This FAQ is written in poor english. Any corrections are welcome !!! FAQ v0.0 1. What is a FAQ ? FAQ means Frequently Asked Questions. 2. What is SAP for ? SAP means Slight Atari Player. This is a programm which emulates main CPU and sound chip used in Atari XL/XE computers. SAP is able to play music composed on and for Atari XL/XE. 3. How SAP plays music from Atari XL/XE ? SAP emulates CPU 6502 and Pokey, sound chip, which were used in Atari XL/XE computers.Files .sap contains player written for CPU 6502. SAP emulates CPU 6502 and generates sound in exactly same way like Pokey. 4. How to create .sap file ? File .sap divides into two parts. First part (in text format) describes player/music type. Second part (in binary format) contains player and music data formed into Atari Binary File Format. This format have two bytes header FF,FF. Next two bytes tells to loader, were data will be loaded, and next two bytes describes were loader have to finish loading. Init data block ($02E2,$02E3) is not supported. Player Description format (first part of .sap file). This description (in text format) is loaded line per line. Each line can contain command with parameters. Other lines which are not recognized are treated as comment lines. Right now only those commands are supported: TYPE - player type PLAYER - address of player part wich will be executed in 1/50 sec intervals MUSIC - address with data INIT - address of player part which will init player SONGS - number of songs DEFSONG - first song wich will be played when .sap will be loaded commands PLAYER,MUSIC,INIT contains addresses in hexadecimal format: PLAYER A000 PLAYER 1234 MUSIC F400 commands SONGS,DEFSONG contains decimal numbers: SONGS 10 DEFSONG 9 command TYPE contains single character which describes player type. Right now only those characters are supported: C,B,M eg.: TYPE C TYPE B TYPE M -- TYPE C means player from CMC (Chaos Music Composer). In this case, also those commands must appear: PLAYER,MUSIC,SONGS oraz DEFSONG. Player will be initialized as follows: lda #$70 ldx #MUSIC jsr PLAYER+6 lda #$00 ldx #DEFSONG jsr PLAYER+6 in 1/50 interval executed will be jsr PLAYER+3 -- TYPE M means player from ???????? (this player is used by composers like Adam Gilmore, Dawid Whitaker etc). In this case, also those commands must appear: PLAYER,INIT,SONGS oraz DEFSONG. Player will be initialized as follows: lda #DEFSONG jsr INIT in 1/50 interval executed will be jsr PLAYER -- TYPE B means any player. In this case, also those commands must appear: PLAYER,INIT,SONGS oraz DEFSONG. Player will be initialized as follows: lda #DEFSONG jsr INIT in 1/50 interval executed will be jsr PLAYER TYPE B is right now exactly same like TYPE M but this distinguish is for future SAP releases. First of all we need to ripp music from game or demo and save it in atari binary file. Next we can create text file with commands (described above) then we can make .sap file by linking those two files. We can do that, using DOS command "copy" eg: copy /b music.txt+music.bin