,,` @`@ `7}89888G9w9#:d:Y;77 99+959:<}9;';80;;:`E9HIL6IL5 l5`ɀ 5- m9愀U- 6U-𤛢U-,L9 4`U=}- ِ ?HH "?=U-hh 8L8 l5 8=Z- "?U- 6*` z?$U-Lj? l5`Ԡ,L9>} 8 8 `K<`IL 7 l5`,Eԙ,L9 5 6L 7111hhL-4 7L9'*` ?9L 7 ?9L 7?} ` l5`@L ; ԭ},)ԍ},L9L5L5 m9`,U-(-0(- 6U-ĸ8帅U-, Ȏ@}򥀅 9ķ`JJJ12 8刅 ei` 5 5L9i`)i)` l5`0զ<A}#<ԍ~,)ԭ},)Ս},L9L ; l5`ԅՅ : ; 7L9,R,W揦B}<< <<   LS ?ԢLC> Q>,V-YW-` ? ?ȩ ? ?DV-`AZ-` ? 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Before going on, I have to tell you that the June issue (no.26) o}will definitely be the final edition of Excel. The current issues are only going out to about ten per cent of the people who p}bought issue one and I can't spend time putting together a monthly disk for so few people. I am very grateful indeed to thoseq} of you who are still with Excel, and I thank you a thousand times for helping to support me and the Atari XL/XE!As you mayr} have noticed, Excel has been getting released later in the month for a few issues now. I have been falling behind a bit, buts} only because I keep looking for the very best in Atari PD & Shareware software to include. Please don't expect the future ist}sues before the 15th of the month from now on.I will, however, continue to keep the PD library running, and I expect anotheu}r 20 or so new disks (including a lot of great new games!!) very soon. I think my PD disks are the cheapest in the country, bv}earing in mind that they are all double sided! I still want to build the largest and cheapest Atari PD library of all, so I ww}ill be keeping it going for as long as I get orders.Although I do use another computer, I will always do whatever I can to x}keep the Atari XL/XE alive. I have had so many nice letters from fellow Atari owners over the last two years that I would feey}l that I was letting good friends down by dumping my Atari in a cupboard. The sheer amount of enjoyment I have got from usingz} my Atari over the years is staggering. My old eight bit has played a very important part in my life, and I feel that I owe t{}he XL/XE something in return. I have found lots of pen pals, discovered amazing foreign software, and generally had a great t|}ime being in this very exclusive club!I have recently recieved the latest catalogue update from Bellcom in Canada and the n}}ews is that Bellcom will no longer be supporting the Atari XL/XE as of July 1st, unless substantial orders are recieved over ~}the coming months. Another one bites the dust! I cannot see Bellcom continuing, as the number of Atari users is dwindling all} the time, and money is tighter than ever before. Look at the once mighty 'Page 6' magazine; it is now little more than an ex}pensive fanzine, but it's all we've got! If you can, though, please try and help to keep Bellcom going! I know it is expensiv}e ordering from abroad!When you think about it, the Atari XL/XE should become extinct years ago. It is most probably the ol}dest home computer still in regular, if not widespread, use. There are only two reasons why this machine still has a regular }magazine and plenty of new software (from Europe) written for it: 1) the total dedication of a small core of users, and 2) th}e sheer quality of the original hardware. It would be very easy for any Atari owner to sell their XL/XE set-up and buy a much} more powerful system for relatively little money. But many of them don't!The Atari's languages and DOS's are so easy to us}e, and the machines are built like tanks. I remember an old UK computer magazine called 'Big K' (around 1982-83) doing a mock} battle between the Atari 800 and the BBC Micro. No wonder the Atari was introduced as 'The Dreadnought from Silicon Valley'.} Of course, being a British magazine, and a little(!) biased towards home grown machines, the BBC won that particular battle.} Who would have thought that ten years later, the Atari would still be around?Of course, that was before I had an Atari mys}elf! I can also remember visiting a BBC Micro owning friend a little later, who was showing off his software to me and anothe}r friend. We were pretty amazed, but then we both owned Spectrums at the time! I would have liked to have visited him again a} few years later and shown him my Atari in action. I think he would have collapsed in shock!Anyway, enough of my Atari memo}irs (or should I do this every issue?) for the moment! This month's disks contains a few cracking programs. 'Think and Work' }is a devious puzzle game very like Ke-Soft's Sogon, but in pure machine code so it is much more professional. Also watch out }for a brilliant machine code disk editor (probably the best I've ever seen!) called 'Disk Master', several Turbo Basic games }(on side B) and maybe a nice demo or two!Well, that's it for another four weeks. Hope you enjoy the programs, and keep eigh}t bittin'. Yours, Bob.PS New PD disks this time are: Daisy Dot 3 user guide (10 disks for #10), Super Disk Utilities, and L}etterhead Designer. Full list and more new stuff next month!!#Puser guide (10 disks for #10), Super Disk Utilities, and LC8?Hč1DÍ0  mÈ 8 ܅©LÅŅǩĩƩȩM [& \} \ Y p[ YN YхL Y5M M  Y?M >?M?M?M FMGM =;?M @;4M} .M ݩ D> V : \@ѩ X+ M <>MRML0?M-M A}G .^ v\L9 >>M@ML:AML:BML";CM {;Ln:+- */^ ;Ln:= L9 : : 6>5M`4M.ML6> 6> Dک D>6M` < _; m;-M fL: < < D> t; f;4M6MLn: < ݖ} _; m;-M `L; < < D> t; f;4M6MLn:4M v\Ln: m; D>6MLn:l-M MLX;LLY7MLݢ7MLݢ}.MLݢ.ML <-MI-M4M. _; m;-M L; ِ < D> t; f;-M8  } D>Ӡ$ Y Dک5M6M`5M`5MӮ-MK+ fL<- = `L<* L D>6M`M  Y v\ Dک=M`  Y Y Y=M`u`}8hIH(`/ =u =`8`ԕک = = }=0 }=8 }=L]=` 6` v``ԨԘ`6M MM6M. 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